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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2020

Armenia's Transformative Urban Future: National Urban Assessment by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Bullet Points and Punch Lines: The Most Important Commentary Ever Written on the Epic American Tragicomedy by Camp, Lee
Bullet Points and Punch Lines: The Most Important Commentary Ever Written on the Epic American Tragicomedy by Camp, Lee
The Transformative City: Charlotte's Takeoffs and Landings by Rich, Wilbur C.
Brics and the New American Imperialism: Global Rivalry and Resistance by Satgar, Vishwas, Adam, Ferrial
Brics and the New American Imperialism: Global Rivalry and Resistance by Satgar, Vishwas, Adam, Ferrial
Developmental Politics: How America Can Grow Into a Better Version of Itself by McIntosh, Steve
Transformative City: Charlotte's Takeoffs and Landings by Rich, Wilbur C.
Unprecedented: A Simple Guide to the Crimes of the Trump Campaign and Presidency by Azari, Sara
Women as Foreign Policy Leaders: National Security and Gender Politics in Superpower America by Bashevkin, Sylvia
After the Projects: Public Housing Redevelopment and the Governance of the Poorest Americans by Vale, Lawrence J.
Public Private Partnership als Alternative zur konventionellen öffentlichen Aufgabenerfüllung: Rentabilität und Effizienz einer öffentlich-privaten Pa by Lingner, Ann-Christin
Black Man, White House: An Oral History of the Obama Years by Hughley, D. L.
Rising Powers in International Conflict Management: Converging and Contesting Approaches by
Downsizing Democracy: How America Sidelined Its Citizens and Privatized Its Public by Crenson, Matthew A., Ginsberg, Benjamin
Landscape Modelling and Decision Support by
Why Isn't Government Policy More Preventive? by St Denny, Emily, Cairney, Paul
Alliances and Power Politics in the Trump Era: America in Retreat? by
The Cash Ceiling: Why Only the Rich Run for Office--And What We Can Do about It by Carnes, Nicholas
Motor City Green: A Century of Landscapes and Environmentalism in Detroit by Cialdella, Joseph S.
The Territories of the Russian Federation 2020 by
The Big Crunch and The Fix by Smith, H. Lewis
Democracy Unchained: How to Rebuild Government for the People by
Local Government in a Global World: Australia and Canada in Comparative Perspective by Martin, John, Brunet-Jailly, Emmanuel
Geoecology of Landscape Dynamics by
Mauritania's Colonels: Political Leadership, Civil-Military Relations and Democratization by N'Diaye, Boubacar
Metagovernance for Sustainability: A Framework for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals by Meuleman, Louis
What Do We Know and What Should We Do about Housing? by Atkinson, Rowland, Jacobs, Keith
What Do We Know and What Should We Do about Housing? by Jacobs, Keith, Atkinson, Rowland
Regulatory Governance of the Rail Sector in Mexico by International Transport Forum, Oecd
Zimbabwe's International Relations by Gallagher, Julia
Multilevel Democracy by Sellers, Jefferey M., Lidström, Anders, Bae, Yooil
The Arthur Crawford Scandal: Corruption, Governance, and Indian Victims by Metelits, Michael D.
Koproduktion im SGB II. Zusammenarbeit zwischen SGB II Leistungsbeziehern und Arbeitsverwaltung by Groh, Verena
The United States in the Indo-Pacific: Obama's Legacy and the Trump Transition by
Chinese Urbanism: Urban Form and Life in the Tang-Song Dynasties by Xie, Jing
Environmental Economics Research and China's Green Development Strategy by Zhang, Youguo
Politics in Gotham: The Batman Universe and Political Thought by
Vorgeschichte Und Geschichte Des Regiments Unter Kurfürst Max Emanuel 1682-1726 Auf Heeresgeschichtlicher Grundlage, Halbband 2 by Staudinger, Karl
Network Governance: Concepts, Theories, and Applications by Hu, Qian, Kapucu, Naim
Shakespeare in a Divided America: What His Plays Tell Us about Our Past and Future by Shapiro, James
Southern Nation: Congress and White Supremacy After Reconstruction by Lapinski, John S., Bateman, David, Katznelson, Ira
Seeking Urban Transformation: Alternative Urban Futures in Zimbabwe by Muchadenyika, Davison
The Divided States of America: Why Federalism Doesn't Work by Kettl, Donald F.
Deep Roots: How Slavery Still Shapes Southern Politics by Acharya, Avidit, Blackwell, Matthew, Sen, Maya
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
The New Circus by Knutter, Charles
The Loud Minority: Why Protests Matter in American Democracy by Gillion, Daniel Q.
Basic Quantitative Research Methods for Urban Planners by
Die Novellierung des Raumordnungsgesetzes und Gestaltungsspielraum kommunaler Verwaltungen: Vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels in struktu by Döge, Kristin
The Security Arena in Africa: Local Order-Making in the Central African Republic, Somaliland, and South Sudan by Glawion, Tim
The Political Life of an Epidemic by Chigudu, Simukai
The DEFINITIVE guide to Trump's hate-filled racist remarks by Warren, Kamala
ELIZABETH WARREN - About Her Vision: A Detailed Account Of The Vision, Efforts, Strategy, and Achievements For The Betterment Of Middle Class Of Ameri by Visionbooks
Leonard Bernstein and Washington, DC: Works, Politics, Performances by
The One-Way Street of Integration: Fair Housing and the Pursuit of Racial Justice in American Cities by Goetz, Edward G.
20 Dictators Currently Supported by the U.S. by Swanson, David C. N.
Short Biographies of American Presidents Boxed Set by
Beijing: Geography, History, and Culture by Guo, Qian
The American Trap: My Battle to Expose America's Secret Economic War Against the Rest of the World by Pierucci, Frédéric
Urban Growth Patterns in India: Spatial Analysis for Sustainable Development by
Gewaltfreie Kommunikation im Polizeidienst. Anwendung des Konzeptes nach Marshall B. Rosenberg auf den Polizeidienst by Anonymous
Future of The European Union Integration: : A Failure or A Success? Future Expectations by
A Nation Like All Others: A Brief History of American Foreign Relations by Cohen, Warren I.
Community Development for Social Change by Purcell, Rod, Beck, Dave
Dangerous Crooked Scoundrels: Insulting the President, from Washington to Trump by Battistella, Edwin L.
The United States Government Manual 2019 by
Urban Agriculture and Community Values: The Green Transformation of Cities by Newton, Lisa
A Political Science Manifesto for the Age of Populism by Ricci, David M.
A Political Science Manifesto for the Age of Populism by Ricci, David M.
Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right: American Life in Columns by Smerconish
Self-Organisation Shapes Travel Behaviours and Social Exclusion in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods of China by Lau, Joseph Cho-Yam
Measuring the Effectiveness of Real Estate Regulation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Representation, Recognition and Respect in World Politics: The Case of Iran-Us Relations by Duncombe, Constance
Great March towards Freedom: Maryam Rajavi's messages and speeches to the annual gatherings of Iranian Resistance at Ashraf 3 - Albania July 2019 by Rajavi, Maryam
Why I Hate Trump by Crim, Curtis Raymond, Crim, Curtis
Presidential Rhetoric on Terrorism Under Bush, Obama and Trump: Inflating and Calibrating the Threat After 9/11 by Rubin, Gabriel
The Red, White and Blue Deal Volume II: Choices of Reason Among the Chorus of Political Chaos by
Order in the Streets: The Political History of Warsaw's Public Space in the First Half of the 19th Century by Lupienko, Aleksander
Nationalism, Referendums and Democracy: Voting on Ethnic Issues and Independence by
Bennington and the Green Mountain Boys: The Emergence of Liberal Democracy in Vermont, 1760-1850 by Shalhope, Robert E.
Victorian Noon: English Literature in 1850 by Dawson, Carl
Urban Planning Under Thatcherism: The Challenge of the Market by Thornley, Andy
Stars with Stripes: The Essential Partnership Between the European Union and the United States by Gardner, Anthony Luzzatto
American Nero: The History of the Destruction of the Rule of Law, and Why Trump Is the Worst Offender by Golenbock, Peter, Painter, Richard
A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism by Sachs, Jeffrey D.
The Presidents and the Constitution, Volume One: From the Founding Fathers to the Progressive Era by
Natural Resources Governance and Sustainable Livelihoods in Uganda by
Hochwasser-Handbuch: Auswirkungen Und Schutz by
Beyond Donkeys and Elephants: Minor Political Parties in Contemporary American Politics by
The Toddler in Chief: What Donald Trump Teaches Us about the Modern Presidency by Drezner, Daniel W.
Rescaling Urban Governance: Planning, Localism and Institutional Change by Sturzaker, John, Nurse, Alexander
Insurgent Fragmentation in the Horn of Africa by Woldemariam, Michael
The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton by Hamilton, Alexander
The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton by
Coastal Sierra Leone by Diggins, Jennifer
Rwanda After Genocide by Williamson Sinalo, Caroline
The Electoral College for Patriots: (Is It Being Implemented Constitutionally by 29 States and D.C.? Farewell NPV Compact, We Hardly Knew You) by Crier, Town
The Spatial Contract: A New Politics of Provision for an Urbanized Planet by Hall, Stephen, Schafran, Alex, Smith, Matthew Noah
The Electoral College vs A National Popular Vote: Electing the President and Vice President of the United States by Wilson, David Carson
Government at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 by Oecd
The Spatial Contract: A New Politics of Provision for an Urbanized Planet by Hall, Stephen, Schafran, Alex, Smith, Matthew Noah
Förderung von Entrepreneurship als Instrument zur Reduzierung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit? Eine Vergleichende Untersuchung zu Deutschland und Polen by Balitzki, Adam
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods for Urban Planners by
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods for Urban Planners by
Disruptive Urbanism: Implications of the 'Sharing Economy' for Cities, Regions, and Urban Policy by
Stars with Stripes: The Essential Partnership Between the European Union and the United States by Gardner, Anthony Luzzatto
For God and Country: The Christian Case for Trump by Reed, Ralph
Cities at War: Global Insecurity and Urban Resistance by
Cities at War: Global Insecurity and Urban Resistance by
Resurgent Africa: Structural Transformation in Sustainable Development by Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji
Statists Saving One: The Malignant Sophistry of Rights Removal by the Far Left [Large Print Edition] (Large Print Edition) by Walker, J. Bartholomew
Has China Won?: The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy by Mahbubani, Kishore
Chancen und Risiken bei der Einführung der E-Akte in der Berliner Verwaltung by Maser, Benjamin
Market Failure, Terrorist War, And Social Issues by Newton, Cory
Defend the Border and Save Lives: Solving Our Most Important Humanitarian and Security Crisis by Homan, Tom
Transforming US Intelligence for Irregular War: Task Force 714 in Iraq by Shultz, Richard H., Jr.
No Kings, No Kooks...: Confessions of a National Security Agent by Sarnicola, Thomas
No Kings, No Kooks...: Confessions of a National Security Agent by Sarnicola, Thomas
Exit from Hegemony: The Unraveling of the American Global Order by Cooley, Alexander, Nexon, Daniel
Regime Threats and State Solutions by Hassan, Mai
Performing Mountains by Pitches, Jonathan
Scenario Planning for Cities and Regions: Managing and Envisioning Uncertain Futures by Goodspeed, Robert
Metropolitan Circles Development and the Future of Urbanization by
Chinese Cities in the 21st Century by
Panorama de Las Administraciones Públicas América Latina Y El Caribe 2020 by Oecd
Remaking North American Sovereignty: State Transformation in the 1860s by
Legal Instruments for Sustainable Soil Management in Africa by
Remaking North American Sovereignty: State Transformation in the 1860s by
The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of an American Institution by Chervinsky, Lindsay M.
Proud Boys and the White Ethnostate: How the Alt-Right Is Warping the American Imagination by Stern, Alexandra Minna
Foundations of Freedom Word Cloud Boxed Set by Editors of Canterbury Classics
The Unforeseen Impacts of the 2018 Us Midterms by
Macht Und Architektur: Hauptstadtbau, Demokratie Und Die Politik Des Raumes by Minkenberg, Michael
Iran's Reconstruction Jihad: Rural Development and Regime Consolidation After 1979 by Lob, Eric
Converging on Truth by Stimson, James a., Wager, Emily
Wirtschaftsförderung und Leitbild. Ein Projekt der Stadt Staßfurt: Praxisemesterbericht by Sieweck, Oliver
Citizen-Responsive Urban E-Planning: Recent Developments and Critical Perspectives by
The "G.O.A.T.": The "Greatest of all time" by Tiglao, Felix
The 44th Legacy by Charles, H. H.
Comparative Urban Research from Theory to Practice: Co-Production for Sustainability by
Driven to Do: Inspiring Stories of Minority Millennials and the Future of America by Williams, Tevin
Transregional Europe by Outhwaite, William
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion: 3-Volume Set by
New Directions in Congressional Politics by
City Sustainability and Regeneration by
Indecent Assembly: The North Carolina Legislature's Blueprint for the War on Democracy and Equality by Nichol, Gene R.
Catalonia: A New Independent State in Europe?: A Debate on Secession Within the European Union by
OMG WTF Does the Constitution Actually Say?: A Non-Boring Guide to How Our Democracy Is Supposed to Work by Sheehan, Ben
New Directions in Congressional Politics by
The Cultural Politics of Urban Development in South Korea: Art, Memory and Urban Boosterism in Gwangju by Shin, Haeran
New Approaches to Governance and Rule in Urban Europe Since 1500 by
Reputation for Resolve: How Leaders Signal Determination in International Politics by Lupton, Danielle L.
Kommunale Selbstverwaltung in Ungarn: Wie hat sich die kommunale Selbstverwaltung seit der Regierungsübernahme von Viktor Orban verändert? by Sagkal, Hüseyin Ugur
Ex Parte Milligan Reconsidered: Race and Civil Liberties from the Lincoln Administration to the War on Terror by
The Power of Global Performance Indicators by
East Africa After Liberation: Conflict, Security and the State Since the 1980s by Fisher, Jonathan
Who Donates in Campaigns? by Magleby, David B., Goodliffe, Jay, Olsen, Joseph A.
The Conservative Heartland: A Political History of the Postwar American Midwest by
Citizen-Responsive Urban E-Planning: Recent Developments and Critical Perspectives by
The Conservative Heartland: A Political History of the Postwar American Midwest by
Organizing scientific research for war; the administrative history of the Office of Scientific Research and Development by Stewart, Irvin
Städtepartnerschaften. Welche Vorteile ziehen Städte aus Städtepartnerschaften? by Sagkal, Hüseyin Ugur
Creating the Urban Dream: Tackling the Affordable Housing Crisis with Compassion by Grubb, Clay
The Living Presidency: An Originalist Argument Against Its Ever-Expanding Powers by Prakash, Saikrishna Bangalore
In Deep: The Fbi, the Cia, and the Truth about America's Deep State by Rohde, David
Indian home rule by K. Gandhi, M.
Congressional Constraint and Judicial Responses: Examining Judiciary Committee Court Curbing and Court Structuring Bills by Tecklenburg, H. Chris
Political Leadership in Africa: Leaders and Development South of the Sahara by Pellegata, Alessandro, Carbone, Giovanni
Political Leadership in Africa: Leaders and Development South of the Sahara by Carbone, Giovanni, Pellegata, Alessandro
Knoxville, Tennessee: A Mountain City in the New South by Wheeler, William Bruce
Cities Demanding the Earth: A New Understanding of the Climate Emergency by J. Taylor, Peter, O'Brien, Geoff, O'Keefe, Phil
Cities Demanding the Earth: A New Understanding of the Climate Emergency by J. Taylor, Peter, O'Brien, Geoff, O'Keefe, Phil
Social Networks and Food Security in the Urban Fringe by Morse, Stephen, MacNamara, The Reverend Sister Nora
Trump, The Shell Game: The Conning of America by Schwartz, Paul K.
Gobernanza Regulatoria del Sector Ferroviario En México by Oecd, International Transport Forum
Qualitative Analysis for Planning & Policy: Beyond the Numbers by Gaber, John
Qualitative Analysis for Planning & Policy: Beyond the Numbers by Gaber, John
National Identity and Great-Power Status in Russia and Japan: Non-Western Challengers to the Liberal International Order by Anno, Tadashi
Us Public Diplomacy in Socialist Yugoslavia, 1950-70: Soft Culture, Cold Partners by Konta, Carla
Senior Care and Services: Essays and Case Studies on Practices, Innovations and Challenges by
Creative Involvement: A New Direction in China's Diplomacy by Wang, Yizhou
Creative Involvement: The Evolution of China's Global Role by Wang, Yizhou
Chinese Cooperative-Harmonious Democracy by Peng, Zongchao, Ma, Ben, Liu, Taoxiong
Scientists' Impact on Decision-Making: A Case Study of the China Hi-Tech Research and Development Program by Ru, Peng
The Presidents: Noted Historians Rank America's Best--And Worst--Chief Executives by Lamb, Brian, Swain, Susan
Democrat 2020 Gun Control Plan (Large Print): Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 H.R. 5717 (Large Print Edition) by Representatives, House
Democrat 2020 Gun Control Plan H.R.5717: Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 by Representatives, House
Democrat 2020 Gun Control Plan: Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 H.R. 5717 by Representatives, House
Essays on the History of Parliamentary Procedure: In Honour of Thomas Erskine May by
Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865-1968 by Heersink, Boris, Jenkins, Jeffery A.
Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865-1968 by Heersink, Boris, Jenkins, Jeffery A.
The Eclipse of the Demos: The Cold War and the Crisis of Democracy Before Neoliberalism by Son, Kyong-Min
Good Reasons to Run: Women and Political Candidacy by
Broken Cities: Inside the Global Housing Crisis by Potts, Deborah
Good Reasons to Run: Women and Political Candidacy by
Comparative Analysis of Urban Morphology: Urban Form and Future Perspectives in Nanjing and Algiers City by Xiong, Guoping, Cheddah, Mohamed Lamine
Bellwether Blues: A Conservative Awakening of the Millennial Soul by Jakubowski, Jonathan
Lokale Ökonomie - Konzepte, Quartierskontexte Und Interventionen by
Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence: Convergent Systems for Planning, Design, and Operations by Kirwan, Christopher Grant, Zhiyong, Fu
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