• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

World Music in 2008

Beautiful Cosmos: Performance And Belonging In The Caribbean Diaspora by Ramnarine, Tina K.
Performing Class in British Popular Musi by Wiseman-Trowse, N.
Bob Marley: Herald of a Postcolonial World? by Toynbee, Jason
Symphonic Aspirations: German Music and Politics, 1900-1945 by Painter, Karen
Klezmer America: Jewishness, Ethnicity, Modernity by Freedman, Jonathan
Polish Music Since Szymanowski by Thomas, Adrian
The New (Ethno)Musicologies by
Fiddling in West Africa: Touching the Spirit in Fulbe, Hausa, and Dagbamba Cultures by Djedje, Jacqueline Cogdell
History of Music in Russia from Antiquity to 1800, Vol. 1 by Findeizen, Nikolai
Wailing Blues: The Story of Bob Marley's Wailers by Masouri, John
Book of Salsa by Rondón, César Miguel
Nor-Tec Rifa!: Electronic Dance Music from Tijuana to the World by Madrid, Alejandro L.
Nor-Tec Rifa! Electronic Dance Music from Tijuana to the World by Madrid-Gonzalez, Alejandro L.
Foundations of Mariachi Education: Materials, Methods, and Resources by
Yma Sumac: The Art Behind the Legend by Limansky, Nicholas E., Limansky, Nidholas E.
Native American Song at the Frontiers of Early Modern Music by Bloechl, Olivia A.
Music in the Life of the African Church by King, Roberta
To the Break of Dawn: A Freestyle on the Hip Hop Aesthetic by Cobb, William Jelani
Life and Marriage in Skya rgya, a Tibetan Village by Blo Brtan Rdo Rje, Stuart, Charles Kevin
General Music Today Yearbook: Fall 2006-Spring 2007 by
Music Makes the Nation: Nationalist Composers and Nation Building in Nineteenth-Century Europe by Curtis, Benjamin W.
Popular Music of Vietnam: The Politics of Remembering, the Economics of Forgetting by Olsen, Dale A.
Honoring God and the City: Music at the Venetian Confraternities 1260-1806 by Glixon, Jonathan
Dawn Boy: Blackfoot And Navajo Songs by Walton, Eda Lou
Music in Ancient Arabia and Spain: Being La Musica de Las Cantigas by Ribera, Julian
Spiritual Folk-Songs Of Early America by
The Beneventan Chant by Kelly, Thomas Forrest
The Garland Handbook of African Music [With CD] by
Creative Music For Children: A Plan Of Training Based On The Natural Evolution Of Music, Including The Making And Playing Of Instruments, Dancing, by Coleman, Satis Narrona
Scotland in Music: A European Enthusiasm by Fiske, Roger
Dance to the Piper: The Highland Bagpipe in Nova Scotia by Shears, Barry
Orinoco Cocoa: Score & Parts by
Musica Asiatica: Volume 6 by
Time in Indian Music: Rhythm, Metre, and Form in North Indian Rag Performance by Clayton, Martin, Martin, Clayton
Chats To Cello Students (1915) by Broadley, Arthur
Fiddling Way Out Yonder: The Life and Music of Melvin Wine by Beisswenger, Drew
Interpreting the Musical Past: Early Music in Nineteenth-Century France by Ellis, Katharine
Musicians from a Different Shore: Asians and Asian Americans in Classical Music by Yoshihara, Mari
Bob Marley: Conquering Lion of Reggae by Davis, Stephen
Systematic and Comparative Musicology: Concepts, Methods, Findings by
Field Guide to the Irish Music Session by Foy, Barry
Shadows in the Field: New Perspectives for Fieldwork in Ethnomusicology by
Performing Class in British Popular Music by Wiseman-Trowse, N.
Joyeles Barbaros (1907) by Petit, Victor Perez
Slave Songs Of The United States (1867) by Allen, William Francis, Ware, Charles Pickard, Garrison, Lucy McKim
Secular Devotion: Afro-Latin Music and Imperial Jazz by Brennan, Timothy
Desi Rap: Hip Hop and South Asian America by
Desi Rap: Hip Hop and South Asian America by
Cubano: Score & Parts by
American Routes: Songs and Stories from the Road by
Intonations: A Social History of Music and Nation in Luanda, Angola, from 1945 to Recent Times by Moorman, Marissa J.
Intonations: A Social History of Music and Nation in Luanda, Angola, from 1945 to Recent Times by Moorman, Marissa J.
Origins of Cuban Music and Dance: Changüí by Lapidus, Benjamin
Slave Songs Of The United States (1867) by Garrison, Lucy McKim, Allen, William Francis, Ware, Charles Pickard
Music at the Aragonese Court of Naples by Atlas, Allan W.
Oxford Handbook of Medical Ethnomusicology by Koen, Benjamin
Slave Songs of the United States by Allen, William Francis
Music in Eighteenth-Century England: Essays in Memory of Charles Cudworth by
Jewish Music and Modernity by Bohlman, Philip Vilas
The Institute Hymnal (1901) by
Lift Every Voice: The History of African American Music by Peretti, Burton W.
Traditions of Gamelan Music in Java: Musical Pluralism and Regional Identity by Sutton, R. Anderson
Makam: Modal Practice In Turkish Art Music by Signell Phd, Karl L.
l'Industrie Musicale au Senegal. Essai d'Analyse by