• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Zoology in 1983

Domestikation: Verarmung Der Merkwelt by Hemmer, Helmut
Die Käfer Mitteleuropas, Bd. 11: Curculionidae II by
Vom 19. Mai Bis 23. Mai 1982 in Veszprém by
Max Schönwetter: Handbuch Der Oologie. Lieferung 34 by Schönwetter, Max
Atlas Der Verbreitung Palaearktischer Vögel. Lieferung 10 by
Developmental Approaches to the Self by
Acoustic Communication in Birds: Song Learning & Its Consequences by Kroodsma
Acoustic Communication in Birds: Sounds Production, Perception and Design Features of Sounds by Kroodsma
Diapause and Life Cycle Strategies in Insects by
A Biosystematic Study of the European Stratiomyidae (Diptera): Volume 2 - Clitellariinae, Hermediinae, Pachygasterinae and Bibliography by Rozkosný, R.
Glycoproteins by Hughes, R. Colin
Rehabilitation of the Brain-Damaged Adult by Goldstein, Gerald, Ruthven, Leslie
Shallow-Water Crabs by Ingle
Techniques in Molecular Biology by
Control Processes in Fish Physiology by
The Professional Psychologist's Handbook by Sales, Bruce D.
Reinhard Dohrn 1880-1962: Reden, Briefe Und Veröffentlichungen Zum 100. Geburtstag by
Ethics and Animals by Miller, Harlan B., Williams, William H.
Ethics and Animals by Miller, Harlan B., Williams, William H.
The Evolution of Culture in Animals by Bonner, John Tyler
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 3 by Silverstein, Robert M., Müller-Schwarze, Dietland
Methylotrophy and Methanogenesis by Large, P.
Mechanisms of Gonadal Differentiation in Vertebrates: Contributions of an Embo-Workshop Held in Freiburg, November 5-8, 1982 by
Language in Primates: Perspectives and Implications by
British Freshwater Ciliate Protozoa by Curds, C. R.
Polyclad Turbellarians by Prudhoe
Plants as Solar Collectors: Optimizing Productivity for Energy by Coombs, J., Hall, D. O., Chartier, P.
Mate Choice by
Origins of Intelligence: Infancy and Early Childhood by Lewis, Michael
Drosophila-Genetik by Würgler, F. E., Graf, U.
Homoptera (Pflanzensauger) by Strümpel, Hans
Mama Poc: An Ecologist's Account of the Extinction of a Species by Labastille, Anne
Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis by
Biology of Rotifers: Proceedings of the Third International Rotifer Symposium Held at Uppsala, Sweden, August 30 - September 4, 1982 by
Control of Enzyme Activity by Cohen, P.
Farm Animal Housing and Welfare by
Toxins as Tools in Neurochemistry: Proceedings of the Symposium Berlin (West), March 22-24, 1983 by
Darwin's Finches by Lack, David Lambert, David, Lack
Just Bats by Fenton, M. Brock
Free-Livng Mrine Nms by Platt, Trevor, Warwick, R. M.
Gazelles and Their Relatives: A Study in Territorial Behavior by Grau, Gerald A., Walther, Fritz R., Mungall, Elizabeth C.
Energy from Biomass by