• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Young Adult Nonfiction in 2011

After the Storm by Moring, Marcel
After the Storm by Moring, Marcel
The ADHD Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Gain Motivation and Confidence by Honos-Webb, Lara
Nobody Told Me by Nesdahl, Melissa, Stenzel, Pam
Maple Leaf in Space: Canada's Astronauts by Melady, John
Haïkus de mes cinq saisons by Voldeng, Évelyne
Engage: Issue 11: Connecting You with God's Word 11 by Cole, Martin
La machine à beauté by Bellefeuille, Robert
The Poet Slave of Cuba: A Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano by Engle, Margarita
Hurricane Dancers: The First Caribbean Pirate Shipwreck by Engle, Margarita
Engage: Issue 12: Connecting You with God's Word 12 by Cole, Martin
Teaching Aboriginal Studies: A practical resource for primary and secondary teaching by Craven, Rhonda
Speaking in Public by
Native Defenders of the Environment by Schilling, Vincent
Engage: Issue 14: Connecting You with God's Word 14 by Cole, Martin
China: Land of Dragons and Emperors: The Fascinating Culture and History of China by Mah, Adeline Yen
Know Your Dental A-Z by Taylor, Tracy C.
Engage: Issue 13: Connecting You with God's Word 13 by Cole, Martin
Fearless Martha by Ingle, Sheila
La Meute by Beauchemin, Esther
Artificial Intelligence by
Nuclear Armament by
There's No Junior Holy Spirit: A Supernatural Training Manual for Youth by Caldwell, Lauren Moore
A Young Man's Guide to Making Right Choices: Your Life God's Way by George, Jim
Hold the Oxo!: A Teenage Soldier Writes Home by Brooker, Marion Fargey
With Their Eyes: September 11th: The View from a High School at Ground Zero by Thoms, Annie
When God Whispers Your Name: Discover the Path to Hope in Knowing That God Cares for You by Lucado, Max
Civilizations of the World: Sets 1 - 2 by
Latin Primer 3 (Student Edition) by Wilson, Martha
Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories by Jones, Carrie, Hall, Megan Kelley
Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories by Hall, Megan Kelley, Jones, Carrie
The UPstander's Guide to an Outstanding Life by Dibinga, Omekongo
When God Whispers Your Name by Lucado, Max
When God Whispers Your Name by Lucado, Max
Can You Eat, Shoot and Leave? (Workbook) by Truss, Lynne, Dignall, Clare
Glitter in the Sun: A Bible study searching for truth in the Twilight Saga by Wells, Jane
Think Confident, Be Confident for Teens: A Cognitive Therapy Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Creating Unshakable Self-Esteem by Fox, Marci G., Sokol, Leslie
Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith (National Book Award Finalist) by Heiligman, Deborah
Conversations with Jesus: 365 Daily Devotions for Teens by Cheater, Lisa
Teen Cyberbullying Investigated: Where Do Your Rights End and Consequences Begin? (16pt Large Print Edition) by Jacobs, Thomas A.
A Chosen Bullet: A Workbook for Teens and Young Adults by Renje, Bill
American Indians of the Northeast and Southeast by