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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Women's Studies in 2005

Gender, Work and Education in Britain in the 1950s by Spencer, S.
Windshifts by Grossman, Jane
Elite Women in English Political Life C.1754-1790 by Chalus, Elaine
The Other Women's Movement: Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America by Cobble, Dorothy Sue
Gender, Bodies, and Work by Brandth, Berit
Governing Codes: Gender, Metaphor, and Political Identity by Sheeler, Kristina Horn, Anderson, Karrin Vasby
Women's History, Britain 1700-1850: An Introduction by
Women's History, Britain 1700-1850: An Introduction by
Jahrbuch Jugendforschung: 5. Ausgabe 2005 by
Die Modernisierung Der Jugendhilfe Im Wandel Des Sozialstaates by Fischer, Jörg
Strategien Der Adressierung in Kinderwerbespots: Zur Ansprache Von Kindern Und Eltern Im Fernsehen by Polajnar, Janja
Soziale Lagen Im Übergang: Junge Migrantinnen Und Einheimische Zwischen Schule Und Berufsausbildung by Schittenhelm, Karin
Ostdeutschland: Beobachtungen Einer Übergangs- Und Teilgesellschaft by Kollmorgen, Raj
Woman and Museums: A Comprehensive Guide by Danilov, Victor J.
Gender at Work in Victorian Culture: Literature, Art and Masculinity by Danahay, Martin A.
When Sherman Marched North from the Sea: Resistance on the Confederate Home Front by Campbell, Jacqueline Glass
Governing Codes: Gender, Metaphor, and Political Identity by Anderson, Karrin Vasby, Sheeler, Kristina Horn
¡Feminismo!: The Woman's Movement in Argentina by Carlson, Marifran
Flannery O'Connor: A Biography by Simpson, Melissa
The Autonomy Myth: A Theory of Dependency by Fineman, Martha Albertson
Female Well-Being: Toward a Global Theory of Social Change by
Hope and Danger in the New South City: Working-Class Women and Urban Development in Atlanta, 1890-1940 by Hickey, Georgina
The Social Economy of Single Motherhood: Raising Children in Rural America by Nelson, Margaret
The Social Economy of Single Motherhood: Raising Children in Rural America by Nelson, Margaret
Muslim Women Activists in North America: Speaking for Ourselves by
Mulattas and Mestizas: Representing Mixed Identities in the Americas, 1850-2000 by Bost, Suzanne
Prostitution Policy: Revolutionizing Practice Through a Gendered Perspective by Kuo, Lenore
Women, Development, and the UN: A Sixty-Year Quest for Equality and Justice by Jain, Devaki
Dames in the Driver's Seat: Rereading Film Noir by Wager, Jans B.
Children and Childhood in Roman Italy by Rawson, Beryl
The Long Sexual Revolution: English Women, Sex, and Contraception 1800-1975 by Cook, Hera
Weaving the Past: A History of Latin America's Indigenous Women from the Prehispanic Period to the Present by Kellogg, Susan
Weaving the Past: A History of Latin America's Women from the Prehispanic Period to the Present by Kellogg, Susan
Children of the Father King: Youth, Authority, and Legal Minority in Colonial Lima by Premo, Bianca
Waking Up American: Coming of Age Biculturally by
Innocence and Rapture: The Erotic Child in Pater, Wilde, James, and Nabokov by Ohi, K.
Feminism and Motherhood in Western Europe, 1890-1970: The Maternal Dilemma by Allen, A.
Why Aren't Jewish Women Circumcised?: Gender and Covenant in Judaism by Cohen, Shaye J. D.
Innocence and Rapture: The Erotic Child in Pater, Wilde, James, and Nabokov by Ohi, K.
Feminism and Motherhood in Western Europe, 1890-1970: The Maternal Dilemma by Allen, A.
From the Revolution to the Maquiladoras: Gender, Labor, and Globalization in Nicaragua by Bickham Mendez, Jennifer
Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference by Cudworth, E.
Sexual Subjects: Young People, Sexuality and Education by Allen, L.
Naming Security - Constructing Identity: 'Mayan-Women' in Guatemala on the Eve of 'Peace' by Stern, Maria
Undressed for Success: Beauty Contestants and Exotic Dancers as Merchants of Morality by Foley, B.
Sunshine and Storm in the East, or Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople by Brassey, Lady Annie
A Turkish Woman's European Impressions by Hanoum, Zeyneb
Women's Studies for the Future: Foundations, Interrogations, Politics by Beins, Agatha Meryl
Victims as Offenders: The Paradox of Women's Violence in Relationships by Miller, Susan L.
Mambisas: Rebel Women in Nineteenth-Century Cuba by Prados-Torreira, Teresa
A Generation at Risk: The Global Impact of HIV/AIDS on Orphans and Vulnerable Children by
Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus: Analysen Zum Wandel Von Produktionsregimen by
Jungenfreundschaften: Zur Konstruktion Von Männlichkeit in Der Adoleszenz by Jösting, Sabine
Österreich Zur Jahrhundertwende: Gesellschaftliche Werthaltungen Und Lebensqualität 1986-2004 by
Frauenleitbilder Und Bildung in Der Westdeutschen Nachkriegszeit: Analyse Am Beispiel Der Region Bremen by Kuhnhenne, Michaela
Bürger, Kriminalität Und Staat by Robert, Philippe
Chancen Und Risiken Kommunaler Kriminalprävention: Eine Qualitativ-Empirische Analyse by Van Elsbergen, Giséle
Die Kurzmeldung: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Praktische Tipps by Weise, Manfred
Die Befreiung Der Politik by
Kostenrechnung Für Sozialberufe: Grundlagen - Beispiele - Übungen by Nicolini, Hans J.
Unvollständige Akteure: Komplexer Werdende Ökonomie by Priddat, Birger P.
Schreiben Am Arbeitsplatz by
Schreiben Fürs Netz: Aspeke Der Zielfindung, Planung, Steuerung Und Kontrolle by
Transforming the World: Bringing the New Age into Focus by Rose, Stuart
Beyond the Frame: Women of Color and Visual Representation by
Fraeuleinwunder literarisch: Literatur von Frauen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts by
Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights by Kempadoo, Kamala
The U.S. Women's Movement in Global Perspective by
Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire by
Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire by
Designs and Methods for Youth-Led Research by
Women and Patriotism in Jim Crow America by Morgan, Francesca
Politik Und Verwaltung by Machura, Stefan
Bedarfsorientierte Kinderbetreuung: Gestaltungsfelder Für Die Kinder- Und Jugendpolitik by Stöbe-Blossey, Sybille, Esch, Karin, Klaudy, Elke Katharina
Endstation Amerika?: Sozialwissenschaftliche Innen- Und Außenansichten by
Die Erfindung Der Balkanvölker: Identitätspolitik Zwischen Konflikt Und Integration by Riedel, Sabine
Die Bundestagswahlkämpfe Der Fdp 1949 - 2002 by Michel, Marco
Feminist Frameworks: Building Theory on Violence Against Women by Price, Lisa
Women and Science: Social Impact and Interaction by Sheffield, Suzanne
Florence Nightingale on Women, Medicine, Midwifery and Prostitution by
Balancing Juvenile Justice by Guarino-Ghezzi, Susan
Performing Women: Stand-Ups, Strumpets and Itinerants by
Police Women: Life with the Badge by Wells, Sandra K., Alt, Betty L.
The Fair Sex: White Women and Racial Patriarchy in the Early American Republic by Schloesser, Pauline E.
Defending Our Dreams: Global Feminist Voices for a New Generation by
Defending Our Dreams: Global Feminist Voices for a New Generation by
Through the Kitchen Window: Women Explore the Intimate Meanings of Food and Cooking by
Red Light: Superheroes, Saints, and Sluts by
Engendering Mayan History: Kaqchikel Women as Agents and Conduits of the Past, 1875-1970 by Carey Jr, David
Engendering Mayan History: Kaqchikel Women as Agents and Conduits of the Past, 1875-1970 by Carey, David, Jr.
The Spirit of Indian Women by
African Gender Studies: A Reader by
Related Lives by Bilinkoff, Jodi
Feminism and the Abyss of Freedom by Zerilli, Linda M. G.
Designs and Methods for Youth-Led Research by
Women of God and Arms: Female Spirituality and Political Conflict, 138-16 by Warren, Nancy Bradley
Faces of the Amber Alert by Williams, Pastor Charles
Faces Of The Amber Alert by Williams, Pastor Charles
Female Ambition: How to Reconcile Work and Family by Chinchilla, N., León, C.
Female Ambition: How to Reconcile Work and Family by Chinchilla, N., León, C.
American Juvenile Justice by Zimring, Franklin E.
Burdened Virtues: Virtue Ethics for Liberatory Struggles by Tessman, Lisa
Burdened Virtues: Virtue Ethics for Liberatory Ethics by Tessman, Lisa
Gesellschaft in Literarischen Texten: Ein Lese- Und Arbeitsbuch. Band 1: Raum Und Zeit, Soziale Ungleichheit, Demografische Und Biologische Aspekte by
Gesellschaft in Literarischen Texten: Ein Lese- Und Arbeitsbuch Band 2: Ökonomische, Politische Und Kulturelle Aspekte by
Engaging Modernity: Muslim Women and the Politics of Agency in Postcolonial Niger by Alidou, Ousseina D.
Unfortunate Objects: Lone Mothers in Eighteenth-Century London by Evans, T.
The Future of Children: Fall 2005: Marriage and Child Wellbeing by
Children of the 21st Century: From Birth to Nine Months by
The Economic Emergence of Women by Bergmann, B.
Journalistas: 100 Years of the Best Writing and Reporting by Women Journalists by
The Economic Emergence of Women by Bergmann, B.
Women and Citizenship by
The American Child by McCracken, Elizabeth
Zapotec Women: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity in Globalized Oaxaca by Stephen, Lynn
Beyond Listening: Children's Perspectives on Early Childhood Services by
Six Plays by Black and Asian Women Writers by Winsome, Pinnock, Meera, Syal
Europäische Gesellschaft: Grundlagen Und Perspektiven by
Kommunikation Über Kommunikation: Theorien, Methoden Und PRAXIS Festschrift Für Klaus Merten by
Generatives Verhalten Und Generationenbeziehungen: Festschrift Für Bernhard Nauck Zum 60. Geburtstag by
Kultur in Deutsch-Schwedischen Wirtschaftsgesprächen: Eine Gesprächslinguistische Analyse by Siegfried, Doreen
Quer Denken -- Strukturen Verändern: Gender Studies Zwischen Disziplinen by
Parteimitglieder Im Wandel: Partizipation Und Repräsentation by Biehl, Heiko
Das Private Unter Den Rahmenbedingungen Der Iuk-Technologie: Ein Beitrag Zur Informationsethik by Nagenborg, Michael
Jugendkonsum Im Internationalen Vergleich: Eine Untersuchung Der Einkommens-, Konsum- Und Verschuldungsmuster Der Jugendlichen in Deutschland, Korea U by Lange, Elmar, Choi, Sunjong, Yoo, Dojin
Ausweitung Der Markenzone: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge Zur Erforschung Des Markenwesens by
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth by
Women and Citizenship by
Caribbean Mothers: Identity and Experience in the U.K. by Reynolds, T., Reynolds, Tracey
Minnie Fisher Cunningham: A Suffragist's Life in Politics by McArthur, Judith N., Smith, Harold L.
Humanity, Freedom and Feminism by Marshall, Jill
Their Right to Speak: Women's Activism in the Indian and Slave Debates by Portnoy, Alisse
Domesticity and Power in the Early Mughal World by Lal, Ruby
Domesticity and Power in the Early Mughal World by Lal, Ruby
Belabored Professions: Narratives of African American Working Womanhood by Santamarina, Xiomara
Invisible Hands: Child Labor and the State in Colonial Zimbabwe by Grier, Beverly Carolease
Dreams, Questions, Struggles: South Asian Women In Britain by Wilson, Amrit
Looking Good: College Women and Body Image, 1875-1930 by Lowe, Margaret A.
Childhood Socialization by Garbarino, James
Tehran Blues: Youth Culture in Iran by Basmenji, Kaveh
Same Difference: How Gender Myths Are Hurting Our Relationships, Our Children, and Our Jobs by Barnett, Rosalind, Rivers, Caryl
Pregnancy and Power: A Short History of Reproductive Politics in America by Solinger, Rickie
Kids in Context: The Sociological Study of Children and Childhoods by Boocock, Sarane Spence, Scott, Kimberly Ann
Kids in Context: The Sociological Study of Children and Childhoods by Boocock, Sarane Spence, Scott, Kimberly Ann
Raising Biracial Children by Laszloffy, Tracey a., Rockquemore, Kerry Ann
Sex Traffic: Prostitution, Crime and Exploitation by Monzini, Paola
Are Women Human? by Sayers, Dorothy L.
The Red Riviera: Gender, Tourism, and Postsocialism on the Black Sea by Ghodsee, Kristen
Cooperation over Conflict: The Women's Movement and the State in Postwar Japan by Murase, Miriam
Struggle for Justice: The Story of Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail of Malaysia by Malott, Hiroko Iwami
The Good Body by Ensler, Eve
Lionheart Gal: Life Stories of Jamaican Women by Ford-Smith, Honor
Damaged Women and How to Rehabilitate by Jones, Lorner J.
Myth and Materiality in a Woman's World: Shetland 1800-2000 by Abrams, Lynn
Claiming the Pen: Women and Intellectual Life in the Early American South by Kerrison, Catherine
Resistance, Repression, and Gender Politics in Occupied Palestine and Jordan by Hasso, Frances S.
It's a Boy: Women Writers on Raising Sons by
Womenas Emancipation Movements in the Nineteenth Century: A European Perspective by
Children's Health Issues in Historical Perspective by
Europawahl 2004: Die Massenmedien Im Europawahlkampf by
Abwanderung, Geburtenrückgang Und Regionale Entwicklung: Ursachen Und Folgen Des Bevölkerungsrückgangs in Ostdeutschland by
Allianz Gegen Den Terror: Deutschland, Japan Und Die USA by Nabers, Dirk
Medienpolitik in Der Informationsgesellschaft by Mai, Manfred
Arbeiter, Unternehmer, Professioneller: Zur Sozialen Konstruktion Von Beschäftigung in Der Moderne by Stock, Manfred
Grenzen Des Sozialraums: Kritik Eines Konzepts -- Perspektiven Für Soziale Arbeit by
Für Eine Neue Bildungsfinanzierung: Perspektiven Für Vorschule, Schule Und Hochschule by
Sexueller Missbrauch -- Mediendarstellung Und Medienwirkung by Scheufele, Bertram
Die Zweite Lebenshälfte: Gesellschaftliche Lage Und Partizipation Im Spiegel Des Alters-Survey by
Gegenwärtige Zukünfte: Interpretative Beiträge Zur Sozialwissenschaftlichen Diagnose Und Prognose by
Die Entscheidungsgesellschaft: Komplexität Und Rationalität Der Moderne by Schimank, Uwe
Funktionssysteme Der Gesellschaft: Beiträge Zur Systemtheorie Von Niklas Luhmann by
Kursbuch Internet Und Politik 2004/2005: Politische Öffentlichkeit by
Understanding the Medical Diagnosis of Child Maltreatment: A Guide for Nonmedical Professionals by American Humane Association
Women's Reading in Britain, 1750 1835: A Dangerous Recreation by Pearson, Jacqueline
Pictures of Girlhood: Modern Female Adolescence on Film by Hentges, Sarah
Feminist New Testament Studies: Global and Future Perspectives by Spencer-Miller, A., Wicker, K., Dube, M.
Feminist New Testament Studies: Global and Future Perspectives by Dube, M., Spencer-Miller, A., Wicker, K.
Music, Postcolonialism, and Gender: The Construction of Irish National Identity, 1724-1874 by Davis, Leith
Music, Postcolonialism, and Gender: The Construction of Irish National Identity, 1724-1874 by Davis, Leith
Braided Relations, Entwined Lives: The Women of Charleston's Urban Slave Society by Kennedy, Cynthia M.
Theorizing Feminisms: A Reader by
Geschlechterkonstruktion Und Sozialpsychologie: Theoretisches Modell Und Analyse in Studien Zum Pflegeberuf by Weber, Dörte
Vom Retrenchment Zur Krisenreaktionsfähigkeit: Ein Empirischer Vergleich Der Wohlfahrtsstaaten Schweden Und Deutschland 1990-2000 by Wintermann, Ole
Der Faktor Persönlichkeit in Der Politik: Leadershipanalyse Des Kanzlers Willy Brandt by Rosenberger, Sigrid Elisabeth
Hochschulen in Deutschland Und in Den USA: Deutsche Hochschulpolitik in Der Isolation by Lenhardt, Gero
Karriere! -- Kinder, Küche?: Zur Reproduktionsarbeit in Familien Mit Qualifizierten Berufsorientierten Müttern by Dierks, Marianne
Verfassungsreform Im Einheitsstaat: Die Politik Der Dezentralisierung in Großbritannien by Münter, Michael
Zukunft Von Stadt Und Region: Band II: Perspektiven Der Regionalisierung Beiträge Zum Forschungsverbund "Stadt 2030" by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Mediensoziologie: Grundfragen Und Forschungsfelder by
Nahost Jahrbuch 2004: Politik, Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika Und Dem Nahen Und Mittleren Osten by
Bedingungen Gerechten Handelns: Motivations- Und Handlungstheoretische Grundlagen Liberaler Theorien by Schmitt, Annette
Regionalismus, Nationalismus Und Fremdenfeindlichkeit by Mäs, Michael
Geschichte Der Politischen Bildung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945 - 1989/90 by Gagel, Walter
Wahl-Kampf Um Europa: Analysen Aus Anlass Der Wahlen Zum Europäischen Parlament 2004 by
Zukunft Von Stadt Und Region: Band I: Integration Und Ausgrenzung in Der Stadtgesellschaft Beiträge Zum Forschungsverbund "Stadt 2030" by Loparo, Kenneth A.
PRAXIS and Politics: Knowledge Production in Social Movements by Conway, Janet M.
American Sweethearts: Teenage Girls in Twentieth-Century Popular Culture by Nash, Ilana
Women's Citizenship and Political Rights by
Letters from Juvenile Hall: Kids Helping Kids by Fry, Eva
A Voice of Her Own by
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