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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Writing Instruction in 2021

Le rythme de la romance: La structure de l'histoire dans la romance by Hayes, Gwen
Jaepl 26 (2021): The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning by
Charakterkarten für Schriftsteller: Um Ihren professionellen Roman zu schreiben by Organizzati, Scrittori
Elections and TV News in South Africa: Desperately Seeking Depth by Jones, Bernadine
Nameless: Poems & Prose by Oldham, Brian
Home Truths by McGinn, Mark
Secrets of the Permafree Book: How to Publish a Free Book on Amazon by Roberts, Dale L.
Waiting for Death to Come by Haddington, Leigh
92 Tanka: Spring 2021 Poems by Dirtysacred
Communicating Endangered Species: Extinction, News and Public Policy by
Brevi storie in giapponese 2000: Padroneggiare altre 1000 parole attraverso 20 brevi storie by Marx, Kevin
Newspaper Fashion Editors in the 1950s and 60s: Women Writers of the Runway by Voss, Kimberly Wilmot
Flowers of the World by Ehirim, Akudo
El camino de la escritura: Una guía para conocer y transitar por el mundo de las letras by Zea Huayta, Mauricio
Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing Volume 4 by
Wpa: Writing Program Administration 44.3 (Summer 2021) by
From Infinity to Infinity Volume 2 by Bowden, Dijon
Being the Bird by Wickham, Mary
Vietnamese: Thematic Vocabulary and Short Stories (with audio track): Mastering Words and Reading for Confident Communication by Books, Lingvora
An Evangelical's Journey with Death Row Pen Pals by Dickson, Billy
Visuelle Gewaltdarstellung in Fernsehen und Videospielen. Wird dadurch die Gewaltbereitschaft Heranwachsender gesteigert? by Anonym
Leonardo Da Vinci: Vitruvian Man (Foiled Blank Journal) by
Tom Thomson: Silver Birches (Foiled Journal) by
Eric Ravilious: Iron Bridge at Ewenbridge (Foiled Journal) by
Academic Writing by Semalty, Ajay
Verteilung der Geschlechter-Rollen im öffentlich-rechtlichen Kinderfernsehen: Eine Analyse der ZDF-Sendung PUR+ by Kersting, Hannah
The Epistemology of Fake News by
Getting to the Truth: The Craft and Practice of Creative Nonfiction by
Global Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems by
The Elements of Journalism, Revised and Updated 4th Edition: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect by Kovach, Bill, Rosenstiel, Tom
Joining the Dialogue: Practices for Ethical Research Writing by Stumm, Bettina
Journalism and the Future of Democracy by Muller, Denis
Strategien der Abwertung und des Othering von Geflüchteten in der medialen Berichterstattung: Eine Analyse von Artikeln der "Bild" und der "The Sun" by Anonymous
The Journalism Behind Journalism: Going Beyond the Basics to Train Effective Journalists in a Shifting Landscape by Baleria, Gina
The Journalism Behind Journalism: Going Beyond the Basics to Train Effective Journalists in a Shifting Landscape by Baleria, Gina
Gene Pepper, Printer's Devil of Danbury by Rodenbough, Charles
Global Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems by
A History of Writing by Fischer, Steven Roger
COVID-19 in International Media: Global Pandemic Perspectives by
Reading India in a Transnational Era: The Works of Raja Rao by
2019 Fifa Women's World Cup: Media, Fandom, and Soccer's Biggest Stage by
Albanian: Thematic Vocabulary and Short Stories (with audio track) by Books, Lingvora, Allazov, Elvin
Greek: Thematic Vocabulary and Short Stories (with audio track): Mastering words and reading for confident communication by Books, Lingvora
On the Measurement of Social Phenomena: A Methodological Approach by Delmastro, Marco
Ethnic Journalism in the Global South by
Witness 2020 - Poems from the NC Poetry Society's Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet Series by
Speaking Australian: An Aussie Speaking Guide For Every Visitor To Australia by Lee Sye, George
The Best American Newspaper Narratives, Volume 8 by
The Last American Editor: Chronicling Life, Death, Triumph, and Tragedy in a Small Town by Tingley, Ken
Intermediate Persian: A Grammar and Workbook by Torabi, Hayedeh, Yousef, Saeed
Intermediate Persian: A Grammar and Workbook by Yousef, Saeed, Torabi, Hayedeh
Representations of Lethal Gender-Based Violence in Italy Between Journalism and Literature: Femminicidio Narratives by Mandolini, Nicoletta
We are the Champions Now: And other poems by Taylor, Sedgie
Writing in Cursive: Practicing English letters in Cursive with lined and dotted middle line paper by James, David
Das Framing der Corona-Krise in Audio-Formaten für Kinder: Eine Analyse der Angebote Kiraka Klicker, Kakadu, GEOlino Spezial - Gemeinsam gegen Corona by Kersting, Hannah
Playwriting with Purpose: A Guide and Workbook for New Playwrights by Goldfinger, Jacqueline
Let's Write a Picture Book: A Practical Guide by Lewis, Matt B.
Playwriting with Purpose: A Guide and Workbook for New Playwrights by Goldfinger, Jacqueline
Japanese Woodblocks Set of 3 MIDI Notebooks by
Never Say You Can't Survive by Anders, Charlie Jane
La diversidad del español y su enseñanza by Soler Montes, Carlos, Muñoz-Basols, Javier, Hernández Muñoz, Natividad
La diversidad del español y su enseñanza by Soler Montes, Carlos, Muñoz-Basols, Javier, Hernández Muñoz, Natividad
Amharic With Style Level 1: Basic Communication Skills by Fekadu, Carol
Zaungespräche Statt Brandschutzmauer: Die Beziehung Von Werbung & Journalismus in Verlagen by Lauerer, Corinna
Fuzzy Boundaries in Discourse Studies: Theoretical, Methodological, and Lexico-Grammatical Fuzziness by
Merriam-Webster's Word-For-Word Spanish-English Dictionary by
Social Media for Strategic Communication: Creative Strategies and Research-Based Applications by Freberg, Karen
Moonatic: Guide and Journal, Deluxe Edition by Kárpáthy, Attila
Cómo Corregir Tus Faltas de Ortografía: Corrección de textos. MANUAL CON NUMEROSOS EJEMPLOS. GRAMÁTICA Y ORTOGRAFÍA. Dudas resueltas by Fuentes, Lara
Practical Models for Technical Communication by Kelley, Shannon
Moonatic: Guide and Journal, Standard Edition by Kárpáthy, Attila
My Book Log: A Fun Journal For Children To Record And Track Their Reading Books by World Publishing, Dubreck
Languages, Identities and Intercultural Communication in South Africa and Beyond by Kaschula, Russell H.
Languages, Identities and Intercultural Communication in South Africa and Beyond by Kaschula, Russell H.
Publishing Pitfalls for Authors by Lefebvre, Mark Leslie
Courbee' Revolucion' Magazine by Choyce, Jamila Jay
My ABC Practice Workbook: Letter Tracing for Beginners Ages 3 to 5 by Books, Cora
Time Management for Writers: The Magic Of 10 Minutes (Large Print Edition) by Apthorpe, Amanda
Time Management for Writers: The Magic Of 10 Minutes (Large Print Edition) by Apthorpe, Amanda
Flash Vocabulary For Scrabble: Unlock 1000 Words For Scrabble Game: Collections Of Words For Scrabble by Bordges, Rosario
Time Management for Writers: The Magic Of 10 Minutes by Apthorpe, Amanda
Time Management for Writers: The Magic Of 10 Minutes by Apthorpe, Amanda
Time Management for Writers: The Magic Of 10 Minutes by Apthorpe, Amanda
Manuale di Copywriting Persuasivo: Tecniche ed Esercizi Pratici per Principianti, Intermedi ed Avanzati by Duckstein, Alexander
Using Freelance Platforms Safely and Effectively by Cowley, Wes
Moonatic: Pocket Journal by Kárpáthy, Attila
365 Days to Create & Motivate Your Inner Writer: a workbook for creatives by Lender, Sandy
Steampunk Cursive Handwriting Practice: Practice the Art of Penmanship by Vandal, Retro
The Scrabble Vocabulary: Explore The Indispensable Cheat Words For Scrabble: Into Bizarre Words by Corid, Ruben
Languages - Cultures - Worldviews: Focus on Translation by
Literary Self-Translation in Hispanophone Contexts - La Autotraducción Literaria En Contextos de Habla Hispana: Europe and the Americas - Europa Y Amé by
Translating in Town: Local Translation Policies During the European 19th Century by
Adaptation Considered as a Collaborative Art: Process and Practice by
Data Journalism in the Global South by
Advanced Creative Nonfiction: A Writer's Guide and Anthology by Nelson, Jessica Hendry, Prentiss, Sean
Bambini a Nanna! È l'ora delle favole della buonanotte: Una Raccolta di Storie e Fiabe Stupende che aiutano il tuo Bambino a Rilassarsi, ad Addormenta by Cavalliere, Cristina
Black Girl Reading Journal by Pompey, Ayeshia
Sunday's are for Church Vol I by Jones Harris, Shawn
Reporting Immigration Conflict: Opportunities for Peace Journalism by Valentin-Llopis, Mariely
Creative Ramblings of a Wandering Mind by Bauer, Aiden
Moonatic: Journal by Kárpáthy, Attila
Finding Your Writer's Voice by Apthorpe, Amanda
Finding Your Writer's Voice by Apthorpe, Amanda
Finding Your Writer's Voice by Apthorpe, Amanda
Finding Your Writer's Voice (Large Print Edition) by Apthorpe, Amanda
Finding Your Writer's Voice (Large Print Edition) by Apthorpe, Amanda
Wherever We Go! by Russell, Tasha
Intertextuality in the English Translations of San Guo Yan Yi by Peng, Wenqing
Dynamics of Media Writing: Adapt and Connect by Filak, Vincent F.
Fly Away My Love by Olivia, Royal
Granny the Flying Table: Granny la mesa voladora by M'Joyes
Notes for Juicy Ghosts by Rucker, Rudy
Ethical Journalism: Adopting the Ethics of Care by Mathewson, Joe
Ethical Journalism: Adopting the Ethics of Care by Mathewson, Joe
Writing Sprints Tracker & Journal: the Serious Writer's Daily Word Production Log by Magill, E. S.
I Believe in Me: If or what or why or who, You always must have faith in You. by (Becker) Dethloff, Scarlett Levander
Almost Hemingway: The Adventures of Negley Farson, Foreign Correspondent by Bowman, Rex, Santos, Carlos
Front-Page Scotland: Newspapers and the Scottish Independence Referendum by Patrick, David
Writers Workshop of Horror 2 by
Creativity Matters: Find Your Passion for Writing by Rowland, Fay, Jones, Wendy, Wilson, Janet
Ella Es by Zuluaga, Alegría
Above the Well: An Antiracist Literacy Argument from a Boy of Color by Inoue, Asao B.
Translingual Pedagogical Perspectives: Engaging Domestic and International Students in the Composition Classroom by
Your Guide to College Writing by Couch, Daniel
Santa Favorite Coloring book by Espinal, Eddy
Dyslexia and the Journalist: Battling a Silent Disability by Silvia, Tony, Arena, Suzanne
Becoming a College Writer: A Student Workbook by Scott, Laura, Karnes, Adam
Identity: A Reader for Writers by Scenters-Zapico, John
Die 1. und 2. Fußball-Bundesliga in der COVID-19-Pandemie. Berichterstattung zur Unterbrechung und Wiederaufnahme: Inhaltsanalyse der Beiträge der BIL by Anonym
Blueprint for a Book by Nash, Jennie
From Military to Academy: The Writing and Learning Transitions of Student-Veterans by Blaauw-Hara, Mark
Critical and Creative Thinking by
The Book of Raves: An Anthology by McBride, Dave
Critical and Creative Thinking by
Australian Sign Language Book for Beginners.Educational Book, Suitable for Children, Teens and Adults. Contains the AUSLAN Alphabet and Numbers by Publishing, Cristie
Prismatic Translation by
Kindling: Artwork & Poetry by Ryshke, Linnea
LuoNglish / EngLuo Dictionary: Shared Luo-English (Kisungu) Words by Afullo Jkdm, Augustine Afullo Otieno
A Handbook for African Mother-Tongue Bible Translators by Boaheng, Isaac
Anatomy of a Killing: Life and Death on a Divided Island by Cobain, Ian
Sid Meier's Memoir!: A Life in Computer Games by Meier, Sid
Seven Drafts: Self-Edit Like a Pro from Blank Page to Book by Williams, Allison K.
The Ultimate RPG Quest Keeper: A Journal to Keep Your Campaign Rolling by Aldrich, Jef, Taylor, Jon
The Powerful and the Damned: Private Diaries in Turbulent Times by Barber, Lionel
Fast-Draft Your Memoir: The Workbook by Herron, Rachael
Telling Trails: Your Story, Your Experiences, You! In pictures, poetry, and prose by Jackson, Iris
Despatch From Sir John Thompson on Canadian Copyright, May, 1894 [microform]: With Notes and Observations on Each Paragraph by
Memoirs of Henry Villard, Journalist and Financier, 1835-1900: in Two Volumes; vol. 1 by Villard, Henry 1835-1900
The Net Book Agreement 1899 and the Book War 1906-1908: Two Chapters in the History of the Book Trade, Including a Narrative of the Dispute Between Th by Bell, Edward 1844-1926
The American Legion Weekly [Volume 4, No. 23 (June 9, 1922)]; 4, no 23 by
Laurie's Catalogue of Charts and Other Nautical Works [microform]: Geographically and Alphabetically Arranged by Anonymous
Liberty of the Press!: Sir John Carr Against Hood and Sharpe: Report of the Above Case, Tried at Guildhall, the Sittings After Trinity Term, by Jenkins, Thomas
The Herald of Truth; Vol. 44 by Anonymous
The Street of Ink [microform]: an Intimate History of Journalism by
The Review of Reviews, Volume 19, January - June 1899 by Shaw, Albert 1857-1947
The Grievances Between Authors [and] Publishers, Being the Report of the Conferences of the Incorporated, Society of Authors Held at Willis's Rooms, i by
The Country Weekly: a Manual for the Rural Journalist and for Students of the Country Field by Bing, Phil Carleton 1883-
The Argonaut; v. 48 (Jan.-June 1901) by Anonymous
The Barnums of Business [microform]: the Departmental Stores and Their Relation to Trade, Property and Wages by
E. Lumley's Consignment of Books, English, French, German, Italian, Etc. by
The Canadian Newspaper Directory, or, Advertiser's Guide [microform]: Containing a Complete List of All the Newspapers in Canada, the Circulation of E by
The Argonaut; v. 78 (Jan.-June 1916) by Anonymous
The Press and Its Story; an Account of the Birth and Development of Journalism up to the Present Day, With the History of All the Leading Newspapers: by Symon, James David
Newspaper Clippings, 1854-1858 by
The Argonaut; v. 55 (July-Dec. 1904) by Anonymous
The Republic of Plato; 157 by
The Triumphale [microform]: a Poetical History of the Successive Triumphs of the Recorder Over the Free Press, in Four Cantos by Anonymous
Directory of the Antiquarian Booksellers and Dealers in Second-hand Books of the United States [microform]: Arranged, First: in a General Alphabet, Wi by
The Pictorial Press: Its Origin and Progress by
Directory of the Antiquarian Booksellers and Dealers in Second-hand Books of the United States [microform]: Arranged, First: in a General Alphabet, Wi by
The Review of Reviews, Volume 10, July - December 1894 by Shaw, Albert 1857-1947
The Argonaut; v. 43 (July-Dec. 1898) by Anonymous
The Argonaut; v. 75 (July-Dec. 1914) by Anonymous
Gay Gnani of Gingalee, or, Discords of Devolution: A Tragical Entanglement of Modern Mysticism and Modern Science (1908) [Harmonic Fiction Series]; 2 by
William Drysdale & Co's Catalogue of Rare Books Chiefly Canadiana and Americana [microform] by
Frank Gannett; a Biography by
The Practice of Bookselling: With Some Opinions on Its Nature, Status and Future by
Virginia Beach Sun-news; Jan., 1953 by Anonymous
He Wrote for Us; the Story of Bill Bennett, Pioneer Socialist Journalist by McEwen, Thomas Alexander 1891-
Collegian Quarterly; v.18, no.2 (1955) by
Creative News Photography by Fox, Rodney 1907-1991
Pictorial Journalism by Vitray, Laura
Virginia Beach News; May, 1949 by Anonymous
Imprint of a Publisher; the Story of Frank Gannett and His Independent Newspapers by
Virginia Beach News; July, 1935 by Anonymous
The Longest Night by
The Complete Journalist by
The Girdle of Aphrodite: Love Poems of the Palatine Anthology; 1656 by
Bite the Bullet by
As the World Wags On by Ford, Arthur Rutherford
Literature and Science Before 1840 by
Virginia Beach Sun-news; May, 1954 by Anonymous
Name and Address: an Autobiography by
Virginia Beach News; May, 1941 by Anonymous
The Common Wealth; v.1 (1947) by
Frank Gannett; a Biography by
Virginia Beach News; Feb., 1937 by Anonymous
The Open Heart by Weeks, Edward 1898-1989
The American Legion Magazine [Volume 62, No. 3 (March 1957)]; 62, no 3 by
Virginia Beach News; June, 1939 by Anonymous
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