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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Zoology in 2011

Advances in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Biology Vol. 5 by Kaul, Bansi Lal
Chesapeake Bay Wildlife: A Folding Guide to Familiar Species by Waterford Press
Krebse, Spinnentiere, Tausendfüßer, Weichtiere, Moostierchen, Armfüßer, Stachelhäuter Und Manteltiere by Böhmig, Ludwig
Advances in Aquatic Ecology Vol. 5 by Sakhare, Vishwas B.
Biological Diversity and Its Conservation by Sharma, Dushyant K. &. Singh R. P.
Perspectives in Animal Ecology and Reproduction Vol. 7 by Gupta, V. K. &. Verma Anil K. &. Singh
Issues in Ethics and Animal Rights by Vyas, Manish A.
Virology by Maharajan, A.
Wild Silk Technology by Kavane, R. K. &. Sathe T. V.
Animal Rights: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Waldau, Paul
Animals in Greek and Roman Thought: A Sourcebook by Newmyer, Stephen T.
Animal Rights: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Waldau, Paul
Honeybees of Asia by
Development and Identification of Corpse-Associated Calliphoridae by Reibe, Saskia
Simply Wild: Untamed Wonders Large and Small by Boas, Sherry
Should I be a Vegetarian?: A personal reflection on meat-eating, vegetarianism and veganism by Cummins, Neil Paul
Monograph of the Gonostomatidae and Kahliellidae (Ciliophora, Hypotricha) by Berger, Helmut
Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals by Wise, Steven
Fear of the Animal Planet: The Hidden History of Animal Resistance by Hribal, Jason
Education for Animal Welfare by Eadie, Edward N.
A Shepherd's Life: Impressions of the South Wiltshire Downs by Hudson, William Henry, Hudson, W. H.
Critical Theory and Animal Liberation by
The Pacific Salmon Fisheries: A Study of Irrational Conservation by Crutchfield, James a., Pontecorvo, Giulio
Serval Son: Spots and Stripes Forever: You Are Responsible for All You Tame by Smith, Kris M.
Die Vogel-Fauna Von Norddeutschland by Borggreve, Bernard
Leitfaden zum Bestimmen der Vögel Mittel-Europas by Dahl, Friedrich
Ecology of Coccinellidae by Hodek, Ivo, Honek, Alois
Ecology and Morphology of Copepods: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Copepoda, Baltimore, Usa, June 6-13, 1993 by
Acanthocephala of Vertebrates a World Record by Bilqees Fm, Khatoon, Nasira
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships by
Ecology and Evolution of the Acari: Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists 1-5 July 1996, Amsterdam, the Netherl by
Beiträge zur Insektengeschichte by Knoch, August Wilhelm
Beiträge zur Insektengeschichte by Knoch, August Wilhelm
Beiträge zur Insektengeschichte by Knoch, August Wilhelm
A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes: From Maine to Texas by Carpenter, Kent, Kells, Valerie A.
Studies on Large Branchiopod Biology and Conservation by
Reptilien und Amphibien Deutschlands in Wort und Bild by Lachmann, Hermann
Differentiating Great Lakes Area Native Wild Wolves from Dogs and Wolf-Dog Hybrids by Duman, Beth
Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree: Ecology and Adaptive Radiation of Anoles Volume 10 by Losos, Jonathan
Bees - Their History and Characteristics, With Directions for Their Successful Management - Containing Extracts from Livestock for the Farmer and Stoc by Baker, A. H.
Neogene Paleontology of the Manonga Valley, Tanzania: A Window Into the Evolutionary History of East Africa by
Living with an Older Dog: Gentle Dog Care by Hall, Derek, Alderton, David
Vögel und Vogelstimmen by Hermann, Rudolf
Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy by Murphy, Christopher L.
Sexual Segregation in Vertebrates by
Economic Management of Marine Living Resources: A Practical Introduction by Whitmarsh, David
Homosexual Behaviour in Animals: An Evolutionary Perspective by
The Little Owl: Conservation, Ecology and Behavior of Athene Noctua by Genot, Jean-Claude, Nieuwenhuyse, Dries Van, Van Nieuwenhuyse, Dries
Human Senescence: Evolutionary and Biocultural Perspectives by Crews, Douglas E., Crews
Economic Management of Marine Living Resources: A Practical Introduction by Whitmarsh, David
Vögel auf der Reise by Floericke, Kurt
Women and the Animal Rights Movement by Gaarder, Emily
Women and the Animal Rights Movement by Gaarder, Emily
Benson's Wild Animal Farm by Goldsack, Robert J., Goldsack, Bob
Centre for Fortean Zoology Yearbook 2011 by
Environmental Contaminants in Biota: Interpreting Tissue Concentrations, Second Edition by
Vögel by Cabanis, Jean Louis
Live Imaging in Zebrafish: Insights Into Development and Disease by
The Ecosystem Approach to Marine Planning and Management by
Encountering the Wild by McCuaig, Carol Bennett
Festschrift for Ned K. Johnson: Geographic Variation and Evolution in Birds by
Fire on the Horizon: The Untold Story of the Gulf Oil Disaster (Large Print Edition) by Konrad, John, Shroder, Tom
Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Hemiptera - Heteroptera: Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America by Heckman, Charles W.
Social Life in the Animal World by Alverdes
The Social Life of Monkeys and Apes by Zuckerman, S.
The Care and Propagation of Ornamental Waterfowl by Laidlay, J. C.
The European Anatidae - An Easy Method of Identifying Swans, Geese and Ducks by Eykman, C.
Reproduction and Adaptation by
Historical Biogeography of Neotropical Freshwater Fishes by
Ethics and Animals by Gruen, Lori
Ethics and Animals by Gruen, Lori
Untersuchungen zur Sozialstruktur der Wisentherde (Bison bonasus) im Tierpark Berlin by Westphal, Steffani
Field and Laboratory Methods in Primatology by
Field and Laboratory Methods in Primatology by
Cricket Radio: Tuning in the Night-Singing Insects by Himmelman, John
Vil M Flusser S Brazilian Vampyroteuthis Infernalis by Flusser, Vilem, Flusser, Vil M.
Sex and sociality in fishes by Wong, Marian
Die Dolchzahnkatze Megantereon by Probst, Ernst
Die Dolchzahnkatze Smilodon by Probst, Ernst
Bigfoot Research: The Russian Vision by Bayanov, Dmitri
Insectopedia by Raffles, Hugh
Human Impacts on Seals, Sea Lions, and Sea Otters: Integrating Archaeology and Ecology in the Northeast Pacific by
A Pictorial and Ethnobotanical Guide to Plants of Eastern North America by Chmielewski, Jerry G.
Missouri River Planning: Recognizing and Incorporating Sediment Management by Water Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
The Mogollon Monster, Arizona's Bigfoot by Farnsworth, Susan
Die Säbelzahnkatze Homotherium: Mit Zeichnungen von Shuhei Tamura by Probst, Ernst
Die Säbelzahnkatze Machairodus: Mit Zeichnungen von Shuhei Tamura by Probst, Ernst
A Re-survey of the Historic Grinnell-Storer Vertebrate Transect through Yosemite National Park, California by Conroy, Christopher J., Leache, Adam, Patton, James L.
A Field Guide to Sea Stars of the Pacific Northwest by McDaniel, Neil
Animal Welfare by
Botanik, Heft 3: Die Vegetation Der Subantarktischen Inseln Kerguelen, Possession- Und Heard-Eiland, Teil 2 by Werth, Emil
Wild Dog Dreaming: Love and Extinction by Rose, Deborah Bird
Säugetiere Namibias: Beobachten - bestimmen - erleben by Föger, Manfred, Kuprian, Anita
The Muskellunge Symposium: A Memorial Tribute to E.J. Crossman by
Second Nature by Balcombe, Jonathan
Sex Determination, Differentiation and Intersexuality in Placental Mammals by Hunter, R. H. F.
Common Birds of Greater Atlanta by Wilson, Jim, Atkins, Anselm
Fish Karyotypes: A Check List by Arai, Ryoichi
Equine Welfare by
The Book of Werewolves by Baring-Gould, Sabine
Peterson Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes, Second Edition by Page, Lawrence M., Burr, Brooks M.
Weird Waters: The Lake and Sea Monsters of Scandinavia and the Baltic States by Thomas, Lars
Common Birds of Coastal Georgia by Wilson, Jim
Cyclopoid copepod nauplii Apocyclops panamensis by Sumiarsa, Gede S.
Invasive and Introduced Plants and Animals: Human Perceptions, Attitudes and Approaches to Management by
Advances in Insect Chemical Ecology by
The Trematoda by Dawes, Ben, Dawes
Whales and Dolphins: Cognition, Culture, Conservation and Human Perceptions by
Whales and Dolphins: Cognition, Culture, Conservation and Human Perceptions by
Bats in Captivity. Volume 3: Diet and Feeding - Environment and Housing by
Listed: Dispatches from America's Endangered Species ACT by Roman, Joe
Zoo Story: Life in the Garden of Captives by French, Thomas
The Bond LP (Large Print Edition) by Pacelle, Wayne
The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival by Vaillant, John
The Voice of the Dolphins by Jones, Hardy
Chuckwalla Land: The Riddle of California's Desert by Wallace, David Rains
Ecology of Atlantic Salmon and Brown Trout: Habitat as a Template for Life Histories by Jonsson, Bror, Jonsson, Nina
Monkeys on the Edge: Ecology and Management of Long-Tailed Macaques and Their Interface with Humans by Fuentes, Agustín
The Exultant Ark: A Pictorial Tour of Animal Pleasure by Balcombe, Jonathan Peter
High Mysticism: Studies in the Wisdom of the Sages of the Ages by
Beekeeping in the Tropics by Smith, Francis G., Jr.
Lepidoptera Conservation in a Changing World by
Bumble Bees by Alford, D. V.
Bee Venom: The Natural Curative For Arthritis And Rheumatism by Broadman, Joseph
Dragonflies and Damselflies of Oregon: A Field Guide by Kerst, Cary, Gordon, Steve
Antarctic Wildlife: A Visitor's Guide by Lowen, James
Coyote at the Kitchen Door: Living with Wildlife in Suburbia by DeStefano, Stephen
Engineering Animals: How Life Works by McFadzean, Alan, Denny, Mark
Birds' Eggs and Nests - A Simple Guide to Identify the Nests of Common British Birds by Sedgwick, S. N.
Birds' Eggs and Nests by Hall, Charles a.
Whose Nest Is That? - A Guide to the Birds' Nests Found in Massachusetts by Headstrom, Richard
The Pocket Guide to Nests and Eggs by Fitter, R. S. R.
British Birds' Eggs and Nests - Where, When and How to Find and Recognise Them by Pochin, Eric
Frogs and Toads of the World by Mattison, Chris
Better Queens by Smith, Jay
Canary - The History of a Family by Eckstein, Gustav
Ornithology Laboratory Notebook - For Recording Observations Made in the Field and Studies Made in the Laboratory on the Birds of North America by Allen, Arthur A.
Diseases of Budgerigars (Shell Parrakeets) with Special Reference to French Molt by Feyerabend, Cessa
Australian Parrots - Their Habits in the Field and Aviary by Cayley, Neville W.
Catálogo general de la Exposición Histórico-Americana de Madrid, 1892 by Histórico-Americana, Exposición
Viajes por la América del Sur desde 1789 hasta 1801. Descripcion geográfica, política y civil del Paraquay y del Rio de la Plata. Todo ello arreglado by Rivadavia, Bernardino, Azara, Felix De, Varela, Florencio
Birds of Chautauqua County: An Address Delivered Before the Chautauqua Society of History and Natural Science at Its Semi-Annual Meeting Held in J by Edson, John M.
Eiszeitliche Geparde in Deutschland: Mit Zeichnungen von Shuhei Tamura by Probst, Ernst
Eiszeitliche Leoparden in Deutschland: Mit Zeichnungen von Shuhei Tamura by Probst, Ernst
Der Europäische Jaguar: Mit Zeichnungen von Shuhei Tamura by Probst, Ernst
The Chimpanzees of Bossou and Nimba by
How and Why Species Multiply: The Radiation of Darwin's Finches by Grant, Peter R., Grant, B. Rosemary
On Green Pythons by Wilson, David
Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans by Zimmer, Walter M. X.
Handbook of Common New Guinea Beetles (Wau Ecology Institute Handbook No. 2) by Gressitt, J. Linsley, Hornabrook, Richard W.
Coniopterygidae of the World by Sziraki, Gyorgy, Szir Ki, Gy Rgy
Land Use, Climate Change and Biodiversity Modeling: Perspectives and Applications by
Savage Shadow: The Search for the Australian Cougar by O'Reilly, David
All about Parrots - A Guide to Range, Appearance, Habitats, Habits with Special Attention to the Parrots of the Amazon by Plath, Karl
Bird Watching on the South African Islands of Bird Island and Saint Croix by Harris, Henry E.
Waxbills - Descriptions of the Habitats, Appearance and Habits - With Descriptions of the Various Types of Waxbills by Soderberg, P. M.
The Structure of Birds' Eggs - A Scientific Look at what Happens Inside an Egg by Anon
Ornithological Sketches from Spain - Stories of Spotting the Rarest Birds in the Wilds of Spain by Danford, C. G.
A Guide to Parrots and Parakeets - A Concise Guide to Buying and Caring for These Beautiful Birds by Anon
Wildlife Stalker - Days in the Life of Filmmaker Bob Landis by Rhoades, Kevin G.
How to Make a Bird Skin - A Step by Step Guide to Prepare and Preserve a Bird Skin by Coues, Elliott
A Check List of North American Birds - A Handy Check List for the Keen Bird Watcher by Coues, Elliott
The Welfare of Farmed Ratites by
Hope for Animals and Their World: How Endangered Species Are Being Rescued from the Brink by Goodall, Jane
Los Duenos de La Ciudad by Lavayen, Laura, Lavay N., Laura
Los Duenos de La Ciudad by Lavay N., Laura, Lavayen, Laura
Aviaries and Appliances - A Guide for People Looking to Buy Aviaries for Their Birds by Watmough, W.
Dogs, Owners of the City by Lavay N., Laura, Lavayen, Laura
Dogs, Owners of the City by Lavayen, Laura, Lavay N., Laura
A Handbook of New Guinea's Marsupials and Monotremes by Menzies, James
Circulation in Fishes by Satchell, G. H.
The Ultrastructure and Phylogeny of Insect Spermatozoa by Jamieson, Barrie G. M.
Coastal Waders and Wildfowl in Winter by
The House-Fly: Musca Domestica Linn: Its Structure, Habits, Development, Relation to Disease and Control by Gordon Hewitt, C.
Wehr und Schutz der Meerestiere by Glaesner, Leopold
Eyes on the Endangered by Martin, Judith Kruger
The Only Good Bear: Historic Bear Stories of the Western Frontier by Prodgers, Jeanette
Among African Apes: Stories and Photos from the Field by
Among African Apes: Stories and Photos from the Field by
Underground: The Animal Liberation Front in the 1990s, Collected Issues of the A.L.F. Supporters Group Magazine by
Concerning the Habits of Insects by Balfour-Browne, F.
Pretending and Imagination in Animals and Children by
Fish Evolution and Systematics: Evidence from Spermatozoa: With a Survey of Lophophorate, Echinoderm and Protochordate Sperm and an Account of Gamete by Jamieson, Barrie G. M.
"Venomous" Bites from Non-Venomous Snakes: A Critical Analysis of Risk and Management of "Colubrid" Snake Bites by Warrell, David A., Keyler, Daniel E., Weinstein, Scott A.
Nature Helps...: How Plants and Other Organisms Contribute to Solve Health Problems by
The Practical Beekeeper Volume II Intermediate Beekeeping Naturally by Bush, Michael
The Practical Beekeeper Volume III Advanced Beekeeping Naturally by Bush, Michael
The Practical Beekeeper Volume I Beginning Beekeeping Naturally by Bush, Michael
Medaka: A Model for Organogenesis, Human Disease, and Evolution by
Heimliche Helfer: Schlupfwespen und Schlupffliegen by Schwenke, Wolfgang
Hundepsychologie: Experimentelle Streifzüge in Die Psychologie Von Mensch Und Tier by Ciccotti, Serge, Guéguen, Nicolas
A Field Guide to the Wildlife of Maui by Harris, Suzanne, Bauck, Louise, Corll, Amanda
Bioengineering Aspects in the Design of Gas Exchangers: Comparative Evolutionary, Morphological, Functional, and Molecular Perspectives by Maina, John N.
Biological Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes: Building Coherence Between Microbial Ecology and Molecular Mechanisms by
Identification Guide of Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Spain by
Annual Report on Vital Signs Monitoring Of Wolf (Canis lupus) Distribution and Abundance in Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, Central Alaska Net by Burch, John, National Park Service, U. S. Department O.
Giardia: A Model Organism by
The Littoral Fauna of the British Isles: A Handbook for Collectors by Eales, N. B.
Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Plants by
International Wildfowl Inquiry: Volume 1, Factors Affecting the General Status of Wild Geese and Wild Duck by Berry, John
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