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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Writing Instruction in 2021

The Rhetoric of Oil in the Twenty-First Century: Government, Corporate, and Activist Discourses by
Interface-Driven Phenomena in Spanish: Essays in Honor of Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach by
Writing Centers at the Center of Change by
Writing Democracy: The Political Turn in and Beyond the Trump Era by
Models of Journalism: The functions and influencing factors by Bro, Peter
Fake News: Falsehood, Fabrication and Fantasy in Journalism by McNair, Brian
Mobilizing the U.S. Latinx Vote: Media, Identity, and Politics by Soto-Vásquez, Arthur D.
Dialects from Tropical Islands: Caribbean Spanish in the United States by
Korean Morphosyntax: Focusing on Clitics and Their Roles in Syntax by Chae, Hee-Rahk
Every Little Thing: Small Breakthroughs, Big Mistakes, Endless Lessons by Sanelli, Mary Lou
Dictionary of the Jatki or Western Panjábi Language by Jukes, Andrew John
Hyperlocal Journalism and Digital Disruptions: The Journalism Change Agents in Australia and New Zealand by Downman, Scott, Murray, Richard
Living, Learning, and Languaging Across Borders: Students Between the Us and Mexico by Kleyn, Tatyana, Porter, Tim
Living, Learning, and Languaging Across Borders: Students Between the Us and Mexico by Kleyn, Tatyana, Porter, Tim
Frontiers of L2 Chinese Language Education: A Global Perspective by
Mentoring and Co-Writing for Research Publication Purposes: Interaction and Text Development in Doctoral Supervision by Matzler, Pascal Patrick
The Discourse of Protest, Resistance and Social Commentary in Reggae Music: A Bakhtinian Analysis of Pacific Reggae by Turner, Elizabeth
Hate Speech and Polarization in Participatory Society by
From the Conquest of the Desert to Sustainable Development: The Representation of the Negev in Public Discourse in Israel by Ben-Dor Derimian, Ilanit
Tiktok as a Marketing Channel for Influencer Marketing: A Comparison Between Instagram, Youtube & Tiktok by Van Houtte, Chantal
Mediated Narration in the Digital Age: Storying the Media World by Gloviczki, Peter Joseph
Affinity Publisher for Fiction Layouts by Humphrey, M. L.
PARS in Practice: More Resources and Strategies for Online Writing Instructors by
Tamám Shud: How the Somerton Man's Last Dance for a Lasting Life Was Decoded -- Omar Khayyam Center Research Report by Tamdgidi, Mohammad
Tamám Shud: How the Somerton Man's Last Dance for a Lasting Life Was Decoded -- Omar Khayyam Center Research Report by Tamdgidi, Mohammad H.
Postprocess Postmortem by Lotier, M. Kristopher
Memory Into Memoir: A Writer's Handbook by Kalpakian, Laura
Writing Compelling Fiction: Master the Fundamentals of Unforgettable Stories by Jump, Shirley
Genesis and Revision in Modern British and Irish Writers by
Translation Education: A Tribute to the Establishment of World Interpreter and Translator Training Association (Witta) by
First Fly, Last Fly by Brooks, Alistair
Skriva romaner: Upplaga 2 by Gulliksson, Håkan
Public Television in Poland: Political Pressure and Public Service Media in a Post-communist Country by Węglińska, Agnieszka
The Conflict Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Obstacles, Adversaries, and Inner Struggles (Volume 1) by Ackerman, Angela, Puglisi, Becca
The Happy Writing Book: Discover the Positive Power of Creative Writing by Valmorbida, Elise
The Powerful and the Damned: Private Diaries in Turbulent Times by Barber, Lionel
Cómo no escribir una novela juvenil by Arias, Celia
Book Proposals That Sell: 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success by Whalin, W. Terry
Going Wide: Self-Publishing Your Books Outside The Amazon Ecosystem by Williams, M. K.
Burn After Writing (Spiders) by Jones, Sharon
The Year's Best Sports Writing 2021 by
The Ultimate Random Encounters Book: Hundreds of Original Encounters to Help Bring Your Next RPG Adventure to Life by Wheeler, Travis Wheels, Jenkins, Logan, Terrill, Lee
How to Start Writing (and When to Stop): Advice for Writers by Szymborska, Wislawa
Burn After Writing (Dots) by Jones, Sharon
Burn After Writing (Tie-Dye) by Jones, Sharon
Burn After Writing (Hearts) by Jones, Sharon
The Brainwashing of My Dad: How the Rise of the Right-Wing Media Changed a Father and Divided Our Nation--And How We Can Fight Back by Senko, Jen
52 Weeks of Horror: Writing prompts and inspirational activities by Carter Ma, Phillip, Press, Halfplanet
Klan of Devils: The Murder of a Black Louisiana Deputy Sheriff by Nelson, Stanley
Die Wahrnehmung von Nacktheit in der DDR der 60er-Jahre: Eine Coveruntersuchung von "DAS Magazin" by Humenda, Katharina
Disruption and Digital Journalism: Assessing News Media Innovation in a Time of Dramatic Change by Pavlik, John V.
The Portuguese Subjunctive: A Grammar Workbook by Gomes, Luís, Gonçalves, Maria Madalena
Communicating Covid-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
The Portuguese Subjunctive: A Grammar Workbook by Gomes, Luís, Gonçalves, Maria Madalena
Wpa: Writing Program Administration 45.1 (Fall 2021) by
Uthamanin, Uthama Ponnedu: Manidham Valar. Manidhanai Vaazh. by Uthaman
Wie Politikjournalisten Fernsehinterviews mit AfD-Politikern führen by Lengert, Ramona
Democracy Lives in Darkness: How and Why People Keep Their Politics a Secret by Van Duyn, Emily
Notebook: Square-Connect Print Design Composition Notebook - College Ruled 100 Pages - Large Size 8.5 x 11 by Njoku, Christianah
¿Cómo superar barreras comunicacionales?: Herramientas de la Comunicación by Soler M., José Ignacio
Creative Writing Practice: Reflections on Form and Process by
Autumn Aspirations: Fall Thanksgiving Notebook Perfect for Holiday Planning, Journaling, Notes, Travel, Reminders by Mills, Madisen
On The Road To Handwriting Success: A Resource Guide for Therapists, Teachers, and Parents by Leibovich-Mankes, Carol
NaPoWriMo Collection - Vol. 1: Ars Poetica by Dillard, Corey
Seeds in a Dark Fruit Sky: Short Stories from Haiti by Alexander, Rosie
Rules for Writers by Hacker, Diana, Sommers, Nancy
New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies by
Vom Exposé Zum Bucherfolg: Schreib- Und Pr-Leitfaden Für Engagierte Autor*innen by Borgmann, Gabriele
La Ilusión del Movimiento by Sangregorio, Alvaro
Speed Write Your Life Story: From Blank Spaces to Great Pages in Just 90 Days by Hansen, Mark Victor, Gottry, Steve
Land Media Interviews Without a Publicist: 8 Essential Keys for Authors by Kaye, Penelope
Teaching the Way: Using the Principles of The Art of War to Teach Composition by Nelson, Steven T.
The Routledge Handbook of Variationist Approaches to Spanish by
The Five Commandments of Storytelling by Kiowski, Danielle
Publish: Take Charge of Your Author Career by Haskell, M., Boris, G. C.
Listening to People: A Practical Guide to Interviewing, Participant Observation, Data Analysis, and Writing It All Up by Lareau, Annette
Riḥla Ilā Bilād Al-'Arab رحلة إلى بلاد العر& by Younes, Munther
Riḥla Ilā Bilād Al-'Arab رحلة إلى بلاد العر& by Younes, Munther
Be you ( A book about self-love and making small changes in your life to help you feel amazing). by Bell, Lulu and
Grief's Country: A Memoir in Pieces by Griffin, Gail
Getty-Dubay Serie de la Letra Itálica Libro C by DuBay, Inga, Getty, Barbara
Listening to People: A Practical Guide to Interviewing, Participant Observation, Data Analysis, and Writing It All Up by Lareau, Annette
Alforque's Bisaya-English Thesaurus-Dictionary: Volume 1 by Alforque, Anecito S., Alforque, Vivian Y.
Regla Konga o Regla de Palo Mayombe Vol. 3: Enciclopedia de la cultura cubana y del Caribe by Millet Batista, José
Kabita Kaha Paain by Mishra, Sucheta
Woolgathering: Awareness of the Foreign in Published Works About Cowichan Woolworking by Johanson, Paula
The Writer Unlocked!: Plan, Write and Finish Your First Book Draft by Jones, Siobhan
Chinese Internet Buzzwords: Research on Network Languages in Internet Group Communication by Yan, Zhou
Remembering Shanghai: A Memoir of Socialites, Scholars and Scoundrels by Chao, Claire, Chao, Isabel Sun
Untersuchung von "verzerrenden Frames" im tagesaktuellen Journalismus by Anonymous
News After Trump: Journalism's Crisis of Relevance in a Changed Media Culture by Carlson, Matt, Robinson, Sue, Lewis, Seth C.
Remembering Shanghai: A Memoir of Socialites, Scholars and Scoundrels by Chao, Claire, Chao, Isabel Sun
How to Write a Letter: Find the Words for Every Occasion by Shukov, Chelsea, Grobecker, Jamie
Learning Japanese Kanji: The 520 Most Essential Characters (with Online Audio and Bonus Materials) by Grant, Glen Nolan
Mystery Solved: Knowledge of Basic Paragraph Structure and Patterns of Organization Improve Writing by Laflamme Ed D., John G.
Plurilingual Classroom Practices and Participation: Analysing Interaction in Local and Translocal Settings by
V Puti: Student Activities Manual: Russian Grammar in Context by Miller, Frank, Kudyma, Anna, Kagan, Olga
V Puti: Student Activities Manual: Russian Grammar in Context by Miller, Frank, Kudyma, Anna, Kagan, Olga
V Puti: Russian Grammar in Context by Miller, Frank, Kudyma, Anna, Kagan, Olga
V Puti: Russian Grammar in Context by Miller, Frank, Kudyma, Anna, Kagan, Olga
Die Geschlechterverteilung in der Corona-Berichterstattung von ZDFheute und dem Spiegel: Ist Covid-19 Männersache? by Wortmann, Nele
Writing Matters: A Handbook for Writing and Research (Comprehensive Edition with Exercises) by Howard, Rebecca Moore
The Effect of Multimodality on the Portrayal of Refugees on German and English News Sites by Blum, Michelle
Maternal Journal: A Creative Guide to Journaling Through Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond by Godfrey-Isaacs, Laura, McGowan, Samantha
The Art and Craft of Asian Stories: A Writer's Guide and Anthology by Hemley, Robin, XI, Xu
The Administration and Supervision of Literacy Programs by
The Administration and Supervision of Literacy Programs by
Manual de Fonética E Fonologia Da Língua Portuguesa by Clegg, J. Halvor, Fails, Willis C.
Manual de Fonética E Fonologia Da Língua Portuguesa by Fails, Willis C., Clegg, J. Halvor
Cursive Handwriting Workbook for Teens: Top 500 Vocabulary Words A to Z with meanings to learn vocabulary builder for adults & by Daniel, Sasha
Information at War: Journalism, Disinformation, and Modern Warfare by Seib, Philip
Tastes We Live by: The Linguistic Conceptualisation of Taste in English by Bagli, Marco
Living in Nicaragua by Beck, Harold
A Storied Kingdom Sports, culture, history, and human-interest stories from County Kerry by Evans, Tadhg
Creative Writing for Regular People: Unlock Your Imagination by Hampton, Ashan R.
[Buben]trätzer - [Kürzer]dreier by
Write a Must-Read: How to Craft a Book That Changes Lives--Including Your Own by Harper, Aj
Handbook of Research on Mixed Methods Research in Information Science by
Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy by Ungar-Sargon, Batya
Cover Story: The NBA and Modern Basketball as Told Through Its Most Iconic Magazine Covers by Wong, Alex, Bengtson, Russ
The Intersection of Setting and Story by Sieling, A. J.
How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit: Your Guide to Writing and Publishing Books, E-Books, Articles, Special Reports, Audios, V by Bly, Robert W.
College Admission Essays for Dummies by Brenner, Jessica
Der Einfluss von Schlüsselereignissen auf das Vertrauen von Rezipienten in journalistische Medien: Eine empirische Studie am Beispiel der Corona-Pande by Könner, Niklas
The Hidden Language of Graphic Signs: Cryptic Writing and Meaningful Marks by
To the Yetts o' Hell: Neil Munro and War by Munro, Neil
Check That Fact by Morris
Formate Für Digital Natives: Innovatives Entwickeln, Umsetzen Und Managen: Strategien Und Erfolgsfaktoren Für Junge Social Media Formate by Drössler, Kira
Life's Letter: One woman's journey retracing the steps of her grandmother's love letters, 67 years later. by Butler Verheyen, Carly
Life's Letter: One woman's journey retracing the steps of her grandmother's love letters, 67 years later. by Butler Verheyen, Carly
Teaching Race: Struggles, Strategies, and Scholarship for the Mass Communication Classroom by The Aejmc Minorities and Communication D
Dilo Bien Y Dilo Claro by Víctor J., Sanz, Antonio, Martín
Methodological Innovations in Research and Academic Writing by
Methodological Innovations in Research and Academic Writing by
Roses in the Rain by Willowby, Quentin B.
So You've Finished Writing. Now What? by Rowland, Fay
Look: How a Highly Influential Magazine Helped Define Mid-Twentieth-Century America by Yarrow, Andrew L.
The Hidden Inequities in Labor-Based Contract Grading by Carillo, Ellen C.
Queerly Centered: LGBTQA Writing Center Directors Navigate the Workplace by Webster, Travis
English across the Curriculum: Voices from around the World by
Diccionario Español-Inglés Merriam-Webster by
Analysing Representations of Social Media in European News Media Discourse by Potolia, Anthippi, Suomela-Salmi, Eija, Develotte, Christine
Information at War: Journalism, Disinformation, and Modern Warfare by Seib, Philip
Composition and Big Data by
Easywriter by Lunsford, Andrea A.
The Art of Revision: The Last Word by Davies, Peter Ho
Corpus-Assisted Translation Teaching: Issues and Challenges by Liu, Kanglong
Bundesdeutsche Presseberichterstattung Um Flucht Und Asyl: Selbstverständnis Und Visuelle Inszenierung Von Den Späten 1950er Bis Zu Den Frühen 1990er by Weimar, Lisa-Katharina
Spielraum: Teaching German Through Theater by Parkes, Lisa
Spielraum: Teaching German Through Theater by Parkes, Lisa
Media, Culture, and Debate in Korean 미디어, 문화, 토론을 통한 고급 한&# by Chang, Seung-Eun
Media, Culture, and Debate in Korean 미디어, 문화, 토론을 통한 고급 한&# by Chang, Seung-Eun
There's No Crying in Newsrooms: What Women Have Learned about What It Takes to Lead by Gilger, Kristin Grady, Wallace, Julia
Variational Translation Theory by Huang, Zhonglian, Zhang, Yongzhong
Graphology Poems: 1995-2015 by Kinsella, John
National Cultures and Foreign Narratives in Italy, 1903-1943 by Billiani, Francesca
Opioids for the Masses: Big Pharma's War on Middle America And the White Working Class by McClure, Richard, Garrison, Trey
The Early Hours by Gary, Adam
Good with Words: Speaking and Presenting by Barry, Patrick
Academic Writing Now: A Brief Guide for Busy Students - Second Edition by Starkey, David
Introducción a la traducción: inglés español by Jiménez Jiménez, Antonio F.
On Revision: The Only Writing That Counts by Germano, William
Wie entsteht Wortkonfekt?: Gute Texte sind wie Pralinen ... by Zaffarana (Hg )., Maria
The Silence of Your Name: The Afterlife of a Suicide by Marshall, Alexandra
ABC Letter tracing for kids age 3-5: abc connect the dots for kids by Designs, Marrel
Zen in the Art of Editing: Zen Stories and Enlightening Lessons for Editors, Proofreaders, and Other Publishing Professionals by Lyon, Jack
Zen in the Art of Editing: Zen Stories and Enlightening Lessons for Editors, Proofreaders, and Other Publishing Professionals by Lyon, Jack
Teaching Race: Struggles, Strategies, and Scholarship for the Mass Communication Classroom by The Aejmc Minorities and Communication D
Writer's Market 100th Edition: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published by
How to Write a Book: A Book for Anyone Who Has Never Written a Book (But Wants To) by Bingham, Lauren
How to Write a Book: A Book for Anyone Who Has Never Written a Book (But Wants To) by Bingham, Lauren
Reason vs. Racism: A Newspaper Family, Race, and Justice by Lessenberry, Jack
Viata ca un poetry slam: Iesiri din real by Ravi, Don
The Naked Writer: A Comprehensive Writing Style Guide by Hayden, G. Miki
First-Person Journalism: A Guide to Writing Personal Nonfiction with Real Impact by Nichols, Martha
First-Person Journalism: A Guide to Writing Personal Nonfiction with Real Impact by Nichols, Martha
Human Rights Journalism and Its Nexus to Responsibility to Protect: How and Why the International Press Failed in Sri Lanka's Humanitarian Crisis by Selvarajah, Senthan
Albanian: Real-Life Conversations for Beginners (with audio mp3 files) by Allazov, Elvin, Books, Lingvora
650 Idioms and Proverbial Phrases in Modern Standard Arabic: For Intermediate to Advanced Students by Jamal-Aldin, Lamia, Hammadi, Abdullah
Creativity & Compassion: Spalding Writers Celebrate 20 Years by
The Philosophy of Composition by Poe, Edgar Allan
650 Idioms and Proverbial Phrases in Modern Standard Arabic: For Intermediate to Advanced Students by Jamal-Aldin, Lamia, Hammadi, Abdullah
Like What We Imagine: Writing and the University by Bartholomae, David
The Technique of the Mystery Story by Wells, Carolyn
The Philosophy of Composition by Poe, Edgar Allan
Where I Stand by Maniego, Poyan
Subjects in Poetry by Brown, Daniel
Buffy and the Art of Story Season Two Part 2; Episodes 12-22: Episodes 12-22: How to Write About Love, Pyrrhic Victory, and Betrayal by Lilly, L. M.
Teaching Environmental Writing: Ecocritical Pedagogy and Poetics by Galleymore, Isabel
The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies by
Here and Now by Gosling, Kathryn
Advances in Cognitive Translation Studies by
Global Insights Into Public Service Interpreting: Theory, Practice and Training by
The Nimdzi Interpreting Index 2021 by
Daughter of a Nymph Divine: a collection of ancestral poetry by Vixen, Synamin
Prayogika Uttara Samrachanabada banam Odia Sahitya by Das, Rabindra Kumar
tp1.3 A continuing inquiry into the Foundations of the Science of Physics: Vector Calculus I by Breton, Joseph R.
Journalism and Communication in China and the West: A Study of History, Education and Regulation by Tong, Bing
Productive Patterns in Phraseology and Construction Grammar: A Multilingual Approach by
Hamlet Translations: Prisms of Cultural Encounters across the Globe by
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