• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Women's Studies in 2026

Film, Feminism and Melanie Klein:: Weird Lullabies by Gordon, Suzy
Women and Gender in a Globalized World by
Women and Gender in a Globalized World by
Women in Irish History from Famine to Feminism: 1850-2000 by Luddy, Maria
Women in Irish History from Famine to Feminism: 1850-2000 by Luddy, Maria
Latina Political Participation and Activism in the U.S. by Sampaio, Anna
Latina Political Participation and Activism in the U.S. by Sampaio, Anna
The Neurology of Motherhood: Maternal Subjectivities and Embodied Experiences by Burnett, Linda
A Feminist Perspective on the History of Economics by
Between Feminism and Psychoanalysis by
Between Feminism and Psychoanalysis by
Laura Mulvey: Feminist Legacies by
Laura Mulvey: Feminist Legacies by
Mad Max: Fury Road: Movies Minute by Minute by Olson, Alix
Mad Max: Fury Road: Movies Minute by Minute by Olson, Alix
Women and Education: Global Lives in Focus by Kenny, Erin
Against the State: A Study of War, Anarchism, and Anarchists at War by Stout, James
Digital Suffragists: Women, the Web, and the Future of Democracy by Tessier, Marie
Sonic Cyberfeminisms by Thompson, Marie, Goh, Annie
Black Girls Om Too: Yoga, Embodied Resistance, and Healing by
Black Girls Om Too: Yoga, Embodied Resistance, and Healing by
The Captive Maternal: Anti-Fascists in Search of the Beloved by James, Joy
Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner by Lee-Jones, Jasmine
A Body Made Home: They Black Trans Love by Green, K. Marshall
Feminist Revolt and the Constitution: Abortion Activism on the Island of Ireland by Rooney, Jane
Feminism and Men by Gaag, Nikki Van Der
Feminism and Men by Gaag, Nikki Van Der
The History and Culture of Breast Milk: From Greco-Roman Myth to Medieval Mysticism by Miller, Sarah Alison
Selling Sexy: Victoria's Secret and the Unraveling of an American Icon by Sherman, Lauren, Fernandez, Chantal
Beyond Recovery: Reckoning with Race, Nation, Imperialism, and Exceptionalism in Feminist Rhetorical Theory by Riedner, Rachel, Dingo, Rebecca
A Woman Is Against the Law: Sex, Race, and the Limits of Justice in America by Grant, Melissa Gira
Liberation Summer: The Moment That Changed the Women's Movement and the Future of American Politics by McElya, Micki
Little Women (2019): Movies Minute by Minute by Boljkovac, Nadine
Little Women (2019): Movies Minute by Minute by Boljkovac, Nadine
The Devolution of Woman by Taylor, Rebecca Lucy
Political Socialization of Youth: A Palestinian Case Study by Habashi, Janette
Street Life as Labour: The Work, Labour and Economic Life of Accra's Street Children by Mizen, Phil, Ofosu-Kusi, Yaw