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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

World War I in 2013

Churchill, Borden and Anglo-Canadian Naval Relations, 1911-14 by Thornton, Martin
The Great War and Veterans' Internationalism by
British Army Uniform and the First World War: Men in Khaki by Tynan, J.
Trench Talk: Words of the First World War by Doyle, Peter, Walker, Julian
Life of Lord Kitchener, Volume 2 by Arthur, George
Life of Lord Kitchener, Volume 3 by Arthur, George
Life of Lord Kitchener, Volume 1 by Arthur, George
Early Trench Tactics in the French Army: The Second Battle of Artois, May-June 1915 by Krause, Jonathan
Devil Dogs: Fighting Marines of World War I by Clark, Jeanne
Hero of the Angry Sky: The World War I Diary and Letters of David S. Ingalls, America's First Naval Ace by
A Brief History of the 4th Marines by Santelli, James S., Marine Corps, U. S.
Discourses Surrounding British Widows of the First World War by Smith, Angela
Contacts and Contrasts by Gleichen, Helena
Access All Areas by Wheeler, Sara
The Red Battle Flyer by
Raymond Collishaw and the Black Flight by Gunn, Roger
Raymond Collishaw and the Black Flight by Gunn, Roger
Far West In China: Communists, Cooperatives, Colleges by Lautenschlager, Stanton
Contested Commemorations: Republican War Veterans and Weimar Political Culture by Ziemann, Benjamin
Objectivity in Law and Legal Reasoning by
Hemingway's Trail of the Novel A Farewell to Arms by Drekonja, Branko, Potocnik, Aleksander Jankovic
Diary of a Man in Despair by Reck, Friedrich
Three years in France with the Guns: Being Episodes in the life of a Field Battery by Rose, C. A.
The Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner by Forstner, Georg-Günther Freiherr Von
Voyage of the Deutschland by König, Paul
Raymond Collishaw and the Black Flight by Gunn, Roger
Three years in France with the Guns: Being Episodes in the life of a Field Battery by Rose, C. A.
Rules of the Game: Jutland and British Naval Command by Gordon, Andrew
Prisoners of Britain: German Civilian and Combatant Internees During the First World War by Panayi, Panikos
Prize Law During the World War: A Study of the Jurisprudence of the Prize Courts, 1914-1924 by Garner, James Wilford
Devil Dogs Chronicle: Voices of the 4th Marine Brigade in World War I by
The American Expeditionary Force in World War I: A Statistical History, 1917-1919 by Clark, George B.
Years of Plenty, Years of Want by Martin, Benjamin Franklin
British Secret Service During the Great War: Accounts of Espionage & Counter-Espionage 1914-18 by Everitt, Nicholas
Wings of War: Two First Hand Accounts of Pilots During the First World War-The Airman by C. Mellor and Brother Bosch by Gerald Feath by Mellor, C., Knight, Gerald Featherstone
Wings of War: Two First Hand Accounts of Pilots During the First World War-The Airman by C. Mellor and Brother Bosch by Gerald Feath by Mellor, C., Knight, Gerald Featherstone
British Secret Service During the Great War: Accounts of Espionage & Counter-Espionage 1914-18 by Everitt, Nicholas
The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt During the First World War by Barrett, James W., Deane, P. E.
Sniping in France: With the British Army During the First World War by Hesketh-Prichard, H.
My Dear Wife,: The Letters of a British Airman and Soldier Written During the First World War-My Airman Over There by Aimee Bond & Le by Bond, Aimee, Vernede, R. E.
Behind the Scenes in Warring Germany: An American Journalist's View of the First World War from the German Perspective by Fox, Edward Lyell
Behind the Scenes in Warring Germany: An American Journalist's View of the First World War from the German Perspective by Fox, Edward Lyell
The U. S. Navy at War: Personal Accounts of 15 American Seamen, Women & Marines During the First World War by Sterne, Elaine
The U. S. Navy at War: Personal Accounts of 15 American Seamen, Women & Marines During the First World War by Sterne, Elaine
The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt During the First World War by Barrett, James W., Deane, P. E.
My Dear Wife,: The Letters of a British Airman and Soldier Written During the First World War-My Airman Over There by Aimee Bond & Le by Bond, Aimee, Vernede, R. E.
Sniping in France: With the British Army During the First World War by Hesketh-Prichard, H.
The Last Days of the Romanovs: The Murder of the Tsar & the Russian Royal Family, 1918 by Wilton, Robert, Telberg, George Gustav
The Last Days of the Romanovs: The Murder of the Tsar & the Russian Royal Family, 1918 by Telberg, George Gustav, Wilton, Robert
Submarine and Anti-Submarine: the Allied Under-Sea Conflict During the First World War by Newbolt, Henry
Woodbine Willie: An Unsung Hero of World War One by Holman, Bob
Stretcher Bearer!: Fighting for Life in the Trenches by Horton, Charles, Vack, Dale Le
Submarine and Anti-Submarine: the Allied Under-Sea Conflict During the First World War by Newbolt, Henry
How I Filmed the War: the First World War Experiences of a Famous British Cinematographer by Malins, Geoffrey H.
British Artillery on the Western Front in the First World War: 'The Infantry cannot do with a gun less' by Marble, Sanders
How I Filmed the War: the First World War Experiences of a Famous British Cinematographer by Malins, Geoffrey H.
Bismarck: A Life by Steinberg, Jonathan
The Rise of the Marginal Utility School, 1870-1889 by Howey, Richard S.
The Soldiers' Press: Trench Journals in the First World War by Seal, G.
Captivity, Forced Labour and Forced Migration in Europe during the First World War by
Du Champ de Bataille Au Ciel by Coubé, Stéphen
Hunter, Trader, Trapper, V63, No. 1, July, 1931 by
Russian Origins of the First World War by McMeekin, Sean
Peace to the World by the Ameruss Crusaders by Forman, Sidney
The Clergy in Khaki: New Perspectives on British Army Chaplaincy in the First World War by Madigan, Edward
Merry Hell: The Story of the 25th Battalion (Nova Scotia Regiment), Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919 by Tennyson, Brian
I Can Never Say Enough about the Men by Kerr, Andrew
The Ones Who Have to Pay: The Soldiers-Poets of Victoria BC in the Great War 1914-1918 by Taylor, Robert Ratcliffe
The Ones Who Have to Pay: The Soldiers-Poets of Victoria BC in the Great War 1914-1918 by Taylor, Robert Ratcliffe
Delta Force: A Memoir by the Founder of the U.S. Military's Most Secretive Special-Operations Unit by Beckwith, Charlie A., Knox, Donald
Disequilibrium, Polarization, and Crisis Model: An International Relations Theory Explaining Conflict by Dierauer, Isabelle
World War 1 Diary of Private Brooks on the Western Front: Day to day diary of a private soldier in the trenches by Boshoff, Peter, Boshoff (Brooks), Heather, Brooks, William
Mementos of a Doughboy by Campbell, Roger C.
The Origins of the First World War: Diplomatic and Military Documents by
The Economic Value of the United States Merchant Marine by McGee, John S., Ferguson, Allen R., Lerner, Eugene M.
Michelin Pendant La Guerre. 1914-1917 by Michelin Et Cie
Les Régions Arabes Libérées: Syrie, Irak, Liban, Lettre Ouverte À La Société Des Nations by Khairallah, Khairallah Tannous
La France En Guerre by Kipling, Rudyard
Living on the Western Front: Annals and Stories, 1914-1919 by Ward, Chris
Living on the Western Front: Annals and Stories, 1914-1919 by Ward, Chris
The Great War and Modern Memory by Fussell, Paul
Documents in Modern History: Diplomatic and military documents by
A Guide to U.S. Army Insignia and Decorations by Petersen, Gordon a. J., Rankin, Robert H.
Sea Warfare by Kipling, Rudyard
Feeding Tommy: Battlefield Recipes from the First World War by Robertshaw, Andrew
World War One: History in an Hour by Colley, Rupert
At the Western Front: Two Classic Accounts of the First World War by an American Correspondent-At the Front with Three Armies & France Bears by Fortescue, Granville
Above the Battle: The Personal Recollections of an R. F. C. Scout Pilot During the First World War by Drake, Vivian
Above the Battle: The Personal Recollections of an R. F. C. Scout Pilot During the First World War by Drake, Vivian
At the Western Front: Two Classic Accounts of the First World War by an American Correspondent-At the Front with Three Armies & France Bears by Fortescue, Granville
'Side-Show' Theatres of the Great War: British Campaigns in Africa & the Far East During the First World War by Dane, Edmund, Jones, Jefferson
'Side-Show' Theatres of the Great War: British Campaigns in Africa & the Far East During the First World War by Jones, Jefferson, Dane, Edmund
Luck on the Wing: Recollections of an American Aerial Observer During the First World War by Haslett, Elmer
The Shallow End of War: Accounts of the Royal Navy in the 'Sideshow' Theatres of the First World War, 1914-18 by Cato, Conrad
Luck on the Wing: Recollections of an American Aerial Observer During the First World War by Haslett, Elmer
Unquiet Fronts: Two Personal Accounts of German Soldiers During the First World War by Feldwebel C--, Anonymous
The Shallow End of War: Accounts of the Royal Navy in the 'Sideshow' Theatres of the First World War, 1914-18 by Cato, Conrad
Unquiet Fronts: Two Personal Accounts of German Soldiers During the First World War by Anonymous, Feldwebel C--
Narratives of the Great War in Africa: Personal Experiences of Two Soldiers in the East African & South West African Campaigns of the First World War by Wienholt, Arnold, Walker, H. F. B.
Narratives of the Great War in Africa: Personal Experiences of Two Soldiers in the East African & South West African Campaigns of the First World War by Walker, H. F. B., Wienholt, Arnold
U.S. Marines from Bunker Hill to the Hook by Nalty, Bernard C.
The Top 10 Innovations of World War I by Jones, Robert C.
The Great Famine & Genocide in Iran: 1917-1919 by Majd, Mohammad Gholi
In the Fourth Year Anticipations of a World Peace by Wells, H. G.
Mr. Britling Sees It Through by Wells, H. G.
Torchbearers of Democracy: African American Soldiers in the World War I Era by Williams, Chad L.
The Final Battle: Soldiers of the Western Front and the German Revolution of 1918 by Stephenson, Scott
Violence Against Prisoners of War in the First World War: Britain, France and Germany, 1914 1920 by Jones, Heather
We All Made History by King, Lona
We All Made History by King, Lona
Cultural Heritage of the Great War in Britain. by Ross Wilson by Wilson, Ross J.
The Diyarbekir Massacres and Kurdish Atrocities by Mugerditchian, Thomas
The Truth about the Treaty by Tardieu, Andre
The Great Illusion a Study of the Relation of Military Power in Nations to Their Economic and Social Advantage by Baldwin, Simeon Eben, Angell, Norman, Sir
The Stakes of Diplomacy by Lippmann, Walter
Germany and Europe by Kessler, Harry
The Roots and Causes of the Wars (1914-1918) by Ewart, John Skirving
Pubs and Patriots: The Drink Crisis in Britain During World War One by Duncan, Robert
Britain and France in Two World Wars: Truth, Myth and Memory by
Abandoning American Neutrality: Woodrow Wilson and the Beginning of the Great War, August 1914 - December 1915 by Floyd, R.
Abandoning American Neutrality: Woodrow Wilson and the Beginning of the Great War, August 1914 - December 1915 by Floyd, R.
Hold High the Torch: A History of the 4th Marines by Condit, Kenneth W., Turnbladh, Edwin T.
The Economic Consequences of the Peace by Keynes, John Maynard
The Fireside Book of Guns: The Story of Firearm in America, from the First Explorers to Today's Sportsmen by Koller, Larry
1600 Years Under the Sea: An Adventure in Marine Archaeology by Falcon-Barker, Ted
Civvies CB: Middleclass Men on the English Home Front, 191418 by Ugolini, Laura
Propaganda Technique in the World War by Lasswell, Harold D.
Germany's Western Front: Translations from the German Official History of the Great War, 1914, Part 1 by
Germany's High Sea Fleet in the World War by Scheer, Reinhard
Dance of the Furies: Europe and the Outbreak of World War I by Neiberg, Michael S.
Pittsburgh in World War I: Arsenal of the Allies by Williams, Elizabeth
At War in Distant Waters: British Colonial Defense in the Great War by Pattee, Phillip G.
Prelude to Blitzkrieg: The 1916 Austro-German Campaign in Romania by Barrett, Michael B.
The History of Nuclear War I: How Hiroshima and Nagasaki Were Devastated by Nuclear Weapons in August 1945. by Shanebrook, John Richard
The History of Nuclear War I: How Hiroshima and Nagasaki Were Devastated by Nuclear Weapons in August 1945. by Shanebrook, John Richard
Riddle of the Reich by Williams, Wythe
War Memoirs of Robert Lansing, Secretary of State by Lansing, Robert
Personalities and Reminiscences of the War by Bullard, Robert Lee
Red Machete: Communist Infiltration in the Americas by Donovan, John
A Rifleman Went to War by McBride, Herbert Wes
Aboard a Blimp Hunting U-Boats: A Day Above the Atlantic Reveals Navy Talk and Navy Ways, Creeping Convoys and Torpedoed Wrecks by Sutherland, Mason
You Can't Print That! the Truth Behind the News, 1918-1928 by Seldes, George
Austrian Stamps and Their Background, 1850-1937 by Zinsmeister, Marian Carne
Forty Letters to Carson Long, 1904-10 by Long, Theodore K.
You Can't Print That! the Truth Behind the News, 1918-1928 by Seldes, George
America's Greatest Blunder: The Fateful Decision to Enter World War One by Pines, Burton Yale
America's Greatest Blunder: The Fateful Decision to Enter World War One by Pines, Burton Yale
The silent morning: Culture and memory after the Armistice by
Britain's Economic Blockade of Germany, 1914-1919 by Osborne, Eric W.
Vcs the Naval Vcs: The Naval Vcs by Snelling, Stephen
Occupation of Constantinople by Edmonds, James E., Edmonds, J. E.
1st Lt. Raymond Miller Pilot: B-17g Flying Fortress WWII by Gwin, Ruby
1st Lt. Raymond Miller Pilot: B-17g Flying Fortress WWII by Gwin, Ruby
The Great War: An Imperial History by Morrow, John
A Lieutenant of Hussars by Mercer, Brian P. W.
Geordie's War by Richardson, Alan
Wounded: A New History of the Western Front in World War I by Mayhew, Emily
Bayonets of the First World War by Bera, Claude
With Our Backs to the Wall: Victory and Defeat in 1918 by Stevenson, David
The Great War and Veterans' Internationalism by
Five Lieutenants by Nelson, James Carl
Churchill, Borden and Anglo-Canadian Naval Relations, 1911-14 by Thornton, Martin
British Army Uniform and the First World War: Men in Khaki by Tynan, J.
The Legacies of Two World Wars: European Societies in the Twentieth Century by
Outwitting the Hun by O'Brien, Pat
Average Americans by Roosevelt, Theodore
Haig's Intelligence: Ghq and the German Army, 1916 1918 by Beach, James, Beach, Jim
The Western Front, 1914 Trilogy: A Concise History of the Opening Campaigns of the First World War, 1914-Hacking Through Belgium, the Battle of the Ri by Dane, Edmund
A Twilight of Centaurs: The Opening Campaigns of the First World War as Witnessed by an American Volunteer Driver with British Cavalry on the by Coleman, Frederic
The Western Front, 1914 Trilogy: A Concise History of the Opening Campaigns of the First World War, 1914-Hacking Through Belgium, the Battle of the Ri by Dane, Edmund
A Twilight of Centaurs: The Opening Campaigns of the First World War as Witnessed by an American Volunteer Driver with British Cavalry on the by Coleman, Frederic
With the Guns of the B. E. F., 1914: A Personal History & Recollections by an Officer of the Royal Horse Artillery-The Retreat from Mons & the Marne-A by Corbett-Smith, Arthur
With the Guns of the B. E. F., 1914: A Personal History & Recollections by an Officer of the Royal Horse Artillery-The Retreat from Mons & the Marne-A by Corbett-Smith, Arthur
Guns at Le Cateau: Two Accounts of the B. E. F. in the First World War-The Royal Regiment of Artillery at Le Cateau, 26 August, 1914 by a by Becke, A. F., De Sausmarez, C.
Eagles Rampant Rising: Two Lives of American Fighter Pilots During the First World War-The Way of the Eagle by Charles J. Biddle & Quentin Ro by Biddle, Charles J., Roosevelt, Quentin
Eagles Rampant Rising: Two Lives of American Fighter Pilots During the First World War-The Way of the Eagle by Charles J. Biddle & Quentin Ro by Biddle, Charles J., Roosevelt, Quentin
Guns at Le Cateau: Two Accounts of the B. E. F. in the First World War-The Royal Regiment of Artillery at Le Cateau, 26 August, 1914 by a by De Sausmarez, C., Becke, A. F.
Two Views of the South-West Africa Campaign 1914-15: With Botha in the Field: Recollections of Botha's Bodyguard Troop by Moore Ritchie & with Botha's by Robinson, J. P. Kay, Ritchie, Moore
Motoring to War: Accounts of Motor Vehicles from the Boer War & the First World War-Motor Transports in War by Horace Wyatt, "Get There by Wyatt, Horace, Powell, E. Alexander
Opening Shots: 1914-First Hand Accounts by Allied Soldiers & Sailors from the First Battles of the Great War-In the Firing Line by A. by Mills, Arthur, Adcock, A. St John
Opening Shots: 1914-First Hand Accounts by Allied Soldiers & Sailors from the First Battles of the Great War-In the Firing Line by A. by Adcock, A. St John, Mills, Arthur
Motoring to War: Accounts of Motor Vehicles from the Boer War & the First World War-Motor Transports in War by Horace Wyatt, "Get There by Wyatt, Horace, Powell, E. Alexander
Scottish Nurses in the First World War: With the Scottish Nurses in Roumania by Yvonne Fitzroy & a History of the Scottish Women's Hospitals (Extract by Fitzroy, Yvonne, McLaren, Eva Shaw
Two Views of the South-West Africa Campaign 1914-15: With Botha in the Field: Recollections of Botha's Bodyguard Troop by Moore Ritchie & with Botha's by Ritchie, Moore, Robinson, J. P. Kay
Scottish Nurses in the First World War: With the Scottish Nurses in Roumania by Yvonne Fitzroy & a History of the Scottish Women's Hospitals (Extract by McLaren, Eva Shaw, Fitzroy, Yvonne
Germany's High Sea Fleet in the World War by Scheer, Reinhard
A Fleet in Being: Austro-Hungarian Warships of WWI by Phillips, Russell
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of the Bulge by Charles River
Changing War: The British Army, the Hundred Days Campaign and the Birth of the Royal Air Force, 1918 by
Lettere dal fronte.: La Grande Guerra raccontata nelle pagine del Corriere Abruzzese by Adamoli, Federico
The British Raj: Volume I Growth by Beckett, Elisabeth