• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Yoga in 2006

Initiation Into Egyptian Yoga and Neterian Spirituality by Ashby, Muata
Yoga Chick: A Hip Guide to Everything Om by Gallanis, Bess
Egyptian Yoga Postures of the GOds and Goddesses by Ashby, Muata
The Essence of Kriya Yoga by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Wings to Freedom by Siddhanath, Yogiraj Gurunath
S.M.I.L.Y.: Sensory Motor Integration and Learning with Yoga by Merrilee, April
A System of Caucasian Yoga by Walewski, Count Stefan Colonna
An Introduction to Yoga by Besant, Annie Wood
The Yoga of Sound: Tapping the Hidden Power of Music and Chant by Paul, Russill
Wings to Freedom by Siddhanath, Yogiraj Gurunath
Spinal Breathing Pranayama - Journey to Inner Space by Yogani
Yoga for All of Us: A Modified Series of Traditional Poses for Any Age and Ability by Cappy, Peggy
Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Step-By-Step Guide for Parents and Caregivers by Betts, Stacey W., Betts, Dion
Yoga for Everyone: Helping to make the world a more centered place, one person at a time. by Farrell-Hasty R. y. T., April
The Yoga-Darshana: Comprising the Sutras of Patanjali with the Bhasya of Vyasa by
The Eight Steps To Yoga As Told To Otis Peabody Swift by Yeats-Brown, Francis
Compendium Of The Raja Yoga Philosophy Comprising The Principal Treatises Of Shrimat Shankaracharya And Other Renowned Authors by Sankaracharya, Shrimat
Tantra: Discovering the Power of Pre-Orgasmic Sex by Yogani
The Yoga-Sutra Of Patanjali by
Create a Yoga Practice for Kids: Fun, Flexibility and Focus by Calhoun, Yael, Calhoun, Matthew R.
Yoga, Path of Life: Tashirat Teachers' Manual by Arian, Artimia
Yoga Beneath the Surface: An American Student and His Indian Teacher Discuss Yoga Philosophy and Practice by Hurwitz, David, Ramaswami, Srivatsa
The African Origins of Hatha Yoga by Ashby, Muata
The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali: The Book Of The Spiritual Man by Johnston, Charles
Storytime Yoga: Teaching Yoga to Children Through Story by Solis, Sydney
Thai Yoga Therapy for Your Body Type: An Ayurvedic Tradition by Moody, Emily, Chow, Kam Thye
Yoga for Women at Midlife and Beyond: A Home Companion by Shapiro, Pat, Shapiro, Patricia Gottlieb
Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas - Awakening Ecstatic Kundalini by Yogani
Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom by Iyengar, B. K. S., Evans, John J., Abrams, Douglas
A Beginner's Book of Yoga by Beck, L. Adams
Off The Mat: Thoughts From a Yoga Practice by Billa, Nicole DiSalvo
Teaching Yoga: Exploring the Teacher-Student Relationship [With CD] by Farhi, Donna
A Year of Living Your Yoga: Daily Practices to Shape Your Life by Lasater, Judith Hanson
Pranayama Beyond the Fundamentals: An In-Depth Guide to Yogic Breathing by Rosen, Richard
Breath: The Essence of Yoga by Sabatini, Sandra
Yogini: The Power of Women in Yoga by Gates, Janice
Samyama - Cultivating Stillness in Action, Siddhis and Miracles by Yogani