• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

World Music in 1999

Gypsy Cante: Deep Song of the Caves by
The Latin Tinge: The Impact of Latin American Music on the United States by Roberts, John Storm
Music in Spain During the Eighteenth Century by
Carnival, Canboulay and Calypso: Traditions in the Making by Cowley, John
The Mystery of Samba: Popular Music and National Identity in Brazil by Vianna, Hermano
New World Symphonies: How American Culture Changed European Music by Sullivan, Jack
Bronze by Gold: The Music of James Joyce by
Música Tejana: The Cultural Economy of Artistic Transformation by Pena, Manuel H., Peena, Manuel H.
Satie the Bohemian: From Cabaret to Concert Hall by Whiting, Steven Moore
Passing It on: The Transmission of Music in Irish Culture by McCarthy, Marie
Men and Popular Music in Algeria: The Social Significance of Rai by Schade-Poulsen, Marc
African Music: A People's Art by Bebey, Francis
Music, Science, and Natural Magic in Seventeenth-Century England by Gouk, Penelope
Central Avenue Sounds: Jazz in Los Angeles by
Widening the Horizon: Exoticism in Post-War Popular Music by
Driven Into Paradise: The Musical Migration from Nazi Germany to the United States by
The Mexican American Orquesta: Music, Culture, and the Dialectic of Conflict by Peña, Manuel
La Musica de Los Viejitos: Hispano Folk Music of the Rio Grande del Norte by Loeffler, Jack
Africa and the Blues by Kubik, Gerhard
Salsa, Sabor y Control! Sociologia de La Musica Tropical by Quintero Rivera, Angel G., Rivera, Angel G. Quintero
Wake Up Dead Man: Hard Labor and Southern Blues by
Number to Sound: The Musical Way to the Scientific Revolution by