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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Writing Instruction in 2011

Fugitive Histories by Elliott, Harley
You Can Be an Author by Knighton, Bettye W.
GRE 4000: The 4000 Words Essential for the GRE by Kolby, Jeff
SAT 4000: The 4000 Words Essential for the SAT by Kolby, Jeff
Joe Alsop's Cold War: A Study of Journalistic Influence and Intrigue by Yoder, Edwin M.
College Writing Tips and Sample Papers: A Student Success Guide for the Imperfect Student by Kresse, Josh
MFA in a Box by Rember, John
Three Friends in a Boat by Melia, Patrick
Jaepl 16: Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (Volume 16) by
How to Write Magical Words: A Writer's Companion by
Into the Story: A Writer's Journey Through Life, Politics, Sports and Loss by Maraniss, David
I Took the Dare: 1 Book. 1 Social Experiment. 18 Young Writers by Liu, Cynthea
Unless It Moves the Human Heart: The Craft and Art of Writing by Rosenblatt, Roger
Media Coverage of the Ukrainian 1932-1933 Famine-Genocide by Bezpiatchuk, Zhanna
Semantics and Word Formation; The Semantic Development of Five French Suffixes in Middle English by Lloyd, Cynthia
Now Write! Screenwriting: Exercises by Today's Best Writers and Teachers by Ellis, Sherry, Lamson, Laurie
Die Bedeutung von Social Media für Journalisten am Beispiel von Twitter by Christmann, Thomas
The Confession by Rinehart, Mary Roberts
The Aspern Papers by James, Henry
The Science of Fairy Tales: An Inquiry Into Fairy Mythology by Hartland, Edwin Sidney
The Blue Castle by Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Emily of New Moon by Montgomery, Lucy Maud
The Pocketbook of Prompts: 52 Ideas for a Story by Gould, Kate
The Low-Residency MFA Handbook: A Guide for Prospective Creative Writing Students by May, Lori a.
Codes of Ethics and Photojournalism in Germany by Möhl, Katja
Widowed Dreams by McManus, Helen
Unterhaltung als Makroemotion by Bahr, Ariane
A Clergyman's Daughter by Orwell, George
Everything You Wanted to Know about Freelance Writing by Lima, Paul
Visualität als Nachrichtenfaktor - Welche Rolle spielt das Bild als Nachrichtenfaktor in den heutigen Fernsehnachrichten? by Müller, Benjamin
Die Causa Koch/Brender - Der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk im Fokus der Berichterstattung überregionaler Printmedien by Frech, Jannis
Coming to Terms with Experience through Writing, Scott Oury by Oury, Scott
Sweet Dreams: A Family History by Henry, DeWitt
Writing Genre Flash Fiction the Minimalist Way: A Self Study Book by Kechula, Michael A.
Elements of Fiction Writing - Characters & Viewpoint: Proven Advice and Timeless Techniques for Creating Compelling Characters by an a Ward-Winning Au by Card, Orson Scott
Täter oder Opfer? - Die Rolle der Presse im Dritten Reich by Horak, Jan
The Everything Guide to Writing Children's Books: How to Write, Publish, and Promote Books for Children of All Ages! by Gordon, Eva Sage, Wallin, Luke
Journalism in Britain by Conboy, Martin
Our Digital Future: Boardrooms and Newsrooms by
Susan Myrick of Gone with the Wind: An Autobiographical Biography by Lindsley, Susan
Investigative Journalism in China: Journalism Power and Society by Tong, Jingrong
Das deutsche Hörspiel - Geschichte, Konzeption und Umsetzung by Müller, Benjamin
Losing the News: The Future of the News That Feeds Democracy by Jones, Alex S.
Current by Fishman, Lisa
Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar by Matthews, Stephen, Yip, Virginia
How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One by Fish, Stanley
Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar by Matthews, Stephen, Yip, Virginia
Patterns of Experience in Autobiography by Egan, Susanna
Journalism Studies: A Critical Introduction by Calcutt, Andrew, Hammond, Philip
A History of the National Intelligencer by Ames, William E.
Journalism Studies: A Critical Introduction by Hammond, Philip, Calcutt, Andrew
Three Genres: The Writing of Literary Prose, Poems and Plays by Minot, Stephen, Thiel, Diane
Buford the Bear by Kaiser, Lori
Der Aufbau der Force de Frappe unter Charles de Gaulle (1959-1969) und die weitere Entwicklung bis in die Gegenwart by Dams, Catrin
Writing From Within: Tapping The Creative Unconscious: How to Use Your Subconscious Mind To Supercharge Your Creative Writing by Curran, Mark W.
The Comfort Garden: Tales from the Trauma Unit by Barkin, Laurie
Walford State of Mind: Eastenders as Reported by the Walford Gazette by Jaffee, Larry
Our Difficult Sunlight: A Guide to Poetry, Literacy, & Social Justice in Classroom & Community by Popoff, Georgia A., Lansana, Quraysh Ali
Fiction Writing Workbook by Glanville, K. L.
Get Great Marks for Your Essays, Reports, and Presentations by Germov, John
Translating Women by
Guaranteed Formula for Writing Success by Ofori, Everett
Champ by Hillman, Larry
What to Charge: Pricing Strategies for Freelancers and Consultants by Lewis, Laurie
Graswurzelfeuilleton: Journalistische Kunstkritik in Zeiten des Web 2.0 by Bikos, Konstantin
The Waves by Woolf, Virginia
Die Position des Dolmetschers im Dolmetschprozess: Das dreigliedrige, zweisprachige Kommunikationssystem Dolmetschen nach Hella Kirchhoff (1976) by Kalderon, Eliza
In Transition: Jordan's Media Between Freedom and Regulation: Media System of Jordan by Fülbeck, Tobias
Between the Acts by Woolf, Virginia
Die externe Krisenkommunikation der BP PLC nach dem Untergang der Bohrinsel "Deepwater Horizon": Eine Analyse by Stein, Sven
The Poet's Way by Manjusvara (David Keefe)
The Media at War by Carruthers, Susan
The Media at War by Carruthers, Susan
New Angle on Writing (Semester 2) by Dowling, Richard, Watson, Stephen D.
Poetry and Story Therapy: The Healing Power of Creative Expression by Chavis, Geri Giebel
Braucht die Kommunikationswissenschaft Systemtheorie?: Wie trägt das AGIL-Schema zum Verständnis des Sozialsystems Gesellschaft bei? by Hansen, Jennifer
Actio et Reactio - Interdependenz, -effikation und -penetration bei PR und Journalismus: Intersystembeziehungen von Public Relations und Journalismus by Kuntze, Dirk
Life-Style Translating: A Workbook for Bible Translator's, Second Edition by Wendland, Ernst R.
Entwurf eines crossmedialen Konzepts für die Musikzeitung "nmz" by Wimmer, Sabine
Knowing and Writing School History: The Language of Students' Expository Writing and Teachers' Expectations by de Oliveira, Luciana C.
Knowing and Writing School History: The Language of Students' Expository Writing and Teachers' Expectations (Hc) by de Oliveira, Luciana C.
Story Engineering: Mastering the 6 Core Competencies of Successful Writing by Brooks, Larry
Modern German Grammar Workbook by Whittle, Ruth, Zojer, Heidi
A Free Press in FreeHand: The Spirit of American Blogging in the Handwritten Newspapers of John McLean Harrington 1858-1869 by Smith, Michael Ray
21 Ways to Write & Publish Your Non-Fiction Book by Eckstein, Kristen
Dangerous People, Dangerous Place by Parker, Norman
Covering for the Bosses: Labor and the Southern Press by Atkins, Joseph B.
Europäische Öffentlichkeit und nationale Filterprozesse: Politische Kommunikationsforschung im Kontext der EU by Wagenknecht, Thomas
Tierdarstellungen in Print- und Rundfunkwerbung: Entwicklung und Wirkung von Tieren als Werbeträgern by Hansen, Jennifer
The Journal Keeper: A Memoir by Theroux, Phyllis
Why Translation Matters by Grossman, Edith
A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov, M. Y.
Me-Search and Re-Search: A Guide for Writing Scholarly Personal Narrative Manuscripts by Nash, Robert J., Bradley, Demethra Lasha
Me-Search and Re-Search: A Guide for Writing Scholarly Personal Narrative Manuscripts (Hc) by Nash, Robert J., Bradley, Demethra Lasha
Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader by
Essential Japanese Vocabulary: Learn to Avoid Common (and Embarrassing!) Mistakes: Learn Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary Quickly and Effectively by Miura, Akira
Song of the Lark by Cather, Willa
Die Untersuchung der regionalen Berichterstattung über rechtsextreme Akteure: Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse der Dresdner Tageszeitungen im Zeitraum by Badar, Robert
Face the Future by
Telling Stories in Two Languages: Multiple Approaches to Understanding English-Japanese Bilingual Children's Narratives by Minami, Masahiko
Telling Stories in Two Languages: Multiple Approaches to Understanding English-Japanese Bilingual Children's Narratives (Hc) by Minami, Masahiko
Doing Your Literature Review: Traditional and Systematic Techniques by Jesson, Jill, Matheson, Lydia, Lacey, Fiona M.
Next Word, Better Word: The Craft of Writing Poetry by Dobyns, Stephen
Journalistenbefragungen in Deutschland im Vergleich by Heiduk, Klaudia
Teleshopping - ein Geschäftsmodell mit Zukunft? Status Quo - Problemfelder - Entwicklungstrends by Winkler, Stephanie Julia
Technik und Fachjournalismus - eine systemtheoretische Betrachtung by Cappelmann, Tim
Vergleich des literarischen Werkes 'The wonderful wizard of Oz' mit den deutschen Übersetzungen von 'Der Zauberer von Oz' by Geistert, Claudia
Clear and Simple as the Truth: Writing Classic Prose - Second Edition by Thomas, Francis-Noël, Turner, Mark
Shake Off The Dust 1936: A Memoir by Carraway, Earl
The Write Stuff by Longyear, Barry B.
The Liar's Bible: A Handbook for Fiction Writers by Block, Lawrence
The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing by Rocco, Tonette S., Hatcher, Timothy Gary
Indian Poetry Containing: The Indian Song of Songs, from the Sanskrit of the G Ta Govinda of Jayadeva, Two Books from the Iliad of India (Mah by Arnold, Edwin
Entstehung und aktuelle Entwicklungen des investigativen Journalismus in Deutschland by Schallon, Angelina
Sports Media: Transformation, Integration, Consumption by
Die Krisen- und Kriegsberichterstattung von heute: Wie objektiv können Journalisten in ihrer Berichterstattung heute noch sein? by Buchner, Michaela
Eine Erklärung der unterschiedlichen Reaktionen auf das Hörspiel "War of the Worlds" mit Fokus auf den Rezipienten by Biegner, Kathrin
The Best of the Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals 2010 by
I Don't Have Time to Write: Time Taming Tips for Writers, Bloggers & Infopreneurs by Hill, Nadine
Elements and Styles of Poetry: with Rules and Examples by Yocom, Sally
Write Your Own Business Case Studies: Plus Media Releases, Articles, Blogs, Eblasts, and Handouts for a Complete Marketing Campaign by Wheeler, Paula
Proto: An Undergraduate Humanities Journal, Vol. 1 2010 Eyewitness by
The Obama Haters: Behind the Right-Wing Campaign of Lies, Innuendo and Racism by Wright, John
Tortured Logic: A Verbatim Critique of the George W. Bush Presidency by Russomanno, Joseph
In the Palms of Angels by Erickson, Terri Kirby
Fact and Fiction: The New Journalism and the Nonfiction Novel by Hollowell, John
Time Travel: A Writer's Guide to the Real Science of Plausible Time Travel by Nahin, Paul J.
We're All Journalists Now: The Transformation of the Press and Reshaping of the Law in the Internet Age by Gant, Scott
Plagiat per Mausklick - Das Plagiieren von Internettexten in wissenschaftlichen Hausarbeiten: Eine explorative Befragung von Studierenden und Dozenten by Knoop, Sarah
Wpa: Writing Program Administration 34.2 by
Composition Studies 39.1 (Spring 2011) by
Weniger Qualität im Internet? Ein Vergleich von lokalem Web-TV und öffentlich-rechtlicher Magazinsendung by Kröger, Sebastian
More Bad News From Israel by Berry, Mike, Philo, Greg
Boulevardjournalismus in der Sportberichterstattung?: Die Spielberichterstattung von Werder Bremen in der Fußball-Bundesliga-Saison 2007/2008. Ein inh by Strömer, Timo
The Ideal Occupation by Schwarz, Walter
Changing the News: The Forces Shaping Journalism in Uncertain Times by
Changing the News: The Forces Shaping Journalism in Uncertain Times by
Journalistik Und Journalismen Im Wandel: Eine Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektive by Rühl, Manfred
9/11 Fiktive Realität: Authentizität und Manipulation im dokumentarischen Film by Jaksch, Danny
Berichterstattung über Sexualität: Zwischen Tabu und Pornografisierung: Eine Literaturanalyse zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Diskussion by Knaut, Tina
Aristotle's Poetics by Aristotle
Writing the Christian Nonfiction Book: Concept to Contract by Fessenden, David E.
Journalism: Theory and Practice by
Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Das Islam-Bild in den deutschen Medien: Vergleich der Darstellung anhand der Berichterstattung in der FAZ und der SZ zum Schweizer Minarettverbot und by Wehmeier, Marian
From Puzzles to Portraits: Problems of a Literary Biographer by Clifford, James L.
Rundfunk nach dem Wendepunkt: Die Integration Ostdeutschlands nach der Wiedervereinigung durch das Zweite Deutsche Fernsehen, das Deutschlandradio u by Hoff, Inga
Die Vermischung von Dokumentar- und Spielfilm am Beispiel des Films "Der Baader-Meinhof-Komplex" by Grigoleit, Jill
Cognitive Explorations of Translation by
Cognitive Explorations of Translation by
Improving Writing and Thinking Through Assessment by
Improving Writing and Thinking Through Assessment (Hc) by
Bewegtbild auf Nachrichtensites: Neuer Journalismus oder alter Hut?: Eine dreistufige explorative Analyse der inhaltlichen und formalen Merkmale von S by Gramer, Timo
Journalism After September 11 by
The Novel In You: A novelist's guide to writing better fiction by Brackenbury, Rosalind
One Way to Write: A Fast Way To Your First Book by Muhle, Charles
Journalism Today: A Themed History by Nuttall, Nick, Chapman, Jane L.
Network Journalism: Journalistic Practice in Interactive Spheres by Heinrich, Ansgard
Next Word, Better Word: The Craft of Writing Poetry by Dobyns, Stephen
Development Journalism by Gidreta, Abdulaziz Dino
The Art of Writing by Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar by
Cameras in the Courtroom: Television and the Pursuit of Justice by Dow, David, Cohn, Marjorie
Nutzungsmotive von Lesern deutschsprachiger Zeitungen in Südamerika am Beispiel der Brasil Post: Eine empirische Analyse by Lieb, Heidrun
Noche Bella by Ortega, Martin
Toward a Composition Made Whole by Shipka, Jody
How Happy to Call Oneself a Turk: Provincial Newspapers and the Negotiation of a Muslim National Identity by Brockett, Gavin D.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Of St. Mark's Monastery V2: Fascicle 2, Plates And Transcription Of The Manual Of Discipline by Burrows, Millar
A Straight Line Bending, New and Selected Poems by Castro, Anthony
Der Rechte- und Lizenzhandel im Verlagswesen by Ehegötz, Timmy
Charles Dickens' Australia. Selected Essays from Household Words 1850-1859. Book Four: Mining and Gold by
Charles Dickens' Australia. Selected Essays from Household Words 1850-1859. Book Five: Maritime Conditions by
Charles Dickens' Australia. Selected Essays from Household Words 1850-1859. Book Two: Immigration by
Charles Dickens' Australia. Selected Essays from Household Words 1850-1859. Book Three: Frontier Stories by
Will the Last Reporter Please Turn Out the Lights: The Collapse of Journalism and What Can Be Done to Fix It by
Methoden Der Journalismusforschung by
Der aktive Fernsehzuschauer 2010: Inwiefern hat sich die Aktivität des TV-Publikums seit John Fiskes "Augenblicke des Fernsehens" geändert? by Buhler, Anna-Sophie
Participatory Journalism by Heinonen, Ari, Singer, Jane B., Domingo, David
Participatory Journalism by Domingo, David, Heinonen, Ari, Singer, Jane B.
Nueva Era by Ortega, Martin
Writing Effective Essays: A Guide To College-Level Writing by Kisting, Wesley
Consanguinity and Affinity in the Late Roman Empire by Bouter, Chris
The Post-Soviet Russian Media: Conflicting Signals by
Constructions of Conflict; Transmitting Memories of the Past in European Historiography, Culture and Media by
The Art of Writing Fiction by Cowan, Andrew
A Scientific Approach to Scientific Writing by Martin, Jan, Blackwell, John
Getting It in Writing: The Quest to Become Outstanding and Effective Teachers of Writing by
Getting It in Writing: The Quest to Become Outstanding and Effective Teachers of Writing (Hc) by
The American Newsreel: A Complete History, 1911-1967, 2d ed. by Fielding, Raymond
A Writer's Journey: What to Know Before, During, and After Writing a Book by Strock, Carren
The Secret Life of Plays by Waters, Steve
Bible Translation Basics: Communicating Scripture in a Relevant Way by Hill, Harriet S., Gutt, Ernst-August
Bible Translation Basics: Communicating Scripture in a Relevant Way by Hill, Harriet S., Gutt, Ernst-August
The Stewart/Colbert Effect: Essays on the Real Impacts of Fake News by
Nachrichtenauswahl im Hörfunk: Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die journalistische Nachrichtenauswahl im Hörfunk? by Müller, Benjamin
On The Nature of Things by Carus, Titus Lucretius
Oxford Modern English Grammar by Aarts, Bas
Demons of the Blank Page by Merullo, Roland
The New York Times on Gay and Lesbian Issues by Burgess, Susan R.
Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman by Ermoian, Gary L.
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