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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Zoology in 2006

The Wild Rabbit in a New Aspect or Rabbit Warrens That Pay by Simpson, J.
The Book of Good Hunting - In Search of Big Game by Newbolt, Henry
Bird Watching - Observations on British Birds by Selous, Edmund
Country Mix - Reminiscences of Rural Life and Sport in 19th Century England by Clark, Atwood
Stink Bugs by Kravetz, Jonathan
Ticks by Kravetz, Jonathan
Scientific Uncertainty and the Politics of Whaling by Heazle, Michael
Insects and Human Life by Morris, Brian
Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior by Johnson, Catherine, Grandin, Temple
Stick Insects of the Continental United States and Canada: Species and Early Studies by
Animal Underworld: Inside America's Black Market for Rare and Exotic Species by Green, Alan
Applying Nature's Design: Corridors as a Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation by Anderson, Anthony, Jenkins, Clinton
Applying Nature's Design: Corridors as a Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation by Anderson, Anthony, Jenkins, Clinton
The Hopes of Snakes: And Other Tales from the Urban Landscape by Couturier, Lisa
Economics in Nature: Social Dilemmas, Mate Choice and Biological Markets by
Sexual Segregation in Vertebrates: Ecology of the Two Sexes by
Bridging Laboratory and Field Research for Genetic Control of Disease Vectors by
Subvers Immune Cell Signal Parasite by
Animal Nation: The true story of animals and Australia by Franklin, Adrian
Mammalian Diversification: From Chromosomes to Phylogeography Volume 133 by
Parenting for Primates by Smith, Harriet J.
The Nature of Florida: An Introduction to Familiar Plants, Animals & Outstanding Natural Attractions by Kavanagh, James
Pilgrim on the Great Bird Continent: The Importance of Everything and Other Lessons from Darwin's Lost Notebooks by Haupt, Lyanda Lynn
The Nature of Arizona: An Introduction to Familiar Plants, Animals & Outstanding Natural Attractions by Waterford Press, Kavanagh, James
The Nature of California: An Introduction to Familiar Plants, Animals & Outstanding Natural Attractions by Waterford Press, Kavanagh, James
The Nature of Alaska: An Introduction to Familiar Plants, Animals & Outstanding Natural Attractions by Kavanagh, James
An Introduction to Color Forms of the Domestic Fowl: A Look at Color Varieties and How They Are Made by Reeder, Brian
Mathematik in Der Biologie by Bohl, Erich
Transgene Tiere by Schenkel, Johannes
New York City Zoos and Aquarium by Scheier, Joan
Watching Wildlife by Chris, Cynthia
Wilderness Predators of the Rockies: The Bond Between Predator and Prey by Lapinski, Mike
Animal Minis by Winner, Cherie
The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates by Coleman, Loren, Huyghe, Patrick
Human Origins and Environmental Backgrounds by
An Ecological and Societal Approach to Biological Control by
Conservation and Biology of Small Populations: The Song Sparrows of Mandarte Island by
Big Cats in Britain Yearbook 2006 by
Animals with Novel Genes by
The Mammals of the Southern African Sub-region by Chimimba, Christian T., Skinner, J. D.
The Development of Animal Form: Ontogeny, Morphology, and Evolution by Alessandro, Minelli, Minelli, Alessandro
Flies in the Face of Fashion, Mites Make Rights, and Other Bugdacious Tales by Turpin, Tom
Animals, Ethics and Trade: The Challenge of Animal Sentience by
Why Birds Sing: A Journey Into the Mystery of Bird Song by Rothenberg, David
Carnivorous Nights: On the Trail of the Tasmanian Tiger by Mittelbach, Margaret, Crewdson, Michael
When Bulls Cry: The Case Against Bullfighting by Ogorzaly, Michael A.
Wörterbuch Zur Verhaltensbiologie Der Tiere Und Des Menschen by
The Cultural Relations of Classification: An Analysis of Nuaulu Animal Categories from Central Seram by Ellen, Roy
Molluscs: From Chemo-Ecological Study to Biotechnological Application by
Sweetness and Light: The Mysterious History of the Honeybee by Ellis, Hattie
A Book of the Wilderness and Jungle with Big Game Hunting Anecdotes by Aflalo, F. G.
Isle Royale National Park by
Doctor Dolittle's Delusion: Animals and the Uniqueness of Human Language by Anderson, Stephen R.
Out of Eden: An Odyssey of Ecological Invasion by Burdick, Alan
Galling Arthropods and Their Associates: Ecology and Evolution by
England's Birds by Richmond, W. K.
The Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands of Scotland by St John, Charles
Evolutionary History of the Marsupials and an Analysis of Osteological Characters by Szalay, Frederick S.
Self-Awareness in Animals and Humans: Developmental Perspectives by
The Life Of The Caterpillar by Fabre, J. Henri
Cornucopia: A Journey Through The Mountains Of Gold by Bryan, Laurel Anne
Animals' Rights Considered In Relation To Social Progress Also An Essay On Vivisection In America by Leffingwell, Albert, Salt, Henry S.
Illustrations Of Instinct: Deduced From The Habits Of British Animals by Couch, Jonathan
Asian Honey Bees: Biology, Conservation, and Human Interactions by Oldroyd, Benjamin P., Wongsiri, Siriwat
Primate Biogeography: Progress and Prospects by
For the Prevention of Cruelty: The History and Legacy of Animal Rights Activism in the United States by Beers, Diane L.
The Nature And Origin Of Life: In The Light Of New Knowledge by Le Dantec, Felix
Mind In Nature Or The Origin Of Life, And The Mode Of Development Of Animals by Clark, Henry James
How Beavers Build Their Houses by Bailey, Vernon
Primate and Human Evolution by Cachel, Susan
The Whispering Land by Durrell, Gerald
The Math Instinct: Why You're a Mathematical Genius (Along with Lobsters, Birds, Cats, and Dogs) by Devlin, Keith
Rational Animals? by
World Class Applications of Six Sigma by
Birds of Florida by Pranty, Bill, Radamaker, Kurt, Kennedy, Gregory
The Animal Mind: A Textbook Of Comparative Psychology by Washburn, Margaret Floy
The Human Species by De Quatrefages, A.
An Introduction To The Study Of Zoology Illustrated By The Crayfish by Huxley, Thomas Henry
Aquatic Oligochaete Biology IX: Selected Papers from the 9th Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta, 6-10 October 2003, Wageningen, the Netherlands by
Bill Ricker: An Appreciation by
Zamba: The True Story of the Greatest Lion That Ever Lived by Helfer, Ralph
Infectious Diseases in Primates: Behavior, Ecology and Evolution by Altizer, Sonia, Nunn, Charles
The Voice of the Coyote by Dobie, J. Frank
Impacts on biodiversity of exploitation of renewable energy sources: the example of birds and bats by Thomsen, Kai-Michael, Hötker, Hermann, Jeromin, Heike
Zoological Recreations by Broderip, W. J.
The Criminal Prosecution And Capital Punishment Of Animals by Evans, E. P.
Research in Consumer Behavior by
After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals by Prothero, Donald R.
The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation by Pearce, T. a., Valdes, A., Sturm, C. F.
The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation by Pearce, T. a., Sturm, C. F., Valdes, A.
Sensuous Seas: Tales of a Marine Biologist by Kaplan, Eugene H.
The Politics of Zoos by Donahue, Jesse
The Politics of Zoos by Trump, Erik, Donahue, Joe
Waterfowl Population Status, 2006 by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Dep
Wild Animals Of Glacier National Park: The Mammals And The Birds by Bailey, Florence Merriam, Bailey, Vernon
Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology: Biology, Structure, Function / Diseases, Treatment, Therapy by
Development and Plasticity in Sensory Thalamus and Cortex by
Our Inner Ape: A Leading Primatologist Explains Why We Are Who We Are by de Waal, Frans
Owls (Strigiformes): Annotated and Illustrated Checklist by Weick, Friedhelm
The Genesis of Animal Play: Testing the Limits by Burghardt, Gordon M.
The Ecological Status of European Rivers: Evaluation and Intercalibration of Assessment Methods by
Mechanistic Home Range Analysis by Moorcroft, Paul R., Lewis, Mark A.
Female Infidelity and Paternal Uncertainty by
Wildlife of Seychelles by Bowler, John
Marsupials by
Ringtailed Lemur Biology: Lemur Catta in Madagascar by
Bridging Laboratory and Field Research for Genetic Control of Disease Vectors by
More Than Kin and Less Than Kind: The Evolution of Family Conflict by Mock, Douglas W.
The Smartypants' Guide to the AP Environmental Science Exam by Mahanian, Michelle
Homosexual Behaviour in Animals by
Arthropod Diversity and Conservation by
Overcoming Challenges to Develop Countermeasures Against Aerosolized Bioterrorism Agents: Appropriate Use of Animal Models by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Institute for Laboratory Animal Research
Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and Management by
Trophic and Guild Interactions in Biological Control by
Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Odonata - Anisoptera: Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America by Heckman, Charles W.
Ecology of the Acanthocephala by Kennedy, C. R.
Limnology and Aquatic Birds: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference Working Group on Aquatic Birds of Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (Sil), Sac by
Tierphysiologie Kompakt by Clauss, Wolfgang, Clauss, Cornelia
Bau Und Leben Der Rhinogradentia by Stümpke, Harald
Bird Studies - In Twenty-Four Lessons by Westell, William Percival
Bird Studies with a Camera - With Introductory Chapters on the Outfit and Methods of the Bird Photographer by Chapman, Frank M.
Sabkha Ecosystems: Volume II: West and Central Asia by
Forest Entomology in East Africa: Forest Insects of Tanzania by Schabel, Hans G.
Bats of Florida by Marks, Cynthia S., Marks, George E.
Wildlife Warrior: More Tales of Suburban Safaris by Harrison, Tim
A Systematic Catalogue of Eight Scale Insect Families (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of the World: Aclerdidae, Asterolecaniidae, Beesoniidae, Carayonemidae, by Ben-Dov, Yair
An Introduction to the Invertebrates by Moore, Janet
Wild Profusion: Biodiversity Conservation in an Indonesian Archipelago by Lowe, Celia
Thinking with Animals: New Perspectives on Anthropomorphism by
Chemical Ecology of Vertebrates by Muller-Schwarze, Dietland
Avian Flight by Videler, John J.
The Natural History of Weasels and Stoats: Ecology, Behavior, and Management by Powell, Roger a., King, C. M., King, Carolyn M.
Natural Regulation of Animal Populations by McLaren, Ian A.
Methoden Der Verhaltensbiologie by Naguib, Marc
Eating Stone: Imagination and the Loss of the Wild by Meloy, Ellen
Molecular Biotechnology by Pasupuleti, Mukesh
The No-Nonsense Guide to Animal Rights by Grant, Catharine
Advances in the Study of Behavior: Volume 36 by
The Yowie: In Search of Australia's Bigfoot by Cropper, Paul, Healy, Tony
Old World Monkeys by
Frustration Theory: An Analysis of Dispositional Learning and Memory by Amsel, Abram
Feeding Ecology in Apes and Other Primates: Ecological, Physical, and Behavioral Aspects by
Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods 28 by
Primate Origins: Adaptations and Evolution by
The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds (1889) by Hume, Allan O.
The Vector- And Rodent-Borne Diseases of Europe and North America: Their Distribution and Public Health Burden by Gratz, Norman G.
Connectivity Conservation by
The Mentalities of Gorillas and Orangutans: Comparative Perspectives by
Mammalian Social Learning: Comparative and Ecological Perspectives by
Biodiversity Dynamics and Conservation: The Freshwater Fish of Tropical Africa by Leveque, Christian, L. V. Que, Christian
California Cuckoo Wasps in the Family Chrysididae (Hymenoptera): Volume 125 by Kimsey, Lynn S.
Vitreo-Retinal Surgery by
Primate Societies: Group Techniques of Ecological Adaptation by Kummer, Hans
Animal Skulls: A Guide to North American Species by Elbroch, Mark
Semantic Web: Revolutionizing Knowledge Discovery in the Life Sciences by
Biological Calcification: Normal and Pathological Processes in the Early Stages by Bonucci, Ermanno
Anthropological Genetics: Theory, Methods and Applications by Crawford, Michael H.
Evolutionary Ecology of Parasites: Second Edition by Poulin, Robert