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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Women's Health in 2018

Garbh Evam Prasav Gyan by Shipra, Roy
The Hormone Balance Cookbook: 60 Anti-Inflammatory Recipes to Regulate Hormonal Balance, Lose Weight, and Improve Brain Function by Lundin, Mia, Davidsson, Ulrika
Radical Beauty: How to Transform Yourself from the Inside Out by Snyder, Kimberly, Chopra, Deepak
Communicating Women's Health: Social and Cultural Norms That Influence Health Decisions by
Blasenentzündung? Nicht schon wieder!: Ein knackiger Erfahrungsbericht mit Tipps zur Heilung eines nervigen Leidens by Kähne, Marina
Pushing in Silence: Modernizing Puerto Rico and the Medicalization of Childbirth by Córdova, Isabel M.
Hot & Sexy Hormone Solution by Moricz, George F.
FIT Pregnancy and Beyond: Your fit pregnancy & Post baby shape up guide by Ricci, Amelia
Why Is Light So Damned Capricious? by Boice, Jim
The Doula's Guide to Empowering Your Birth: A Complete Labor and Childbirth Companion for Parents to Be by Bliss, Lindsey
Extra! by MacDonald, Kaeleigh
Secrets of Sleep: All You Need To Know About A Good Night's Rest by Smith, Elle
Trumping The Rape Culture and Sexual Assault by Allred, Alexandra
For Life: Defending the Unborn by Baartse, Linda, Masson, Scott, Boot, Joseph
While I Wait- My Journey Through Infertility by Shaw, Anita J.
Intermittent Fasting as a Lifestyle: Guide for You That Will Help You Quickly and Easily Build Up a Healthy and Beautiful Body by Walker, Mia
Untangling the Maternity Crisis by
Untangling the Maternity Crisis by
A Midwife's Story: Life, Love and Birth Among the Amish by Armstrong, Penny, Feldman, Sheryl
Stoffwechsel Anregen & Hypnose: Die Superkombi Um Erfolgreich Schnell Abzunehmen by Winkelmann, Anja
Things They Fail to Tell You During Pregnancy: A Quick Guide and Insight by Pierce, Ashley Shayne
Before You Get Pregnant: How to Sow the Best Seeds for Your Baby by Chen, Chong
The Australian Healthy Hormone Diet: The Four-Week Lifestyle Plan That Will Transform Your Health by Fleming, Jennifer, Hedge, Michele Chevalley
Go Ask Debbie: Health and Fitness Tips from a Seasoned Expert by Crall, Debbie
The 50+ Plan: His and Hers HRT by Carruthers, Malcolm
Ricette per fare i bambini by Martinez Jover, Jover
Faith Of One Mustard Seed: My 18-Year Journey to Motherhood While Battling PCOS by Chapman, Tameka L.
Muslim Midwives by Giladi, Avner
MenOnPause: A Man's Guide to Understanding Menopause by Lane, Lelitia
A Fertile Path: Guiding the Journey with Mindfulness and Compassion by Marotta Ph. D., Janetti
Things They Fail to Tell You During Pregnancy: A Quick Guide and Insight by Shayne Pierce, Ashley
I Know How You Feel: The Joy and Heartbreak of Friendship in Women's Lives by Barth, F. Diane
Aprende a calmar el llanto de tu bebé: Las claves para responder eficazmente a las necesidades de tu hijo by 50minutos
Prepara la llegada de tu bebé: Las claves para darle la bienvenida al nuevo miembro de la familia by 50minutos
Faccia di Luna by Muni, Fabiana
Run My World: How I Empowered Myself Through Fitness by Kesinger, Mary
Under One Sky: Intimate Encounters with Moms and Babies by a Breastfeeding Consultant and Nurse by Auer, Chris
Thriving with PCOS: Lifestyle Strategies to Successfully Manage Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by Morrow-Baez, Kelly
Beyond Hot and Crazy: A Radical Guide to Living Well with Menopause by
Under One Sky: Intimate Encounters with Moms and Babies by a Breastfeeding Consultant and Nurse by Auer, Chris
Period Coloring Book: A Sweary, Irreverent & Funny Coloring Book Gift Idea Perfect for Reliving Stress due to PMS, Cramps and Period Pains by Coloring Crew
Help Childcare Providers Fight CMV: Protect Newborns from #1 Birth Defects Virus by Saunders, Lisa
She-Ology: The Definitive Guide to Women's Intimate Health. Period. by Ross, Sherry A.
Getting My Bounce Back: How I Got Fit, Healthier, and Happier (and You Can, Too) (Adversity Book, Healthy Aging, Running, Weight Loss, for Fan by Walker, Carolee Belkin
Period Coloring Book: A Snarky, Irreverent & Funny Coloring Book Gift Idea Perfect for Reliving Stress due to PMS, Cramps and Period Pains by Coloring Crew
The Stress Less Baby Guide by Kaldor, Sarah
You Made It to Motherhood: A Guide for New Moms by Rodgers, Jennifer a.
PREGNANCY Questions & Answers: 75 Important Questions Asked And Answered by McAllister, Julie
Mystical Motherhood: Create a Happy and Conscious Family: A Guidebook for Conception, Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond by Wiley, Chelsea Ann
Post Natal Depression: The Essential Guide by
Dancing with the Moon: My Spiritual Journey Through Ivf by Despres, Emma
Give Birth a Chance: How to Prepare for an Empowered Vbac by Blandina, Ilia
How to Improve Preconception Health to Maximize Ivf Success by
Dig In Your Heels: The Glamorous (and Not So Glamorous) Life of a Young Breast Cancer Survivor by Baptiste, Karla Antoinette
Weitertragen - Wege nach pränataler Diagnose. Begleitbuch für Eltern, Angehörige und Fachpersonal by Erhardt-Seidl, Carolin, Fezer Schadt, Kathrin
Premature Menopause Book by Petras, Kathy
Flex Mom: The Secrets of Happy Stay-At-Home Moms by Blanchard, Sara
Stree Rog Gyan by Roy, Shanti
Mommyhood: (Are You Ready For Roller Coaster Ride!!) by Joshi, Monika
Worship & Wellness: The Discovery: Seven Proven Strategies to Transform Your Temple by Immanuel, Oluchi Ibekwe
Hausgeburt - Alleingeburt: Natürlich, kraftvoll & selbstbestimmt durch Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Stillzeit by Lendfers, Corina
7 Segreti per una Silhouette Sexy: Niente Pillole, Assorbenti, Chirurgia Plastica, Kegel, o Addominali! by Pagnini, Kathleen
Early Arrival: 9 Things Parents Need to Know About Life in the ICU Nursery A Doctor's Step-by-Step Guide by Major-Kincade, Terri
Preggers by Johnson, Chelsea
Longing for Motherhood: Holding on to Hope in the Midst of Childlessness by Sobolik, Chelsea Patterson
Lunar Abundance: Cultivating Joy, Peace, and Purpose Using the Phases of the Moon by Spencer, Ezzie
A Pregnancy Devotional- I'm Praying for You: 40 Weeks of Scripture, Prayer and Reflection for Your Developing Baby by Tague, Rebekah
Food Wisdom for Women: nutrition for aging with energy, vitality and health by Feldman Rdn, Donna P.
Von kleinen Helden und großen Malheurs: Mutmach-Geschichten rund um die Geburt by Semlitsch-Zehe, Nadine
reShape yourSelf in Seven Days: Learn how to connect your Spiritual Self with your Emotional Self to heal your Physical Self by Fielding, Thomas
Baby Names: The Comprehensive Guide to the Origin, Meaning & Spiritual Significance of Baby Names, Includes the Latest Trends and by Ford, Jessica
Baby Names: Find the Perfect Name for your Baby with our Inspired, Comprehensive and Up to Date List! (Contains 2 Manuscripts: Bab by Ford, Jessica
Baby Names: The Baby Name Bible - The Most Popular Baby Names of 2018! Includes Baby Names for Boys and Girls as well as the Lates by Ford, Jessica
Leave Me Alone by Yogev, Orit
Get on Top: Of Your Pleasure, Sexuality & Wellness: A Vagina Revolution by Hollender, Meika
Comincia tutto dall'uovo: Come la scienza della qualità degli ovuli può aiutare la tua fertilità per concepire con la fecondazione in vitro o naturale by Fett, Rebecca
Todo empieza con el óvulo: Cómo la ciencia de la calidad del óvulo puede ayudarla a embarazarse, prevenir abortos e incrementar la posibilidad de by Fett, Rebecca
The Effects of Grief on the Human Body by Cohen, Sheldon, Cohen F. a. C. P., Sheldon
You Can Do It: Fasting by Wilder, Jasinda
Helping Birth: Your Guide to Pain Relief Choices and Interventions in Labour and Childbirth with real stories by Hayes, Eleanor
The Menopause Book: The Complete Guide: Hormones, Hot Flashes, Health, Moods, Sleep, Sex by Kantrowitz, Barbara, Wingert, Pat
Restore Your Temple: 7 Steps to a Healthier You by Ponds, Kat
Intermittent Fasting for Women: Intermittent Fasting Books for Beginners, Diet for Weight Loss by White, Olivia
Healing Amelia: Taming Your Ego States and Inner Voices with Parts and Memory Therapy by Noricks, Jay
The Bedroom Fool by Orakwue, Obi
Baby Making Machine: How to Get Pregnant Fast and Easy by Marko, Sly V.
Hipnoparto: Preparación para un parto positivo by Moreno, Carmen
Darauf waren wir nicht vorbereitet: Psychische Krisen rund um die Geburt eines Kindes verstehen und überwinden by Sahib, Tanja
Embarazo Vegano 101: Manual de embarazo para madres y padres veganos primerizos by Projectvegan
Mystical Motherhood: Create a Happy and Conscious Family: : A Guidebook for Conception, Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond by Wiley, Chelsea Ann
Breastfeeding and Culture: Discourses and Representations by Short, Anne Marie
Debunking the Bump: What the Data Really Says about Pregnancy's 165 Biggest Risks and Myths by Adler, Daphne
Understanding Weight Control: Mind and Body Strategies for Lifelong Success by Saltman, Deborah
Conquering the Chaos: The Super Wonder Woman's 12-Step Strategy for a Stress FREELIFE by Clay, Michelle
Tongue-Tie: Expert Roundtable by Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen
Women Who Influence- Deanne Deaville by Deaville, Deanne
Hormonal Health: Nutritional & Hormonal Strategies for Emotional Well-Being & Intellectual Longevity by Colgan, Michael
Hypothesis: An HPV healing experiment by Novak, Teresa Marie
Pussy: A Reclamation by Thomashauer, Regena
50 Things to Do Before You Deliver: The First Time Moms Pregnancy Guide by Krause, Jill
Expecting The Greatest: Thriving In Pregnancy: A Pregnancy Guide by Bodie-Williams, Shamanique S., Knowles, Shantalasha O.
How To Stop Hair Loss In Women: No more suffering in Silence by Perkins, Sabrina
Sleazy Stories II: A Seducer's Sex-Laden Spring in Berlin by Sleazy, Aaron
Psychodynamic Interventions in Pregnancy and Infancy: Clinical and Theoretical Perspectives by Salomonsson, Björn
On Abortion: And the Repercussions of Lack of Access by
Psychodynamic Interventions in Pregnancy and Infancy: Clinical and Theoretical Perspectives by Salomonsson, Björn
Tantric Sex and Menopause: Practices for Spiritual and Sexual Renewal by Richardson, Diana, McGeever, Janet
Fertility Astrology: A Modern Medieval Textbook by Smuts-Allsop, Nicola
Tending the Tree of Life: Preaching and Worship through Reproductive Loss and Adoption by Voelz, Richard W.
Sexuelle Bildung F by Lydia, Nkongho
Educaci by Monroe, Felipe
Little Something: A Journey of Miracles from Infertility and IVF to Marathons and Motherhood by Lockwood, Elizabeth
Caesarean Birth: A Positive Approach to Preparation and Recovery by East, Leigh
Women's Health: Western & Eastern Perspective by Melnyk, Nadiya
Receiving Your Miracle Baby Now: Breakthrough. Miracles. Testimonies. by Ema, Margaret
My New Normal: Learning to Thrive with Chronic Illness by Carter, Alison
Think Again!: Clearing Away the Brain Fog of Menopause by Andrus, Jeanne D.
My New Normal: Learning to Thrive with Chronic Illness by Carter, Alison
Fit at Mid-Life: A Feminist Fitness Journey by Brennan, Samantha, Isaacs, Tracy
What's Right For Me?: Making decisions in pregnancy and childbirth by Wickham, Sara
Letting It Be: Mindful Lessons Toward Acceptance by Templeton, Lisa Michelle
47 Organic Juice Recipes for the Pregnant Mother: Quickly and Easily Absorb High Quality Ingredients Your Body Needs During Pregnancy by Correa Csn, Joe
Too Beautiful for the Earth by Shelton, Cara L.
Why Home Birth Matters by Meddings, Natalie
101 Ways to a Fertile Mindset: 101 Ways to Shift Internal Conversations to Improve Your Fertility by Hazlewood, Camille
Management and Therapy of Early Pregnancy Complications: First and Second Trimesters by
94 Meal and Juice Recipes for Pregnant Mothers: The Expecting Mother's Guide to Smart Nutrition by Correa Csn, Joe
40 Juice Recipe Solutions to Your Overweight Problems: Quickly and Naturally Burn Fat Fast to Look Your Best in No Time! by Correa Csn, Joe
Beyond the Egg Timer: A Companion Guide for Having Babies by Fisher, Sharon Praissman, Williams, Emma
Better Sex Through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire by Brotto, Lori A.
46 Meal Recipes to Increase Your Breast Milk Production: Using the Best Natural Ingredients to Help Your Body Produce Healthy Milk for Your Baby by Correa Csn, Joe
51 Meal Recipes for the Pregnant Mother: Smart Nutrition and Proper Dieting Solutions for the Expecting Mom by Correa Csn, Joe
Telephone Triage for Obstetrics & Gynecology by McMullen, Patricia, Long, Vicki
Take Back Your Birth: Inspiration for Expectant Moms by Griesemer, Lynn M.
Renaissance of Birth: Changing the Language of Childbirth by Highsmith, Susan
Inducing Labour: making informed decisions by Wickham, Sara
Cuatro Diosas de la Mujer, Las by Gray, Miranda
The Sex Issue: Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about Sexuality, Seduction, and Desire by The Editors of Goop
I Still Want to Be a Mom: Escaping Hopelessness and Embracing Motherhood by Pierce, Julie A.
The Handmade Mama: Simple Crafts, Healthy Recipes, and Natural Bath + Body Products for Mama and Baby by Leonard, Mary Helen
Breasts: The Owner's Manual: Every Woman's Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk, Making Treatment Choices, and Optimizing Outcomes by Funk, Kristi
The Joy of Later Motherhood: Your Natural Path to Healthy Babies Even in Your 40's by Gordon-Wayne, Bettina
Strong as a Mother: How to Stay Healthy, Happy, and (Most Importantly) Sane from Pregnancy to Parenthood: The Only Guide to Taking Care of You! by Rope, Kate
Walking Gone Wild: How to Lose Your Age on the Trail by Roelse, Dami
46 Meal Recipes to Help Reduce Menstrual Cramps: Eliminate Pain and Discomfort Using All Natural Food Remedies by Correa Csn, Joe
50 Meal Recipes to Boost Your Breast Milk Production: Give Your Body the Right Foods to Help You Generate High Quality Breast Milk Fast by Correa Csn, Joe
Hilfe bei Schwangerschaftsdiabetes: Infos, Tipps und Rezepte by Schütz, Jutta
Obstetric Intensive Care Manual, Fifth Edition by Foley, Michael R., Strong, Thomas H., Garite, Thomas J.
Bound by Faith by Myton, Debra
42 Rezepte um die Fruchtbarkeit zu steigern: Diese Rezepte fügen deiner Ernährung die richtigen Vitamine und Mineralien hinzu, so dass du in kurzer Ze by Correa Csn, Joe
Christine nelle Luci del Nord by Maggi, Julie
You Don't Know How Lucky You Are: An Adoptee's Journey Through The American Adoption Experience by Owens, Rudy
Breastfeeding and Medication by Jones, Wendy
How to Change Your Life in Six Days: My Personal Experience by Marquenie, Wendy
Big Girl's Pants: The Journey to Achieving Your Goal by Marquenie, Wendy
Breastfeeding and Medication by Jones, Wendy
50 Rezepte um die Produktion von Muttermilch zu fördern: Gib deinem Körper die richtige Ernährung, um hochwertige Muttermilch schnell zu produzieren by Correa Csn, Joe
Women's Health: Western & Eastern Perspective by Melnyk, Nadiya
51 Recettes de Repas Pour la Mère Enceinte: Alimentation Intelligente et Solutions de Régime Approprié Pour la Future Maman by Correa Csn, Joe
42 Ricette Che Aumentano La Fertilità: Queste Ricette Aggiungeranno Tante Vitamine E Minerali Alla Tua Dieta Rendendoti Più Fertile in Poco Tempo by Correa Csn, Joe
50 Ricette per aumentare la produzione di latte materno: Dai al tuo corpo i cibi giusti per aiutarlo a generare un latte di qualità in modo veloce by Correa Csn, Joe
Flow Fighter: How I Kicked my Fibroids and Heavy Periods to the Curb by Singh MD, Sony, Bridges, Holly
A Headache in the Pelvis: The Wise-Anderson Protocol for Healing Pelvic Pain: The Definitive Edition by Wise, David, Anderson, Rodney
46 Recetas De Comidas Para Incrementar La Producción De Leche Materna: Usando Los Mejores Ingredientes Naturales Para Ayudar a Su Cuerpo a Producir Le by Correa Csn, Joe
46 Recetas De Comidas Para Ayudar A Reducir Dolores Menstruales: Elimine El Dolor Y La Molestia Usando Alimentos Naturales Como Remedio by Correa Csn, Joe
46 Recetas de Comidas Para Prevenir Caries: Fortalezca Sus Dientes Y Su Salud Oral Comiendo Alimentos Llenos De Nutrientes by Correa Csn, Joe
46 Recetas De Comidas Para Solucionar Sus Problemas De Constipación: Mejore Su Digestión Mediante Elecciones Inteligentes De Comidas Y Recetas Bien Or by Correa Csn, Joe
47 Recetas de Jugos Para el Cáncer de Colon: Alimente a su Cuerpo Rápida y Naturalmente Con los Nutrientes Que Necesita Para Impulsar su Sistema Inmun by Correa Csn, Joe
47 Recetas de Jugos Orgánicos Para la Madre Embarazada: Absorba Rápida y Fácilmente Ingredientes de Calidad Que su Cuerpo Necesita Durante el Embarazo by Correa Csn, Joe
The YOU After...BABY by Donovan, Sally
51 Recetas De Comidas Para La Madre Embarazada: Solución de Nutrición Inteligente y Dieta Apropiada Para La Madre Embarazada by Correa Csn, Joe
50 Recetas De Comidas Para Impulsar Su Producción De Leche Materna: Brinde A Su Cuerpo Las Comidas Apropiadas Para Ayudarlo a Generar Leche Materna De by Correa Csn, Joe
The Simplest Alkaline Diet Guide for Beginners + 45 Easy Recipes: 7 Days Meal Plan to Bring Your Body Back to Balance by Miller, Sheldon
Circle It, Day Spa Facts, Word Search, Puzzle Book (Large Print Edition) by Lowry Global Media LLC, Schumacher, Maria
94 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para Madres Embarazadas: La Guía De La Madre Embarazadas Para Una Nutrición Inteligente by Correa Csn, Joe
Help! My Teen Is Pregnant: A Survival Guide for Moms of Pregnant Teens by Zeiss, Stephanie
Want-Catcher: A Record of Pregnant Writing by Raine, Adra
A Single Girls Guide to IVF by Hoover, Lisa
Awake at 3 A.M.: Yoga Therapy for Anxiety and Depression in Pregnancy and Early Motherhood by Neufeld, Suzannah
Celebrate Your Body (and Its Changes, Too!): The Ultimate Puberty Book for Girls by Taylor, Sonya Renee
Doula Doudles1: a colouring book for expectant mothers doulas midwives and birthjunkies by Keval-Baxter, Jemmais
Promoting Breastfeeding: Medical Settings by Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen
Nascimento Ho'oponopono: : Meditações em Ho'oponopono para Gravidez & Nascimento by Keval-Baxter, Jemmais
Fit for the Kingdom: 30 Day Transformation by Roland, Kathy D.
Your Best Pregnancy Ever: 9 Healthy Habits to Empower You in Pregnancy, Birth, and Recovery by Torborg, Jen
The Sober Leap: Practical Wisdom to Create an Amazing Life Beyond Addiction by Vlierbergen, Noelle Van
The Calm Baby Cookbook: A Breastfeeding Diet to Calm Your Fussy Baby by Melanie, Beingessner L.
Gonadal Tissue Cryopreservation in Fertility Preservation by
Diario de una Endo-Pacífica aspirante a Emprendedora by Beckett, Olena
Ageless Beauty the French Way: Secrets from Three Generations of French Beauty Editors by Mueffling, Clemence Von
Telling and Talking 8-11 Years - A Guide for Parents by Donor Conception Network
Traveling Through Menopause: What's God Got to Do With It? by Herbert, Carolyn
Yoga Birth Method: A Step-by-Step Guide for a Calm and Natural Childbirth Experience by Guerra, Dorothy
Midwifery Skills at a Glance by
GentleBirth: Your Positive Birth Begins Here by Donegan, Tracy
Christine nelle Luci del Nord: (edizione in bianco e nero) by Maggi, Julie
Promoting Breastfeeding: Community Settings by Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen
Scrapes and Scars: No Secrets by Hurdle, Chavonne
Abnehmen nach dem Figur-Typ: Typgerecht abnehmen - Fett verbrennen und Muskeln aufbauen für den Apfel- und Birnen-Typ inkl Trainingsplan nach Zyklu by Koch, Alina
The Girl Who Dances With Delight: Liven Up, Lighten Up, Let Your Heart Sing Daily Rhythm, Ritual, & Enrichment Dance with Delight by Ostara, Julia, Ostara, Jules
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