• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Zoology in 1995

Ecology and Conservation of Wolves in a Changing World by
Ecology and Conservation of Wolves in a Changing World by
Biological Perspectives on Motivated Activities by Wong, Roderick
Eastern Coyote by Parker, Gerry
Understanding and Controlling the German Cockroach by
On The Track Of Unknown Animals by Heuvelmans, Bernard
Introduction Animal Parasitology by Smyth, J. D.
Colobine Monkeys: Their Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution by Davies, Glyn Ed
In the Shadow of the Dinosaurs by
Restoration of Endangered Species: Conceptual Issues, Planning and Implementation by
Taxonomy and the Distribution and the Marine Calanoid Copepod Family Euchaetidae by Park, Taisoo
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Engineering by
Cell Culture Engineering IV: Improvements of Human Health by Buckland, Barry C.
Birder's Guide to Pennsylvania by Ford, Paula
Spiders in Ecological Webs by Wise, David H., Wise, Cse
Computational Approaches in Molecular Radiation Biology: Monte Carlo Methods by
Aldo Leopold's Southwest by Carmony, Neil B.
The Snow Geese of La Pérouse Bay: Natural Selection in the Wild by Cooke, Fred, Lank, David B., Rockwell, Robert F.
Xenarthra by Kraft, Richard
The Sipuncula by Cutler, Edward B.
Microbial Growth Kinetics by Panikov, N. S.
The Crowd by
Wild Otters: Predation and Populations by Kruuk, Hans
Animal Welfare and Human Values by Preece, Rod, Chamberlain, Lorna
A Natural History of Shells by Vermeij, Geerat
Biogenic Trace Gases: Measuring Emissions from Soil and Water by
The Brackish-Water Fauna of Northwestern Europe by Barnes, Richard S. K., Barnes, R.
Neural Control of Movement by International Union Of Physiological Sciences, Ferrell, William R., Ferrell, William Ed.
Studies on Large Branchiopod Biology and Aquaculture II by
Sea Turtles: The Watchers' Guide by O'Keefe, Timothy
The Landscape Perspective (Readings from Conservation Biology) by
Large Marine Ecosystems by Alexander, D. G., Gold, Barry D., Sherman, Kenneth
Stresemann - Exkursionsfauna Von Deutschland. Band 3: Wirbeltiere by
Zoogeomorphology by Butler, David R.
Viruses in Human Gene Therapy by Vos, J.
Perspectives in Ethology: Volume 11: Behavioral Design by
Preservation of Surfactant Formulations by Morpeth, F. F.
Space Partition Within Aquatic Ecosystems by
Barriers and Bridges to the Renewal of Regional Ecosystems by
Terrestrial Isopod Biology by Alikhan, A. M.
Swamp Song: A Natural History of Florida's Swamps by Larson, Ronald J.
Feral Pigeons by Janiga, Marian
Biodiversity Conservation: Problems and Policies by
Current Topics in Primate Vocal Communication by
Human Energetics in Biological Anthropology by Stanley J., Ulijaszek, Ulijaszek, Stanley J.
Comparative Anatomy of the External and Middle Ear of Palaeognathous Birds by Starck, J. Matthias
Neuron-Glia Interrelations During Phylogeny I: Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Glial Cells by Roots, Betty I., Vernadakis, Antonia
Beyond Prejudice: The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals by Pluhar, Evelyn B.
Biodiversity Loss by
Chemical Ecology of Insects 2 by Carde, R. T., Bell, W. J.
Chemical Ecology of Insects 2 by Bell, W. J., Carde, R. T.
Biology of the Sialic Acids by
Current Ornithology, Volume 12 by D. M., Power, Power, Dennis M.
Regulatory Mechanisms in Insect Feeding by
Conserving Wildlife: International Education and Communication Approaches by
Thrips Biology and Management by
Deep-Water Fisheries of the North Atlantic Oceanic Slope by
Plants and Animals in the Life of the Kuna by Ventocilla, Jorge
Chironomidae of Japan by Kikuchi, Mihoko, Sasa, Manabu
La Cuestión de Los Animales: Teoría de la Moral Aplicada by Carruthers, Peter
Insect Migration: Tracking Resources Through Space and Time by
Neurobiology and Clinical Aspects of the Outer Retina by Archer, S., Djamgoz, Djamgoz, M. B.
Physical Methods to Characterize Pharmaceutical Proteins by
Molecular and Subcellular Cardiology: Effects of Structure and Function by Goldberg Workshop on Molecular and Subcellular Cardiology Ef, Sideman, Samuel, Sideman, Samuel Ed.
National Audubon Society Field Guide to African Wildlife by National Audubon Society
Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology by
Introduction to Invertebrate Conservation Biology by New, T. R.
Biology Takes Form: Animal Morphology and the German Universities, 1800-1900 by Nyhart, Lynn K.
Biomass, Energy and Environment by Ravindranath, N. H., Hall, D. O.
Ecology and Management of Neotropical Migratory Birds: A Synthesis and Review of Critical Issues by
Stock Assessment: Quantitative Methods and Applications for Small Scale Fisheries by Gustafson, Daniel J., Gallucci, Vincent F., Saila, Saul B.
Enzymes of the Cholinesterase Family by
Stomata by Willmer, C., Fricker, M.
Neural Cell Specification: Molecular Mechanisms and Neurotherapeutic Implications by Juurlink, Bernard Ed., Juurlink, B. H. J., Juurlink, Berhard H.
Female Choices: Circumstance and Choice in International Relations by Small, Meredith F.
Social Evolution in Ants by Bourke, Andrew F. G., Franks, Nigel R.
Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations by
An Illustrated Guide to Endangered or Threatened Species in Kansas by Collins, Joseph T., Collins, Suzanne L., Horak, Jerry
Muscle, Matrix and Bladder Function by
Advances in Littorinid Biology by
Comparative Cardiovascular Dynamics of Mammals by Li, John K-J
The Monkey Wars by Blum, Deborah
Farmers, Forests & Fuel: Towards a New Biomass Energy Strategy for Sri Lanka by Howes, Mick, Endagama, Pandula
Control of Bird Migration by Berthold, P.