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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Women's Studies in 2018

Bhagini Nivedita Aur Bhartiya Navjagran by Verma, Omprakash
Oria's Rippin Adventure by Montagueo, Roman Sudan
Oria's Rippin Adventure Coloring Book: Pinky's Color Me Edition by Montagueo, Roman Sudan
"I Need To Get in Touch With My MITCHES: : How Women Get Laid and Paid and the "Flipping" of Gender Roles on the Road to Empowerment by Stelly, Matthew C.
Feminist Perspectives on Social Work Practice: The Intersecting Lives of Women in the 21st Century by
A Clan Mother's Call: Reconstructing Haudenosaunee Cultural Memory by Rodriguez, Jeanette
Representations of Black Women in the Media: The Damnation of Black Womanhood by Gammage, Marquita Marie
Woman in the Nineteenth Century: and Kindred Papers Relating to the Sphere, Condition and Duties, of Woman by Fuller, Margaret
Female Suffrage by Fenimore Cooper, Susan
Communist Rhetoric and Feminist Voices in Cold War America by Keohane, Jennifer
She Speaks Volumes . . . And Then Some by Gage, Onedia Nicole
Letters to My Teenage Daughter: We've Got You by Andreone Strauss, Gina
Letters to My Teenage Daughter: We've Got You by Andreone Strauss, Gina
Gerechtigkeitstheorien und die Kontroverse zwischen Nancy Fraser und Axel Honneth. Zur Ungerechtigkeit zwischen den Geschlechtern by Wirths, Laura
Discurso en defensa del talento de las mujeres by Amar Y. Borbón, Josefa
The Vagina Monologues: 20th Anniversary Edition by Ensler, Eve
Safe Water, Sanitation, and Early Childhood Malnutrition in East Africa: An African Feminist Analysis of the Lives of Women in Kenya, Tanzania, and Ug by
Finding a Voice: Asian Women in Britain (New and Expanded Edition) by Wilson, Amrit
Pandita Ramabai: Life and Landmark Writings by Kosambi, Meera
Young Muslim Women in India: Bollywood, Identity and Changing Youth Culture by Chakraborty, Kabita
Das Radikalisierungsparadigma: Eine Analytische Sackgasse Der Terrorismusbekämpfung? by Logvinov, Michail
Children, Families and Leisure by
The Tie That Bound Us: The Women of John Brown's Family and the Legacy of Radical Abolitionism by Laughlin-Schultz, Bonnie
Hasidic Studies: Essays in History and Gender by Rapoport-Albert, Ada
La Malinche, die Graskönigin. Frauen und ihre Rollen während der Conquista by Eccius, Sebastian
Subversive Spirits: The Female Ghost in British and American Popular Culture by Roberts, Robin
Twenty-First-Century Feminisms in Children's and Adolescent Literature by Trites, Roberta Seelinger
La Misoginia by Parker, Prince Maurice
The Right Women: Republican Party Activists, Candidates, and Legislators by
Violent Women in Contemporary Theatres: Staging Resistance by Taylor Porter, Nancy
Eighty Years And More by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Writing on the Move: Migrant Women and the Value of Literacy by Lorimer Leonard, Rebecca
The Woman's Bible by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Disabled Childhoods: Monitoring Differences and Emerging Identities by Clavering, Emma, McLaughlin, Janice, Coleman-Fountain, Edmund
Peace and Resistance in Youth Cultures: Reading the Politics of Peacebuilding from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games by McEvoy-Levy, Siobhan
Tracking the Wild Woman Archetype: A Guide to Becoming a Whole, In-divisible Woman by Shelby, Stacey
Tracking the Wild Woman Archetype: A Guide to Becoming a Whole, In-divisible Woman by Shelby, Stacey
Feminists Rethink the Neoliberal State: Inequality, Exclusion, and Change by
Feminists Rethink the Neoliberal State: Inequality, Exclusion, and Change by
A History of Childhood by Heywood, Colin
Gender and the Politics of History by Scott, Joan Wallach
The Process and Structure of Crime: Criminal Events and Crime Analysis by
Woman in a Man's Church: A History of Women's Impact by Swidler, Arlene, Swidler, Sandi Billingslea
Robert K. Merton and Contemporary Sociology by Mongardini, Carlo
Sorokin and Civilization: A Centennial Assessment by Ford, Joseph B.
Children in Minority Religions: Growing up in Controversial Religious Groups by Åkerbäck, Peter, Frisk, Liselotte, Nilsson, Sanja
Women and the Politics of Representation in Southeast Asia: Engendering discourse in Singapore and Malaysia by Koh, Adeline, Balasingamchow, Yu-Mei
Youth as Architects of Social Change: Global Efforts to Advance Youth-Driven Innovation by
Write to Heal: Seven Women, Seven Triumphs by Maxfield-Lunkin, Karen
Juntes contra el sexisme i l'opressió by Grup de Reflexio I. Suport Antisexista
Dear America, I'm Still Rooting For You by Drake, Hannah L.
Beyond Gender: An Advanced Introduction to Futures of Feminist and Sexuality Studies by
A Sociobiology Compendium: Aphorisms, Sayings, Asides by Thiessen, Del
Femininities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary Research by
Femininities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary Research by
Introduction to Rights-Based Direct Practice with Children by Desai, Murli
All the Women in My Family Sing: Women Write the World: Essays on Equality, Justice, and Freedom by
Fifty Million Rising: The New Generation of Working Women Transforming the Muslim World by Zahidi, Saadia
A New History of Iberian Feminisms by
Domestic Violence in Diverse Contexts: A Re-Examination of Gender by Zannettino, Lana, Wendt, Sarah
This Will Be My Undoing: Living at the Intersection of Black, Female, and Feminist in (White) America by Jerkins, Morgan
New Directions in Children's Welfare: Professionals, Policy and Practice by Pinkney, Sharon
Street-Frequenting Young People in Fiji: Theory and Practice by Vakaoti, Patrick
Family Group Conferencing with Children and Young People: Advocacy Approaches, Variations and Impacts by Fox, Darrell
Latinas: Struggles & Protests in 21st Century USA by
Darkness to Light: One woman's story of learning to live with crippling depression and finally finding happiness, inner peace and long-lasting love by Clark III, John H.
Fathers, Families and Relationships: Researching Everyday Lives by
Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory by
The Lives of Chang and Eng: Siam's Twins in Nineteenth-Century America by Orser, Joseph Andrew
Calling This Place Home: Women on the Wisconsin Frontier, 1850-1925 by Jensen, Joan M.
Women Who Fly: Goddesses, Witches, Mystics, and Other Airborne Females by Young, Serinity
Dis/Abled Childhoods?: A Transdisciplinary Approach by
The Intelligence of Woman by George, W. L.
God and Caesar: Troeltsch's Social Teaching as Legitimation by Benson, Constance L., Oved, Yaacov
Children's Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness by Abdelrahim, Layla
The Origin of the Modern Jewish Woman Writer: Romance and Reform in Victorian England by Galchinsky, Michael
Anarchism and Other Essays by Goldman, Emma
How Pop Culture Shapes the Stages of a Woman's Life: From Toddlers-In-Tiaras to Cougars-On-The-Prowl by Ames, Melissa, Burcon, Sarah
Sexueller Missbrauch in Der DDR: Historische, Rechtliche Und Psychologische Hintergründe Des Sexuellen Missbrauchs an Kindern Und Jugendlichen in Der by Sachse, Christian, Knorr, Stefanie, Baumgart, Benjamin
Experience Versus Understanding: Understanding Yourself in Twenty-First Century Societies by Bredemeir, Harry
Elizabeth Robins Pennell, Nineteenth-Century Pioneer of Modern Art Criticism by Jones, Kimberly Morse
Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism by Paglia, Camille
Parenting a Gifted Child: Understand giftedness and help your child to thrive by 50minutes
Friendship and Work Culture of Women Managers in Japan: Tokyo After Ten by Ho, Swee-Lin
The War on Women in the United States: Beliefs, Tactics, and the Best Defenses by
Using Film to Understand Childhood and Practice by
Weaving Chiapas: Maya Women's Lives in a Changing World by
Beyond Bombshells: The New Action Heroine in Popular Culture by Brown, Jeffrey A.
Feminism: And The Creation of a Female Aristocracy by Wright, Peter
Support: Feminist Relationship Tools to Heal Yourself and End Rape Culture by Crabb, Cindy
Searching for the Holy Spirit: Feminist Theology and Traditional Doctrine by Thomasson-Rosingh, Anne Claar
The Early Reader in Children's Literature and Culture: Theorizing Books for Beginning Readers by
Families, Intergenerationality, and Peer Group Relations by
The Pursuit of Happiness: Black Women, Diasporic Dreams, and the Politics of Emotional Transnationalism by Williams, Bianca C.
The Pursuit of Happiness: Black Women, Diasporic Dreams, and the Politics of Emotional Transnationalism by Williams, Bianca C.
Freedom, Equality, Sisterhood. Feminism in Europe by Di Lorenzo, Gianna
The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love (16pt Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Taylor, Sonya Renee
Postfeminism and the Fatale Figure in Neo-Noir Cinema by Lindop, Samantha
Black Magic Woman and Narrative Film: Race, Sex and Afro-Religiosity by Missouri, Montré Aza
Women Screenwriters: An International Guide by
Hysterical Sisters by Pellino, Lindsey Frances
Gender, Business and Enterprise by
Poststructuralism at Work with Marginalised Children by Laws, Cath
Gender, Business and Enterprise by
Debating the Woman Question in the French Third Republic, 1870-1920 by Offen, Karen
Normalization and Outsiderhood: Feminist Readings of a Neoliberal Welfare State by Fahlgren, Siv, Mulinari, Diana
Women and Social Change in North Africa by
The Female Body in the Looking-Glass: Contemporary Art, Aesthetics and Genderland by Sliwinska, Basia
Young People's Visions of the World by de Eca, Teresa Torres
The Child in World Cinema by
Feminismo e Identidade de Gênero: Considerações com base no pensamento de Judith Butler by Silva, Jacilene Maria
Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Cooper, Brittney
Everyday Gender at Work in Taiwan by Chin, Ting-Fang
Daughters of Allah: Among Moslem Women in Kurdistan by Hansen, Henry Harold
Adolescence, Girlhood, and Media Migration: US Teens' Use of Social Media to Negotiate Offline Struggles by Rickman, Aimee
Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women by Storkey, Elaine
A House Full of Females: Plural Marriage and Women's Rights in Early Mormonism, 1835-1870 by Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher
Abarodh Basini ( Bengali Edition ) by Sakhawat Hossain, Begum Rokeya
Female empowerment in Buffy - the Vampire Slayer by Gubergritz, Natalia
Child-Centred Social Work: Theory and Practice by Barnes, Vivienne
Emergent Feminisms: Complicating a Postfeminist Media Culture by
Marion Von Osten: Once We Were Artists: A Bak Critical Reader in Artists' Practice by
A Girl's Guide to Joining the Resistance: A Feminist Handbook on Fighting for Good by Gray, Emma
Emergent Feminisms: Complicating a Postfeminist Media Culture by
How to not be a #MeToo Victim, but a #WarriorChick by Giles, Regis
Ezili's Mirrors: Imagining Black Queer Genders by Tinsley, Omise'eke Natasha
Don't Call Me Princess: Essays on Girls, Women, Sex, and Life by Orenstein, Peggy
Ezili's Mirrors: Imagining Black Queer Genders by Tinsley, Omise'eke Natasha
Letters from Yemen: No matter our age, we are all heroes of our own lives. Travel along with Jean Mondon, a 62-year-young English Midwife by Elliott, Suzanne M., Mondon, Jean
Mrs Dalloway (Wisehouse Classics Edition) by Woolf, Virginia
To the Lighthouse (Wisehouse Classics Edition) by Woolf, Virginia
Double Bind: Women on Ambition by
English women through the ages. A comparative study of the feminine during the Elizabethan and Victorian eras by Gubergritz, Natalia
Guerre Aux Hommes by Audouard-O
Études de Psychologie Féminine. Psychologie de la Femme, (Éd.1900) by Marion H
Ainsi soit-elle by Groult-B
Women in Austria by Bischof, Gunter
The Subjection of Women by
La jeunesse malade du savoir by Rousselet-J
Un voile sur la République by Vianes-M
Les Françaises by Giroud-F
La Femme en moi by Chapsal-M
Les mariées de l'île Maurice by Perrot-M
Les imposteuses by Vivian-M
Les années Beauvoir (1945-1970) by Chaperon-S
La bourgeoise by Martin-Fugier-A
La Femme au temps des Pharaons by DesRoches-Noblecourt, Christiane
Demain, les femmes by Lang-J
The Consent Guidebook: A Practical Approach to Consensual, Respectful, and Enthusiastic Interactions by Tillman, Erin
Ladies Night at the Dreamland by Livingston, Sonja
Parenting the Crisis: The Cultural Politics of Parent-Blame by Jensen, Tracey
Ágóta Kristóf: Collected Plays: John and Joe; The Lift Key; A Passing Rat; The Grey Hour or the Last Client; The Monster; The Road; The Epidemic; The by Kristóf, Ágóta
The Logics of Gender Justice by Weldon, S. Laurel, Htun, Mala
The Logics of Gender Justice by Htun, Mala, Weldon, S. Laurel
Negotiating Opportunities: How the Middle Class Secures Advantages in School by Calarco, Jessica McCrory
Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy by Grahn-Wilder, Malin
Psychodynamic Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Theories and Methods by Mortensen, Karen Vibeke, Grünbaum, Liselotte
Families, Intergenerationality, and Peer Group Relations by
Women and Economics by Perkins Gilman, Charlotte, Editors, Jv
A Childfree Happily Ever After: Why more women are choosing not to have children by Williams, Tanya
Comic Venus: Women and Comedy in American Silent Film by Wagner, Kristen Anderson
We Rise to Resist: Voices from a New Era in Women's Political Action by
Comic Venus: Women and Comedy in American Silent Film by Wagner, Kristen Anderson
Women in Islamic Societies by
She Caused a Riot: 100 Unknown Women Who Built Cities, Sparked Revolutions, and Massively Crushed It by Jewell, Hannah
The Little Book of Feminist Saints by Pierpont, Julia
Haircuts by Children, and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract by O'Donnell, Darren
Shrewed: A Wry and Closely Observed Look at the Lives of Women and Girls by Renzetti, Elizabeth
Your Story Is Your Power: Free Your Feminine Voice by Luna, Elle, Herrick, Susie
We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere by Anderson, Gillian, Nadel, Jennifer
The Clitoral Truth, 2nd Edition by Chalker, Rebecca
Irish Women's Writing, 1878-1922: Advancing the Cause of Liberty by
Repealing the 8th: Reforming Irish Abortion Law by de Londras, Fiona, Enright, Máiréad
Bodies that Birth: Vitalizing Birth Politics by Chadwick, Rachelle
Men and Feminism in India by
M Archive: After the End of the World by Gumbs, Alexis Pauline
Sense & Sensibility: What a Girl Wants What a Girl Needs by Ellens, Pernilla
M Archive: After the End of the World by Gumbs, Alexis Pauline
En Manos Amorosas: Cómo Los Derechos De Los Niños Pequeños En Hogares Para Niños Ofrecen Esperanza Y Felicidad En El Mundo De Hoy by Chahin, Elsa, Tardos, Anna
En Manos Amorosas: Cómo Los Derechos De Los Niños Pequeños En Hogares Para Niños Ofrecen Esperanza Y Felicidad En El Mundo De Hoy by Tardos, Anna, Chahin, Elsa
Selfie Esteem: A Generation Unmoored - Identity Crisis in Our Children (a Christian Perspective) by Blake, Mary
The Woman Fantastic in Contemporary American Media Culture by
Jewish Feminism: Framed and Reframed by Fuchs, Esther
Lohnungleichheiten zwischen Männern und Frauen: Ursachen, Konsequenzen und Anhaltspunkte zur Reduktion des Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland by Rümmele, Jasmin
Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Archive by Fuentes, Marisa J.
Bodies that Birth: Vitalizing Birth Politics by Chadwick, Rachelle
Women in Doctor Who: Damsels, Feminists and Monsters by Frankel, Valerie Estelle
Like an Orange on a Seder Plate: Our Feminist Haggadah by Simkin, Ruth
Cunt (20th Anniversary Edition): A Declaration of Independence by Muscio, Inga
These Kids: Teaching in a Residential Care Setting: a Survivor'S Guide by Sherwood, Allan
These Kids: Teaching in a Residential Care Setting: a Survivor'S Guide by Sherwood, Allan
On the Cusp: The Women of Penn '64 by Klein, Anne Sceia
On the Cusp: The Women of Penn '64 by Klein, Anne Sceia
Atypical Cells of Undetermined Significance by Womer, Brenna
Women in the Literary Landscape: A Centennial Publication of the Women's National Book Association by Tomaselli, Valerie, Weatherford, Doris, Reisner, Rosalind
Gender and the Jubilee: Black Freedom and the Reconstruction of Citizenship in Civil War Missouri by Romeo, Sharon
Communication Studies and Feminist Perspectives on Ovarian Cancer by Tetteh, Dinah A.
Enterprising Women: Gender, Race, and Power in the Revolutionary Atlantic by Candlin, Kit, Pybus, Cassandra
The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories by Johnson, Abby
Black Men, Black Feminism: Lucifer's Nocturne by Sexton, Jared
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