• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Westerns in 2001

The Renegade by Prentis, Joe
Cameron's Law by Sholk, Harry
Buckskin and Satin by Wilhelmsen, Romain
Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West by McCarthy, Cormac
The Trials of the Westward Trail by Janda, Dale
Lay the Mountains Low by Johnston, Terry C.
Hard to Kill: A Wind River Wyoming Romance by Hall, Wesley E.
The Ox-Bow Incident by Clark, Walter Van Tilburg
The Gates of the Alamo by Harrigan, Stephen
The Chivalry of Crime by Barry, Desmond
The Ox-Bow Incident by Clark, Walter Van Tilburg
The Salt War: Unrest in El Paso by Compton, Ira
American by Blood by Huebner, Andrew
The Borderland: A Novel of Texas by Shrake, Edwin
The Contract Surgeon by O'Brien, Dan
In His Arms by Hatcher, Robin Lee
Bullhead by Truett, John a.
Westward Wings the Hawk by Bransby, Joseph C.
Three Forks: A Novel of Texas by Marlin, Tom
The Power of the Dog by Proulx, Annie, Savage, Thomas
Still Wild: Short Fiction of the American West--1950 to the Present by McMurtry, Larry
A Century of Great Western Stories by
Rattlesnake Jake by Barker, Jerry
The Valley by Brewer, Helene B.
The Trail at Hand by Howard, Duane
Star Rider by Louis, K. T.
The Guns of Seven-Hawks-Dancing by Stoffel, Alex
The Reluctant Gun by Howard, John J.
The Tribe of Seven-Hawks-Dancing by Stoffel, Alex
Letters to Callie: Jack Wade's Story by Miller, Dawn
The Border Legion by Grey, Zane
A Man in the West by Beddall, Jack
Sunset Survivor by Richards, Jerry C.
The Lady in Green by Vann, Jackie
Badger: A Mountain Man's Story by Bulow, Wayde
The Widow Begley's Last Stand by Cole, Matt
The Demise of the Rocking R by Janda, Dale
The Secret of the Flying W by Janda, Dale
Roughin' It in Montana: Tall Tales of a Pioneer by Pfeiffer, Patricia
The Sheep Queen by Savage, Thomas
Boone's Lick by McMurtry, Larry
Desert of Wheat by Grey, Zane
Hell's Bottom, Colorado by Pritchett, Laura
The Bride of Seven-Hawks-Dancing by Stoffel, Alex
Buffalo Girls by McMurtry, Larry
Discovery Tree by Onley, Glen
Eagle Shadow by Greenhalgh-Davis, Shelly
Gypsy Fires by Anderson, Edna, Evans, Edna
Cottonwood by Einbinder, Deanna
Anything for Billy by McMurtry, Larry
American West: Twenty New Stories from the Western Writers of America by