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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Women's Studies in 1997

Feminism and Families: Critical Policies and Changing Practices by
Women Surviving the Holocaust in Spite of the Horror by Bendremer, Jutta
Daughters of the Great Depression: Women, Work, and Fiction in the American 1930s by Hapke, Laura
A Craving Vacancy: Women and Sexual Love in the British Novel, 1740-1880 by Weisser, Susan Ostrov
Feminizing Venereal Disease: The Body of the Prostitute in Nineteenth-Century Medical Discourse by Spongberg, Mary
Women and Freedom in Early America by Eldridge, Larry
The Employment Context by
Educational Equity by
Gender Politics in Latin America: Debates in Theory and Practice by
Gender Politics in Latin America: Debates in Theory and Practice by
Wissenschaft Im Informationszeitalter: Zur Bedeutung Des Mediums Computer Für Das Kommunikationssystem Wissenschaft by Rutenfranz, Uwe
On Playing a Poor Hand Well: Insights from the Lives of Those Who Have Overcome Childhoodinsights from the Lives of Those by Katz, Mark
Secret Paths: Women in the New Midlife by Apter, Terri
Journalistinnen in Europa: Eine International Vergleichende Analyse Zum Gendering Im Sozialen System Journalismus by Lünenborg, Margreth
Programmprofile Kommerzieller Anbieter: Analysen Zur Entwicklung Von Fernsehsendern Seit 1984 by
ALS Kontrolliert Wurde, Was Mit Dem Taler Geschah: Unbekanntes Aus Preußischer Geschichte Von 1713-1866 by Wittrock, Karl
Mediamatik -- Die Konvergenz Von Telekommunikation, Computer Und Rundfunk by Latzer, Michael
Parteiensysteme in Postkommunistischen Gesellschaften Osteuropas by
Mothers and King Baby: Infant Survival and Welfare in an Imperial World: Australia 1880-1950 by Smith, Philippa Mein
Protest, Power, and Change: An Encyclopedia of Nonviolent Action from Act-Up to Women's Suffrage by Powers S., Roger
A Woman's Book of Days by Sinclair, Donna
Women and Freedom in Early America by Eldridge, Larry
A Craving Vacancy: Women and Sexual Love in the British Novel, 1740-1880 by Weisser, Susan Ostrov
Book of Jessica by Griffiths, Linda, Campbell, Maria
Japan: The Childless Society?: The Crisis of Motherhood by Jolivet, Muriel
Japan: The Childless Society?: The Crisis of Motherhood by Jolivet, Muriel
Organizing Women: Formal and Informal Women's Groups in the Middle East by
Organizing Women: Formal and Informal Women's Groups in the Middle East by
Women's Ways of Knowing (10th Anniversary Edition): The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind by Clinchy, Blythe McVicker, Belenky, Mary Field, Goldberger, Nancy Rule
Embodied Voices: Representing Female Vocality in Western Culture by Dunn/Jones
Child on Her Mind: The Experience of Becoming a Mother by Bergum, Vangie
A Child on Her Mind: The Experience of Becoming a Mother by Bergum, Vangie
Women in the Texas Populist Movement: Letters to He Southern Mercury by
Challenging Fronteras: Structuring Latina and Latino Lives in the U.S. by
Women's Experiences with Hiv/AIDS: An International Perspective by
Hunger Pains: The Modern Woman's Tragic Quest for Thinness by Pipher, Mary
Knowing Woman: A Feminine Psychology by Claremont de Castillejo, Irene
The Talking Cure: TV Talk Shows and Women by Shattuc, Jane M.
Women's Experiences with Hiv/AIDS: An International Perspective by
Love and Freedom: Professional Women and the Reshaping of Personal Life by MacKinnon, Alison
Childhood and Children: A Compendium of Customs, Superstitions, Theories, Profiles, and Facts by Bel Geddes, Joan
Mirrors and Masks: The Search for Identity by Strauss, Anselm L.
African Women: A Modern History by Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine, Raps, Beth
Feminism and Evolutionary Biology: Boundaries, Intersections and Frontiers by Gowaty, Patricia
Women in World History: v. 2: Readings from 1500 to the Present by Hughes, Sarah Shaver, Hughes, Brady
Women in World History: v. 2: Readings from 1500 to the Present by Hughes, Sarah Shaver, Hughes, Brady
Nostalgia, Gender, and Nationalism: Narrative Traditions by
Essential Papers on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by
The Wandering Uterus: Politics and the Reproductive Rights of Women by Meyer, Cheryl L.
Die Stalinisierung Der sed: Zum Verlust Von Freiräumen Und Sozialdemokratischer Identität in Den Vorständen 1946-1949 by Hurwitz, Harold
Lebensfragen: Eine Praktische Anthropologie by Bruck, Andreas
Betriebsräte in Ostdeutschland: Institutionenbildung Und Handlungskonstellationen 1989-1994 by Kottwitz, Gisela, Kädtler, Jürgen, Weinert, Rainer
Von Der Blockpartei Zur Volkspartei?: Die Ost-Cdu Im Umbruch 1989-1994 by Schmidt, Ute
Foucault Und Die Literatur: Eine Diskurskritische Untersuchung by Geisenhanslüke, Achim
Biblical Women in the Midrash: A SourceBook by
Casting Her Own Shadow: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Shaping of Postwar Liberalism by Black, Allida
Women in Saudi Arabia Today by Almunajjed, M.
War and American Women: Heroism, Deeds, and Controversy by Breuer, William
Women in Saudi Arabia Today by Almunajjed, M.
Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture Volume 11 by Von Ankum, Katharina
Femininity Played Straight: The Significance of Being Lesbian by Martin, Biddy
The Other Within Us: Feminist Explorations of Women and Aging by Pearsall, Marilyn
Desperately Seeking Sisterhood: Still Challenging And Building by
Everyday Sexism in the Third Millennium by Zsembik, Barbara A., Feagin, Joe R., Rambo Ronai, Carol
Everyday Sexism in the Third Millennium by Zsembik, Barbara A., Feagin, Joe R., Rambo Ronai, Carol
Femininity and Shame: Women, Men, and Giving Voice to the Feminine by Eurich-Rascoe, Barbara L.
The Afro-American Woman: Struggles and Images by Terborg-Penn, Rosalyn, Harley, Sharon
Sexual Harassment: A Debate by Hajdin, Mane, Lemoncheck, Linda
Feminist Nationalism by
Wet: On Painting, Feminism, and Art Culture by Schor, Mira
The Second Wave: A Reader in Feminist Theory by
Subtle Sexism: Current Practice and Prospects for Change by Benokraitis, Nijole V.
Dick for a Day: What Would You Do If You Had One? by
Rethinking the Youth Question: Education, Labour and Cultural Studies by Cohen, Phil
Rethinking the Youth Question: Education, Labour and Cultural Studies by Cohen, Phil
Solar Storms by Hogan, Linda
Women of the Republic: Intellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America by Kerber, Linda K.
Feminist Amnesia: The Wake of Women's Liberation by Curthoys, Jean
Broken Silence: Voices of Japanese Feminism by Buckley, Sandra
Feminist Amnesia: The Wake of Women's Liberation by Curthoys, Jean
Women in the American Theatre: Actresses and Audiences, 1790-1870 by Dudden, Faye E.
In Adamless Eden: The Community of Women Faculty at Wellesley by Palmieri, Patricia Ann
The Burgermeister's Daughter: Scandal in a Sixteenth-Century German Town by Ozment, Steven
Lifting the Taboo: Women, Death and Dying by Cline, Sally
Lifting the Taboo: Women, Death and Dying by Cline, Sally
Women and Power in Parliamentary Democracies: Cabinet Appointments in Western Europe, 1968-1992 by Davis, Rebecca Howard
American Women in Mission: The Modern Mission Era 1792-1992 by Robert, Dana
Motherhood in the Old South (Revised) by McMillen, Sally G.
Tell It to Women: An Epic Drama for Women by Onwueme, Osonye Tess
Post-War Women's Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches by
Postwar Women's Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches by
Life and Death by Dworkin, Andrea
Women in Post-Communism by
The Moral Parameters of Good Talk: A Feminist Analysis by Ayim, Maryann Neely
Feminist Poetics: Performance, Histories by Threadgold, Terry
Women's Monasticism and Medieval Society: Nunneries in France and England, 890 1215 by Venarde, Bruce L.
Notes on Nowhere: Feminism, Utopian Logic, and Social Transformation Volume 13 by Burwell, Jennifer
Rebel Women: Feminism, Modernism and the Edwardian Novel by Miller, Jane Eldridge
Dialogue on the Infinity of Love by D'Aragona, Tullia
Stop Domestic Violence by Brown, Louis, Brown, Lou, Duau, Fran Ois
Class Matters: "Working Class" Women's Perspectives On Social Class by
Class Matters: "Working Class" Women's Perspectives On Social Class by
Hine Sight: Black Women and the Re-Construction of American History by Hine, Darlene Clark
Situated Lives: Gender and Culture in Everyday Life by
Having Your Baby: For the Special Needs of Black Mothers-To-Be, from Conception to Newborn Care by Hutcherson, Hilda, Williams, Margaret
Children and Youth: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Roman Shakespeare: Warriors, Wounds and Women by Kahn, Coppélia
Social Construction of the Past: Representation as Power by
Machtmißbrauch Im Politischen Diskurs: Konstruktion Und Reproduktion Von Machtverhältnissen Durch Die Bürgerliche Herrschaftskritik by Frisch, Joachim
"Lieber Herr Fuchs, Lieber Herr Schmatz!": Eine Korrespondenz Zwischen Dichtung Und Systemtheorie by Fuchs, Peter, Schmatz, Ferdinand
Sozialpartnerschaft Und Industriepolitik by Hertle, Hans-Hermann, Kädtler, Jürgen
Entwicklungschancen Sozialdemokratischer Parteien: Polen, Ungarn, Die Tschechische Und Slowakische Republik Im Vergleich by Steinwede, Jacob
Metamorphosen Der Technik: Der Gestaltwandel Des Computers in Der Organisatorischen Kommunikation by Hörning, Karl H., Dollhausen, Karin
Qualitative Perspektiven Des Medienwandels: Positionen Der Medienwissenschaft Im Kontext "neuer Medien" by
Roman Shakespeare: Warriors, Wounds and Women by Kahn, Coppélia
The Book of the Rewards of Life: Liber Vitae Meritorum by Hildegard of Bingen
A Woman's War: Southern Women, Civil War, and the Confederate Legacy by Campbell, Edward D. C.
Women's History: Britain, 1850-1945: An Introduction by
Vessels of Meaning by Fasick, Laura
The Thickness of Skin by McIntyre, Clare
Women, Gender, and Christian Community by
Women Warriors: A History by Jones, David E.
Dog Road Woman by Hedge Coke, Allison Adelle
Women in Jamaica: A Bibliography of Published and Unpublished Sources by Bobb-Semple, Leona
Appetites: On the Search for True Nourishment by Roth, Geneen
Covered Wagon Women, Volume 4: Diaries and Letters from the Western Trails, 1852: The California Trail by
Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Abuse in Out-of-Home Care: Prevention Skills for At-Risk Children by Johnson, Toni Cavanaugh
Consuming Cultures: Feminist Review Issue 55 by
Gender and Economics: A European Perspective by
Gender and Economics: A European Perspective by
Child Protection: Risk and the Moral Order by Wattam, Corrine, Parton, Nigel, Thorpe, David
Writing on the Body: Female Embodiment and Feminist Theory by
The Lipstick Proviso: Women, Sex, and Power in the Real World by Lehrman, Karen
Emancipation and Illusion: Rationality and Gender in Habermas's Theory of Modernity by Fleming, Marie
Writing the Range: Race, Class, and Culture in the Women's West by
Contraception and Abortion in Nineteenth-Century America: A Critical Edition of the "symphonia Armonie Celestium Revelationum" (Symphony of the Harmon by Brodie, Janet Farrell
Engendering a Nation: A Feminist Account of Shakespeare's English Histories by Howard, Jean E., Rackin, Phyllis
Women in Italian Renaissance Art: Gender, Representation, Identity by Tinagli, Paola
Wives and Warriors: Women and the Military in the United States and Canada by White, Christie, Weinstein, Laurie
Women In Human Evolution by
Feminization of the Clergy in America: Occupational and Organizational Perspectives by Nesbitt, Paula D.
Women In Human Evolution by
Women on the Margins: Three Seventeenth-Century Lives by Davis, Natalie Zemon
Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood by
Kinder Und Der Medienmarkt Der 90er Jahre: Aktuelle Trends, Strategien Und Perspektiven by
Politische Kultur Und Wahlverhalten in Einer Großstadt by
Perspektiven Der Germanistik: Neueste Ansichten Zu Einem Alten Problem by Delabar, Walter, Bentfeld, Anne
Woman Behind Bars in Romania by Samuelli, Annie
The Culture of Recovery: Making Sense of the Self-Help Movement in Women's Lives by Rapping, Elayne
A Sociobiology Compendium: Aphorisms, Sayings, Asides by Thiessen, Del
Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex, and Politics by Starhawk
Precious Records: Women in China's Long Eighteenth Century by Mann, Susan
Believing Identity: Pentecostalism and the Mediation of Jamaican Ethnicity and Gender in England by Toulis, Nicole
Precious Records: Women in Chinaas Long Eighteenth Century by Mann, Susan
Dear Miye: Letters Home from Japan 1939-1946 by Tomita, Mary Kimoto
Women Pirates and the Politics of the Jolly Roger by Klausmann, Ulrike, Meinzerin, Marion
Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, Nature by
Women Pirates and the Politics of the Jolly Roger by Klausmann, Ulrike
Past and Promise: Lives of New Jersey Women by Women's Project of New Jersey Inc, The
Mothers by
Knowing Feminisms: On Academic Borders, Territories and Tribes by
Gender & Nation by Yuval-Davis, Nira
Feminism and the New Democracy: Resiting the Political by
Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness by Dickson, Elinor, Woodman, Marion
Childhood In Crisis? by Scraton, Phil
Childhood In Crisis? by Scraton, Phil
Feminist Accused of Sexual Harassment by Gallop, Jane
The Heart of a Woman by Angelou, Maya
The Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics of Literary Criticism by Belsey, Catherine, Moore, Jane
Psychotherapy with Women: Feminist Perspectives by Lawrence, Marilyn, Maguire, Marie
Wirtschaft Und Soziales in Der Politischen Kommunikation: Eine Studie Zur Interaktion Von Abgeordneten Und Journalisten by Harmgarth, Friederike
Systemwechsel Und Demokratisierung: Rußland Und Mittel-Osteuropa Nach Dem Zerfall Der Sowjetunion by
Symptomorientierte Diagnostik Bei Aphasien: Eine Neurolinguistische Aufgabensammlung by Werani, Anke
School-Smart and Mother-Wise: Working-Class Women's Identity and Schooling by Luttrell, Wendy
Dramas of Distinction: A Study of Plays by Golden Age Women by Soufas, Teresa Scott
Southern Strategies: Southern Women and the Woman Suffrage Question by Green, Elna C.
Toward an Intellectual History of Women: Essays by Linda K. Kerber by Kerber, Linda K.
Female Subjects in Black and White: Race, Psychoanalysis, Feminism by
Schooling Desire: Literacy, Cultural Politics, and Pedagogy by Kelly, Ursula A.
Stichproben in Der Umfragepraxis by
Depraved and Disorderly: Female Convicts, Sexuality and Gender in Colonial Australia by Damousi, Joy
Closet Stages: Joanna Baillie and the Theater Theory of British Romantic Women Writers by Burroughs, Catherine B.
Extended Similes by Joseph, Jenny
Women & Slavery in Africa by
Black British Feminism: A Reader by
Ms. Mentor's Impeccable Advice for Women in Academia by Toth, Emily
Black British Feminism: A Reader by
Space, Gender, Knowledge: Feminist Readings by
Engendered Economics: Incorporating Diversity into Political Economy by Fraher, William, Mutari, Ellen, Boushey, Heather
Robert K. Merton and Contemporary Sociology by Mongardini, Carlo
Engendered Economics: Incorporating Diversity into Political Economy by Fraher, William, Mutari, Ellen, Boushey, Heather
The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: In the School of Anti-Slavery, 1840 to 1866 Volume 1 by
The Gender Politics of HIV/AIDS in Women: Perspectives on the Pandemic in the United States by
Globalization, Adult Education and Training by
Beautiful Flowers of the Maquiladora: Life Histories of Women Workers in Tijuana by Iglesias Prieto, Norma
American Women and the Repeal of Prohibition by Rose, Kenneth D.
The Gender Politics of HIV/AIDS in Women: Perspectives on the Pandemic in the United States by
Women, Population and Global Crisis: A Political-Economic Analysis by Bandarage, Asoka
Footbinding, Feminism and Freedom: The Liberation of Women's Bodies in Modern China by Hong, Fan
Reconstructing Women's Thoughts: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Before World War II by Schott, Linda K.
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