• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Zoology in 1993

Megaloptera (Adlerflies, Dobsonflies) by New, Timothy R., Theischinger, Günther
Nevada Wildlife Viewing Guide by Clark, Jeanne
Max Schönwetter: Handbuch Der Oologie. Lieferung 47 by Schönwetter, Max
Ecotoxicology of Metals in Invertebrates by Rainbow, Philip S., Dallinger, Reinhard
Urban Ecology Health in Third by
Mammalian Amino Acid Transport: Mechanism and Control by
Control of Breathing and Its Modeling Perspective by
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 6 by
National Audubon Society Pocket Guide: Familiar Animal Tracks of North America by National Audubon Society
Advances in the Study of Behavior: Volume 22 by
Fractals in Chemistry, Geochemistry, and Biophysics: An Introduction by Birdi, K. S.
Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates, Accessory Sex Glands by
Asdell's Patterns of Mammalian Reproduction (Revised) by Hayssen, Virginia, Tienhoven, Ari, Tienhoven, Ans
Behaviour and Social Evolution of Wasps: The Communal Aggregation Hypothesis by Ito, Yoshiaki, Ito, Yosiaki, It?, Yosiaki
The Crawfish Book by Pitre, Glen
Dermaptera. Eudermaptera II by Steinmann, Henrik
Rapid Thermal Processing: Science and Technology by
Female Choices: Circumstance and Choice in International Relations by Small, Meredith F.
Dna-Protein Interactions by Travers, A.
Species, Species Concepts and Primate Evolution by
Surveys of Fisheries Resources by Gunderson, Donald R.
Distance Sampling by Burnham, K. P., Buckland, S. T., Anderson, D. R.
Bird Migration by Alerstam, Thomas
Rotifer Symposium VI: Proceedings of the Sixth International Rotifer Symposium, Held in Banyoles, Spain, June 3-8, 1991 by
Chromosomes Today: Volume 11 by
Molecular Biology of Membranes: Structure and Function by Petty, H. R.
Insect Lipids: Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biology by
Echinoderm studies 4 (1993) by Jangoux, Michel
History of Carcinology by Truesdale, Frank
Adaptation in Stochastic Environments by
Advanced Educational Technologies for Mathematics and Science by
An Atlas of Drosophila Genes: Sequences and Molecular Features by Maroni, Gustavo
Genes, Crops and the Environment by Williams, Trevor, Holden, John, Peacock, James
Biological Effects and Physics of Solar and Galactic Cosmic Radiation: Part a by
Peptides 1992: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second European Peptide Symposium September 13--19, 1992, Interlaken, Switzerland by
Evolution and Diversity of Sex Ratio: In Insects and Mites by
Dendritic Cells in Fundamental and Clinical Immunology: Volume 1 by International Symposium on Dendritic Cells in Fundamental an
Advanced Engineered Pesticides by Kim
The Big Thicket: An Ecological Reevaluation by Gunter, Pete A. y.
Zoos and Animal Rights by Bostock, Stephen St C.
Parasites and Pathogens of Insects: Parasites by
Parasites and Pathogens of Insects: Pathogens by
Ecology of Insect Overwinterin by Walters, K. F. a., Bale, J. S., Leather, S. R.
Introduction to Animal Cytogenetics by MacGregor, H. C.
Fish Swimming by Videler, J. J.
Bird Population Studies: Relevance to Conservation and Management by
Evolutionary Differentiation in Morphology, Vocalizations, and Allozymes Among Nomadic Sibling Species in the North American Red Crossbill (Loxia Curv by Groth, Jeffrey G.
Gesunde Katzen: Schmusen Ohne Gefahr by Mehlhorn, Birgit, Mehlhorn, Heinz
Gorillas: Ökologie Und Verhalten by Meder, Angela
The Cultural Relations of Classification: An Analysis of Nuaulu Animal Categories from Central Seram by Roy, Ellen, Ellen, R. F., Ellen, Roy
Insect Immunity by
Biological Effects and Physics of Solar and Galactic Cosmic Radiation Part B by Swenberg, Charles E., North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Horneck, G.
Growth Patterns in Physical Sciences and Biology by NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Growth Patterns in Physic, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Garcia-Ruiz, Juan
The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire by Peirce, Leslie P.
Virus Diseases of Trees and Shrubs by Cooper, J. I.
Molecular Chaperones by
Starvation in Bacteria by
Methods in Pharmacology: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Pharmacological Targets by
Disease Management in Cocoa: Comparative Epidemiology of Witches' Broom by Maddison, Andebrhan, Rudgard
Mites: Ecological and Evolutionary Analyses of Life-History Patterns by Houck, Marilyn A.
Perspectives in Ethology: Volume 10: Behavior and Evolution by
Barnacles: Structure, Function, Development and Evolution by Anderson, D. T.
Primates and Their Relatives in Phylogenetic Perspective by
Advances in Nemertean Biology by International Meeting on Nemertean Biology
Peptide Chemistry 1992: Proceedings of the 2nd Japan Symposium on Peptide Chemistry November 9-13, 1992, Shizuoka, Japan by
Use of Biomarkers in Assessing Health and Environmental Impacts of Chemical Pollutants by
Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Volume 5 by Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology
Bees as Superorganisms: An Evolutionary Reality by Moritz, Robin, Southwick, Edward E.
The Eye of the Elephant: An Epic Adventure in the African Wilderness by Owens, Delia, Owens, Cordelia Dykes
Eye of the Elephant: An Epic Adventure Int He African Wilderness by Owens, Mark, Owens, Delia
Mechanism of Myofilament Sliding in Muscle Contraction by Sugi, H.
The Reproduction and Development of Sharks, Skates, Rays and Ratfishes by
Reproduction in Fungi by Elliot, C.
Applying Ecology by Beeby, A.
Postcranial Adaptation by
Against Liberation: Putting Animals in Perspective by Leahy, Michael P. T.
Research Strategies in Human Biology: Field & Survey Studies by Lasker, G. Ed
Stress and Animal Welfare by Johnson, K. G., Broom, D. M.
Transgenic Modification of Germline and Somatic Cells by
Modern Bacterial Taxonomy by Austin, B., Tsubota, Kazuo
Human Body Composition: In Vivo Methods, Models, and Assessment by
Grassland Invertebrates: Ecology, Influence on Soil Fertility and Effects on Plant Growth by Curry, Jim P.
Modern Parasitology by
Animal Minds and Human Morals by Sorabji, Richard
Insect Conservation Biology (Conservation Biology, No 2) by Samways, Michael J.
Crop Protection Strategies for Subsistence Farmers by Altieri, Miguel A.
Principles of Insect Morphology by Snodgrass, R. E.
The Roles of Amino Acid Chelates in Animal Nutrition by Ashemead, H. Dewayne
Video Techniques in Animal Ecology and Behaviour by Wratten, S. D.
Vascular Endothelium:: Physiological Basis of Clinical Problems by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Catravas, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Vascular Endothelium Physio
Molecular and Cell Biology of Neuropsychiatric Diseases by Owen, Frank, Itzhaki, Ruth
Die Sinnesorgane Der Haut Und Der Tiefensensibilität by Halata, Zdenek