• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Women's Studies in 1990

The Politics of Women's Biology by Hubbard, Ruth
Anatomy of Freedom: Feminism in Four Dimensions by Morgan, Robin
Althusser and Feminism by Assiter, Alison
Land Before Honor by Warnock, Kitty
Saint Bride and Her Book: Birgitta of Sweden's Revelations' by
Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives of Feminists of Color by
Civilized Women by Moran, Mary
Women at Work in the Gulf by Fakhro, Munira A.
Women and the Blues by James, Jennifer
The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution by Merchant, Carolyn
Subject to Change: Reading Feminist Writing by Miller, Nancy K.
Women in Hellenistic Egypt: From Alexander to Cleopatra by Pomeroy, Sarah B.
The Enclosed Garden: Women and Community in the Evangelical South, 1830-1900 by Friedman, Jean E.
Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development by
Flesh Made Word: Female Figures and Women's Bodies by Michie, Helena
New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis by Freud, Sigmund
Women, Culture & Politics by Davis, Angela Y.
Women Workers and Global Restructuring by
The Courage to Heal Workbook: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse by Davis, Laura
Cultural Conflict & Adaptation by Kirton, Elizabeth, Trueba, Henry T., Jacobs, Lila
Women of Science: Righting the Record by
Women in the World Economy: An Instraw Study by Joekes, Susan
Women and Law in Classical Greece by Sealey, Raphael
Secret Eye by Thomas, Ella Gertrude Clanton
Inessential Woman by Spelman, Elizabeth V.
Calling Home: Working-Class Women's Writings by
Feminist Review: Issue 34: Perverse Politics by
Warrior Queens: The Legends and the Lives of the Women Who Have Led Their Nations to War by Fraser, Antonia
Crafting Selves: Power, Gender, and Discourses of Identity in a Japanese Workplace by Kondo, Dorinne K.
Diaries and Journals of Literary Women from Fanny Burney to Virginia Woolf by Simons, J.
Rape in Marraige by Russell, Diana E. H.
Women in the Eighteenth Century: Constructions of Femininity by
The Story of My Life by Keller, Helen
From the Hearth to the Open Road: A Feminist Study of Aging in Contemporary Literature by Waxman, Barbara Frey
Slave Women in Caribbean Society, 1650-1832 by Bush, Barbara
Being in Child Care: A Journey Into Self by Fewster, Gerry, Beker, Jerome
Women at the Wall: A Study of Prisoners' Wives Doing Time on the Outside by Fishman, Laura T.
Women's Progress: Promises and Problems by
The Philosophical Imaginary by Le Doeuff, Michele
Night Witches: The Amazing Story of Russia's Women Pilots in WWII by Myles, Bruce
The Criminal Lifestyle: Patterns of Serious Criminal Conduct by Walters, Glenn D.
Diversity and Complexity in Feminist Therapy by Root, Maria P. P., Brown, Laura
Women in German History: From Bourgeois Emancipation to Sexual Liberation by Frevert, Ute
Women in German History: From Bourgeois Emancipation to Sexual Liberation by Frevert, Ute
Diversity and Complexity in Feminist Therapy by Root, Maria P. P., Brown, Laura
Black Women in America: Social Science Perspectives by
Women, Poverty and Ideology in Asia: Contradictory Pressures, Uneasy Resolutions by
Women, Poverty and Ideology in Asia: Contradictory Pressures, Uneasy Resolutions by
The Currency of Eros: Women's Love Lyric in Europe, 1540 1620 by Jones, Ann Rosalind
Strong Mothers, Weak Wives: The Search for Gender Equality by Johnson, Miriam M.
Women in Higher Education: Changes and Challenges by
People of the Buffalo by Campbell, Maria
Hedda Gabler by Ibsen, Henrik
Feminist Review: Issue 35 by
Circles of Care: Work and Identity in Women's Lives by
Thinking Through the Body by Gallop, Jane
A Voice from the South by Cooper, Anna Julian
In Dora's Case: Freud, Hysteria, Feminism by
The Social and Legal Status of Women: A Global Perspective by Hazon, Winnie, Hazou, Winnie
Women at War: The Story of Fifty Military Nurses Who Served in Vietnam by Norman, Elizabeth
Television and Women′s Culture: The Politics of the Popular by
Vindication of the Rights by Wollstonecraft, Mary
Gender and Disorder in Early Modern Seville by Perry, Mary Elizabeth
Women's Movements in the United States: Woman Suffrage, Equal Rights, and Beyond by Buechler, Steven M.
Sex and Gender in Historical Perspective by Muir, Edward
Confessions of a Failed Southern Lady by King, Florence, King
The Integration of Women in Management: A Guide for Human Resources and Management Development Specialists by Mendez, Carmen, Rizzo, Ann-Marie
Emancipating the Female Sex: The Struggle for Women's Rights in Brazil, 1850-1940 by Hahner, June E.
Indiscretions: Avant-Garde Film, Video, & Feminism by Mellencamp, Patricia
Women's Quest for Economic Equality by Fuchs, Victor R.
Childhood, Youth And Social Change: A Comparative Perspective by
Childhood, Youth And Social Change: A Comparative Perspective by
Engendering Democracy in Brazil: Women's Movements in Transition Politics by Alvarez, Sonia E.
Women, Equality, and the French Revolution by Proctor, Candice
The Sexual Mountain and Black Women Writers: Adventures in Sex, Literature, and Real Life by Hernton, Calvin C.
Ladies, Women, and Wenches: Choice and Constraint in Antebellum Charleston and Boston by Pease, William H., Pease, Jane H.
The Gender of the Gift: Problems with Women and Problems with Society in Melanesia Volume 6 by Strathern, Marilyn
Revealing Lives: Autobiography, Biography, and Gender by
The Feminization of Poverty: Only in America? by
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism by Daly, Mary
Eighteenth Century Women Poets: An Oxford Anthology by
Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression by Bartky, Sandra Lee
Feminist Review: Issue 36 by
Hypatia Reborn by
Gender of Modernism: A Critical Anthology by
The Social Mobility Of Women: Beyond Male Mobility Models by Payne, Geoff, Abbott, Pamela
Collected Black Women's Narratives by
The Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Jacobs, Harriet Ann
Throwing Like a Girl and Other Essays in Feminist Philosophy by Young, Iris Marion
Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature by Haraway, Donna
The Condition of Women in France: 1945 to the Present - A Documentary Anthology by Laubier, Claire
Socialism, Feminism and Philosophy: A Radical Philosophy Reader by
Women and Social Protest by
Unleashing Our Unknown Selves: An Inquiry Into the Future of Femininity and Masculinity by Morrow, France