• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Writing Instruction in 1991

News and Dissent: The Press and the Politics of Peace in Canada by Hackett, Robert A.
Mapping Hegemony: Television News and Industrial Conflict by Goldman, Robert, Rajagopal, Arvind
Mapping Hegemony: Television News and Industrial Conflict by Goldman, Robert, Rajagopal, Arvind
Zwischen Routine Und Recherche: Eine Studie Über Lokaljournalisten Und Ihre Informanten by Grimme, Eduard W. P.
Antisemitismus Im Mediendiskurs: Die Affäre "Waldheim" in Der Tagespresse by Gruber, Helmut
Media and Voters in Canadian Election Campaigns by
Science Technology & Society by Nakayama
Unreliable Sources by Lee
NS-Pressepolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg by Kohlmann-Viand, Doris Heidi
La Presse de la Liberté: Journée d'Études Organisée Par Le Groupe de Travail IFLA Sur Les Journaux, Paris, Le 24 Août 1989 by
Indonesian Conversations by Wolff, John U.
Best Science Writing: Readings and Insights by
Seeing Through Language: Design, Innovation and Mangement by Carter, Ronald, Nash, Walter
The Rise of the Japanese Corporate System by Matsumoto, Koji
Business Journals of the United States by
The Essential Feature: Writing for Magazines and Newspapers by Hay, Vicky
The Shadow World: Life Between the News Media and Reality by Willis, William James, Willis, Jim
The Art of Writing Nonfiction: Second Edition by Fontaine, André, Glavin Jr, William A.
Writing about Science by Schneller, Beverly E., Bowen, Mary E., Bowen, Elizabeth
The Handbook of Good English by Johnson, Edward
Advanced Newsgathering by McIntyre, Bryce T.
Sensationalism and the New York Press by Stevens, John
Elements of Literature: Essay, Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Film by
Winning Pulitzers: The Stories Behind Some of the Best News Coverage of Our Time by Rothmyer, Karen
Agenda Setting: Readings on Media, Public Opinion, and Policymaking by
The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers by Gardner, John
Write to the Point: And Feel Better about Your Writing by Stott, Bill
Sources on the History of Women's Magazines, 1792-1960: An Annotated Bibliography by Zuckerman, Mary Ellen
An Introduction to Composition Studies by
About Translation by Newmark, Peter
Press Freedom in Africa by Faringer, Gunilla
Writing Successfully in Science by O'Connor, Maeve
Preserving the Press: How Daily Newspapers Mobilized to Keep Their Readers by Bogart, Leo
Composition as a Human Science: Contributions to the Self-Understanding of a Discipline by Phelps, Louise W., Philps, Louise W.
Glasnost, Perestroika and the Soviet Media by McNair, Brian
Crime and the American Press by Lotz, Roy
An Anthology of Scottish Women Poets by
An Anthology of Scottish Women Poets by
The Play of Words by Lederer, Richard
What News?: The Market, Politics and the Local Press by Franklin, Bob, Murphy, David
News Verdicts, the Debates, and Presidential Campaigns by Bernstein, James M., Lemert, James B., Elliott, William R.
A Dictionary of Literary: Gradus, A-Z by Dupriez, Bernard
What If?: Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers by Bernays, Anne
Die Anfänge des Deutschen Fernsehens by
The Publisher-Public Official: Real or Imagined Conflict of Interest? by Sneed, Don, Riffe, Daniel
Selected Journalism by Stendhal