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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Vietnam War in 2013

A Marine's Journal: Feb '67 - Feb '68 by Holiday, Mike
Vietnam War: The Essential Reference Guide by
Whispering Death by Curry, Robert D.
DEFENDER DOLPHINS The Story of "Project Short Time" by Goforth, Harold W.
Mighty Men of Valor: With Charlie Company on Hill 714-Vietnam, 1970 by Roberts, John G.
Tales of Ramasun II: More Tales of US Spooks and Spies in Thailand During the Vietnam War by Burton, M. H.
Phase Line Green: The Battle for Hue, 1968 by Warr, Nicholas
Dark Night Bright Day by King, Christopher
One Four Man Up, 2nd Edition by Hunt, Robert E.
Leadership Lessons and Remembrances from Vietnam by Nickerson Jr, Herman
Cauldron of Resistance: Ngo Dinh Diem, the United States, and 1950s Southern Vietnam by Chapman, Jessica M.
A Brief History of Port Angeles by Welsh, William D.
Red Markers, Close Air Support for the Vietnamese Airborne, 1962-1975 by Willis, Gary
NPR American Chronicles: The Vietnam War by Npr
Vietnam Helicopter Crew Member Stories Volume II: Volume II by Graham, H. D.
Vietnam Helicopter Crew Member Stories Volume II: Volume II by Graham, H. D.
The New Economics and World Peace: Pacifism and Economics, Series 6, No. 1, November, 1944 by Stevens, Robert
STALEMATE U.S Marines from Bunker Hill to the Hook by Nalty Jr, Bernard C.
Convoy Ambush Case Studies by Killblane, Richard E.
Blackhorse Riders by Keith, Philip
U.S. Marines In Vietnam: The War That Would Not End, 1971 - 1973 by Arnold Usmc, Curtis G., Melson Usmc, Charles D.
The Marines in Vietnam, 1954-1973: An Anthology and Annotated Bibliography by Marine Corps, U. S.
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: Vietnamization and Redeployment 1970 - 1971 by Murray Usmc, Terrence P.
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The Advisory and Combat Assistance Era, 1954 - 1964 by Whitlow Usmcr, Robert H.
Seabees Included Engineers at War by Traas, Adrian G.
Taps on the Walls: Poems from the Hanoi Hilton by Borling, John
U. S. Marines in Vietnam: Fighting the North Vietnamese, 1967 by Telfer Usmc, Gary I., Rogers Usmc, Lane, Fleming Jr, V. Keith
Reaper 6 by Rafkin, Andrewj
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: High Mobility and Standdown, 1969 by Smith, Charles R.
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The Bitter End, 1973-1975 by Dunham, George R., Quinlan, David A.
Lessons from Vietnam - Ia Drang and Other Battles - The Illustrated Edition by Albright, John, Sandstrum, Allan, Cash, John
U. S. Marines in Vietnam: An Expanding War, 1966 by Shulimson, Jack
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The Landing and the Buildup, 1965 by Johnson Usmc, Charles M., Shulimson, Jack
The Green Berets of Vietnam - The U.S. Army Special Forces 61-71 - The Illustrated Edition by Kelly, Francis John
Infantry Drill Manual by United States Infantry Association, National Service Publishing Company
Year of the Hare by Chuc, Teresa Mei
Inside the World of Mirrors: The Story of a Shadow Warrior by Taylor, J. Max
Inside the World of Mirrors: The Story of a Shadow Warrior by Taylor, J. Max
Hostage of Paradox: A Qualmish Disclosure (Large Print Edition) by Moore, John Rixey
Wandering Souls: Journeys with the Dead and the Living in Vietnam by Karlin, Wayne
The Joint Chiefs of Staff and The War in Vietnam: 1960-1968 Part 3 by Cosmas, Graham a.
Vietnam Rough Riders: A Convoy Commander's Memoir by McAdams, Frank
Coming Home: Reflections of Vietnam by Wilson, John B.
Der Tag von Potsdam by
Blowtorch: Robert Komer, Vietnam, and American Cold War Strategy by Jones, Frank L.
Flying from the Black Hole: The B-52 Navigator-Bombardiers of Vietnam by Harder, Robert O.
Rearming The French: Special Studies by Vigneras, Marcel
We Served In Silence by Fannin Jr, Glenn K.
Warring Fictions: Cultural Politics and the Vietnam War Narrative by Neilson, Jim
A Survey of Prehistoric Sites in the Region of Flagstaff, Arizona: Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 104 by Colton, Harold Sellers
The Mad Fragger and Me: Leading an Infantry Rifle Platoon in Vietnam - SECOND EDITION by Dolan, Thomas
The Dalai Lama's Secret and Other Reporting Adventures: Stories from a Cold War Correspondent by Bradsher, Henry S.
Misalliance: Ngo Dinh Diem, the United States, and the Fate of South Vietnam by Miller, Edward
Recon By Fire by McGovern, Jim
Ripley's Raiders Vietnam Chronicles: A Compilation of Recorded Events to Assist the Memory by Jewett, Russell J.
Ripley's Raiders Vietnam Chronicles: A Compilation of Recorded Events to Assist the Memory by Jewett, Russell J.
Hidden Army by Rock, Lawrence
"Greyhound in Vietnam" by Bush, Richard M.
Death Zones and Darling Spies: Seven Years of Vietnam War Reporting by Keever, Beverly Deepe
The Joint Chiefs of Staff and The War in Vietnam - 1960-1968 Part 2 by Cosmas, Graham a.
Vietnam War Nurses: Personal Accounts of 18 Americans by
Children of the Enemy: Oral Histories of Vietnamese Amerasians and Their Mothers by Debonis, Steven
Charlie One Five: A Marine Company's Vietnam War by Warr, Nicholas
Tras Lineas Enemigas Salvado Por Un Arma Secreta by Clifford, Danny
Republic of Rock: Music and Citizenship in the Sixties Counterculture by Kramer, Michael J.
Lost Battalion of TET: The Breakout of 2/12th Cavalry at Hue by Krohn, Charles A.
Behind Enemy Lines Saved By a Secret Weapon by Clifford, Danny
Unlikely Warriors: The Army Security Agency's Secret War in Vietnam 1961-1973 by Blackburn, Gary B., Long, Lonnie M.
Unlikely Warriors: The Army Security Agency's Secret War in Vietnam 1961-1973d by Blackburn, Gary B., Long, Lonnie M.
Centaurs in Vietnam: Untold Stories of the First Year by Burns, Carl William
Radicals on the Road: Internationalism, Orientalism, and Feminism During the Vietnam Era by Wu, Judy Tzu-Chun
Radicals on the Road: Internationalism, Orientalism, and Feminism During the Vietnam Era by Wu, Judy Tzu-Chun
Hardhats, Hippies, and Hawks: The Vietnam Antiwar Movement as Myth and Memory by Lewis, Penny
Lessons from the Hanoi Hilton: Six Characteristics of High-Performance Teams by London, Estate Of Jack, Kiland, Taylor B., Fretwell, Peter
Judge Advocates in Vietnam: Army Lawyers in Southeast Asia 1959-1975 by Borch III, Frederic L.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1944-1949: The International Monetary Fund, 1944-1949 by Basch, Antonin, Mikesell, Raymond F.
Hog's Exit: Jerry Daniels, the Hmong, and the CIA by Morrison, Gayle L.
From Bootcamp to Vietnam by Neubauer, Darlene
... of Bags, Counts and Nightmares by Marks, Ron
... of Bags, Counts and Nightmares by Marks, Ron
Voices from the Plain of Jars: Life under an Air War by
Yellow Footprints: 1969 Marine Corps Boot Camp 2nd Edition by Shipman, Jack
Marine Corps Draftee: A Vietnam Era Draftee's Personal Experiences of Parris Island and Infantry Training Regiment by Nickels, Eddie
Four Decades On: Vietnam, the United States, and the Legacies of the Second Indochina War by
Air America in Laos by Nichols, Stephen I.
Rushing for Gold: Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, Special Publication No. 1 by
My Vietnam 1965 by Tottingham, Ronald L.
The Biggest Stick: The Employment of Artillery Units in Counterinsurgency by Johnson, Richard B.
The Crouching Beast: A United States Army Lieutenant's Account of the Battle for Hamburger Hill, May 1969 by Boccia, Frank
Urdu -- Behind Enemy Lines: Urdu Saved by a Secrect Weapon by Clifford, Danny
Aircraft Plants and Facilities: Report of the Surplus Property Administration to the Congress, January 14, 1946 by Surplus Property Administration
First Light: A POWs Rescue Mission That Can Never Be Acknowledge by Gross, Chuck
Locked Up With God: My Best Thirteen Speeches by Captain Guy D. Gruters, Vietnam POW by Gruters, Guy D.
Can Do Easy by Ey, Tony
20th BIRTHDAY by Stone, Patrick
TET Offensive by Wirtz, James J.
Losing Vietnam: How America Abandoned Southeast Asia by Hunt, Ira A.
U.S. Marines In Vietnam: The Landing and the Building: 1965 by Shumlimson, Jack
The United States Air Force Search and Rescue in Southeast Asia by U. S. Center for Air Force History, Tilford, Earl H.
M.I.A. Accounting for the Missing in Southeast Asia by Cerjan, Paul G., National Defense University Press, Mather, Paul D.
The Betrayed: On Warriors, Cowboys and Other Misfits by Labaume, Jimmy T.
Setup: What the Air Force Did in Vietnam and Why by Tilford, Earl H., Air University Press
Vietnam War Diary February 1968: The TET Offensive by Dennis, Don J.
The Rocky Road to the Great War: The Evolution of Trench Warfare to 1914 by Murray, Nicholas
Pieter Holm and His Tobacco Box: Marine Historical Association, No. 24, April, 1953 by Crone, Ernst
Firefly: A Skyraider's Story About America's Secret War Over Laos by Diller, Richard E.
Ghosts of War in Vietnam by Kwon, Heonik
Tactical Airlift (the United States Air Force in Southeast Asia) by Office of Air Force History, Bowers, Roy L.
American War Cinema and Media Since Vietnam: Politics, Ideology, and Class by Keeton, Patricia, Scheckner, Peter
19: I Never Had a Birthday in Vietnam by Restivo, Charles E.
Washington and His Army in Bergen County, November 13-21, 1776 by O'Dea, Arthur J.
The Approaching Storm: Conflict in Asia. 1945-1965 by Naval History Heritage and Command, Department of the Navy, Marolda, Edward J.
Confederate Edged Weapons by Albaugh, William A., III
Vietnam to Western Airlines by
The Quiet Professional: Major Richard J. Meadows of the U.S. Army Special Forces by Hoe, Alan
Black April: The Fall of South Vietnam, 1973-1975 by Veith, George J.
Gray Horse Troop: Forever Soldiers by Baker, Charles
The Longest Rescue: The Life and Legacy of Vietnam POW William A. Robinson by Robins, Glenn
The Advisory Years to 1965 (the United States Air Force in Southeast Asia Series) by Futrell, Robert F., Blumenson, Martin, Office of Air Force History
Sergeant Major, U.S. Marines by Norton, Bruce H., Jacques, Maurice J.
One Tough Marine by Hamblen, Donald N., Norton, Bruce H.
Killer Kane: A Marine Long-Range Recon Team Leader in Vietnam, 1967-1968 by Finlayson, Andrew R.
Guerrilla Nation: My Wars in and Out of Vietnam by Maclear, Michael
With Honor: Melvin Laird in War, Peace, and Politics by Van Atta, Dale
The China of Chiang Kai Shek: A Political Study by Linebarger, Paul M. a.
The Cipher of Roger Bacon by Kent, Roland Grubb, Newbold, William Romaine
The Hung Society: Or the Society of Heaven and Earth by Stirling, W. G., Ward, J. S. M.
The Racial Conception of the World by Robertson, Charles G., Hitler, Adolf
Historical Analysis of the Holy Royal Arch Ritual by Castells, F. de P.
Chinese Pottery: A Short Historical Survey by Plumer, James Marshall
Browning Machine Gun, Caliber .50, Hb, M2 Ground: Basic Field Manual by United States War Department
Elements of Ordnance: A Textbook for Use of Cadets of the United States Military Academy by Hayes, Thomas J.
English Pistols and Revolvers: An Historical Outline of the Development and Design of English Hand Firearms from the Seventeenth Century to the Prese by George, J. N.
Deliver Us from Evil: The Story of Vietnam's Flight to Freedom by Dooley, Thomas a.
The Hymnal: Army and Navy by
The Old English Master Clockmakers and Their Clocks, 1670-1820 by Cescinsky, Herbert
War on the Detroit: The Chronicles of Thomas Vercheres de Boucherville and the Capitulation by an Ohio Volunteer by De Boucherville, Thomas Vercheres, Quaife, Milo Milton
Unarmed Defense for the American Soldier: Basic Field Manual, June 30, 1942 FM 21-150 by War Department
The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine by Voorhis, Harold V. B.
Concord Fight: Being the Narrative of the Tenth Regiment of Foot During the Early Months of the Siege of Boston by Lister, Jeremy
The Frigate South Carolina: A Famous Revolutionary War Ship by Middlebrook, Louis F.
Reflections on LZ Albany: The Agony of Vietnam by Lawrence, James T.
Hal's Navy by Sacks, Harold H.
Hal's Navy by Sacks, Harold H.
Vietnam War on Trial by Belknap, Michal R.
The Tuesday Club by Darrow, William H., Miller, Marinell
Post 8195: Black Vietnam Soldiers Tell Their Stories by
Our Sons, Our Heroes, Memories Shared by America's Gold Star Mothers from the Vietnam War by Costanzo, Linda Jenkin
Songs From A Distant Cockpit by Schulz, John J.
Force Recon Diary, 1970 by Norton, Bruce H.
46 Driver a Marine Corps Helicopter Pilot's Vietnam Memoir by Reiner, Arnold
Bloody Mama Blues by Howard, Neil
Beyond Survival: Building on the Hard Times - A POW's Inspiring Story by Coffee, Gerald
The Approaching Storm: Conflict in Asia, 1945-1965 by Marolda, Edward J., Navy, Department Of the
Nixon's Trident: Naval Power in Southeast Asia, 1968-1972 by Sherwood, John Darrell
Navy Medicine in Vietnam: Passage to Freedom to the Fall of Saigon by Herman, Jan K.
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The War That Would Not End - 1971-1973 by Melson, Major Charles, Museums Division, U. S. Marine Corps Hist, Arnold, Lieutenant Colonel Curtis G.
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: High Mobility and Standdown - 1969 by Museums Division, U. S. Marine Corps Hist, Smith, Charles R.
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: Vietnamization and Redeployment - 1970-1971 by Murray, Usmc Lieutenant Colonel Terrenc
The Marines in Vietnam - 1954-1973: An Anthology and Annotated Bibliography by Corps, United States Marine, Navy, Department Of the, Division, History and Museums
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The Landing and the Buildup - 1965 by Johnson, Usmc Major Charles M., Museums Division, U. S. Marine Corps Hist, Shulimson, Jack
Chaplains With Marines in Vietnam, 1962-1971 by Bergsma, Chc U. S. Navy Commander Herbe, Museums Division, U. S. Marine Corps Hist
Marine Advisors: With the Vietnamese Provincial Reconnaissance Units, 1966-1970 by Finlayson, Usmc (Ret ). Colonel Andrew R., Division, U. S. Marine Corps History
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The Bitter End - 1973-1975 by Museums Division, U. S. Marine Corps Hist, Quinlan, Colonel David a., Dunham, Major George R.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam: Trial By Fire by Solis, Lieutenant Colonel Gary D., Museums Division, U. S. Marine Corps Hist
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: An Expanding War - 1966 by Museums Division, U. S. Marine Corps Hist, Shulimson, Jack
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The Advisory & Combat Assistance Era - 1954-1964 by Museums Division, U. S. Marine Corps Hist, Whitlow, Usmcr Captain Robert H.
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: Fighting the North Vietnamese - 1967 by Museums Division, U. S. Marine Corps Hi, Rogers, Usmc Lieutenant Colonel Lane, Fleming, Jr. V. Keith
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The Defining Year - 1968 by Smith, Charles R., Blasiol, Lieutenant Colonel Leonard a., Dawson, Captain David a.
Close Air Support and The Battle For Khe Sanh by Division, U. S. Marine Corps History, Callahan, Lieutenant Colonel Shawn P.
The US Air Force After Vietnam: Postwar Challenges and Potential for Responses by Mrozek, Donald J.
Marine Advisors: With the Vietnamese Marine Corps by Division, U. S. Marine Corps History
Saigon Cowboy by Wood, H. Palmer
Saigon Cowboy by Wood, H. Palmer
The B-52 Overture by Bendell, Don
Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam by Turse, Nick