• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

World Music in 1997

African Drum Music - Slow Agbekor by Zabana, Kongo
African Drum Music - Kpanlogo by Zabana, Kongo
African Drum Music - Adowa by Zabana, Kongo
The Twisted Muse: Musicians and Their Music in the Third Reich by Kater, Michael
New Negroes & Their Music: Success of the Harlem Renaissance by Jongintaba, Yahya
El Arte de Tocar El Saxofón: The Art of Saxophone Playing (Spanish Language Edition) by Gutierrez, Raúl, Teal, Larry
Selena: como la flor by Patoski, Joe Nick
Jewish Music: Its History, People, and Song by Isaacs, Ronald H.
When We Were Good: The Folk Revival by Cantwell, Robert S.
Ethnicity, Identity and Music: The Musical Construction of Place by
My Music Is My Flag: Puerto Rican Musicians and Their New York Communities, 1917-1940 Volume 3 by Glasser, Ruth
His Master's Voice/de Stem Van Zijn Meester: The Dutch Catalogue, a Complete Numerical Catalogue of Dutch and Belgian Gramophone Recordings Made from by Kelly, Alan, Unknown, Kloters, Jacques
Irish Session Tune Book: Over 300 Favorite Session Tunes by
Traditional World Music Influences in Contemporary Solo Piano Literature: A Selected Bibliographic Survey and Review by Axford, Elizabeth C.
Leaving Everything Behind: The Songs and Memories of a Cheyenne Woman by Giglio, Virginia, Little Coyote, Bertha
Public Worship, Private Faith by Bealle, John
Fiddling for Norway: Revival and Identity by Goertzen, Chris
Historical Dictionary of the Music and Musicians of Finland by Hong, Barbara Blanchard, Hillila, Ruth-Esther