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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

World War I in 2010

The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. VI (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Britis by Halsey, Francis W.
Altered Memories of the Great War: Divergent Narratives of Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada by Sheftall, Mark David
Picture This: World War I Posters and Visual Culture by
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. I (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, British by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. I (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, British by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. II (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Britis by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. II (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Britis by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. III (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Briti by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. III (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Briti by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. IV (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Britis by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. IV (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Britis by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. V (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, British by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. V (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, British by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. VI (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Britis by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. VII (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Briti by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. VII (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Briti by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. VIII (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Brit by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. VIII (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Brit by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. IX (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Britis by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. IX (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, Britis by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. X (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, British by Halsey, Francis W.
The Literary Digest History of the World War, Vol. X (in Ten Volumes, Illustrated): Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources: American, British by Halsey, Francis W.
An American Soldier in World War I by Browne, George
The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon by Sassoon, Siegfried
Mein Kampf(german Language Edition) by Hitler, Adolf
The Eat-Less Meat Book - War Ration Housekeeping by Peel, C. S.
The Eat-Less Meat Book - War Ration Housekeeping by Peel, C. S.
The Molly Maguires: And The Detectives (1887) by Pinkerton, Allan
Yank Brown, Forward (1921) by Stone, David
The Man Nobody Knew (1918) by Hall, Holworthy
The Outdoor Girls At The Hostess House: Or Doing Their Best For The Soldiers (1919) by Hope, Laura Lee
The Hilltop Troop (1919) by Pier, Arthur Stanwood
Trench Fever: Report Of Commission Medical Research Committee American Red Cross (1918) by Strong, Richard Pearson
Upper Peninsula, 1878-1880 V4: Marquette Iron Region, Menominee Iron Region (1881) by Rominger, Carl Ludwig
The Full Story Of Aguinaldo's Capture By L. Segovia Of The Expeditionary Force (1902) by Segovia, Lisandro
The Making Of A Soldier: Or How The Lad Went Away (1916) by Simpkin Marshall Hamilton Publisher
The Northwest Under Three Flags, 1635-1796 (1900) by Moore, Charles
With The R.A.M.C. In Egypt (1918) by Serjeant-Major R a M C
Syria, And The Syrians V1: Or Turkey In The Dependencies (1856) by Wortabet, Gregory M.
The Sub: Being The Autobiography Of David Munro, Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy (1917) by Taffrail, Dorling, H. Taprell
War Surgery Of The Face: A Treatise On Plastic Restoration After Facial Injury (1919) by Roberts, John Bingham
Battlefilm: U.S. Army Signal Corps Motion Pictures of the Great War by
The Journal Of The Household Brigade For The Year 1879 (1879) by Dolby, I. E. a.
Battlefilm: U.S. Army Signal Corps Motion Pictures of the Great War by
The Real and Assumed Personalities of Famous Men: Rafael De Nogales, T. E. Lawrence, and the Birth of the Modern Era, 1914-1937 by McQuaid, Kim
Mein Kampf(german Language Edition) by Hitler, Adolf
With the Tanks: Two First-Hand Accounts of British Tanks & Tank-Men at War in Europe During the First World War---Life in a Tank by Ri by Macintosh, J. C., Haigh, Richard
With the Tanks: Two First-Hand Accounts of British Tanks & Tank-Men at War in Europe During the First World War---Life in a Tank by Ri by Haigh, Richard, Macintosh, J. C.
Plane Tales of the Skies: The Experiences of Pilots Over the Western Front During the Great War by Blake, Wilfred Theodore
A Company of Tanks: a British Company Commander's View of Tank Warfare During the First World War by Watson, W. H. L.
A Company of Tanks: a British Company Commander's View of Tank Warfare During the First World War by Watson, W. H. L.
Plane Tales of the Skies: the Experiences of Pilots Over the Western Front During the Great War by Blake, Wilfred Theodore
Antwerp to Gallipoli: A Year of War on Many Fronts - And Behind Them by Ruhl, Arthur
Confronting Hitler: German Social Democrats in Defense of the Weimar Republic, 1929-1933 by Smaldone, William
War Surgery Of The Face: A Treatise On Plastic Restoration After Facial Injury (1919) by Roberts, John Bingham
The Story Of Our Wonderful Victories Part 1: Told By Dewey, Schley, Wheeler, And Other Heroes (1899) by Schley, Winfield Scott, Wheeler, Joseph, Dewey, George
Beitrage Zur Geschichte Sardiniens Und Corsicas Im Ersten Punischen Kriege: Quellenkritisch-Geschichtliche Untersuchungen (1906) by Eliaeson, Ake
Der Grosse Preussenkonig (1914) by Rogge, Bernhard
Philosophie Des Krieges In Umrissen (1915) by Gomperz, Heinrich
Bitche Et Ses Defenseurs, 1870-1871 (1901) by Guesquin, Eugene
Histoire Des Timbres Poste Francais (1907) by Maury, Arthur
Brau Industrie Und Brauarbeiter Bewegung In Amerika (1910) by Schluter, Hermann
Histoire De La Guerre De 1870-1871 V5: Rezonville Et Saint-Privat (1905) by Lehautcourt, Pierre
Griefs Nouveaux Des Cabinets Europeens Contre Le Cabinet Russe (1832) by Bronikowski, Xavier
Melfi Le Agitazioni Del Melfese Il Brigantaggio (1905) by Del Zio, Basilide
La Crise Allemande De 1900-1902 Le Charbon, Le Fer Et L'Acier (1903) by Sayous, Andre Emile
Fragments Historiques Relatifs A La Campagne De 1815 (1829) by Grouchy, Emmanuel
La Comision Mixta De Reclamaciones Mexicanas Y Americanas (1873) by Rodriguez, Jose Ignacio
Le Franc-Tireur Chants De Guerre, 1870-1871 (1871) by Barbier, Jules
Paris En Decembre 1851: E'Tude Historique Sur Le Coup D'Etat (1868) by Tenot, Eugene
De Paris A Cayenne: Journal D'Un Transporte (1872) by Delescluze, Charles
Le Livre Bleu De L'Internationale (1871) by Testut, Oscar
Histoire De La Chute De L'Empire: 6 Juillet-4 Septembre, 1870 (1874) by Pointu, Jules
Les Hommes De La Commune (1871) by Clere, Jules
Neueste Geschichte Von Den Wiener Vertragen Bis Zum Frieden Von Paris, 1815-1856 (1867) by Lorentz, Friedrich
Memoria Sobre Las Causas De La Sequia De Las Provincias De Almeria Y Murcia (1851) by De Echegaray, Jose
Der Heliokon Und Das Ostwestlicht Oder Das Marz-Phanomen Von 1843 (1843) by Wirth, Ferdinand
Das Portrait Des Arminius (1898) by Uhl, Wilhelm
Foredrag Over Norges Historie I 1814 (1889) by Gregersen, Nils Jorgen
Der Deutsch-Danische Krieg: Geschichte Des Feldzugs In Schleswig-Holstein Im Jahre 1864 (1865) by Pflug, Ferdinand
La Neutralidad De Espana En La Proxima Guerra Naval En El Mediterraneo (1894) by Poggio, Salvador
Abhandlung Uber Den Gebirgskrieg (1858) by Leemann, Heinrich, Rubio, Santiago Pascual y.
Le Marechal Bazaine Et L'Armee De Metz (1871) by Dentu Et Fouraignan Publisher
Le Departement Des Bouches-Du-Rhone De 1800 A 1810 (1899) by Fournier, Joseph, Saint-Yves, Georges
La Verite Sur Le Canal De Panama Publiee Du 12 Octobre 1889 Au 12 Mars 1890 (1890) by Journal La Paix
Souvenirs De L'Empereur Napoleon I (1854) by Cases, Emmanuel Auguste Dieudonne Las
Der Regierungsbezirk Aachen (1850) by Kaltenbach, J. H.
Bannu: Or Our Afghan Frontier (1876) by Thorburn, Septimus Smet
De La Puissance Americaine V2 (1848) by Poussin, Guillaume Tell
Le General Boulanger (1889) by Chincholle, Charles
Historia Da Guerra Do Brasil V4 (1871) by A G Guimaraes Publisher
Historia De La Guerra Civil V1 (1868) by Pirala, Antonio
Beschrijving Van Den Atjeh-Oorlog, Part 3 (1885) by Kielstra, Egbert Broer
Das Franzosische Heer Von Der Grossen Revolution Bis Zur Gegenwart (1873) by Jahns, Max
Le Constructeur (1881) by Reuleaux, Franz, Debize, Alphonse Francois
Militarische Briefe, V1-3 (1886) by Zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Kraft Prinz
Cronaca Civile E Militare: Delle Due Sicilie Sotto La Dinastia Borbonica Dall' Anno 1734 In Poi (1857) by Pozzo, Luigi Del
Beitrage Zur Kriegsgeschichte Und Kriegswissenschaft V3-4 (1829) by Schels, Johann Baptist
Histoire Complete Et Authentique De Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1852) by Guy, De L'Herault, Gallix, Jean Claude Barthelemy
Histoire De La Ville De Vienne (1828) by Mermet, Thomas
The Beginning of Futility by Cavallaro, Gaetano V.
The Beginning of Futility by Cavallaro, Gaetano V.
Le Feu: Journal D'Une Escouade (1917) by Barbusse, Henri
Memorie Storiche Della Resa Di Malta Ai Francesi Nel 1798 (1867) by Terrinoni, Guiseppe
Monete Di Milano Inedite (1894) by Gnecchi, Francesco, Gnecchi, Ercole
Amnesty and Pardon for Political Prisoners: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Sixth Congre by Anonymous
United States Lawn Tennis Association and the World War by Grupp, George W., Ferris, John a., Williams, Paul Benjamin
The Kaiser's U-Boats in American Waters by Gentile, Gary
VOR Der Entscheidung by Von Unruh, Fritz
Cambrai 1917 by Hammond, Bryn
The Battle of the Frontiers: Ardennes 1914 by Zuber, Terence
Submarine: Hunter & Hunted-British Submarine and Anti-Submarine Operations During the First World War by Domville-Fife, Charles W.
Submarine: Hunter & Hunted-British Submarine and Anti-Submarine Operations During the First World War by Domville-Fife, Charles W.
Dear Folks at Home by Anonymous
Pur Le Droit by Rogers, Randolph
Letters from Oregon Boys in France by Wilmot, Maude E.
Letters from a Liaison Officer 1918-1919 by Van Mitchell, Clarence Shaick
Women of Belgium by Kellogg, Charlotte
Back of the Front in France by Bradley, Amy Owen
Letters Concerning the War by Kahn, Otto Hermann
Daddy Pat of the Marines by Evans, Frank E.
The Void of War by Farrer, Reginald
War Bread by Hunt, Edward Eyre
Red Cross and Iron Cross by Munthe, Axel
The High Aces: French, American, British, Italian & Belgian Pilots of the First World War 1914-18 by Driggs, Laurence La Tourette
The 1st Canadians at War: Two Accounts of the First Canadian Division in the Great War by Keene, Louis, Curry, Frederic C.
The High Aces: French, American, British, Italian & Belgian Pilots of the First World War 1914-18 by Driggs, Laurence La Tourette
The 1st Canadians at War: Two Accounts of the First Canadian Division in the Great War by Curry, Frederic C., Keene, Louis
Wie Der Feldgraue Spricht: Scherz Und Ernst In Der Neusten Soldatensprache (1916) by Bergmann, Karl
Die Technischen Grundlagen Des Riesenflugzeuges Fur Den Luftverkehr: Vortrag Gehalten Am 15 April 1919 Im Aero-Club Von Deutschland (1919) by Offermann, D. R.
Die Turkei (1918) by Krause, Paul R.
Cinq Prieres Pour Le Temps De La Guerre (1916) by Jammes, Francis
A Propos Du Tonkin Et De L'Indo-Chine: Octobre 1886 (1886) by Blancsube, Jules
A Inquisicao De 1850 (1850) by A H de Pontes Publisher
Artillerie-Unterricht, Part 2: Fur Die K. K. Kriegs-Marine (1881) by K K See-Arsenal Publisher
Ashe Pyee, The Superior Country: Or The Great Attractions Of Burma To British Enterprise And Commerce (1882) by Laurie, William Ferguson Beatson
Cri Des Colons Contre Un Ouvrage De M. Leveque Et Senateur Gregoire (1810) by De Tussac, Richard
Mobiles De La Mayenne: 3 Bataillon (1871) by De Chanzy, Armee
Lettere Finanziarie Sul Nuovo Piano Del Ministro Per Le Finanze Conte Luigi Guglielmo De Cambray-Digny (1868) by Giubilei, Santi
Cuestiones De Limites O Lineas Divisorias Entre Las Posesiones De La Gran Bretana (1897) by Hoskold, Henry Davis
Lettere Sirmiensi Per Servire Alla Storia Della Deportazione De Cittadini Cisalpini In Dalmazia Ed Ungheria (1801) by Apostoli, Francesco
Contribution A L'Histoire Medico-Chirurgicale Du Siege De Paris: L'Ambulance Militaire De La Rue Violet, No. 57 (1873) by Girard, Charles Frederic
Ensayo Sobre La Necesidad De Una Federacion Jeneral: Entre Los Estados Hispano-Americanas, Y Plan De Su Organizacion (1825) by Monteagudo, Bernardo
The Photographic History Of The Civil War V2: Two Years Of Grim War (1911) by Elson, Henry W.
Der Feldzug Des Jahres 1809 In Suddeutschland V2: Von Der Schlacht Bei Aspern Bis Zum Schlusse Des Feldzuges (1864) by Hellwald, Friedrich Von
Chroniques Dauphinoises Et Documents Inedits Relatifs A Dauphine Pendant La Revolution (1880) by Champollion-Figeac, Aime
Aus Oesterreichs Stillen Und Bewegten Jahren: 1810-1812 Und 1813-1815 (1892) by Krones, Franz Xaver
Determination Telegraphique De La Difference De Longitude (1871) by Wolf, Rudolf, Hirsch, Adolph, Plantamour, Emile
A Textbook Of Ordnance And Gunnery: Prepared For The Use Of Cadets Of The U. S. Military Academy (1896) by Bruff, Lawrence Laurenson
Geschichte Der Neuesten Zeit Vom Wiener Congress Bis Zur Gegenwart V1: 1815-1848 (1882) by Jaeger, Oskar
Aus Der Teufe: Bergmannische Dichtungen (1856) by Vogl, Johann Nepomuk
Der Junge Feldjager V1-3: In Franzosischen Und Englischen Diensten Wahrend Des Spanisch-Portugiesischen Kriegs Von 1806 Bis 1816 (1846) by Gothe, Johann Christian, Maempel, Johann Christian
Ricordi Della Campagna Di Francia, 1870-1871 (1897) by Garibaldi, Ricciotti
Memoria Dei Fatti E Di Tutte Le Occorrenze Sulla Pesca Del Tonno Colla Tonnara Nel Porto Di Marsascirocco (1882) by Diacono, Luigi
Hunting The Lawless (1955) by Worcester, Hugh M.
Over There - War Scenes on the Western Front by Bennett, Arnold
Sir Ian Hamilton's Despatches from the Dardanlles, Etc. by Field-Marshal, Evelyn
Germany's Western Front: 1915: Translations from the German Official History of the Great War by
Termination of War and Treaties of Peace by Phillipson, Coleman
On the Far Western Front: Britain's First World War in South America by Dehne, Phillip A.
What's wrong with ANZAC? by Reynolds, Henry, Damousi, Joy, Lake, Marilyn
Jamaican Volunteers in the First World War: Race, Masculinity and the Development of National Consciousness by Smith, Richard
Historical Dictionary of U.S. Diplomacy from World War I through World War II by Folly, Martin, Palmer, Niall
The Pitiful Plight of the Assyrian Christians in Persia and Kurdistan by Rockwell, William Walker
The 7th Manchesters at War: Two Linked Accounts of the First World War on the Middle Eastern & Western Fronts by Hurst, Gerald B., Wilson, S. J.
The 23rd (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers (First Sportsman's) During the First World War 1914-1918 by Ward, Fred W.
The 23rd (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers (First Sportsman's) During the First World War 1914-1918 by Ward, Fred W.
The 7th Manchesters at War: Two Linked Accounts of the First World War on the Middle Eastern & Western Fronts by Hurst, Gerald B., Wilson, S. J.
R. F. C. H. Q.: the Command & Organisation of the British Air Force During the First World War in Europe by Baring, Maurice
Towards Gommecourt: Two accounts of British Soldiers on the Western Front During the First World War by Liveing, Edward G. D., Hodder-Williams, John Ernest
The War Machines: the Development of Aircraft and Submarines for Aerial and Undersea Warfare to the End of the First World War by Abbot, Willis J.
The War Machines: the Development of Aircraft and Submarines for Aerial and Undersea Warfare to the End of the First World War by Abbot, Willis J.
The Story of the Lafayette Escadrille: a Famous Fighter Squadron in the First World War by its Commander by Thenault, Georges
Towards Gommecourt: Two accounts of British Soldiers on the Western Front During the First World War by Hodder-Williams, John Ernest, Liveing, Edward G. D.
Faith in the Fight: Religion and the American Soldier in the Great War by Ebel, Jonathan H.
R. F. C. H. Q.: the Command & Organisation of the British Air Force During the First World War in Europe by Baring, Maurice
The Story of the Lafayette Escadrille: a Famous Fighter Squadron in the First World War by its Commander by Thenault, Georges
Tanks 1914-1918; the Development of Allied Tanks and Armoured Warfare During the Great War by Stern, Albert G.
Tanks 1914-1918; the Development of Allied Tanks and Armoured Warfare During the Great War by Stern, Albert G.
Die Anarchisten: Kulturgemalde Aus Dem Ende Des XIX Jahrhunderts (1903) by MacKay, John Henry
El Fusilamiento De Maximiliano De Hapsburgo (1901) by Juarez, Benito
Allman Jarnvagsstatistik: Statistiskt Sammandrag For Aren 1881-1915 Av Kungl. Jarnvagsstyrelsen (1920) by K. L. Beckmans Boktryckeri Publisher
Des Raccordements Internationaux De Chemins De Fer Et Des Gares Frontieres (1901) by Magne, Louis
Die Anfange Der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung In Amerika (1907) by Schluter, Hermann
Die Gegnerischen Gewerkschaften In Deutschland (1907) by Umbreit, Paul
Die Verfolgung: Abriss Der Kriegsgeschichte, Lehren Fur Heer Und Truppenfuhrung (1903) by Immanuel, Friedrich
Eine Deutsche Heldin: Erlebnisse Einer Roten Kreuz Schwester (1916) by Detter, Ludwig
Foch: Sa Vie, Sa Doctrine, Son Oeuvre, La Foi En La Victoire (1919) by Puaux, Rene
Die Theorien Der Elektrodynamik: Nach Ihrer Geschichtlichen Entwickelung (1904) by Helm, Georg
Drehkolben-Kraftmaschinen (1906) by Gentsch, Wilhelm
Gli Animali Alla Guerra (1916) by Caprin, Giulio
El Algodon En Mexico: Trabajo Escrito De Orden De La Secretaria De Fomento (1884) by Sandoval, Alberto Ruiz y.
Estudio Y Proyecto De Organizacion De Artilleria (1880) by Fuentes, Julio
El Combate Del Callao: Descripcion Del Bombardeo Y Biografia Del Almirante Mendez Nunez (1884) by Taboada, Nicolas
Die Erhebung Preussens Gegen Napoleon Im Jahre 1813 (1894) by Freytag, Gustav
Bonaparte Et Les Iles Ioniennes: Un Episode Des Conquetes De La Republique Et Du Premier Empire, 1797-1816 (1899) by Rodocanachi, Emmanuel
Die Gasmaschine: Nach Ihrer Geschichtlichen Entwickelung, Theorie Und Praxis Vom Neuesten Standpunkte Der Erfahrung (1887) by Schwartze, Theodor
Jahrbucher Fur Die Deutsche Armee Und Marine V8: Juli Bis September 1873 (1873) by Lobell, Heinrich Von
Die Mercerisation Der Baumwolle: Mit Specieller Berucksichtigung Der In Und Auslandischen Patente (1898) by Gardner, Paul
Die Eisenbahnen, Nach Anlage, Bau Und Betrieb, Wirthchaftlich Und Technisch Dargestellt (1844) by Klemm, L. W.
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