• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

World Music in 2019

Sonidos Negros: On the Blackness of Flamenco by Goldberg, K. Meira
Music of the High Medieval Era by McWilliams, John Daniel
Hearing the Crimean War: Wartime Sound and the Unmaking of Sense by
Russian Music and Nationalism: From Glinka to Stalin by Frolova-Walker, Marina
Workbook/Anthology for Use with Harmony in Context by Roig-Francoli, Miguel
Music and its Virtues in Islamic and Judaic Writings by Shiloah, Amnon
The Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre, and Vocality in African American Music by Eidsheim, Nina Sun
The Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre, and Vocality in African American Music by Eidsheim, Nina Sun
Elvis, September 1958 by Belard, Paul
Do You Remember House?: Chicago's Queer of Color Undergrounds by Salkind, Micah
Masters Series de Cuba: El Tres Cubano by Griffin, Jon, Gonzalez, Leonel Guajiro
Perspectives on the Music of Christopher Fox: Straight Lines in Broken Times by
Bangkok Is Ringing: Sound, Protest, and Constraint by Tausig, Benjamin
Mad Drum Circle Skills: Fundamental Concepts and Foundational Drillz by Murphy, Wolf
Hip-Hop Authenticity and the London Scene: Living Out Authenticity in Popular Music by Speers, Laura
Music's Immanent Future: The Deleuzian Turn in Music Studies by
Music and Irish Identity: Celtic Tiger Blues by Smyth, Gerry
Music and Mourning by
Composing for the State: Music in Twentieth-Century Dictatorships by
The Singer-Songwriter in Europe: Paradigms, Politics and Place by
Burma, Kipling and Western Music: The Riff from Mandalay by Selth, Andrew
Cultural Histories of Noise, Sound and Listening in Europe, 1300-1918 by
The Women of Quyi: Liminal Voices and Androgynous Bodies by Sborgi Lawson, Francesca R.
Coherence in New Music: Experience, Aesthetics, Analysis by Hutchinson, Mark
Tonic to the Nation: Making English Music in the Festival of Britain by Lew, Nathaniel G.
Jewish Difference and the Arts in Vienna: Composing Compassion in Music and Biblical Theater by Kita, Caroline A.
Jewish Religious Music in Nineteenth-Century America: Restoring the Synagogue Soundtrack by Cohen, Judah M.
Music Club Programs From All Nations by Elson, Arthur
Modern German Music: Recollections and Criticisms; Volume I by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Sounds Icelandic: Essays on Icelandic Music in the 20th and 21st Centuries by
Songs from the Stations: Wajarra as Performed by Ronnie Wavehill Wirrpnga, Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal and Dandy Danbayarri at Kalkaringi by Meakins, Felicity, Turpin, Myfany
1917 and Beyond: Continuity, Rupture and Memory in Russian Music by
The Music of Malaysia: The Classical, Folk and Syncretic Traditions by Beng, Tan Sooi, Matusky, Patricia
The Jíbaro and the Gaucho United in Music and Song by Sánchez Cruz, Anthony L.
Rhythm and Blues Goes Calypso by Dodge, Timothy
Theory, Method, Sustainability, and Conflict: An Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, Volume 1 by
Public Ethnomusicology, Education, Archives, & Commerce: An Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, Volume 3 by
Symphony No. 2 (In Praise to Haitian Gods): For Orchestra in Three Movements, Individual Instrument Parts by Holland, James Nathaniel
De-Colonization, Heritage, and Advocacy: An Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, Volume 2 by
Blue Muse: Timothy Duffy's Southern Photographs by Duffy, Timothy
Music Education in Africa: Concept, Process, and Practice by Akuno
Jewish Religious Music in Nineteenth-Century America: Restoring the Synagogue Soundtrack by Cohen, Judah M.
Handbook for Folklore and Ethnomusicology Fieldwork by
Estampas del Suelo Mío: [Decimario] by
Modern German Music: Recollections And Criticisms; Volume 2 by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
John Duffey's Bluegrass Life: FEATURING THE COUNTRY GENTLEMEN, SELDOM SCENE, AND WASHINGTON, D.C. - Second Edition by Keplinger, G. T., Moore, Stephen
The Sound State of Uzbekistan: Popular Music and Politics in the Karimov Era by Klenke, Kerstin
Opera in the Tropics: Music and Theater in Early Modern Brazil by Budasz, Rogério
Performing Tsarist Russia in New York: Music, Émigrés, and the American Imagination by Zelensky, Natalie K.
Traditional Scottish Favorites Cigar Box Guitar Songbook: 38 Beloved Scottish Classics arranged for 3-string GDG Cigar Box Guitars by Baker, Ben Gitty
John Duffey's Bluegrass Life: FEATURING THE COUNTRY GENTLEMEN, SELDOM SCENE, AND WASHINGTON, D.C. - Second Edition by Moore, Stephen, Keplinger, G. T.
Remapping Sound Studies by
Styling Blackness in Chile: Music and Dance in the African Diaspora by Wolf, Juan Eduardo
Observations on World Music: Musical Instruments and Their Cultural Context by Ridgway, Max
Maia Bang Violin Method by
What She Go Do: Women in Afro-Trinidadian Music by Munro, Hope
Tradition, Transmission, Transformation: Essays on Gaelic Poetry and Song by Blankenhorn, Virginia
Music in the American Diasporic Wedding by
Ultimate BBQ cookbook: BBQ sauce recipe book by Doris, Cara
Jazz in Europe: Networking and Negotiating Identities by Dias, José
Styling Blackness in Chile: Music and Dance in the African Diaspora by Wolf, Juan
Performing Tsarist Russia in New York: Music, Émigrés, and the American Imagination by Zelensky, Natalie K.
The History of the Basque Music by
Folk Music and the New Left in the Sixties by Cain, Michael Scott
Sound-Politics in São Paulo by Cardoso, Leonardo
Konnakkol Manual: An Advanced Course in Solkattu by Nelson, David P.
24 Bars to Kill: Hip Hop, Aspiration, and Japan's Social Margins by Armstrong, Andrew B.
Music and Musicians in 16th-Century Florence by D'Accone, Frank A.
Roots Music by
Storytime in India: Wedding Songs, Victorian Tales, and the Ethnographic Experience by Myers, Helen Priscilla, Pandey, Umesh Chandra
Storytime in India: Wedding Songs, Victorian Tales, and the Ethnographic Experience by Pandey, Umesh Chandra, Myers, Helen Priscilla
Theory for Ethnomusicology: Histories, Conversations, Insights by Berger, Harris, Stone, Ruth
Music in Elizabethan Court Politics by Butler, Katherine
Yoruba Oral Tradition in Islamic Nigeria: A History of Dàdàkúàdá by Na'allah, Abdul-Rasheed
Popular Music and Multimodal Critical Discourse Studies: Ideology, Control and Resistance in Turkey Since 2002 by Way, Lyndon C. S.
Accordion Revolution: A People's History of the Accordion in North America from the Industrial Revolution to Rock and Roll by Triggs, Bruce
Music in the American Diasporic Wedding by
Norton Anthology of Western Music by Burkholder, J. Peter, Grout, Donald Jay, Palisca, Claude V.
Norton Anthology of Western Music by Burkholder, J. Peter, Palisca, Claude V., Grout, Donald Jay
Norton Anthology of Western Music by Burkholder, J. Peter, Grout, Donald Jay, Palisca, Claude V.
Class, Control, and Classical Music C by Bull, Anna
Singing and Survival: The Music of Easter Island by Bendrups, Dan
Sounding Roman: Representation and Performing Identity in Western Turkey by Seeman, Sonia Tamar
Music and Victorian Liberalism: Composing the Liberal Subject by
Rubble Music: Occupying the Ruins of Postwar Berlin, 1945-1950 by Anderton, Abby
Rubble Music: Occupying the Ruins of Postwar Berlin, 1945-1950 by Anderton, Abby
Finding Joseph I: An Oral History of H.R. from Bad Brains by Abrams, Howie, Lathos, James
Everybody's Doin' It: Sex, Music, and Dance in New York, 1840-1917 by Cockrell, Dale
Inside Arabic Music: Arabic Maqam Performance and Theory in the 20th Century by Shumays, Sami Abu, Farraj, Johnny
Les conflits de la musique française by Porcile-F
Aging and Popular Music in Europe by Gardner, Abigail, Jennings, Ros
Middle Eastern Flute Magic: Play the Nay: Finger Charts for Arabic Music Scales by Powers, Cameron
The Latin American Songbook in the Twentieth Century: From Folklore to Militancy by Da Costa Garcia, Tânia
Sounds of Vacation: Political Economies of Caribbean Tourism by
Didg Coach: Tome 1: Apprenti by Mandato, Francesco
A New History of American and Canadian Folk Music by Weissman, Dick
What about Tomorrow?: An Oral History of Russian Punk from the Soviet Era to Pussy Riot by Herbert, Alexander
Chinese Folklore Studies Today: Discourse and Practice by
Chinese Folklore Studies Today: Discourse and Practice by
Jump Up!: Caribbean Carnival Music in New York by Allen, Ray
Opera After the Zero Hour: The Problem of Tradition and the Possibility of Renewal in Postwar West Germany by Pollock, Emily Richmond
Negro Folk Music U.S.A. by Courlander, Harold
The Life And Times Of Joseph Hill and Culture by Doumerc, Eric
I Just Can't Stop It by Roger, Ranking
Music, Language and Identity in Greece: Defining a National Art Music in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by
Cinesonidos: Film Music and National Identity During Mexico's Época de Oro by Avila, Jacqueline
So You Want to Sing Spirituals: A Guide for Performers by Jones, Randye
Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I: The African Undercurrent in Twentieth-Century Jazz Culture by Kubik, Gerhard
Music, Branding and Consumer Culture in Church: Hillsong in Focus by Wagner, Tom
Extreme Exoticism: Japan in the American Musical Imagination by Sheppard, W. Anthony
Queering the Field: Sounding Out Ethnomusicology by
Sankomota: An Ode in One Album: A Reflective Essay by Mofokeng, Phehello J.
Dead Straight Pocket Guide to Ska by O'Shea, Mick
Music in Vienna: 1700, 1800, 1900 by Jones, David Wyn
The Music Road: Coherence and Diversity in Music from the Mediterranean to India by
Jazz Transatlantic, Volume II: Jazz Derivatives and Developments in Twentieth-Century Africa by Kubik, Gerhard
Loving Music Till It Hurts by Cheng, William
Jimi Hendrix Black Legacy: (A Dream Deferred) by Washington, Corey Artrail
Song, Struggle, and Solidarity: The New York City Labor Chorus in Its Twenty-fifth Year by Abendroth, Mark
Wild Music: Sound and Sovereignty in Ukraine by Sonevytsky, Maria
Thought and Play in Musical Rhythm by
Music, Health, and Power: Singing the Unsayable in The Gambia by McConnell, Bonnie
Roots Jam 4: World Beats - Rhythms Wild! by Gray, Nowick
Jimi Hendrix Black Legacy: A Dream Deferred by Washington, Corey Artrail
Echoes from the East: The Javanese Gamelan and its Influence on the Music of Claude Debussy by Tamagawa, Kiyoshi
Time in Music and Culture by Bielawski, Ludwik
Music as Atmosphere: Collective Feelings and Affective Sounds by
Made in Taiwan: Studies in Popular Music by
Music of a Thousand Years: A New History of Persian Musical Traditions by Lucas, Ann E.
Listen but Don't Ask Question: Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar across the TransPacific by Fellezs, Kevin
Scottish Dance Beyond 1805: Reaction and Regulation by Ballantyne, Patricia H.
Made in Hungary: Studies in Popular Music by
Global Glam and Popular Music: Style and Spectacle from the 1970s to the 2000s by
An introduction to the study of national music; comprising researches into popular songs, traditions, and customs by Engel, Carl
Voicing Girlhood in Popular Music: Performance, Authority, Authenticity by
Singing the Gospel Along Scotland's North-East Coast, 1859-2009 by Wilkins, Frances
Turkic Soundscapes: From Shamanic Voices to Hip-Hop by
Being Musically Attuned: The Act of Listening to Music by Wallrup, Erik
When Music Migrates: Crossing British and European Racial Faultlines, 1945�2010 by Stratton, Jon
Musical Listening in the Age of Technological Reproduction by
Dona Ivone Lara's Sorriso Negro by Burns, Mila
Making It Heard: A History of Brazilian Sound Art by
Congregational Music, Conflict and Community by Dueck, Jonathan
Microtonality and the Tuning Systems of Erv Wilson by Narushima, Terumi
Decentering the Nation: Music, Mexicanidad, and Globalization by
Music and the Benefit Performance in Eighteenth-Century Britain by
Komitas Songs For Duduk With Piano Accompaniment by