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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Writing Instruction in 2015

Audiovisual Translation in the Digital Age: The Italian Fansubbing Phenomenon by Massidda, S.
A Lexicon of Social Well-Being by Na, Na, Bruni, Luigino
Specialised Translation: Shedding the 'Non-Literary' Tag by Rogers, M.
First-Year University Writing: A Corpus-Based Study with Implications for Pedagogy by Aull, L.
Journalism, Audiences and Diaspora by
Communication in Extension Education by M. M. Adhikari
Place name discoveries on Upper Deeside and the far Highlands by Murray, Ian, Watson, Adam
Foi 10 Years on by
Sold Out: How an American Magazine Lost Its Soul by Englert, Stuart
Book Publishing for Professionals: Nine Proven Steps for Gaining More Influence by Green, Daryl
The Editor's Companion: An Indispensable Guide to Editing Books, Magazines, Online Publications, and Mor e by Dunham, Steve
Translating Evidence and Interpreting Testimony at a War Crimes Tribunal: Working in a Tug-Of-War by Elias-Bursac, Ellen
Weaving It Together 1 by Broukal, Milada
Write What You're Afraid To Say: Dangerous Writing Prompts For Unleashing Your Authentic Voice by Alkerman, Evan
Die Übersetzung der Contes von Charles Perrault im Wandel der Zeit by Pedrini, Elisabeth
Klimakommunikation auf Facebook: Zur Facebook-Nutzung von Umweltorganisationen mittels Klimakampagnen by Lamm, Johanna
Litigation-PR in Deutschland: Wenn die Öffentlichkeit Richter spielt by Heinrich, Simon
Zeitungen, Zeitschriften und junge Leser: Welchen Einfluss haben Leseverhalten, Lesemotivation und Lesehandlung auf das Zeitunglesen junger Menschen? by Lamm, Johanna
Grammar Greatness (...in the Time it Takes to Read This Book): Grammar Greatness: (...in the Time it Takes to Read This Book) by Olson, Linda, Wilds, Pam Chaney, Olson, Linda H.
Words to Write By: Putting Your Thoughts on Paper by Orr, Elaine L.
Riskante Bühnen: Inszenierung Und Kontingenz - Politikerauftritte in Deutschen Personality-Talkshows by Bandtel, Matthias, Dörner, Andreas, Vogt, Ludgera
Audiovisual Translation in the Digital Age: The Italian Fansubbing Phenomenon by Massidda, S.
Publish Your Family History: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing the Stories of Your Ancestors by Carson, Dina C.
Report Writer's Handbook by Georgiou, Paul
Don't Fear the Reaper: Why Every Author Needs an Editor by Atwood, Blake
Lexicarry: Pictures for Learning Languages by Moran, Patrick R.
Chart Sense for Writing: Over 70 Common Sense Charts with Tips and Strategies to Teach 3-8 Writing by Linder, Rozlyn
Getting Published: Academic Publishing Success by Wisker, Gina
Wilderness: Vol. 1: Journalism 1886 - 1901 by Roosevelt, Theodore
Sure Success in English Grammar And Letter Writing by Onye, Kingsley
Comedy Writing Self-Taught: The Professional Skill-Building Course in Writing Stand-Up, Sketch, and Situation Comedy by Perret, Gene
Multilingual Writers and Writing Centers by Rafoth, Ben
1001 Questions to Help Flesh Out Your Character by Escamilla, Christina
Comedy Writing Self-Taught Workbook: More Than 100 Practical Writing Exercises to Develop Your Comedy Writing Skills by Perret, Linda, Perret, Gene
Orthographie by Karg, Ina
Tracing & Writing Traditional Chinese Characters in Sentences (3 Stories): Workbook for Learning Chinese the Easy Way L1 Books (Mandarin Chinese and E by Song, Sam
Feature and Narrative Storytelling for Multimedia Journalists by Tu, Duy Linh
Feature and Narrative Storytelling for Multimedia Journalists by Tu, Duy Linh
Understanding English Grammar by Kolln, Martha, Gray, Loretta, Salvatore, Joseph
Implications of the Changing Media Laws in United States by Ale, Felix
Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors by Stodola, Sarah
Die Überschrift: Sachzwänge - Fallstricke - Versuchungen - Rezepte by Schneider, Wolf, Esslinger, Detlef
Partizipativer Online-Journalismus und professioneller Online-Journalismus: Ein Verhältnis im Spannungsfeld zwischen Konkurrenz und Kooperation by Szczypka, Ewelina Magdalena
Befragung von TV-Rezipienten zum Zusammenhang von Qualitätsempfinden und optischer Gestaltung von Talk-Formaten by Lamm, Johanna
Writing Flash Fiction: How to Write Very Short Stories and Get Them Published. *Then Re-Publish Them All Together as a Book by Berg, Carly
American Idioms Handbook For Everyday Use: American Idioms and Phrases in Dictionary by Edu, Gp
Jousting With The New York Times 1961-2014: : Worldviews in Radical Conflict by Hamilton, Daniel S.
Superior Powers: The Red Umbrella/In the Gothic House by Heyck, Hartmut
Write Right: A Style Sheet for Everyone by Gilbertson, Michael E.
Publish Your Genealogy: A Step-by-Step Guide for Preserving Your Research for the Next Generation by Carson, Dina C.
Lokaljournalismus und Crossmedia (Produktionsperspektive) by Heinichen, Nils
Nine Day Novel-Writing: 10K a Day, How to Write a Novel in 9 Days, Structuring Your Novel For Speed by Windsor, Steve
Do I Look Funny In This? An investigation into the perception and representation of female comedians on the stand-up circuit and their audiences by Dennison, Leah
Out of Print: Newspapers, Journalism and the Business of News in the Digital Age by Brock, George
Schönheitsoperationen und deren Rezeption in den Medien. Eine sekundäranalytische und empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel des Mediums "woman" by Weiss, Laudina
The Real World Reader: A Rhetorical Reader for Writers by Miller, James S.
Kontrastivna Analiza: Glagolska Vremena Za Proslost U Hrvatskom I Engleskom Jeziku by Setka CILIC, Ivona
Social Media at BBC News: The Re-Making of Crisis Reporting by Belair-Gagnon, Valerie
The Writer's Guide to Powerful Prose by Bricker, David Emery
Writing Majors: Eighteen Program Profiles by Giberson, Greg
Speed Up Your Arabic: Strategies to Avoid Common Errors by Maisel, Sebastian
Essential German Grammar by Kohl, Katrin, Loftus, Gudrun, Durrell, Martin
Canadian Daily Cursive Writing Practice 2-4 by Turnbull, Demetra
Weblogs und Journalismus. Konkurrenz oder sinnvolle Ergänzung? by Ankermüller, Michael André
Engaged Journalism: Connecting with Digitally Empowered News Audiences by Batsell, Jake
Engaged Journalism: Connecting with Digitally Empowered News Audiences by Batsell, Jake
Inszenierung und Imagepflege: Fußballer als Helden in den Medien by Möller, Ruwen
Second Language Creative Writers: Identities and Writing Processes by Zhao, Yan
Second Language Creative Writers: Identities and Writing Processes by Zhao, Yan
Die multi-deutsche Volkspoesie by Koch, Sylvia
Journalism and Corporate Communications. A Nigerian Case Study by Ale, Felix
Ausbildung zum Konferenzdolmetscher anhand des Ausbildungsmodell von Wladimir Kutz by Batsch, Rebecca
Qualitätsunterschiede im Dolmetschen by Batsch, Rebecca
Writing for Today's Healthcare Audiences by Bonk, Robert J.
Journalistische Ethik im US-amerikanischen Film der 90er und 00er Jahre: Eine Figurenanalyse von "Insider", "Von Löwen und Lämmern" und "State of Play by Gärtner, Markus
Sound Steps to Reading: Advanced Code by McGuinness, Diane
Style in Translation: A Corpus-Based Perspective by Huang, Libo
Sound Steps to Reading: Dictionary Common English Words by McGuinness, Diane
The Novel-Maker's Handbook: the no-nonsense guide to crafting a marketable story by Diane, O'Connell
Como escribir una novela: Guía para principiantes by Cardenal, Elena
Discourse Markers Across Languages: A Contrastive Study of Second-Level Discourse Markers in Native and Non-Native Text with Implications for General by Dirk, Siepmann
Writing Fight Scenes by Hall, Rayne
Describing Wildlife by Mahoney, C.
Community Literacy Journal 9.1 (Fall 2014) by
Essential Japanese Kanji Volume 1: Learn the Essential Kanji Characters Needed for Everyday Interactions in Japan (Jlpt Level N5) by Kanji Research Group
Data Literacy: A User′s Guide by Herzog, David L.
Religion und Sprache- Religion and Language by
Multimediale Translation: Sprachvarietäten (Dialekte, Soziolekte) in Untertitelung und Synchronisation mit Fokus auf Film und Fernsehen by Benkovic, Olivia
Writing Short Stories: A Writers' and Artists' Companion by Newland, Courttia, Hershman, Tania
Composition Book Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Composition Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Composition Notebook For Students by Speedy Publishing LLC
Understanding Style: Practical Ways to Improve Your Writing by Glaser, Joe
Transiciones: Pathways of Latinas and Latinos Writing in High School and College by Ruecker, Todd
Super Structure: The Key to Unleashing the Power of Story by Bell, James Scott
Manual de Novela Histórica: Prácticas Y Propuestas by Cebollero, Ruben Garcia
Keywords in Writing Studies by
The Symbiotic Relationship and Impacts of Journalism, PR and Advertising by Ale, Felix
50 English Tips for Spanish Professionals: Los errores más comunes... y cómo evitarlos by Potter, Nick
Creative Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Creativity Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Innovative Vertriebsmöglichkeiten für journalistischen Online-Content deutscher Tageszeitungen: Die personalisierte E-Paper-Tageszeitung by Seifert, Thomas
Early Theories of Translation by Amos, Flora Ross
The 12 Key Pillars of Novel Construction: Your Blueprint for Building a Strong Story by Lakin, C. S.
Visual Journalism by Machin, David, Polzer, Lydia
Academic Writing with Readings: Concepts and Connections by Thonney, Teresa
Translating Evidence and Interpreting Testimony at a War Crimes Tribunal: Working in a Tug-Of-War by Elias-Bursac, Ellen
Punctuation at a glance: A visual guide to punctuation by Bassett, Elizabeth Jean
Academic Writing: Concepts and Connections by Thonney, Teresa
How to Write Point of View by Rowland, Kathleen
Copywriting For Beginners: Copywriting Secrets Guide to Writing a Successful Copy That Sells by Blake, Dale
Manual Práctico de Escritura Creativa.1 by Cebollero, Ruben Garcia
Journal Notebook by Speedy Publishing LLC
Journal Composition Book by Speedy Publishing LLC
Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace by Williams, Joseph, Bizup, Joseph
Speed Up Your Arabic: Strategies to Avoid Common Errors by Maisel, Sebastian
Deutscher Wortschatz - beschreiben, lernen, lehren: Beitraege zur Wortschatzarbeit in Wissenschaft, Sprachunterricht, Gesellschaft by
Writing Vivid Settings by Hall, Rayne
Teacher's Manual - Creative Writing For English as Foreign Language Learners: A Course Book by Liu, Xinghua, Roundy, Debrah
Easy Thai: Learn to Speak Thai Quickly [With CD (Audio)] by Rattanakhemakorn, Jintana
Myth, Magic, and Metaphor - A Journey into the Heart of Creativity by Daly-Lipe, Patricia
How to Write: Not Your Usual User's Guide to the English Language by English, A. P.
Myth, Magic, and Metaphor - A Journey into the Heart of Creativity by Daly-Lipe, Patricia
Sprachvariation Und Sprachreflexion in Interkulturellen Kontexten by
"Der Mensch als Maß aller Dinge". Eine Diskussion Ernst Kapps anthropozentrischer Technikphilosophie by Gilbert, Julian
Rhyming Picture Books: The Write Way by Salas, Laura Purdie, Bullard, Lisa
Self-Publish Without Spending Money by Davenport, Matthew
The Pleasures of Structure: Learning Screenwriting Through Case Studies by Hoxter, Julian
The Pleasures of Structure: Learning Screenwriting Through Case Studies by Hoxter, Julian
How to Write about Music: Excerpts from the 33 1/3 Series, Magazines, Books and Blogs with Advice from Industry-Leading Writers by
The Internet Unconscious: On the Subject of Electronic Literature by Baldwin, Sandy
The Entrepreneurial Journalist's Toolkit: Manage Your Media by Kelly, Sara
Make Audio Book Money by Stetson, Robert
Show, Don't Tell: And Other Writing Tips by Dowell, Roseanne
Audience Feedback in the News Media by Reader, Bill
The Writer's Guide to Agony and Defeat: The 43 Worst Moments in the Writing Life and How to Get Over Them by Nash, Jennie
Academic Writing Instruction for Creole-Influenced Students by Milson-Whyte, Vivette
Mi Arca de Noe by Sexto, Luis
Cosas de Familia by Fors, Elsy
Despues de la linea by Ferrer Martinez, Zenaida
Mindful Journalism and News Ethics in the Digital Era: A Buddhist Approach by
One Day in the Life of the English Language: A Microcosmic Usage Handbook by Cioffi, Frank L.
Scribes of Speculative Fiction II by DeRose, Cristopher
The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting by
Self-Editing On a Penny: A Comprehensive Guide by Forge, Ashlyn
Beziehungen zwischen PR und Journalismus. Ein Überblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand by Hospes, Pia
First-Year University Writing: A Corpus-Based Study with Implications for Pedagogy by Aull, L.
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Bulgaars - 7000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Grieks - 7000 Woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenlijst Nederlands-Italiaans - 7000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Bulgaars - 5000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Italiaans - 5000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Roemeens - 5000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Bulgaars - 3000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Grieks - 3000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Italiaans - 3000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Roemeens - 3000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Kommunikationsmodelle im Alltag. "Man kann nicht nicht kommunizieren" by Högg, Philipp
Die digitale Herausforderung. Fallstudie zur Transformation der Buchbranche am Beispiel von NeoBooks: Medienmärkte im Wandel by Demir, Hanife
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Roemeens - 7000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Roemeens - 9000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Italiaans - 9000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Bulgaars - 9000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Grieks - 5000 Woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Grieks - 9000 Woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Towards a Poetics of Creative Writing by Hecq, Dominique
Towards a Poetics of Creative Writing by Hecq, Dominique
How to Self Publish for Profit: Resources for Authors, Writers and Book Publishers by War, Ja
Ecologies of Writing Programs: Program Profiles in Context by
Best of the Independent Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2013 by
Proverbial Wisdom: Proverbs From Around The Globe by Williams M. Ed, Miriam White
Boundaries of Journalism: Professionalism, Practices and Participation by
Boundaries of Journalism: Professionalism, Practices and Participation by
The Captive Press in the Third Reich by Hale, Oron James
Nine Day Novel-Self-Editing: Self Editing For Fiction Writers: Write Better and Edit Faster by Windsor, Steve
How to Write a Book in 24 Hours: 24 Hour Bestseller Series: Book 1 by Green, James
Como escrever um livro: Como escrever um livro: Conheça os Segredos dos Escritores de Sucesso e seus Bestsellers by Karma, Bo
Fans. Eine soziologische Auseinandersetzung by Grünberger, Marc
A Cultural History of Translation in Early Modern Japan by Clements, Rebekah
Das multi-deutsche Wörterbuch by Koch, Sylvia
Step By Step Pitches And Proposals: A Workbook For Writers by Lorincz, Holly, MacGregor, Chip
Spanish for Beginners: The best handbook for learning to speak Spanish! by Guides, Getaway
Sanderson's Fiction Writing Manual by Sanderson, Jim
The Best Poetry Exercises from Grad School: (No MFA Tuition Necessary) by Grayson, Rubie, Rancino, Eric, Stewart, Sr.
Beyond Argument: Essaying as a Practice of (Ex)Change by Allen, Sarah
Foundational Practices of Online Writing Instruction by
The Art of the Edit: Shaping and Sculpting Your Manuscript by Nelson, Jill Elizabeth
Writing About Magic by Hall, Rayne
Yoga Minds, Writing Bodies: Contemplative Writing Pedagogy by Wenger, Christy I.
Critical Expressivism: Theory and Practice in the Composition Classroom by
The Place Where We Dwell: Reading and Writing about New York City by But Et Al
Todo lo que debe saber un escritor principiante: Manual de bolsillo para escritores neófitos by Jose, Diaz Diaz
The Spirit of Ned by O'Flannagan, Bert
Very Like a Whale: The Assessment of Writing Programs by White, Edward M.
Transnational Writing Program Administration by
Write Something by Levenberg, Mitch
Swordfighting, for Writers, Game Designers, and Martial Artists by Windsor, Guy
Swordfighting, for Writers, Game Designers, and Martial Artists by Windsor, Guy
The Short Story Writer's Workbook: Your Definitive Guide to Writing Every Kind of Short Story by James, Margaret, Hartigan, Cathie
Assessing the Teaching of Writing: Twenty-First Century Trends and Technologies by Dayton, Amy E.
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