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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

World War I in 2023

1919: La Correspondance du Simple by Chaloine, Roxane
Skagerrak: The Battle of Jutland Through German Eyes by Staff, Gary
The Day the Great War Ended, 24 July 1923: The Civilianization of War by Winter, Jay
The Global First World War: African, East Asian, Latin American and Iberian Mediators by
Byzantine Military Rhetoric in the Ninth Century: A Translation of the Anonymi Byzantini Rhetorica Militaris by Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios, Theotokis, Georgios
Milan Rastislav Stefánik: The Slovak National Hero and Co-Founder of Czechoslovakia by Ksiňan, Michal
Renegotiating First World War Memory: The British and American Legions, 1938-1946 by Garber, Ashley
Dardanelles Dilemma: The Story of the Naval Operations by Keble Chatterton, E.
A Rising Power: America Talks WWI by Miller, William M.
Die Ersten Stundenschläge Des Weltkrieges: Eine Zeittafel Der Wichtigen Vorgänge Bei Kriegsausbruch Mit Hinweisen Auf Die Einschlägigen Urkunden by Bülow V., B. W.
The Worst Kind of War by Howard, Bruce
The Forgotten Front: The Macedonian Campaign, 1915-1918 by Lewis, Jon B.
The Fighting at Jutland: The Personal Experiences of Sixty Officers and Men of the British Fleet by Personal Experiences of 60 and Men
The Fighting at Jutland: The Personal Experiences of Sixty Officers and Men of the British Fleet by Personal Experiences of 60 and Men
The Pilgrim's Guide to the Ypres Salient by
"Severn's" Saga by Keble Chatterton, E.
Battles with Panzers: Monty's Tank Battalions 1 RTR and 2 RTR at War by Delaforce, Patrick
Military Air Power in Europe Preparing for War: A Study of European Nations' Air Forces Leading Up to 1939 by Ridley, Norman
Englands Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Deutschland by Stresemann, Gustav
Jüdische Flieger im Kriege, ein Blatt der Erinnerung by A. Theilhaber, Felix
Die Juden Im Weltkriege by A. Theilhaber, Felix
Life in a Tank by Haigh, Richard
New Zealanders at Gallipoli by Waite, Fred
The Fighting Territorials by Hurd, Percy
Good-Bye to the Battlefields: Today and Yesterday on the Western Front by Taylor, H. a.
Good-Bye to the Battlefields: Today and Yesterday on the Western Front by Taylor, H. a.
American Polar Bears in Russia: Soldiers of the 339th Infantry and the Archangel Campaign, 1918-1919 by Venner, William Thomas
French Intellectuals at a Crossroads, 1918-1939 by Conner, Tom
The Genocide of the Christian Populations in the Ottoman Empire and its Aftermath (1908-1923) by
Twice Wounded by Lynch, John P.
Great War Fashion: Tales from the History Wardrobe by Adlington, Lucy
Commendations of the 1st Division American Expeditionary Forces 1917 - 1919 France Germany by
History of War in Maps by Parker, Philip
The Disparity of Sacrifice: Irish Recruitment to the British Armed Forces, 1914-1918 by Wheatley, Michael, Bowman, Timothy, Butler, William
Netley Diary 1915-1916 by Riley, Alec
Netley Diary 1915-1916 by Riley, Alec
Pigeons in the Great War: A Complete History of the Carrier-Pigeon Service during the Great War, 1914 to 1918 by Osman, Lt -Col A. H.
The Last Days of Mankind: The Complete Text by Kraus, Karl
Defence of Europe by Sikh Soldiers in the World Wars by Chowdhry, Mohindra S.
死ぬには最高のチャンス: Beste Gelegenheit Zum Sterben by Richert, Dominique
Terminal Diary 1918 by Doggett, John Locke, Jr.
Sonámbulos by Clark, Christopher
Norman Ten Hundred by Stanley Blicq, A.
Billy Mitchell's War with the Navy: The Interwar Rivalry Over Air Power by Wildenberg, Thomas
Campaigning in Gallipoli by Allanson, Cecil
Terminal Diary 1918: WWI at the Front by Barbour, Gabrielle, Doggett, John Locke, Jr.
The Economic Consequences of the Peace by Keynes, John Maynard
The Economic Consequences of the Peace by Keynes, John Maynard
The Note-Book of an Attaché: Seven Months in the War Zone by Fisher Wood, Eric
Tank Battles of World War I by Cooper, Bryan
War, Journalism and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century: The Life and Times of Henry W. Nevinson by John, Angela V.
From Gaza to Jerusalem: The Campaign for Southern Palestine 1917 by Hadaway, Stuart
Primeira Guerra Mundial: A Guerra que Acabaria com todas as Guerras by Blanc, Claudio
Der Weg ohne Heimkehr: Ein Martyrium in Briefen by T. Wegner, Armin
The Meaning of the War: Life & Matter in Conflict by Bergson, Henri
Men of 18 in 1918: Memories of the Western Front in World War One by Hodges, Frederick James
Men of 18 in 1918: Memories of the Western Front in World War One by Hodges, Frederick James
Lest We Forget: World War I and New Mexico by Holtby, David V.
Anzac Soldier Vs Ottoman Soldier: Gallipoli and Palestine 1915-18 by Sheppard, Si
Before Bletchley Park: The Codebreakers of the First World War by Gannon, Paul
Die Bestie im Weltkriege: Verbrechen an deutschen Volksgenossen im Ersten Weltkriege by
The Spot the War Forgot: World War 1 Berrima German POW Camp by Hamilton, Wendy
World War I & II: Two Wars, One World: The Cost of Victory by Kingston, A. J.
La Breve Historia de las Guerras de Afganistán (1970-1991): Operación Ciclón, los Muyahidines, las Guerras Civiles Afganas, la Invasión Soviética y el by Academy Archives
La Brève Histoire des Guerres d'Afghanistan (1970-1991): L'opération Cyclone, les Moudjahidines, les Guerres Civiles Afghanes, l'Invasion Soviétique e by Academy Archives
A Breve História das Guerras do Afeganistão (1970-1991): Operação Ciclone, Os Mujahideen, As Guerras Civis Afegãs, A Invasão Soviética e a Ascensão do by Academy Archives
Plumer & Messines: Accounts of the General and the Battle, 1917 by Harrington, Charles
Der Erste Weltkrieg: The First World War: Cultures of Remembrance in Germany and Australia by
Plumer & Messines: Accounts of the General and the Battle, 1917 by Harrington, Charles
Transatlantische Brieffreunde: Die Korrespondenz Zwischen Jacques Loeb Und Wilhelm Ostwald Um 1900 by Leber, Christoffer
From Armoured Cars to Coldstream Guards: An American Volunteer During the First World War by Louis Starr The Battle of the Somme, 1916: Third Stage by by Starr, Louis, Buchan, John
De Eerste Wereldoorlog (Volume 1): 1914, de uitbraak by Benjamin Janssens de Bisthoven
A Primeira Guerra Mundial (Volume 1): 1914, o início by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
De Eerste Wereldoorlog (Volume 2): 1915-1917, de impasse by Benjamin Janssens de Bisthoven
La Prima guerra mondiale (Volume 1): 1914, lo scoppio by Benjamin Janssens de Bisthoven
A Primeira Guerra Mundial (Volume 2): 1915-1917, o impasse by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
La Prima guerra mondiale (Volume 2): 1915-1917, lo stallo by Benjamin Janssens de Bisthoven
From Armoured Cars to Coldstream Guards: An American Volunteer During the First World War by Louis Starr The Battle of the Somme, 1916: Third Stage by by Buchan, John, Starr, Louis
Raoul Lufbery and Marc Pourpe: From the Birth of Aviation to the Lafayette Escadrille; 1909-1918 by Mortane, Jacques, Lufbery III, Raoul, Gordon, Dennis
Now It Can Be Told by Gibbs, Philip
Living Bayonets: A Record of the Last Push by Dawson, Coningsby
The Memoirs of a Swine in the Land of Kultur; or, How it Felt to be a Prisoner of War by Muse, Benjamin
A Little House in War Time by Castle, Egerton, Castle, Agnes
Notes of a Camp-Follower on the Western Front by W. Hornung, E.
The Living Present by Franklin Horn Atherton, Gertrude
Justice at the Margins of War: The Ethics of Espionage and Gray Zone Operations by
Multilingual Environments in the Great War by
Primul Război Mondial (Volumul 2): 1915-1917, impasul by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
Birinci Dünya Savaşı (Cilt 1): 1914, patlak vermesi by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
De Eerste Wereldoorlog (Volume 3): 1918, het einde by Benjamin Janssens de Bisthoven
Birinci Dünya Savaşı (Cilt 2): 1915-1917, çıkmaz by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
I wojna światowa (Tom 2): 1915-1917, impas by Benjamin Janssens de Bisthoven
Первая мировая война (То&#1084 by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
Перша світова війна (Том 1): 1 by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
Перша світова війна (Том 2): 1 by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
I wojna światowa (Tom 1): 1914 rok, początek by Benjamin Janssens de Bisthoven
Primul Război Mondial (Volumul 1): 1914, izbucnirea războiului by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
Ο Πρώτος Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος (& by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
Первая мировая война (То&#1084 by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
Ο Πρώτος Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος (& by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
The Birth of Independent Air Power: British Air Policy in the First World War by Cooper, Malcolm
Douglas Haig, 1861-1928 by de Groot, Gerard J.
Studies in Secret Diplomacy: During the First World War by Gottlieb, W. W.
Deborah and the War of the Tanks 1917 by Taylor, John a.
Deborah and the War of the Tanks 1917 by Taylor, John a.
The Wounded World: W. E. B. Du Bois and the First World War by Williams, Chad L.
The Wounded World: W. E. B. Du Bois and the First World War by Williams, Chad L.
It'll All Be Over by Christmas: The First World War in Postcards by Wilton, John
A Primeira Guerra Mundial (Volume 3): 1918, O Fim by Janssens de Bisthoven, Benjamin
Pierwsza wojna światowa (Tom 3): 1918, koniec by Benjamin Janssens de Bisthoven
La Prima Guerra Mondiale (Volume 3): 1918, la fine by Benjamin Janssens de Bisthoven
Iron Indignation by Grebstad, David W.
British Memorials of the Great War 1914-1918 by Dean & Dawson
At G.H.Q. by Charteris, Brigadier-General John
At G.H.Q. by Charteris, Brigadier-General John
Les Précurseurs by Rolland, Romain
Au-dessus de la mêlée by Rolland, Romain
For the Duration: The Story of the Thirteenth Battalion The Rifle Brigade by Rowlands, D. H.
For the Duration: The Story of the Thirteenth Battalion The Rifle Brigade by Rowlands, D. H.
At the Tip of the Boot: As told by a WWI POW by Hill, Roger G.
Regimental History of the 1st Battalion 8th Punjab Regiment by Campbell, M. H. a., Geoghegan, N. M.
On Warmer Tides: The Genesis and History of Italy's First World War Naval Commandos by Hall, Matthew C.
Five Months at Anzac: A Narrative of Personal Experiences of the Officer Commanding the 4th Field Ambulance, Australian Imperial Force by Beeston, Joseph Lievesley
Flight Lieutenant Thomas 'Tommy' Rose Dfc: Wwi Fighter Ace, Record Breaker, Chief Test Pilot - His Remarkable Life in the Air by Chambers, Sarah
U-111 Exposed by Gentile
The Offensive of Small Units: September 1916 by General Hq, Eastern Armies
Tommy's Tunes: A Comprehensive Selection of Soldiers' Songs by Nettleingham, F. T.
Remembrances of German Regiments, Baden Pioneer Battalion Nr. 14: The Baden Pioneers in World War I by Eggeling, Ernst, Doberg, Otto
Loyalties Mesopotamia 1914-1917 by Wilson, Arnold T.
The Shaken Lands: Violence and the Crisis of Governance in East Central Europe, 1914-1923 by
Loyalties Mesopotamia 1914-1917 by Wilson, Arnold T.
The Lockhart Plot: Love, Betrayal, Assassination and Counter-Revolution in Lenin's Russia by Schneer, Jonathan
Beach Moose & Amber: Finding My Jewish History by Easton, Sharon
Primera Guerra Mundial: Una guía apasionante de principio a fin by Wellman, Billy
Charles Wadsworth Camp and World War I: War's Dark Frame and History of the 305th Field Artillery (Large Print Edition) by Camp, Charles Wadsworth
The Spot the War Forgot: World War 1 Berrima German POW Camp by Hamilton, Wendy
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases by Kleiser, Grenville
The Road Less Traveled: The Secret Turning Point of the Great War, 1916-1917 by Zelikow, Philip
L'art pendant la guerre 1914-1918 by de la Sizeranne, Robert
Before Endeavours Fade: A Guide to the Battlefields of the First World War by Coombs, Rose E. B.
Les conséquences politiques de la paix by Bainville, Jacques
Sir Barton and the Making of the Triple Crown by Kelly, Jennifer S.
Five Down and Glory: A History of the American Air Ace by Gurney, Gene
Men Under Fire: Motivation, Morale, and Masculinity Among Czech Soldiers in the Great War, 1914-1918 by Hutečka, Jiří
Revolt In The Desert by Lawrence, T. E.
Revolt In The Desert by Lawrence, T. E.
The Madman in the White House: Sigmund Freud, Ambassador Bullitt, and the Lost Psychobiography of Woodrow Wilson by Weil, Patrick
The Weekly War: How the Saturday Evening Post Reported World War I by Dubbs, Chris, Edy, Carolyn
Trauma, Religion and Spirituality in Germany During the First World War by Crouthamel, Jason
A Merchant Fleet at War by Hurd, Archibald
Medical Caregiving Narratives of the First World War: Geographies of Care by Allitt, Marie
The Life and Times of Lieutenant General Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart: Soldier and Diplomat by Ogden, Alan
Private Fred and the Great War: An Ordinary Soldier's Diary of WW1 by Fish, George Frederick Newton
America's Youngest Soldier: On the Front Lines in World war One by Wrentmore, Ernest L.
Der Stahlhelm - Bund Der Frontsoldaten: Eine Veteranenorganisation Und Ihr Verhältnis Zum Nationalsozialismus by Werberg, Dennis
Drafting Italy: Conscription and the Military from 1814 to 1914 by Rovinello, Marco
Russia's Agony by Wilton, Robert
101 Hours in a Zeppelin: Ernst August Lehmann and the Dream of Transatlantic Flight, 1917 by Pohl, Robert S.
A Frenchman's Duty: A Foot Soldier's Journey through the First World War by Dumoulin, J. Michael
God on the Western Front: Soldiers and Religion in World War I by Byrnes, Joseph F.
Transforming the Politics of International Law: The Advisory Committee of Jurists and the Formation of the World Court in the League of Nations by
After the Armistice: Empire, Endgame and Aftermath by
Transatlantic Relations and the Great War: Austria-Hungary and the United States by Bednar, Kurt
Colonial Encounters in a Time of Global Conflict, 1914-1918 by
A Tomb Guard Remembers by Pasquale
A Tomb Guard Remembers by Pasquale
Remembering World War I in America by Lamay Licursi, Kimberly J.
Empire Between the Lines: Imperial Culture in British and French Trench Newspapers of the Great War by Stice, Elizabeth
Peacemaking and International Order after the First World War by
True Love Stories from World War One (WWI): Inspiring Couples from Back in Time by Kenton, Amelia
World War I: The End Of An Era by Kingston, A. J.
A Soldier's Tale: Albert Money at the Battle of Aubers Ridge, May, 1915 by Money Krr, Albert
The Facemaker: A Visionary Surgeon's Battle to Mend the Disfigured Soldiers of World War I by Fitzharris, Lindsey
Soldiers Don't Go Mad: A Story of Brotherhood, Poetry, and Mental Illness During the First World War by Glass, Charles
Paths of Glory Impressions of War Written at and Near the Front by Cobb, Irvin
Passed by the censor: The Experience of an American Newspaper Man in France by Williams, Wythe
Spanish Flu: The Deadliest Pandemic That the Human Race Has Faced (The History and Legacy of the World's Deadliest Influenza Outbre by Lawrence, Andrew
A Minstrel in France by Lauder, Harry
Our Country First, Then Greenville: A New South City During the Progressive Era and World War I by Tollison Hartness, Courtney L.
Thunder and Flames: Americans in the Crucible of Combat, 1917-1918 by Lengel, Edward G.
Dunsterville & Dunsterforce: The British Military Mission to the Caucasus During the First World War by Dunsterville, L. C.
Dunsterville & Dunsterforce: The British Military Mission to the Caucasus During the First World War by Dunsterville, L. C.
The Peace Negotiations A Personal Narrative by Lansing, Robert
Les heures longues, 1914-1917 by Colette
Peaceless Europe by Nitti, Francesco Saverio
The Lusitania's Last Voyage;Being a narrative of the torpedoing and sinking of the R. M. S. Lusitania by a German submarine off the Irish coast, May 7 by Lauriat, Charles, Jr.
Luck on the Wing: Thirteen Stories of a Sky Spy by Haslett, Elmer
Aloft in the Gun-Buses - The Exploits of the Flyers and Fighters During the First World War: The Exploits of the Flyers and Fighters During the First by Walters, E. W., Middleton, Edgar C.
Aloft in the Gun-Buses - The Exploits of the Flyers and Fighters During the First World War by Middleton, Edgar C., Walters, E. W.
Motor Launches in Action - The Royal Navy's Small Submarine Hunters During the First World War by Maxwell, Gordon S., Nutting, William W.
Motor Launches in Action - The Royal Navy's Small Submarine Hunters During the First World War by Maxwell, Gordon S., Nutting, William W.
Der Erste Weltkrieg in Der Chemnitzer Erinnerungskultur Von 1918-2018 by Hetzer, Stefan
Conquer We Must: A Military History of Britain, 1914-1945 by Prior, Robin
Conquer We Must: A Military History of Britain, 1914-1945 by Prior, Robin
Afterlives of War: A Descendants' History by Roper, Michael
Field Marshal the Earl of Cavan: Soldier and Fox Hunter by Senior, Michael
The Ironclads of Cambrai by Cooper, Bryan
French Generals of the Great War: Leading the Way by Krause, Jonathan, Philpott, William
The Life and Diaries of Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: Volume II by Calwell, Charles Edward
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