• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Writing Instruction in 1994

Journalists for the 21st Century: Tendencies of Professionalization Among First-Year Students in 22 Countries by Splichal, Slavko, Sparks, Colin
Journalists for the 21st Century: Tendencies of Professionalization Among First-Year Students in 22 Countries by Sparks, Colin, Splichal, Slavko
Effective Writing: Stunning Sentences, Powerful Paragraphs, Riveting Reports by Ross-Larson, Bruce
Principles of Adaptation for Film and Television by Brady, Ben
Die Zukunft Des Journalismus: Technologische, Ökonomische Und Redaktionelle Trends by Löffelholz, Martin Unter Mitarbeit Von Monika Pater, Weischenberg, Siegfried, Altmeppen, Klaus-Dieter
Journalismus ALS Soziales System: Geschichte, Ausdifferenzierung Und Verselbständigung by Blöbaum, Bernd
The Writing Habit by Huddle, David
21st Century Dictionary of Slang by Princeton Language Institute
Liz Lochhead's Voices by Crawford, Robert
From Memories to Manuscript: The Five Step Method of Writing Your Life Story by Neubauer, Joan R.
Editors on Editing: What Writers Need to Know about What Editors Do by
The Best of Plimpton by Plimpton, George
The Power of Culture: Studies in Chinese Cultural History by
Telling Lies for Fun & Profit by Block, Lawrence
Successful Publishing in Scholarly Journals by Thyer, Bruce A.
FDR and the News Media by Winfield, Betty Houchin
Living Out Loud by Quindlen, Anna
Mothers and Work in Popular American Magazines by Keller, Kathryn
Market-Driven Journalism: Let the Citizen Beware? by McManus, John H.
The Art of Translating Prose by Raffel, Burton
Public Diplomacy and International Politics: The Symbolic Constructs of Summits and International Radio News by Fortner, Robert S.
The New Oxford Guide to Writing by Kane, Thomas S.
Seeing Through the Media: The Persian Gulf War by Jeffords, Susan, Rabinovitz, Lauren
Writing News for Broadcast by Bliss, Edward, Hoyt, James
The Conversation of Journalism: Communication, Community, and News by Anderson, Rob, Dardenne, Robert, Killenberg, George M.
A Walk Between Heaven and Earth: A Personal Journal on Writing and the Creative Process by Holzer, Burghild Nina
Academic Literacy and the Nature of Expertise: Reading, Writing, and Knowing in Academic Philosophy by Geisler, Cheryl
Academic Literacy and the Nature of Expertise: Reading, Writing, and Knowing in Academic Philosophy by Geisler, Cheryl
Trade, Industrial, and Professional Periodicals of the United States by
Borges on Writing by Borges, Jorge Luis
The New Short Story Theories by May, Charles E.
Transformationsanalyse by Mundt, Michaela
The Germanic Languages by Konig, Ekkehard, Van Der Auwera, Johan
Bylines in Despair: Herbert Hoover, the Great Depression, and the U.S. News Media by Liebovich, Louis W.
Writing and the Writer by Smith, Frank
Beliefs about Text and Instruction with Text by
Studies in Newspaper and Periodical History, 1993 Annual by
In Your Own Voice: Using Life Stories to Develop Writing Skills by Selling, Bernard
Congress, the Press, and the Public by
Writing for Story: Craft Secrets of Dramatic Nonfiction by Franklin, Jon
In Your Own Voice: Using Life Stories to Develop Writing Skills by Selling, Bernard
Langues Et Sociétés En Contact: Mélanges Offerts À Jean-Claude Corbeil by
The French Press in the Age of Enlightenment by Censer, Jack
Editing Fact and Fiction: A Concise Guide to Book Editing by Sharpe, Leslie T.
The Early American Press, 1690-1783 by Sloan, William
Approaches to Poetry Writing by Kgositsile, Keorapetse
Relationes Historicae: Ein Bestandsverzeichnis Der Deutschen Meßrelationen Von 1583 Bis 1648 by
Hold On, Honey, I'll Take You to the Hospital at Halftime: Confessions of a TV Sports Junkie by Chad, Norman
Fight for Public Health: Principles & Practice of Media Advocacy by Lupton, D., Chapman, Simon
A Journalist's Guide to Public Opinion Polls by Witt, G. Evans, Unknown, Gawiser, Sheldon R.
Editing Fact and Fiction by Leslie T., Sharpe, Sharpe, Leslie T., Sharpe
A Journalist's Guide to Public Opinion Polls by Gawiser, Sheldon, Witt, G. Evans
Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication: Cognition/culture/power by Berkenkotter, Carol, Huckin, Thomas N.
Coherence, Continuity, and Cohesion: Theoretical Foundations for Document Design by Campbell, Kim Sydow
Republik ohne Chance? by Asmuss, Burkhard
Big Screen, Small Screen: A practical guide to writing for flim and television in Australia by Drouyn, Coral
American History Awards 1917-1991: From Colonial Settlements to the Civil Rights Movements by
Biography / Autobiography Awards 1917-1992: From the Lucky Discoverer of America to an Unfortunate Vietnam Veteran by
Writing from the Body: For Writers, Artists and Dreamers Who Long to Free Their Voice by Lee, John
American Sign Language Concise Dictionary: Revised Edition by Sternberg, Martin L.
Froth and Scum: Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and the Ax Murder in America's First Mass Medium by Tucher, Andie
How to Write a Philosophy Paper by Stramel, James S.
Grantland Rice and His Heroes: The Sportswriter as Mythmaker in the 1920s by Inabinett, Mark
Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing by Cixous, Hélène