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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Zoology in 1998

Birder's Guide to Texas by Kutac, Edward A.
Influential Passengers: Inherited Microorganisms and Arthropod Reproduction by
Konfliktfeld Natur: Biologische Ressourcen Und Globale Politik by
The Microbiology of Activated Sludge by
Handbook of Immune Response Genes by Mak, Tak W., Simard, John J. L.
Glycoimmunology 2 by Axford, Jenner International Glycoimmunology Meeting
Swamp Screamer: At Large with the Florida Panther by Fergus, Charles
Carnivore Ecology in Arid Lands by Bothma, Jacobus Du P.
Fabre's Book of Insects by Fabre, Jean Henri
Insects Through the Seasons by Waldbauer, Gilbert
The Flight of the Iguana: A Sidelong View of Science and Nature by Quammen, David
Peterson First Guide to Insects by White, Richard E.
Insect Hormones by Nijhout, H. Frederik
Avian Growth and Development: Evolution Within the Altricial-Precocial Spectrum by
Principles of Animal Design: The Optimization and Symmorphosis Debate by
Principles of Animal Design by
The Worm Book: The Complete Guide to Gardening and Composting with Worms by Nancarrow, Loren, Taylor, Janet Hogan
Hearing - The Brain and Auditory Communication in Marsupials by Aitkin, Lindsay
Rec Fisheries Soc Econ Mangment by
The Place in the Forest by Lawrence, R. D.
Nerve Cells and Insect Behavior: With an Appreciation by John G. Hildebrand, Revised Edition by Roeder, Kenneth D.
Akkumulation und Weitergabe von Schwermetallen aus belasteten Böden in systematisch kultivierten Völkern der dunklen Erdhummel Bombus Terrestris by Hamm, Andreé
Cold Ocean Physiology by
Introduction to the Primates by Swindler, Daris R.
Honeybees of Africa by Radloff, Sarah E., Hepburn, H. Randall
Melanism: Evolution in Action by Majerus, Michael E. N.
A Peterson Field Guide to Insects: America North of Mexico by Peterson, Roger Tory, Borror, Donald J.
Handbook of Ethological Methods by Lehner, Philip N., Lehner
Current Ornithology by
The Biology of Camel-Spiders: Arachnida, Solifugae by Punzo, Fred
Evolutionary Biology by
Travels in Alaska by Muir, John
Advances in the Study of Behavior: Stress and Behavior Volume 27 by
Invertebrate Surveys for Conservation by New, T. R.
Peterson First Guide to Caterpillars of North America by Wright, Amy Bartlett, Peterson, Roger Tory
An Introduction to Parasitology by Matthews, Bernard E.
An Introduction to Parasitology by Matthews, Bernard E., Bernard E., Matthews
From Where I Sit by Winston, Mark L.
Arthropod Fossils and Phylogeny by
Marine Mammals and Noise by Richardson, W. John, Malme, Charles I., Greene, Charles R., Jr.
From Where I Sit by Winston, Mark L.
North Country: A Personal Journey by Mosher, Howard Frank
Animal Play by
Animal Play: Evolutionary, Comparative and Ecological Perspectives by Bekoff
Conservation Biological Control by
Introduction to Animal Physiology by Kay, Ian
Maternal Effects as Adaptations by Mousseau, Fox
Mechanistic Relationships Between Development and Learning by
Insect Viruses and Pest Management by Entwistle, Philip F., Evans, Hugh F., Hunter-Fujita, Frances R.
Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World by Kurlansky, Mark
Cognitive Ecology: The Evolutionary Ecology of Information Processing and Decision Making by
Mammals of the Eastern United States: Politics and Memory in the Yeltsin Era by Whitaker, John O., Hamilton, William J.
Predation in Vertebrate Communities: The Bialowieza Primeval Forest as a Case Study by Jedrzejewska, Bogumila, Jedrzejewski, Wlodzimierz
Journey to the Ants: A Story of Scientific Exploration by Wilson, Edward O., Hölldobler, Bert
Fish Biology in Japan: An Anthology in Honour of Hiroya Kawanabe by
Conservation of the Biological Diversity as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development in the Black Sea Region: International NATO Advanced Research W by Mikhailovich, Vladimir, Uppenbrink, Martin, Metreveli, V.
Federal Wildlife Laws Handbook with Related Laws by Musgrave, Ruth
Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology by
Peterson First Guide to Urban Wildlife by Landry, Sarah B.
Wildlife Issues in a Changing World by Sanderson, James, Moulton, Michael
Bio-Medical Telemetry: Sensing and Transmitting Biological Information from Animals and Man by MacKay, R. Stuart
Modoc: The True Story of the Greatest Elephant That Ever Lived by Helfer, Ralph
Behavioral Ecology and Conservation Biology by
Behavioral Ecology and Conservation Biology by Caro
The Fats of Life by Pond, Caroline M.
The Fats of Life by Pond, Caroline M.
Biosyntheses by Cohen, G. N.
Advances in Lactoferrin Research by
Ecotoxicology: Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms by
The Insect Viruses by
Animals and Why They Matter by Midgley, Mary
A Peterson Field Guide to Venomous Animals and Poisonous Plants: North America North of Mexico by Foster, Steven, Caras, Roger
Conservation of Biological Resources by Mace, Ruth, Milner-Gulland, E. J.
The Gas Exchangers: Structure, Function, and Evolution of the Respiratory Processes by Maina, J. N., Maina, John N.
A Review of Histogenesis/Organogenesis in the Developing North American Opossum (Didelphis Virginiana) by Krause, William J.
Auswirkungen einer Cadmium-Kontamination auf das Wirt-Parasit-Verhältnis von Ratten und dem intestinalen Helminthen Moniliformis moniliformis (Acantho by Scheef, Gregor
Heart and Blood: Living with Deer in America by Nelson, Richard
Rapid Detection of Infectious Agents by
Endangered Species: A Reference Handbook by Sherry, Clifford J.
Comparative Hearing: Insects by
Had I the Wings by Shuler, Jay
Form and Function of Mammalian Lung: Analysis by Scientific Computing by Kriete, Andres
Intertidal Fishes: Life in Two Worlds by
Primate Locomotion: Recent Advances by
Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse: Linking the Circles of Compassion For Prevention and Intervention by
Northeastern Tiger Beetles: A Field Guide to Tiger Beetles of New England and Eastern Canada by Leonard, Jonathan G.
Physiologische und morphologische Auswirkungen amorpher Diatomeenerden auf ausgewählte vorratsschädliche Insekten by Mewis, Inga
Birds of Wisconsin by Gromme, Owen J.
Parasites in Social Insects by Schmid-Hempel, Paul
Bivalves: An Eon of Evolution by
Principles of Insect Pathology by Boucias, Drion G., Pendland, Jacquelyn C.
Parasitic Birds and Their Hosts: Studies in Coevolution by Rothstein, Robinson
Dictionary of Insect Morphology by Steinmann, Henrik, Zombori, Lajos
Volume 1: Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography by
Die Käfer Mitteleuropas, Bd. 15: 4. Supplementband by Lucht, Wilhelm
Ecological Entomology by
Dolphin Societies: Discoveries and Puzzles by
The Caddisfly Family Phryganeidae (Trichoptera) by Wiggins, Glenn B.
A Bird-Finding Guide to Mexico: Symbolic Action in Human Society by Howell, Steve N. G.
Communication by Thompson, Nicholas S., Owings, Donald H., Beecher, Michael D.
Is God a Vegetarian?: Christianity, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights by Young, Richard Alan
Aspects of Littorinid Biology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Littorinid Biology, Held in Cork, Ireland, 7-13 September 1996 by