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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Women's Studies in 2009

Political Interests of Gender Revisited: Redoing Theory and Research with a Feminist Face by
Walking the Precipice: Witness to the Rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan by Bick, Barbara
Children and Youth in a New Nation by
Ariadne's Thread: Writing Women Into Irish History by Mac Curtain, Margaret
Feminist and Queer Performance: Critical Strategies by Case, Sue-Ellen
Out to Work: A History of Wage-Earning Women in the United States 20th Anniversay Edition by Kessler-Harris, Alice
Boys and Schooling: Beyond Structural Reform by Martino, W., Mills, M., Lingard, B.
Women on the Line by Glucksmann Aka Ruth Cavendish, Miriam
Feminist and Queer Performance: Critical Strategies by Case, Sue-Ellen
Children and Youth in a New Nation by
The Lady's Stratagem: A Repository of 1820s Directions for the Toilet, Mantua-Making, Stay-Making, Millinery & Etiquette by
Women's Earliest Records: From Ancient Egypt and Western Asia by Lesko, Barbara S.
Southern Ute Women: Autonomy and Assimilation on the Reservation, 1887-1934 by Osburn, Katherine M. B.
Women on the Line by Glucksmann Aka Ruth Cavendish, Miriam
Women and Work in Africa by Bay, Edna G.
Women East and West: Impressions of a Sex Expert by Hirschfeld, Magnus
Youth Cultures: Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes by
Clueless to Commissioned: A Female Officer's Journey with God through Fifteen Years with the Fort Worth Police Department by Martin, Kelly A.
"Make It Yourself": Home Sewing, Gender, and Culture, 1890-1930 by Gordon, Sarah
What Kind of Liberation?: Women and the Occupation of Iraq by Al-Ali, Nadje, Pratt, Nicola
The Professionalization of Women Writers in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Schellenberg, Betty A.
Sex and the City by Jermyn, Deborah
The Evolution of American Women's Studies: Reflections on Triumphs, Controversies, and Change by Ginsberg, A.
A Plan For The Study Of Man: With Reference To Bills To Establish A Laboratory For The Study Of The Criminal, Pauper, And Defective Classes (1902) by MacDonald, Arthur
Almost A Woman (1907) by Wood-Allen, Mary
Jungen - Sorgenkinder Oder Sieger?: Ergebnisse Einer Quantitativen Studie Und Ihre Pädagogischen Implikationen by Niederbacher, Arne, Koch-Priewe, Barbara, Textor, Annette
Thinking Through the Mothers: Reimagining Women's Biographies by Beizer, Janet
Child Care and Preschool Development in Europe: Institutional Perspectives by
Child Care and Preschool Development in Europe: Institutional Perspectives by
Toward a Latina Feminism of the Americas: Repression and Resistance in Chicana and Mexicana Literature by Sandoval, Anna Marie
Origami Heart: Poems by a Woman Doing Life by George, Erin
Eighteenth-Century Women Dramatists by Griffith, Elizabeth, Pix, Mary, Centlivre, Susanna
Stories of Inclusion?: Power, Privilege, and Difference in a Peace and Justice Network by Piatelli, Deborah a.
Mabel Agnes Elliott: Pioneering Feminist, Pacifist Sociologist by McGonigal, Kathryn, Galliher, John
Women Leading Education Across the Continents: Sharing the Spirit, Fanning the Flame by
The Woman in the Zoot Suit: Gender, Nationalism, and the Cultural Politics of Memory by Ramírez, Catherine S.
Women Fielding Danger: Negotiating Ethnographic Identities in Field Research by
Women Fielding Danger: Negotiating Ethnographic Identities in Field Research by
Academic Pathfinders by Gumport, Patricia J., Greenwood
Governance and Crisis of the State in Africa: The Context and Dynamics of the Conflicts in West Africa (Hb) by Akude, John Emeka
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties Over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries by Maclehose, William
A Thousand Miles up the Nile - A woman's journey among the treasures of Ancient Egypt PART II by Edwards, Amelia
Visible: A Femmethology, Volume One by
Alkohol Und Kriminalitat: In Allen Ihren Beziehungen (1906) by Hoppe, Hugo
Women's Rights as Multicultural Claims: Reconfiguring Gender and Diversity in Political Philosophy by Mookherjee, Monica
Memoirs of a Woman in Politics: Spiritual Struggle by Purcell, Joan M.
Visible: A Femmethology, Volume Two by
Success and Solitude: Feminist Organizations Fifty Years After The Feminine Mystique by Maxwell, Sarah
Thai Migrant Sexworkers: From Modernisation to Globalisation by Aoyama, K.
Thai Migrant Sexworkers: From Modernisation to Globalisation by Aoyama, K.
The Political Interests of Gender Revisited: Redoing Theory and Research with a Feminist Face by
The Political Interests of Gender Revisited: Redoing Theory and Research with a Feminist Face by
Media and Middle Class Moms: Images and Realities of Work and Family by Descartes, Lara J., Kottak, Conrad
Gender and the Poetics of Excess: Moments of Brocade by Ford, Karen Jackson
The Green Quest by Ifeyinwa Obuekwe, Flossy
Media and Middle Class Moms: Images and Realities of Work and Family by Kottak, Conrad, Descartes, Lara J.
Success and Solitude: Feminist Organizations Fifty Years After The Feminine Mystique by Maxwell, Sarah
Women and Political Violence: Female Combatants in Ethno-National Conflict by Alison, Miranda
The Prose of Life: Russian Women Writers from Khrushchev to Putin by Sutcliffe, Benjamin M.
Backsheesh: A Woman's Wanderings (1900) by Beckman, William, Sims, Nellie
Catholic Women of Congo-Brazzaville: Mothers and Sisters in Troubled Times by Martin, Phyllis M.
Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy by
The Cinematic Jane Austen: Essays on the Filmic Sensibility of the Novels by Wiltshire, John, Monaghan, David, Hudelet, Ariane
Helen Barrett Montgomery: The Global Mission of Domestic Feminism by Mobley, Kendal P.
No Girls in the Clubhouse: The Exclusion of Women from Baseball by Cohen, Marilyn
Sex and Gender: Interdisziplinaere Beitraege zu einer gesellschaftlichen Konstruktion by
The Colors of a Woman by Johnson, Shannon
Women Pioneers in Television: Biographies of Fifteen Industry Leaders by O'Dell, Cary
The Good Wife's Guide (Le Ménagier de Paris): A Medieval Household Book by
The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial Memory in Korea and Japan by Soh, C. Sarah
The Good Wife's Guide (Le Ménagier de Paris): A Medieval Household Book by
Mercy Otis Warren: Selected Letters by Warren, Mercy Otis
A Vindication of the Rights of Men/A Vindication of the Rights of Woman/An Historical and Moral View of the French Revolution by Wollstonecraft, Mary
Chinook: An Illustrative Sketch (1910) by Boas, Franz
African American Women's Rhetoric: The Search for Dignity, Personhood, and Honor by Atwater, Deborah F.
Second Chance ''a Testimony of a Love Story'' by Nelson, Johnnie M.
Second Chance ''A Testimony of a Love Story'' by Nelson, Johnnie M.
Revenge of the Women's Studies Professor by Morris, Bonnie J.
Intimate Citizenships: Gender, Sexualities, Politics by
Children, Families and Social Exclusion: New Approaches to Prevention by Morris, Kate, Barnes, Marian, Mason, Paul
Children, Families and Social Exclusion: New Approaches to Prevention by Morris, Kate, Barnes, Marian, Mason, Paul
Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity by Poulos, Margaret
Visual and Other Pleasures by Mulvey, L.
Visual and Other Pleasures by Mulvey, L.
Women of the American Revolution by Elizabeth Fries Ellet
Black Beauty: Aesthetics, Stylization, Politics by Tate, Shirley Anne
Restoring the Balance: First Nations Women, Community, and Culture by
The Widows' Might: Widowhood and Gender in Early British America by Conger, Vivian Bruce
Doing Children's Geographies: Methodological Issues in Research with Young People by
Tennessee Women: Their Lives and Times, Volume 1 by
Becoming Visible in Iran: Women in Contemporary Iranian Society by Honarbin-Holliday, Mehri
Women, Wives, Mothers: Values and Options by
Queens & Power in Medieval and Early Modern England by
Restoring the Balance: First Nations Women, Community, and Culture by
The Invisible Sex: Uncovering the True Roles of Women in Prehistory by Soffer, Olga, Page, Jake, Adovasio, J. M.
Tennessee Women: Their Lives and Times, Volume 1 by
Gender and Landscape: Renegotiating the moral landscape by
Youth by Jones, Gill
Youth by Jones, Gill
Between Worlds: Deaf Women, Work and Intersections of Gender and Ability by Najarian, Cheryl G.
Safe Motherhood in a Globalized World by
Supergirls Speak Out: Inside the Secret Crisis of Overachieving Girls by Funk, Liz
Bodies: Big Ideas/Small Books by Orbach, Susie
Reagan's Mandate: Anecdotes from Inside Washington's Iron Triangle by McLennan, Barbara N.
Reagan's Mandate: Anecdotes from Inside Washington's Iron Triangle by McLennan, Barbara N.
Longing and Belonging: Parents, Children, and Consumer Culture by Pugh, Allison
Interdisciplinary Views on Abortion: Essays from Philosophical, Sociological, Anthropological, Political, Health and Other Perspectives by
Girl And Woman: A Book For Mothers And Daughters (1909) by Latimer, Caroline Wormeley
Women of the American Revolution by Elizabeth Fries Ellet
A Garland of Feminist Reflections: Forty Years of Religious Exploration by Gross, Rita M.
French and francophone women facing war- Les femmes face à la guerre by
Multiculturalism Without Culture by Phillips, Anne
A Survivor's Tale by Bruce, Sally
Children Bound to Labor by
Children Bound to Labor: The Pauper Apprentice System in Early America by
Children Caring for Parents with HIV and AIDS: Global Issues and Policy Responses by Evans, Ruth, Becker, Saul
Michelle Obama: Speeches on Life, Love, and American Values by Obama, Michelle
Women in Civil Society: The State, Islamism, and Networks in the Uae by Krause, W.
Women in Civil Society: The State, Islamism, and Networks in the Uae by Krause, W.
Madness in Twentieth-Century French Women's Writing; Leduc, Duras, Beauvoir, Cardinal, Hyvrard by Dow, Suzanne
Liberalism and the Social Problem by Churchill, Winston Spencer
Feminist Review 89 by
Prostituidas Por El Texto: Discurso Prostibulario En La Picaresca Femenina by Zafra, Enriqueta
Amazons of the Huk Rebellion: Gender, Sex, and Revolution in the Philippines by Lanzona, Vina a.
Mainstreaming Gender in Hong Kong Society by
Women of the War by Frank Moore
Yoruba Women, Work, and Social Change by
South Asian Feminisms: Negotiating New Terrains: Feminist Review: Issue 91 by
Both Right and Left Handed: Arab Women Talk about Their Lives by Shaaban, Bouthaina
Women and the State in Modern Indonesia by Blackburn, Susan
Madigan's Discoveries: Book One - The Magic of Transformation by Elwell, Susan
Margaret Ethel Macdonald (1913) by MacDonald, James Ramsay
Sitting at His Feet: Revised Edition: Words of Wisdom for Women of Wisdom by Stokes, Carmelia
Ladies of Liberty: The Women Who Shaped Our Nation by Roberts, Cokie
Be Happy Without Being Perfect: How to Worry Less and Enjoy Life More by Domar, Alice D., Kelly, Alice Lesch
Familie - Ein Symbol Der Kultur: Perspektiven Sozialpädagogischer Arbeit Mit Familien by Weinert Portmann, Susanne
Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, Memoirs of a Painter by Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth
Racism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America: A Genealogy by McWhorter, Ladelle
The Politics of Women's Rights in Iran by Osanloo, Arzoo
Quotas for Women in Politics: Gender and Candidate Selection Reform Worldwide by Krook, Mona Lena
Postfemininities in Popular Culture by Genz, Stéphanie
Postfemininities in Popular Culture by Genz, Stéphanie
Confronting Patriarchy: Psychoanalytic Theory in the Prose of Cristina Peri Rossi by Filou, Mary Boufis
Gambling and Gender: Men and Women at Play by
African Women and Icts: Investigating Technology, Gender and Empowerment by
Reclaiming Childhood: Freedom and Play in an Age of Fear by Guldberg, Helene
Female Imperialism and National Identity: Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire by Pickles, Katie
African Women and Icts: Investigating Technology, Gender and Empowerment by
Who's Your Mama?: The Unsung Voices of Women and Mothers by
Silent Images: Women in Pharaonic Egypt by Hawass, Zahi
The Enigma Woman: The Death Sentence of Nellie May Madison by Cairns, Kathleen a.
Eve's Enlightenment: Women's Experience in Spain and Spanish America, 1726-1839 by
Anthropology and the New Cosmopolitanism: Rooted, Feminist and Vernacular Perspectives by Werbner, Pnina
Following the Drum: Women at the Valley Forge Encampment by Loane, Nancy K.
Gender and Self in Islam by Anwar, Etin
Women in the Spanish Novel Today: Essays on the Reflection of Self in the Works of Three Generations by
Women and Judaism by Drucker, Malka
Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism by Trinh, T. Minh-Ha, Minh Ha Trinh T, Minh-Ha, Trinh T.
Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches' Guide to Romance Novels by Tan, Candy, Wendell, Sarah
Daughters of Aquarius: Women of the Sixties Counterculture by Lemke-Santagelo, Gretchen
The Job Secretary: An Impression (1911) by Ward, Wilfrid
Left To Take Care Of Themselves (1883) by Rylands, Annie
Rebuilding Europe In The Face Of Worldwide Bolshevism: A Study Of Repopulation (1920) by Hillis, Newell Dwight
In Times Like These (1915) by McClung, Nellie L.
Women and Labour Organizing in Asia: Diversity, Autonomy and Activism by
Child Abuse by
Departure of the Sea by Sanousi, Haifa Al Ph. D.
Missbrukad Kvinnokraft Och Kvinnopsykologi (1914) by Key, Ellen
Missbrukad Kvinnokraft Och Kvinnopsykologi (1914) by Key, Ellen
Memoirs Of A Lady In Waiting V1 (1860) by Fenton, J. D.
Some Further Portions Of The Diary Of Lady Willoughby: Which Do Relate To Her Domestic History (1848) by Rathbone, Hannah Mary
Sovereign Woman Versus Mere Man: A Medley Of Quotations (1905) by Haines, Jennie Day
My Brother Or The Man Of Many Friends (1855) by Ellis, Sarah Stickney
Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers by Lundquist Denton, Melina, Smith, Christian
Contemporary Fathering: Theory, Policy and Practice by Featherstone, Brigid
Postmodern, Feminist and Postcolonial Currents in Contemporary Japanese Culture: A Reading of Murakami Haruki, Yoshimoto Banana, Yoshimoto Takaaki and by Murakami, Fuminobu
Khiva to Samarkand - The remarkable story of a woman's adventurous journey alone through the deserts of Central Asia to the heart of Turkestan by Christie, Ella Robertson
Contemporary Fathering: Theory, Policy and Practice by Featherstone, Brigid
Women, Television and Everyday Life in Korea: Journeys of Hope by Kim, Youna
Qualitätsmanagement in Der Frühkindlichen Bildung, Erziehung Und Betreuung: Perspektiven Für Eine Öffentliche Qualitätspolitik by
A New Heartland: Women, Modernity, and the Agrarian Ideal in America by Casey, Janet Galligani
Balzac and Violence; Representing History, Space, Sexuality and Death in La Comédie humaine by Heathcote, Owen
Toys, Consumption, and Middle-class Childhood in Imperial Germany, 1871-1918 by Ganaway, Bryan
Contemporary Slavery: Researching Child Domestic Servitude by Derby, C. Nana
Women, Gender, and Diasporic Lives: Labor, Community, and Identity in Greek Migrations by
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies by
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies by
From Colony to Nation: Women Activists and the Gendering of Politics in Belize, 1912-1982 by MacPherson, Anne S.
Storying Domestic Violence: Constructions and Stereotypes of Abuse in the Discourse of General Practitioners by Mildorf, Jarmila
Muslim Women, Reform and Princely Patronage: Nawab Sultan Jahan Begam of Bhopal by Lambert-Hurley, Siobhan
Women, the Beauty of you! The Way Men See You... by Benton, Clem
Enterprising Women in Urban Zimbabwe: Gender, Microbusiness, and Globalization by Osirim, Mary Johnson
To The Children Of Calcutta: On Cruelty (1872) by Grant, Colesworthey
Principle And Practice Or The Orphan Family: A Tale (1827) by Martineau, Harriet
The Wonder Woman (1917) by Long, Mae Van Norman
The Friend Of Women (1803) by Villemert, Pierre-Joseph Boudier De
The Young Ladies' Faithful Remembrancer Of Obligations, Responsibilities, And Duties (1848) by Reeve, S.
The Woman: Malombra (1907) by Fogazzaro, Antonio
The Woman And Her Accusers: A Plea For The Midnight Mission (1871) by Muhlenberg, William Augustus
The Sins of the Fathers by Witte, John, Jr.
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