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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Zoology in 2011

Evolutionary Biology: Volume 22 by
Structure and Function of Invertebrate Oxygen Carriers by
Developmental Approaches to the Self by
Insect Ultrastructure: Volume 2 by
Respiration and Metabolism of Embryonic Vertebrates: Satellite Symposium of the 29th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Sydney, Austral by
Cannabinoids by
Calving Problems and Early Viability of the Calf: A Seminar in the EEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Beef Production Held at Freising, Fede by
Ecology of Mysidacea by
Angiosperm Pollen and Ovules by
Imms' Outline of Entomology by Richards, O. W.
Molluscs: From Chemo-Ecological Study to Biotechnological Application by
Die Raupen der Groß-Schmetterlinge Europas by Hofmann, Ernst
The Physiology Of Domestic Animals by Dukes, Henry Hugh
Yearbook of Cell and Tissue Transplantation 1996-1997 by
Crops I by Bajaj, Y. P. S.
Insectivora: With a Stereotaxic Atlas of the Hedgehog Brain by Frahm, Heiko D., Stephan, Heinz, Baron, Georg
Directional Hearing by
The Coat Colors of Mice: A Model for Mammalian Gene Action and Interaction by Silvers, W. K.
Energy from Biomass: Proceedings of the Workshop on Biomass Pilot Projects on Methanol Production and Algae, Held in Brussels, 22 October 1981 by
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Trichoptera: Perugia July 28-August 2, 1980 by
The Host-Plant in Relation to Insect Behaviour and Reproduction by
Wildlife Conservation Evaluation by
Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera: Checklist: Part 1 Micropterigoidea -- Immoidea by
New Strategies in Locust Control by
Biology of Cellular Transducing Signals by
Parental Care in Mammals by
Animal Grief: How Animals Mourn by Alderton, David
Guidance for the Description of Animal Research in Scientific Publications by Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Living Birds Of The World by Gilliard, E. Thomas
Separations for Biotechnology 2 by
Animal Friendships by Dagg, Anne Innis
Animal Friendships by Dagg, Anne Innis
Insect Life History Patterns: Habitat and Geographic Variation by
Notes on the Herpetofauna of Surinam IV: The Lizards and Amphisbaenians of Surinam by Hoogmoed, M. S.
Bacterial Genetics in Natural Environments by
Ecology and Conservation of Fishes by Tyus, Harold M.
Tracking Bigfoot by Simmons, Lori, Wallace, Donald
The Birds of Siberia by Seebohm, Henry
Control of Reproduction in the Cow: A Seminar in the EEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Beef Production Held at Galway, September 27-30, 197 by
Comparative Pathobiology: Volume 2 Systematics of the Microsporidia by
Sampling Methods in Soybean Entomology by
Computer-Assisted Microscopy: The Measurement and Analysis of Images by Russ, John C.
Opisthobranchia Des Mittelmeeres: Nudibranchia Und Saccoglossa by Portmann, A., Schmekel, L.
Comparative Studies of Hearing in Vertebrates by
Spontaneous Alternation Behavior by
Environmental Physiology of Marine Animals by Vernberg, W. B., Vernberg, F. J.
Veterinary Vaccines by
Ecological Consequences of Climate Change: Mechanisms, Conservation, and Management by
Animals, Equality and Democracy by O'Sullivan, S.
Animals, Equality and Democracy by O'Sullivan, S.
Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics by
Invasive Alien Arthropod Predators and Parasitoids: An Ecological Approach by
Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles, in the Years 1812, 1816, 1820, and 1824: With Original Instruction by Waterton, Charles
Physicochemical Characteristics of Oligonucleotides and Polynucleotides by Janik, Borek
Advanced Research on Animal Cell Technology by
Quantifying Functional Biodiversity by Pla, Laura, Casanoves, Fernando, Di Rienzo, Julio
How Culture Makes Us Human: Primate Social Evolution and the Formation of Human Societies by Read, Dwight W.
Capitalizing on Nature by Barbier, Edward B.
Capitalizing on Nature by Barbier, Edward B.
Ivermectin and Abamectin by
Amphibian Morphogenesis by Fox, Harold
The Cell Biology of Sponges by Simpson, T. L.
Foraging Behavior by
Cell Membranes: Methods and Reviews Volume 3 by
Development of Sensory Systems by Bate, C. M., McMillan Carr, V.
Ecology of Bats by
Development and Recognition of the Transformed Cell by
Cell-To-Cell Communication by
Unveiling the Whale: Discourses on Whales and Whaling by Kalland, Arne
Orang Pendek: Sumatra's Forgotten Ape by Freeman, Richard
Revision of Ufens Girault, 1911 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae): Volume 131 by Owen, Albert K.
Identifying Animal Tracks: Mammals, Birds, and Other Animals of the Eastern United States by Headstrom, Richard
Live Pterosaurs in America: Not extinct, flying creatures of cryptozoology that some call pterodactyls or flying dinosaurs or prehistoric birds by Whitcomb, Jonathan David
The Animals of New Zealand: An Account of the Dominion's Air-Breathing Vertebrates by Hutton, Frederick Wollaston, Drummond, James
Advances in Animal Welfare Science 1985 by
General Nematology by Maggenti, A.
The Geographical Distribution of Animals 2 Volume Set: With a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas as Elucidating the Past Changes of t by Wallace, Alfred Russel
Histoire Naturelle Des Poissons, Volume 1... by Cuvier, Georges, Valenciennes, Achille
The Geographical Distribution of Animals - Volume 1 by Wallace, Alfred Russell
The Geographical Distribution of Animals - Volume 2 by Wallace, Alfred Russell
Zoological Philosophy by Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine De
Gentechnische Methoden: Eine Sammlung Von Arbeitsanleitungen Für Das Molekularbiologische Labor by
Atlas of Trichoptera of the SW Pacific -- Australian Region by Neboiss, Arturs
Neuroanatomical Techniques: Insect Nervous System by
Child Nurturance: Studies of Development in Nonhuman Primates by
Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems by
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis by
Handbook of Genetics: Volume 4 Vertebrates of Genetic Interest by King, Robert
Evolution That Anyone Can Understand by Marcus, Bernard
Neurohormonal Techniques in Insects by
Invertebrate Historecognition by
Connective Tissues: Biochemistry and Pathophysiology by
Bacterial Adherence by Beachey, C.
Monoclonal Antibodies to Receptors: Probes for Receptor Structure and Funtcion by
Histoire Naturelle Des Poissons, Volume 1... by Valenciennes, Achille, Cuvier, Georges
Patterns of Vertebrate Biology by Jameson, E. W. Jr.
Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations: Biology, Research and Management by
Wildlife-Wild Places by Beveridge, Jim
Al-the-Gator and Pretty Pattie 'Possum by Smith, E. Norbert
Rehabilitation of the Brain-Damaged Adult by Ruthven, Leslie, Goldstein, Gerald
Advances in Disease Vector Research by
Molecular Approaches to Fundamental and Applied Entomology by
Molecular Tools for Screening Biodiversity: Plants and Animals by
Patterns of Growth and Development in Cattle: A Seminar in the EEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Beef Production Held at Ghent, October 11- by
Respiratory Control: A Modeling Perspective by
Measurement of Ion Transport and Metabolic Rate in Insects by
Species of Aphytis of the World: Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae by Debach, P., Rosen, David
Cuticle Techniques in Arthropods by
Advances in Nutritional Research by
Evolution of Longevity in Animals: A Comparative Approach by
Global Fisheries: Perspectives for the 1980s by
Prevention of Alcohol Abuse by
Nervous Systems in Invertebrates by Ali, M. a.
Peptides in Neurobiology by
Comparative Physiology and Evolution of Vision in Invertebrates: A: Invertebrate Photoreceptors by Diehn, B., Autrum, H., Bennet, M. F.
Physiology and Biochemistry of Seeds in Relation to Germination: 1 Development, Germination, and Growth by Bewley, J. D., Black, Michael
Horns, Pronghorns, and Antlers: Evolution, Morphology, Physiology, and Social Significance by
Rotatoria: Proceedings of the 2nd International Rotifer Symposium Held at Gent, September 17-21, 1979 by
Vergleichende Anatomie Der Wirbeltiere Auf Evolutionsbiologischer Grundlage: Band 2: Das Skeletsystem: Allgemeines, Skeletsubstanzen, Skelet Der Wirbe by Starck, D.
Biological Insect Pest Suppression by Mertins, J. W., Coppel, H. C.
Hormonal Regulation of Development III: Role of Environmental Factors by
Experimental Embryology of Vascular Plants by
Evolutionary Biology by
Photochemistry of Vision by
Electroreceptors and Other Specialized Receptors in Lower Vertrebrates by Fessard, A., Bullock, T. H.
Boreal Birds of North America: A Hemispheric View of Their Conservation Links and Significance Volume 41 by
Swim to Recovery: Canine Hydrotherapy Healing: Gentle Dog Care by Wong, Emily
American Wildlife and Plants by Martin, A. C., Davis, Francis A.
Moths of the Limberlost by Stratton-Porter, Gene
More Hunting Wasps by Fabre, Jean-Henri
Bramble-Bees and Others by Fabre, Jean-Henri
Circulation, Respiration, and Metabolism: Current Comparative Approaches by
Immunity in Invertebrates: Cells, Molecules, and Defense Reactions by
Genetic Differentiation and Dispersal in Plants by
Biophysical Effects of Steady Magnetic Fields: Proceedings of the Workshop, Les Houches, France February 26-March 5, 1986 by
Ecophysiology of Spiders by
Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism by
Honeybees and Wax: An Experimental Natural History by Hepburn, H. Randall
Readings in Zoosemiotics by
Neurobiology of Arachnids by
Mother Earth: Peace and Harmony by Goddard, Brian Eric
Embryology of Angiosperms by
Vision in Drosophila: Genetics of Microbehavior by Wolf, R., Heisenberg, M.
Human Helminthiases in the Philippines: The Epidemiological and Geomedical Situation by Hinz, Erhard
Aquatic Oligochaete Biology by Brinkhurst, Ralph O.
Fish Diseases: Third Copraq-Session by
Intrinsic Motivation by Deci, Edward L.
Potentials and Limitations of Ecosystem Analysis by
Biosynthesis, Metabolism and Mode of Action of Invertebrate Hormones by
Toxoplasmosis by
Minimum Animal Populations by
Ecological Systems of the Geobiosphere: 3 Temperate and Polar Zonobiomes of Northern Eurasia by Breckle, Siegmar-W, Walter, Heinrich
The Cell Surface in Signal Transduction by
Primate Evolutionary Biology: Selected Papers (Part A) of the Viiith Congress of the International Primatological Society, Florence, 7-12 July, 1980 by
Mediterranean Marine Avifauna: Population Studies and Conservation by
Animal Welfare in Animal Agriculture: Husbandry, Stewardship, and Sustainability in Animal Production by
Localization and Orientation in Biology and Engineering by
Honeybee Neurobiology and Behavior: A Tribute to Randolf Menzel by
Histoire Naturelle Des Poissons, Volume 1... by Cuvier, Georges, Valenciennes, Achille
Bird Monitoring Methods: A manual of techniques for key UK species by Evans, Julianne, Gibbons, David W., Gilbert, Gillian
Big Cats: Facing Britain's Wild Predators by Minter, Rick
Adventures Among Ants: A Global Safari with a Cast of Trillions by Moffett, Mark W.
Bone Research Protocols by
Fluorescence Studies on Biological Membranes by
The Wheat Rusts -- Breeding for Resistance by Knott, Douglas R.
The Physiology of the Compound Eyes of Insects and Crustaceans: A Study by Exner, Sigmund
Peripheral Hearing Mechanisms in Reptiles and Birds by Manley, Geoffrey A.
Environmental Physiology and Biochemistry of Insects by
Antarctic Ocean and Resources Variability by
Neurobiology and Behavior of Honeybees by
Medical Parasitology by Piekarski, Gerhard
The Community Ecology of Sea Otters by
Atlas on the Biology of Soil Arthropods by Eisenbeis, Gerhard
Boophilus Microplus: The Common Cattle Tick by Munoz-Cobenas, M. E., Nunez, J. L.
Blood and Tissue Oxygen Carriers by
Fossil and Recent Sponges by
Current Topics in Insect Endocrinology and Nutrition: A Tribute to Gottfried S. Fraenkel by
Pest Slugs and Snails: Biology and Control by Godan, D.
Avian Navigation: International Symposium on Avian Navigation (Isan) Held at Tirrenia (Pisa), September 11-14, 1981 by
Vertebrates in Complex Tropical Systems by
Primate Behavior and Sociobiology: Selected Papers (Part B) of the Viiith Congress of the International Primatological Society, Florence, 7-12 July, 1 by
Numerical Taxonomy by
The Central Nervous System of Cartilaginous Fishes: Structure and Functional Correlations by Smeets, W. J. a. J., Nieuwenhuys, R., Roberts, B. L.
Olfaction by
Genetic Bases of Fish Selection by Kirpichnikov, V. S.
Neuroethology and Behavioral Physiology: Roots and Growing Points by
Vergleichende Anatomie Der Wirbeltiere Auf Evolutionsbiologischer Grundlage: Band 3: Organe Des Aktiven Bewegungsapparates, Der Koordination, Der Umwe by Starck, D.
A Survey of the Lepidoptera, Biogeograhy and Ecology of New Caledonia by Holloway, J. D.
Multicellular Animals: A New Approach to the Phylogenetic Order in Nature Volume 1 by Ax, Peter
The Vendian System: Vol. 1 Paleontology by
Size-Structured Populations: Ecology and Evolution by
Neural Basis of Elementary Behavior in Stick Insects by Bässler, Ulrich
Olfactory Imprinting and Homing in Salmon: Investigations Into the Mechanism of the Imprinting Process by Scholz, A. T., Hasler, A. D.
Vertebrate Flight: Mechanics, Physiology, Morphology, Ecology and Evolution by Norberg, Ulla M.
Vertebrate Red Blood Cells: Adaptations of Function to Respiratory Requirements by Nikinmaa, Mikko
Circannual Rhythms: Endogenous Annual Clocks in the Organization of Seasonal Processes by Gwinner, Eberhard
Toxins, Drugs, and Pollutants in Marine Animals by
Neurochemical Techniques in Insect Research by
Advances in Mutagenesis Research 2 by
The Parietal Cortex of Monkey and Man by Hyvärinen, J.
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