• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

World Music in 2022

Rock on Record by Zak, Albin J.
Notes d'Afrique: Un voyage musical avec Youssou N'Dour by Cathcart, Jenny
Chris Stapleton: Strum & Sing Guitar Songbook with Lyrics, Chord Symbols & Chord Diagrams for 22 Favorites by
Songs of Earth: Aesthetic and Social Codes in Music by Wood, Anna L.
Songs of Earth: Aesthetic and Social Codes in Music by Wood, Anna L.
Sing and Sing On: Sentinel Musicians and the Making of the Ethiopian American Diaspora by Shelemay, Kay Kaufman
John Henry and His People: The Historical Origin and Lore of America's Great Folk Ballad by Garst, John
Sonic Identity at the Margins by
Sing and Sing on: Sentinel Musicians and the Making of the Ethiopian American Diaspora by Shelemay, Kay Kaufman
Music as Mao's Weapon: Remembering the Cultural Revolution by Ouyang, Lei X.
Representing Australian Aboriginal Music and Dance 1930-1970 by Harris, Amanda
From Rumi to the Whirling Dervishes: Music, Poetry, and Mysticism in the Ottoman Empire by Feldman, Walter
Sociological Thinking in Music Education: International Intersections by
Chilean New Song and the Question of Culture in the Allende Government: Voices for a Revolution by Schmiedecke, Natália Ayo
Music: A Social Experience by Natvig, Mary, Cornelius, Steven
Music: A Social Experience by Cornelius, Steven, Natvig, Mary
City of Song: Music and the Making of Modern Jerusalem by Figueroa, Michael A.
Chanson: A Tribute to France's Most Romantic and Poetic Musical Tradition by Salie, Olaf
Asante Court Music and Verbal Arts in Ghana: The Porcupine and the Gold Stool by Ampene, Kwasi
Investigating Musical Performance: Theoretical Models and Intersections by
Focus: Gamelan Music of Indonesia by Spiller, Henry, Clendinning, Elizabeth A.
Focus: Gamelan Music of Indonesia by Spiller, Henry, Clendinning, Elizabeth A.
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music, Space and Place by
Hearing Maskanda: Musical Epistemologies in South Africa by Titus, Barbara
Afrosonic Life by Campbell, Mark V.
Bea Palya's I'll Be Your Plaything by Szemere, Anna, Rónai, András
Music, City and the Roma Under Communism by Piotrowska, Anna G.
Fela Anikulapo-Kuti: Afrobeat, Rebellion, and Philosophy by Falola, Toyin, Afolayan, Adeshina
Czeslaw Niemen's Niemen Enigmatic by Mazierska, Ewa, Gradowski, Mariusz
Music and the Protestant Church in Ethiopia: The Controversy of Zefen and Mezmur by Gorfe, Yonas
Unwritten Literature of Hawaii: The Sacred Songs of the Hula by Emerson, Nathaniel B.
Historical Dictionary of Russian Music by Jaffé, Daniel
Le destin russe et la musique by Lemaire-F
Musica Cubana by Balen-N
Rediscovering the Silver Lyre of Ur by Dumbrill, Richard
Modeselektor's Happy Birthday! by Nye, Sean
Mercyful Fate's Don't Break the Oath by Marstal, Henrik
Various Artists' Djs Do Guetto by Elliott, Richard
In the Round: Angelica Mesiti by
Popular Music in Japan: Transformation Inspired by the West by Mitsui, Toru
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music and Social Class by
Trends in World Music Analysis: New Directions in World Music Analysis by
La Música Cubana en el cine Americano y Europeo by Rodríguez Quintana, Arsenio
Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy: New Perspectives by
Play Guitar Like the Great Singer-Songwriters 14 In-Depth Lessons with Video Lessons by
From Ring Shout to Bomba: Ethnographic Perceptions and Approaches to Music and Religion in the Gullah/Geechee and Afro-Latin Diasporas by Sánchez Cruz, Anthony L.
Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy: New Perspectives by Bowring, Lynette
Ciamioncino: #Chelvita, ragazzi! by D'Errico, Antonio G., Gueye, Omar
Black Ephemera: The Crisis and Challenge of the Musical Archive by Neal, Mark Anthony
Black Ephemera: The Crisis and Challenge of the Musical Archive by Neal, Mark Anthony
Loft Music - Part. I: Suoni e dissonanze nella Downtown di New York by Nurisso, Giorgio, Audino, Salvatore
Jazz in Socialist Hà Nội: Improvisations between Worlds by Minh, Lưu Quang, Đắc, Quyền Thiện, Tan-Tangbau, Stan Bh
From The Lost Letters Sent - Book ONE: Memoirs Of An Invisible Songwriter by Baldwin, Lord Chester L., II
Corazón Abierto: Mexican American Voices in Texas Music by Hudson, Kathleen A.
Rude Citizenship: Jamaican Popular Music, Copyright, and the Reverberations of Colonial Power by Mann, Larisa Kingston
Rude Citizenship: Jamaican Popular Music, Copyright, and the Reverberations of Colonial Power by Mann, Larisa Kingston
Reading Religion and Spirituality in Jamaican Reggae Dancehall Dance: Spirit Bodies Moving by Patten, 'H'
John Farnham's Whispering Jack by Turner, Graeme
Musicians' Migratory Patterns: American-Mexican Border Lands by
Presenting Atahualpa Yupanqui: 16 solos for Low G ukulele by Brown, Dave
Mongolian Sound Worlds by
Mongolian Sound Worlds by
Japanthem: Counter-Cultural Experiences, Cross-Cultural Remixes by Marshall, Jillian
Across the Border and Back: Music in the Big Bend by Daudistel, Marcia Hatfield
Hearing Brazil: Music and Histories in Minas Gerais by Grasse, Jonathon
Hearing Brazil: Music and Histories in Minas Gerais by Grasse, Jonathon
Sonic Mobilities: Producing Worlds in Southern China by Kielman, Adam
Sonic Mobilities: Producing Worlds in Southern China by Kielman, Adam
Singing with the Dogon Prophet by Ongoiba, Oumarou S., Saye, Atimè D., Van Beek, Walter E. a.
Becoming an Irish Traditional Musician: Learning and Embodying Musical Culture by Cawley, Jessica
Popular Musicology and Identity: Essays in Honour of Stan Hawkins by
Presence Through Sound: Music and Place in East Asia by
Knowledge Building in Early Modern English Music by Bank, Katie
Musical Gentrification: Popular Music, Distinction and Social Mobility by
Spinning the Child: Musical Constructions of Childhood through Records, Radio and Television by Maloy, Liam
The Art of Tango by Varassi Pega, Bárbara
Cry for Luck: Sacred Song and Speech Among the Yurok, Hupa, and Karok Indians of Northwestern California by Keeling, Richard
Cry for Luck: Sacred Song and Speech Among the Yurok, Hupa, and Karok Indians of Northwestern California by Keeling, Richard
Remixing Music Studies: Essays in Honour of Nicholas Cook by
Scholarly Research in Music: Shared and Disciplinary-Specific Practices by Lee, Sang-Hie
Ethnomusicology and Cultural Diplomacy by
Scholarly Research in Music: Shared and Disciplinary-Specific Practices by Lee, Sang-Hie
Class, Control, and Classical Music by Bull, Anna
Buyers Beware: Insurgency and Consumption in Caribbean Popular Culture by Saunders, Patricia Joan
Positive Vibrations: Politics, Politricks and the Story of Reggae by Borthwick, Stuart
The Voice of the Rural: Music, Poetry, and Masculinity Among Migrant Moroccan Men in Umbria by Ciucci, Alessandra
The Voice of the Rural: Music, Poetry, and Masculinity Among Migrant Moroccan Men in Umbria by Ciucci, Alessandra
Inca Music Reimagined: Indigenist Discourses in Latin American Art Music, 1910-1930 by Wolkowicz, Vera
Another Song for Europe: Music, Taste, and Values in the Eurovision Song Contest by Raykoff, Ivan
The Routledge Companion to Music and Human Rights by
Augustine Kwasiga Younge: The Great Musician, Composer, Educator, Scouter and Counselor: The Pioneer in Revitalization and Africanization of the by Younge, Paschal Yao
Code Musicology: From Hardwired to Software by Crowdy, Denis
Chico Buarque's First Chico Buarque by Perrone, Charles A.
The Lion's Ear: Pope Leo X, the Renaissance Papacy, and Music by Cummings, Anthony M.
The Slave Sublime: The Language of Violence in Caribbean Literature and Music by Lettman, Stacy J.
The Slave Sublime: The Language of Violence in Caribbean Literature and Music by Lettman, Stacy J.
Race and Gender in the Western Music History Survey: A Teacher's Guide by Turner, Kristen M., Maxile Jr, Horace J.
The Power of Music: An Exploration of the Evidence by Hallam, Susan, Himonides, Evangelos
The Power of Music: An Exploration of the Evidence by Himonides, Evangelos, Hallam, Susan
Hip Hop Heresies: Queer Aesthetics in New York City by Smalls, Shanté Paradigm
Hip Hop Heresies: Queer Aesthetics in New York City by Smalls, Shanté Paradigm
Recording History: Jews, Muslims, and Music Across Twentieth-Century North Africa by Silver, Christopher
Recording History: Jews, Muslims, and Music Across Twentieth-Century North Africa by Silver, Christopher
Musical Bows of Southern Africa by Dlamini, Sazi
Sonic Ruins of Modernity: Judeo-Spanish Folksongs Today by Seroussi, Edwin
Jewish Wedding Ceremonies by Pulner, I.
Empowering Song: Music Education from the Margins by de Quadros, André, Amrein, Emilie
Music of the First Nations: Tradition and Innovation in Native North America by
In the Borderland Between Song and Speech: Vocal Expressions in Oral Cultures by
The Church's Starfish by Gibson, Chris
The Church's Starfish by Gibson, Chris
Great God A'Mighty! the Dixie Hummingbirds: Celebrating the Rise of Soul Gospel Music by Zolten, Jerry
The Sound of Pena in Manipur by
The Northern Silence: Journeys in Nordic Music and Culture by Mellor, Andrew
My Bloody Roots: From Sepultura to Soulfly and Beyond: The Autobiography (Revised & Updated Edition) by McIver, Joel, Cavalera, Max
The Mukhtar Method - Oud Beginners: Learn Oud by Mukhtar, Ahmed
(White)Washing Our Sins Away: American Mainline Churches, Music, Power, and Diversity by Justice, Deborah
Beethoven's Dedications: Stories Behind the Tributes by Pereira, Artur
Music, Communities, Sustainability: Developing Policies and Practices by
The Cambridge Companion to Caribbean Music by
The Cambridge Companion to Caribbean Music by
Regurgitator's Unit by Goold, Lachlan, Istvandity, Lauren
Regurgitator's Unit by Goold, Lachlan, Istvandity, Lauren
England's Folk Revival and the Problem of Identity in Traditional Music by Williams, Joseph
Hearing Music in a Different Key: Ideological Implications in Works of German Music by Hermand, Jost
Endongo: Its Role, Meaning and Significance in Culture by Makubuya, James K.
The Mukhtar Method - Darbuka Beginner, Intermediate & Upper-Intermediate by Mukhtar, Ahmed
The Most Famous Traditional African Songs: The Easiest Sheet Music for Chromanote Instruments by Winter, Helen
Heavy Metal Music in Latin America: Perspectives from the Distorted South by
The Poetry and Music of Joaquín Sabina: An Angel with Black Wings by Nappo, Daniel J.
Asian Sound Cultures: Voice, Noise, Sound, Technology by
Sound Communities in the Asia Pacific: Music, Media, and Technology by
Half Sound, Half Philosophy: Aesthetics, Politics, and History of China's Sound Art by Wang, Jing
Sheram: Songs with music notation in Armenian and transliterated English lyrics by
Sheram: Songs with music notation in Armenian and transliterated English lyrics by Talyan, Girgor (Sheram)
Fado Ukulele: Portuguese Fado Tunes for Low G Ukulele by Brown, Dave
Black Sea Sketches: Music, Place and People by Samson, Jim
Studying Congregational Music: Key Issues, Methods, and Theoretical Perspectives by
Vibe Merchants: The Sound Creators of Jamaican Popular Music by Hitchins, Ray
B.B. King: From Indianola to Icon: A Personal Odyssey with the "King of the Blues" by Sawyer, Charles
Renegade Rhymes: Rap Music, Narrative, and Knowledge in Taiwan by Schweig, Meredith
Music and Digital Media: A planetary anthropology by
Music and Digital Media: A planetary anthropology by
The Costs of the Gig Economy: Musical Entrepreneurs and the Cultural Politics of Inequality in Northeastern Brazil by Enriquez, Falina
The Costs of the Gig Economy: Musical Entrepreneurs and the Cultural Politics of Inequality in Northeastern Brazil by Enriquez, Falina
Renegade Rhymes: Rap Music, Narrative, and Knowledge in Taiwan by Schweig, Meredith
Sheram: Songs with music notation in Armenian and transliterated English lyrics by Talyan, Girgor (Sheram)
Niggers Sing Redemption Songs: Reggae, the Heart-Beat of a People by Ogilvie, Vk
We Declare!: Songs, Chants, Dances and Multimedia Projects based on A Global Ethic by Collins, Merrill
Musical Nationalism, Despotism and Scholarly Interventions in Greek Popular Music by Ordoulidis, Nikos
Church Music Through the Lens of Performance by Steuernagel, Marcell Silva
The Female Voice in the Twentieth Century: Material, Symbolic and Aesthetic Dimensions by
Ethics and Christian Musicking by
Free Jazz by Schwartz, Jeff
Anthology of Art Songs by Latin American & Iberian Women Composers V.2 by Caicedo, Patricia
Marilyn Nance: Last Day in Lagos by
The Politics of Musical Time: Expanding Songs and Shrinking Markets in Bengali Devotional Performance by Graves, Eben
The Politics of Musical Time: Expanding Songs and Shrinking Markets in Bengali Devotional Performance by Graves, Eben
Prison Messed My Feet Up by Amir
Finding the Beat: Entrainment, Rhythmic Play, and Social Meaning in Rock Music by Hesselink, Nathan
Music and Urban Life in Baroque Germany by Kevorkian, Tanya
Who Hears Here?: On Black Music, Pasts and Present Volume 1 by Ramsey, Guthrie P.
Walking with Asafo in Ghana: An Ethnographic Account of Kormantse Bentsir Warrior Music by Aduonum, Ama Oforiwaa
Wired for Music: A Search for Health and Joy Through the Science of Sound by Barton, Adriana
Sounding Out the State of Indonesian Music by
Sounding Out the State of Indonesian Music by
Community-Based Traditional Music in Scotland: A Pedagogy of Participation by Miller, Josephine L.
Collecting Music in the Aran Islands: A Century of History and Practice by Ní Chonghaile, Deirdre
Field Hollers And Freedom Songs: Featuring the collected works from the Sweat Equity Investment in the Cotton Kingdom Symposium by
Historical Facts For The Arabian Musical Influence by Farmer, Henry George
Historical Facts For The Arabian Musical Influence by Farmer, Henry George
Concerte, Componisten und Virtuosen der letzten fünfzehn Jahre, 1870-1885, Zweite Auflage by Hanslick, Eduard
An Introduction to the Study of National Music Comprising Researches Into Popular Songs by Engel, Carl
Concerte, Componisten und Virtuosen der letzten fünfzehn Jahre, 1870-1885, Zweite Auflage by Hanslick, Eduard
An Introduction to the Study of National Music Comprising Researches Into Popular Songs by Engel, Carl
Thirty Years of Musical Life in London; With Mote Than one Hundred Illustrations From Photographs by Klein, Hermann
Thirty Years of Musical Life in London; With Mote Than one Hundred Illustrations From Photographs by Klein, Hermann
Concerte, Componisten Und Virtuosen Der Letzten Fünfzehn Jahre, 1870-1885 by Hanslick, Eduard
Music And Manners In France And Germany: A Series Of Travelling Sketches Of Art And Society; Volume 3 by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Teton Sioux Music by Densmore, Frances
Music And Manners In France And Germany: A Series Of Travelling Sketches Of Art And Society; Volume 1 by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Storia Della Musica Sacra Nella Gia' Cappella Ducale Di San Marco In Venezia Dal 1318 Al 1797... by Caffi, Francesco
Concerte, Componisten Und Virtuosen Der Letzten Fünfzehn Jahre, 1870-1885 by Hanslick, Eduard
Storia Della Musica Sacra Nella Gia' Cappella Ducale Di San Marco In Venezia Dal 1318 Al 1797... by Caffi, Francesco
Music And Manners In France And Germany: A Series Of Travelling Sketches Of Art And Society; Volume 1 by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Music And Manners In France And Germany: A Series Of Travelling Sketches Of Art And Society; Volume 2 by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Music And Manners In France And Germany: A Series Of Travelling Sketches Of Art And Society; Volume 3 by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Music And Manners In France And Germany: A Series Of Travelling Sketches Of Art And Society; Volume 2 by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Teton Sioux Music by Densmore, Frances
Music, Sound, and Documentary Film in the Global South by
Music, Dance and the Archive by
Going Up the Country: Adventures in Blues Fieldwork in the 1960s by Evans, David, Bokelman, Marina
Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances (arr. for violin) by Bartók, Béla
Los Rodríguez's Sin Documentos by Fouce, Héctor, Val, Fernán del
Massada's Astaganaga by Mutsaers, Lutgard
Massada's Astaganaga by Mutsaers, Lutgard
Los Rodríguez's Sin Documentos by Val, Fernán del, Fouce, Héctor
The Spirituals and the Blues - 50th Anniversary Edition by James, Cone
Sheram: Songs with music notation in Armenian and transliterated English lyrics by Talyan (Ashugh Sheram), Grigor
Going Up the Country: Adventures in Blues Fieldwork in the 1960s by Evans, David, Bokelman, Marina
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