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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Writing Instruction in 2022

The Sunday Times Investigates: Reporting That Made History by
321 Creative Writing Prompts by Dyer, Lisa
Aire de vuelo (Large Print Edition) by Bento Sánchez, Delia
Indie Author Magazine Featuring Elana Johnson: Custom Launch Plans for Wide Writers, Substack for Authors, Rapid Release Explained, 10 Tips for Kickst by Honiker, Chelle, Briggs, Alice
Translating Buddhism: Historical and Contextual Perspectives by
Miscellaneous 2022 by Glynn, Paula
Stories of Becoming: Demystifying the Professoriate for Graduate Students in Composition and Rhetoric by Lutkewitte, Claire
Understanding Contemporary Journalism: A Handbook of Principles and Practice by Mentan, Tatah
Aggregrate by Puterbaugh, Diane
Media, Society, Power and Politics of Representation by Tilahun, Abayneh
Language Variation and Multimodality in Audiovisual Translation: A New Framework of Analysis by Renna, Dora
The Journalism Manifesto by Anderson, C. W., Zelizer, Barbie, Boczkowski, Pablo J.
Super Hangeul Learn to Write Workbook for Kids: A Beginner's Guide to Writing the Korean Alphabet by 기적학습연구소
The Ultimate Guide to Novel Writing for Beginners: Discover all the elements needed to write a fiction book from scratch. For writers who want to go f by Jones, Hackney And
How to Write a Novel from Scratch: Step-by-step workbook for writers to generate ideas and outline a compelling first draft of a fiction story. Simply by Jones, Hackney And
Journalistische Praxis: Modernes Nachrichtenschreiben: Neu Interpretierte Regeln Für Einen Besseren Digitalen Qualitätsjournalismus by Marinos, Alexander
HowExpert Guide to Novel Writing: 101 Tips on Planning Your Fictional World, Developing Characters, Writing Your Novel, and Publishing Your Book by Howexpert, Reul, Rene
HowExpert Guide to Novel Writing: 101 Tips on Planning Your Fictional World, Developing Characters, Writing Your Novel, and Publishing Your Book by Howexpert, Reul, Rene
Blueberry Cheesecake by Ekundayo, Mutulu
The Politics of Translation in International Relations by
for Johnny: An Anthology of Verse written for Johnny's first 10 birthdays..... by Taylor, Jack, Stansfield-Taylor, Lisa
Contrapuntos IX: Antropoceno by
Write: For Idea Generation by Purcell, Tanya
The Best American Magazine Writing 2021 by
Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market 33rd Edition: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published by
Migration Und Medien by Lünenborg, Margreth
Handwriting Practice Paper by French, The Little
The Strange Loops of Translation by Robinson, Douglas
Translation Under Communism by
Translation Policies in Legal and Institutional Settings by
Modular Design of Grammar by
Free the Press: The Death of American Journalism and How to Revive It by Karem, Brian J.
Election Politics and the Mass Press in Long Edwardian Britain by Shoop-Worrall, Christopher
Writing Clubs: Fostering Community, Collaboration, and Choice in the Writing Classroom by Eickholdt, Lisa, Vitale-Reilly, Patricia
Moliere: The Complete Richard Wilbur Translations, Volume 1: The Bungler / Lover's Quarrels / The Imaginary Cuckhold, or Sganarelle / The School for H by Moliere
Journalismus Und Instagram: Analysen, Strategien, Perspektiven Aus Wissenschaft Und PRAXIS by
Our Search for Meaning: A Humanistic Anthology for Applied Liberal Arts and Sciences (ALAS) by Schoenberg, Phillip, Oubre, Katherine
News and How to Use It: What to Believe in a Fake News World by Rusbridger, Alan
Our Search For Meaning: A Humanistic Anthology for Applied Liberal Arts and Sciences by Oubre, Katherine, Schoenberg, Phillip
Comma Sense: Your Guide to Grammar Victory (Punctuation Workbook, Elements of Style) by Feld, Ellen
Copywriting Strategies: A No-Nonsense Guide to Writing Persuasive Copy for Your Business by Krawczyk, Nicki
Cruising Paradise: Essays, Reviews and Stories by Corrigan, Michael Thomas
Horror vs. Hemophobia - Mythulu Magazine Issue 2: Exploring the Ethics of Gore in Literature by Tenwick, Matthew, Adamson, Mike
Writing With Purpose: Learning to Write for Self by Hamilton, Kasaundra
Kreatives Schreiben mit modernen Medien: Digitales versus analoges Schreiben in Verbindung mit dem Kompetenzmodell der Textproduktion nach Bachmann un by Mikat, Christoph
Total Journalism: Models, Techniques and Challenges by
Menschenrechte Und Das Islambild in Der Deutschen Politik: Diskursanalyse Politischer Darstellungen Über Muslimisch Geprägte Länder by Leifgen, Hans
Boss Lady Journal by Elam, Cassandra
El forjamiento de un otoño en penumbra by Sanchez, Andres Alexander
NuShIt '21 by Wllm
Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms by Christin, Angele
Moliere: The Complete Richard Wilbur Translations by Moliere
500 Writing Prompts for Fiction, Journaling, Blogging, and Creative Writing by Richards, S. A. M.
Empowered Writer 4e P by Moran
de Ruta Por La Vida: Podría ser la tuya. by Moreno Moure (Migüe), Miguel Ángel
Ranks of the Divine Seekers: A Parallel English-Arabic Text. Volume 1 by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya
Ranks of the Divine Seekers: A Parallel English-Arabic Text. Volume 2 by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya
Broadcast News in the Digital Age: A Guide to Reporting, Producing and Anchoring Online and on TV by Stephens, Kim, Sidlow, Faith
Expressing Critical Thinking Through Disciplinary Texts: Insights from Five Genre Studies by Bruce, Ian
The Rebel Scribe: Carleton Beals and the Progressive Challenge to U.S. Policy in Latin America by Neal, Christopher
Broadcast News in the Digital Age: A Guide to Reporting, Producing and Anchoring Online and on TV by Stephens, Kim, Sidlow, Faith M.
Writing in Thirds by Detrick, Joey
Zza Wielkiej Wody: Felietony z "Hameryki" by Heyduk, Andrzej
Peripheral Actors in Journalism: Deviating from the Norm? by Schapals, Aljosha Karim
Fuck this and other fuckeries by
Writing Notebook: Spark Your Creativity With Word Prompts by Purcell, Tanya
Writing Journal: Practice Your Writing With Word Prompts by Purcell, Tanya
The Crow Who Saw by Kann, Gabriela
¿Cómo escribir tu primer libro?: Coaching para escritores by Salazar, Karina Graciela, Stamateas, Samuel
The Search for Justice in a Media Age: Reading Stephen Lawrence and Louise Woodward by Holohan, Siobhan
Media, Wars and Politics: Comparing the Incomparable in Western and Eastern Europe by Balabanova, Ekaterina
The British Press, Public Opinion and the End of Empire in Africa: The 'Wind of Change', 1957-60 by Coffey, Rosalind
Mary and Mr. Crow Solve a Problem by Boyer-Weisman, Patricia
Modern Mandarin Chinese: The Routledge Course Textbook Level 2 by He, Baozhang, Chen, Pei-Chia, Ross, Claudia
Modern Mandarin Chinese: The Routledge Course Workbook Level 2 by He, Baozhang, Chen, Pei-Chia, Ross, Claudia
Mysli w czasie by Prusinski, Stanislaw
Ka Po'e Mo'o Akua: Hawaiian Reptilian Water Deities by Brown, Marie Alohalani
The Frugal Editor: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets-From Your Query Letters to Final Manuscript to the Marketing of Your New Bestseller, 3r by Howard-Johnson, Carolyn
Print News and Raise Hell: The Daily Tar Heel and the Evolution of a Modern University by Zogry, Kenneth Joel
Not Reading Herakleitos (Large Print Edition) by Loney, Alan
Worlds of Wonder: On Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy by Gerrold, David
Indie Author Magazine: Audiobook Production Basics, NFT Books, Marketing Nonfiction, and Getting Cozy with Mysteries by Honiker, Chelle, Briggs, Alice
The Business of Short Stories: Writing, Submitting, Publishing, and Marketing by Lawrence, Shannon
Journalism Research in Practice: Perspectives on Change, Challenges, and Solutions by
The Failed Joke of the Veiled Prophet: How a Fake Illinois Klansman Became the Grim Symbol of St. Louis's Happiest Civic Celebration by Garrigues, George
Meet me at the Borderline by Louise, Stevie
America's Last Great Newspaper War: The Death of Print in a Two-Tabloid Town by Jaccarino, Mike
Work Hard, Not Smart: How to Make a Messy Literary Life by Paige, Alexis
Sportpsychologie by Baumgärtner, Sören D., Kornmann, Julia M., Hänsel, Frank
Professional Writing: Creative and Critical Approaches by Kesteven, Lisa, Melrose, Andrew
Manuscript Magic: 7 Simple Steps to Writing a Book by Davis Desrocher, Heather
Understanding Im/Politeness Through Translation: The English-Greek Paradigm by Sidiropoulou, Maria
Obesity in the News: Language and Representation in the Press by Brookes, Gavin, Baker, Paul
Information and Democracy by Wlezien, Christopher, Soroka, Stuart N.
Information and Democracy by Soroka, Stuart N., Wlezien, Christopher
Obesity in the News: Language and Representation in the Press by Brookes, Gavin, Baker, Paul
Newsrooms and the Disruption of the Internet: A Short History of Disruptive Technologies, 1990-2010 by Mari, Will
Comversations: Communication Lessons from Media Professionals by Chua, Chong Jin
Comversations: Communication Lessons from Media Professionals by Chua, Chong Jin
Diverse Voices in Chinese Translation and Interpreting: Theory and Practice by
Creative Writing Notebook: Word Prompts and Character Traits Provided by Purcell, Tanya
Creative Writing Workbook: Word Prompts and Character Traits Provided by Purcell, Tanya
Journalismus Auf Zwei Säulen: Drei Jahrzehnte Lokalfunk in Nordrhein-Westfalen by
With a Morse Key and Rifle: One Man's Humorous Attempt to Survive the British Army by Hill, Graham
What is a Bong Tree?: Articles and Talks 1976-2021 by Rosen, Michael
Informationsintegration in mehrsprachigen Textchats by Hoberg, Felix
The Accurate Use of Chinese: Practical Sentence Structures and Word Usage for English Speakers by Teng, Wen-Hua
On the Mental Intercourse: The Communication Theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels by Chen, Lidan
Creativity and the Paris Review Interviews: A Discourse Analysis of Famous Writers' Composing Practices by Dively, Ronda Leathers
The Accurate Use of Chinese: Practical Sentence Structures and Word Usage for English Speakers by Teng, Wen-Hua
The Scientist's Guide to Writing, 2nd Edition: How to Write More Easily and Effectively Throughout Your Scientific Career by Heard, Stephen B.
The Scientist's Guide to Writing, 2nd Edition: How to Write More Easily and Effectively Throughout Your Scientific Career by Heard, Stephen B.
Reading & Writing Japanese: A Workbook for Self-Study: A Beginner's Guide to Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji (Free Online Audio and Printable Flash Cards by Sato, Eriko
News Framing Analysis of First Round Filling of GERD. Comparative Study on The Ethiopian Herald, Sudan Tribune and Ahram Online Media outlets. by Alemayehu, Alemayehu
The Asylum Book Three by McMinn, Shane
Writing a Second-Chance Love Story: A Story Grid Masterwork Analysis Guide to Persuasion by Nguyen, Mai, Sharpe, Celeste
Craft Consciousness and Artistic Practice in Creative Writing by Ristow, Ben
Authorpreneur: How to Build an Empire and Become the Authority in Your Business by Trofe, Shanda
Theatre Translation: Theory and Practice by Morini, Massimiliano
Une porte ouverte vers la langue louée by Kibinda, Yakaumbu
Russian Handwriting Workbook: Blue Notebook to Master Russian Writing Skills, Book to Practice Cyrillic Alphabet, Practical Worksheet to Help You in by Novikovaaaa, Svetlanaaaah
Handwriting Practice Book: 99 Pages English Handwriting Practice Book Writing Paper for letters with Lines Cursive Handwriting Paper Three lines by Bland, John G.
Through the Lens: The Pandemic and Black Lives Matter by Walsh, Lauren
International Perspectives on Creative Writing in Second Language Education: Supporting Language Learners' Proficiency, Identity, and Creative Express by
Narratives in Motion: Journalism and Modernist Events in 1920s Portugal by Trindade, Luís
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger; and other lies they told me. by Mohar, Tiffany
Content Production for Digital Media: An Introduction by Weldon, John, Thompson, Jay Daniel
How to Write a Paragraph Using Study Skills: 5 Simple Steps to Writing Powerful Paragraphs by Reeves, Stephanie
Correct the Incorrect by Lau, Stephen
The Lost Bali Stories: Volume I by
It's the Media Stupid! by
انجیل مستان: ساقی نامه by Mohammadi Bandari, Mohammad
Russian Handwriting Workbook: Book to Master Russian Language Writing Skills, Notebook with Cyrillic Alphabet, Practical Worksheet to Help You in Le by Novikovaaaa, Svetlanaaaah
The Pauper Principle: Wise Words Without Guru Prices by Bradley, K. J., Jr.
Negotiating Linguistic Plurality: Translation and Multilingualism in Canada and Beyond by
Cultivating Critical Language Awareness in the Writing Classroom by Shapiro, Shawna
The Technique of the Mystery Story by Wells, Carolyn
Dear Hard Rock by Agape Guru
Cultivating Critical Language Awareness in the Writing Classroom by Shapiro, Shawna
Tiffany: View of Oyster Bay (Foiled Journal) by
Alef Bet Hebrew Letter Tracing Workbook: Book to Practice Hebrew Alphabet, Practical Notebook to Master Hebrew Writing Skills, Worksheets to Help You by Cohoennnaa, Abeeegaaail
Documentary's Expanded Fields: New Media and the Twenty-First-Century Documentary by Kim, Jihoon
Angela Harding: Cornish Path (Foiled Journal) by
My Alphabet Handwriting Practice Book: Uppercase and lowercase letters practice pages / NO distractions / Simple workbook / For age 3+ by Kay
Brush Lettering Workbook: How to Writing in a Modern Calligraphy Step-by-Step. A Brush Calligraphy Lettering Book for Improving Handwriting Tech by Publishing, Samuel Typography
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-albanais. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-arabe. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le li by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-tchèque. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-finlandais. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-Gujarati. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-hindi. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le li by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-Latin. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le li by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-maltais. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-mongol. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le l by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-persan. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le l by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-roumain. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-Ourdou. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le l by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-bulgare. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-croate. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le l by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-italien. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-norvégien. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec l by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-Portugais. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec l by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-Swahili. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-Tamil. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le li by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-thaïlandais. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Traducción e interpretación en entornos institucionales / Translation and Interpreting in Institutional Settings: Enseñanza y práctica de la profesión by
Mes 100+ Premiers mots Français-Anglais-Marathe. Apprendre à Lire 3 Langues et écrire en English: Apprentissage facile du vocabulaire de base avec le by Levy, Edwin &. Lori V.
Fixing Stories by Arjomand, Noah Amir
Tell Us: What Are You Doing? Improving how you communicate your academic research, relevance and expertise by Falkiner-Rose, Leslie
The Lost Bali Stories: Volume II by
The Time Machine and the Domaine: Origins and Functions of Imaginative Literature by Bevis, Richard W.
The Time Machine and the Domaine: Origins and Functions of Imaginative Literature by Bevis, Richard W.
Diachronic Syntax by Roberts, Ian
Conversazione tra ghiaccio e fuoco (Conversation between ice and fire, Italian Edition) by Lou, Deping
The Wolf Emerged by Waters, Thomas
Une porte ouverte vers la langue louée by Kibinda, Yakaumbu
Who Killed Calvin by Hughes, Lisa D.
Creative Writing Workbook 3: Your Writing Routine Made Easier by Purcell, Tanya
Creative Writing Workbook 2: Your Writing Routine Made Easier by Purcell, Tanya
خودآموز سریع عروض و قافی&#1728 by Nemati, Rahmat
Eye of the Spiral - Fine Color by Grabill, James
Il ritardo delle ombre by Cattolico, Paolo
Pas un mot, pas une ligne ? by Epelbaum-D
Creative WRITING PROMPT for KIDS: Creative Writing Workbook To Inspire Young Writers Creative pages by Miles, Miya
The Syrian Information and Propaganda War: The Role of Cognitive Bias by Cole, Ben
Did Anyone Tell You This Was Going to Be Easy? by Slyck, Laurel
News Agencies: Anachronism or Lifeblood of the Media System? by Jukes, Stephen
Translation and Social Media Communication in the Age of the Pandemic by
Creating an Undergraduate Literary Journal: A Production Guide for Students and Faculty by Colombe, Audrey
Creating an Undergraduate Literary Journal: A Production Guide for Students and Faculty by Colombe, Audrey
Celebrity Translation in British Theatre: Relevance and Reception, Voice and Visibility by Stock, Robert
Advanced English-Arabic Translation: A Practical Guide by Lahlali, El Mustapha, Hatab, Wafa Abu
Advanced English-Arabic Translation: A Practical Guide by Hatab, Wafa Abu, Lahlali, El Mustapha
Frames and Framing in Documentary Comics by Schmid, Johannes C. P.
Audio Production Worktext: Concepts, Techniques, and Equipment by Stark, Craig A., Sauls, Samuel J.
Social News: How Born-Digital Outlets Transformed Journalism by Hurcombe, Edward
Creative Writing Workbook 4: Your Writing Routine Made Easier by Purcell, Tanya
Proofread Your Essay by Connolly, Louise
Bookcasters: An Author's Guide to Writing a Bestselling Book by Lokun Jd, Julie, Pascarella, Nicki
The Secrets to Creating Character Arcs: A Fiction Writer's Guide to Masterful Character Creation by Warner, John S.
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