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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Zoology in 2018

Endocrine Glands of the Fish: Notopterus notopterus by Kulkarni, Raghavendra S.
Entomology: Current Status and Future Strategies by Ganguly, Arijit Et Al
Practical Manual of Fisheries by Biswas, K. P.
Zoonoses Infectious Diseases of Animal Transmissible to Humans by Shekhar, Chandra
Backyard Wildlife: 101 Flashcards for Discovering Animals by Telander, Todd
I See Insects by Mayerling, Tim
Who Lives in a Lake? by VanVoorst, Jennifer Fretland
Who Lives in the Desert? by VanVoorst, Jennifer Fretland
Who Lives in the Forest? by VanVoorst, Jennifer Fretland
Who Lives in the Ocean? by VanVoorst, Jennifer Fretland
Advances in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Biology Vol. 7 by
The Meaning of Birds by Barnes, Simon
Catch and Release: The Enduring Yet Vulnerable Horseshoe Crab by Moore, Lisa Jean
Subhuman: The Moral Psychology of Human Attitudes to Animals by Kasperbauer, T. J.
Catch and Release: The Enduring Yet Vulnerable Horseshoe Crab by Moore, Lisa Jean
British Bees: An introduction to the study of the natural history and economy of the bees indigenous to the British Isles by Shuckard, William Edward
Fishes, Living and Fossil: An outline of their forms and probable relationships by Dean, Bashford
Scientific Results of the Second Yarkand Mission: Vol. 1 by Stoliczka, Ferdinand
Le lapin nain by François Kiesgen de Richter
Agroecological Crop Protection by
60 Beautiful Bat Facts: A Handy Guide for Writers & the Bat Curious by Schira, Jess
Radical Revolution: The fight for animal liberation by Saunders, Stephen
The Minimalist Vegan: A Simple Manifesto On Why To Live With Less Stuff And More Compassion by Ofei, Masa, Ofei, Michael
Web Watching: A Guide to Webs & the Spiders That Make Them by Weber, Larry
Mystery Creatures of China: The Complete Cryptozoological Guide by Xu, David C.
Mystery Creatures of China: The Complete Cryptozoological Guide by Xu, David C.
The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex: With Illustrations by Darwin, Charles
Ants, Bees, and Wasps: A record of observations on the habits of the social Hymenoptera by Lubbock, John
The Road Less-Traveled Often Involves Smacking Face-First Through Spider Webs: A Life of Animal Encounters by Carlson, Sandy
Owls of the Treasure Coast by Ortiz, Willie
Biodiversity Conservation - Challenges for the Future by P, Laladhas K.
Shadow Cats: The Black Panthers of North America by Mayes, Michael
Application of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems in Japan by
Dinosaurs, Birds, and Pterosaurs of Korea: A Paradise of Mesozoic Vertebrates by Huh, Min, Kim, Jeong Yul
GOD'S Amazing Creatures: Wild Animals and Birds by Botten, Stanley Felix
Joy Adamson - The Searching Spirit: The extraordinary life of the author of Born Free and her passion and dedication to preserve wild life in the wild by Adamson, Joy
Field Guide to Banff National Park: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Plants & Animals by Kavanagh, James, Waterford Press
Speculative Taxidermy: Natural History, Animal Surfaces, and Art in the Anthropocene by Aloi, Giovanni
Galapagos Wildlife: An Introduction to Familiar Species by Kavanagh, James, Waterford Press
Panama Birds: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species by Kavanagh, James, Waterford Press
Speculative Taxidermy: Natural History, Animal Surfaces, and Art in the Anthropocene by Aloi, Giovanni
Men of the Shires by Gallimore, James F.
Carrion Ecology, Evolution, and Their Applications by
The Metabolic Effects of Echinochrome Pigment Extracted from Sea Urchin on Diabetic Rats by Mohamed, Ayman
Starfish Detectives: Sirens in a Changing Sea by de Santis, Marie
Sustainable Goat Production in Adverse Environments: Volume I: Welfare, Health and Breeding by
What Animals Are In The Back Yard? by Stratioti, Anne
Murmurs of the Galapagos: A Celebration of the Islands in Verse by Jones, Shelby Lewis
Biology and Conservation of Musteloids by
Sustainable Goat Production in Adverse Environments: Volume II: Local Goat Breeds by
The Sasquatch (Bigfoot) People: Join Me In My Cryptozoology Experience by Glasgow, Michael L.
Rare Animals of India by Singaravelan, Natarajan
Mitä koirasi haluaisi sinun tietävän: Opas onnelliseen yhteiseloon by Junttila, Saara
Illustrations of North American Entomology (United States and Canada, ) by Glover, Townend
Emerging Issues in Fish Larvae Research by
Fugitive Poems Connected With Natural History and Physical Science by Daubeny, Charles
Enseignement Par Les Yeux. Zoologie Des Salles d'Asile Et Des Écoles Élémentaires: 50 Images d'Animaux Divisées En 5 Séries. Histoires Et Leçons Expli by Pape-Carpantier, Marie
Stud Book. Bretonne 1 by Sans Auteur
Enseignement Par Les Yeux. Zoologie Des Salles d'Asile Et Des Écoles Élémentaires: 50 Images d'Animaux Divisées En 5 Séries. Histoires Et Leçons Expli by Pape-Carpantier, Marie
Stud Book. MIDI 1 by Sans Auteur
Enseignement Par Les Yeux. Zoologie Des Salles d'Asile Et Des Écoles Élémentaires: 50 Images d'Animaux Divisées En 5 Séries. Histoires Et Leçons Expli by Pape-Carpantier, Marie
Stud Book. Vendéenne 1 by Sans Auteur
Stud Book. Normande 4 by Sans Auteur
Observations Sur Les Rapports Qui Existent Entre Le Développement de la Poitrine: La Conformation Et Les Aptitudes Des Races Bovines by Baudement, Émile
Stud Book. Vendéenne 2 by Sans Auteur
Stud Book. Bretonne 2 by Sans Auteur
Stud Book. Normande 1 by Sans Auteur
Nouvelles Observations Sur Quelques Espèces de Rudistes by Bayle, Émile
de la Condition Des Chevaux de Chasse En France. 2e Édition by Le Couteulx de Canteleu, Jean-Emmanuel-Hector
Stud Book. Normande 5 by Sans Auteur
Stud Book. Nord-Est 1 by Sans Auteur
Stud Book. Bretonne 3 by Sans Auteur
Liste Générale Des Articulés Cavernicoles de l'Europe by Bedel, Louis
Stud Book. Normande 2 by Sans Auteur
La Basse-Cour by Imp de Mame
Stud Book. Normande 3 by Sans Auteur
Lettre d'Un Vieux Capricorne Du Parc de Versailles À Tous Les Insectes de France Et de Navarre by Arnoul, Albert
Le pointer. Historique, standard, le Pointer club, règlements d'épreuves, les clubs spéciaux by Sans Auteur
Le setter anglais. Historique, standard, le Setter Club, règlements d'épreuves, les clubs spéciaux by Sans Auteur
Le Monde Des Papillons, Promenade À Travers Champs: Suivi de l'Histoire Naturelle Des Lépidoptères d'Europe by Sand-M
Observations Sur Les Mâchoires Et Les Dents Des Solipèdes by Lesbre, François-Xavier
Les Mûriers Et Les Vers À Soie En Suisse. Publication Annuelle, 1837-1838 by Allemandi-Ehinger
Catalogue Des Crustacés Malacostracés Recueillis Dans La Baie de Concarneau by Bonnier, Jules
Notice Sur Quelques Espèces d'Oiseaux Actuellement Éteintes: Qui Se Trouvent Représentées Dans Les Collections Du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle by Oustalet-E
Le Cheval percheron. La Société hippique percheronne, son stud-book by Daubian-Delisle-C
Les Industries Des Animaux by Houssay-F
Art d'Élever Les Vers À Soie Avec Succès Et de Les Préserver de Maladies En Temps Opportun: Ou La Nouvelle Sériciculture Blanchon by Blanchon
Marsouins Et Mathurins by Bonnetain-P
Les Bêtes Chez Elles Et Dans Le Monde, Pages Choisies Des Naturalistes: Sur Les Moeurs Les Plus Intéressantes Des Animaux by Coupin, Henri
Le Cheval percheron by Vallee de Loncey-H
Traité Sur Les Mouches À Miel, Suivi Des Procédés Pour Faire Le Miel Et La Cire by Bonnardel-L
Ornithologie Du Pérou by Taczanowski-W
Nouveau Traité Élémentaire Sur l'Art de l'Équitation by Wilhelm-N-V
Comment Les Bêtes Travaillent, Causeries Familières: Sur Les Individus Les Plus Remarquables Du Règne Animal by Linden-A
Les Animaux de Basse-Cour, Élevage Des Poules Et Coqs, Dindons, Pintades: Oies, Canards, Cygnes, Paons, Pigeons, Léporides, Lapins Et Cobayes by Larbalétrier, Albert
Chants d'Oiseaux, Monographies d'Oiseaux Utiles Illustrées de 26 Dessins. 2e Édition by Rambert-E
Les Halles de Paris, Poules, Pigeons, Lapins by Van Looy-H
Éléments de Zoologie, Rédigés Conformément Au Programme Officiel Du 2 Août 1880 Pour La Classe de 5e by Langlebert-E
Herd-Book de la Race Bovine Chablaisienne, Dite d'Abondance. Volume 1 by Imp de a. Dubouloz
Anecdotes Sur La Vie Des Animaux by A. Picard Et Kaan
Cailles Et Perdrix, Colins. Guide Pour Les Élever. Nouvelle Édition by Allary, Paul-Jean-Élisabeth
Progression de Dressage Du Cheval de Troupe Par Des Procédés Nouveaux by Descoins, Henri-Vincent
Note Sur l'Engraissement Du Bétail by Caffin d'Orsigny-J
Zoologie À l'Usage Des Élèves Des Classes de Sixième a Et B, Programme Du 31 Mai 1902. 9e Édition by Caustier-E
Zoologie À l'Usage Des Élèves Des Classes de Sixième a Et B. 11E Édition by Caustier-E
Examen Du Bauchérisme Réduit À Sa Plus Simple Expression Ou l'Art de Dresser Les Chevaux d'Attelage: Suivi de Notes Militaires by Raabe, Charles
Les Mois Avicoles. Couvées, Cours Pratique d'Incubation, Élevage, Guide Des Croisements Rationnels by Voitellier, Henri
Conseils En Action Donnés Aux Cochers Et Aux Charretiers Et Suivis d'Une Conférence Sur Le Cheval: Son Histoire Naturelle, Ses Travaux Et Ses Souffran by Beaupré, B.
Le Meilleur de nos serviteurs, le cheval. 2e édition by Beaupré, B.
de la Basse Volerie Et Du Dressage Pratique de l'Autour Et de l'Épervier by Cerfon, Camille
Chasse À Courre Du Lièvre. 2e Édition by Cerfon, Camille
Recherches Sur Les Ossements Fossiles de Quadrupèdes by Cuvier, Georges
Manuel Du Petit Éleveur de Poulains Dans Le Perche Et Spécialement Dans Le Perche d'Eure-Et-Loir by Huzard, Jean-Baptiste
Traité Général Des Pesches Et Histoire Des Poissons Qu'elles Fournissent. Tome 3-4. Section 4-10 by Duhamel Du Monceau, Henri-Louis
Les Oiseaux, Description Des Principales Espèces Des Oiseaux d'Europe by Bédelet, A.
Étude Sur Les Prairies Et l'Élevage Du Cheval by Houdaille de Railly, Étienne
Les Mérinos by Baudement, Émile
Enfants Et Animaux by Coninck
de la Variation Des Animaux Et Des Plantes À l'État Domestique. Volume 2 by Darwin, Charles
Biology and Culture of Portunid Crabs of World Seas by Santhanam, Ramasamy
Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae by
Big Cats in the Wild: A Visual Essay of Lions, Jaguars, Leopards, Pumas, and More by McDonald, Joe
The Sting of the Wild by Schmidt, Justin O.
Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae by
Tabular View and key of the More Common Families of Insects: With Check Tablets by Wooster, L. C.
Handbook of Florists' Crops Diseases by
The Game Birds of India and Asia by Finn, Frank
Handbook of Florists' Crops Diseases by
Animal Zentangle Adult Coloring Book: Zentangle Pandas, Polar Bear and Cub, Pets and More! by Wake, Nathaniel
Distribution and Migration of North American Warblers by Cooke, Wells Woodbridge
Aus dem Reiche der Pelze. bd. I: Geschichte des Rauchwarenhandels. bd. II: Naturgeschichte der Pelztiere by Brass, Emil
Ways of the Six-footed by Comstock, Anna Botsford
Endangered Species: A Reference Handbook by Randall, Jan
The Complete Illustrated World Encyclopedia of Insects: A Natural History and Identification Guide to Beetles, Flies, Bees, Wasps, Mayflies, Dragonfli by Walters, Martin
Decapod Crustaceans of the Northwest Coast of North America by Rathbun, Mary Jane
An Introduction to Entomology: Or, Elements of the Natural History of Insects by Kirby, William, 1783-1860, Spence William
The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes: Being the Account of the Work Carried on and of the Collections Made by an Expedit by Gardiner, John Stanley
The Book of Shells: Containing the Classes Mollusca, Conchifera, Cirrhipeda, Annulata, and Crustacea by
Some Insects Injurious To Vegetable Crops, Volumes 30-37 by Chittenden, Frank Hurlbut
Animals and Misanthropy by Cooper, David
Our Native Bees: North America's Endangered Pollinators and the Fight to Save Them by Embry, Paige
Nature's Calendar by Ingersoll, Ernest
Anatomie Des Systèmes Nerveux Des Animaux À Vertèbres Appliquée À La Physiologie Et À La Zoologie: Atlas; Volume 3 by Desmoulins, Antoine, Magendie, François
Distribution And Migration Of North American Herons And Their Allies by Cooke, Wells Woodbridge
Contributions To The Natural History Of The United States Of America; Volume 4 by Agassiz, Louis
Phylogenetic Studies of North American Minnows: With Emphasis on the Genus Cyprinella (Teleostei, Cypriniformes) by Mayden, Richard L.
The Fishes Of North And Middle America: A Descriptive Catalogue Of The Species Of Fish-like Vertebrates Found In The Waters Of North America, North Of by Jordan, David Starr
North American Herpetology, or, A Description of the Reptiles Inhabiting the United States: 4 by Holbrook, John Edwards
Domestic Animals, Humans, and Leisure: Rights, Welfare, and Wellbeing by
The Biology of Coral Reefs by Sheppard, Charles, Davy, Simon, Pilling, Graham
Biological Beekeeping: The Way Back by Lusby, Dee, Lusby, Ed
Little Armored Ones: The Armadillo Kingdom, Illustrated by Felton, Ryan Everett
Be Kind to Animals or I'll Kill You by Newton, Gnarls
Some Insects Injurious to Garden and Orchard Crops: A Series of Articles Dealing With Insects of This Class by Chittenden, Frank Hurlbut
Tree Pollination Under Global Climate Change by Ramírez, Fernando, Kallarackal, Jose
Critical Animal Studies: Towards Trans-species Social Justice by
Critical Animal Studies: Towards Trans-species Social Justice by
Rainforest Animals and Jungle Animals - Easy to Read Large Print Dot-to-Dot: Puzzles From 150 to 600 Dots (Large Print Edition) by Laura's Dot to Dot Therapy
On the North American Species of the Genus Osmia by Cresson, Ezra Townsend
Untersuchungen zur Erforschung der Genealogischen Grundlage des Crustaceen-Systems by Claus, Carl
The Ancient Gospel of the Essenes and its falsification: Evidence of the authenticity of the Gospel of the Essenes and plagiarism of the New Testament by Joan, Johanne T. G.
On West Indian Iguanidae and on West Indian Scincidae in the Collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A by Garman, Samuel
The Anatomy, Habits and Psychology of Chironomus Pusio, Meigen, (the Early Stages) With Notes on Various Other Invertebrates, Chiefly Chironomidae by Mundy, Arthur Terry
Tabular List of all the Australian Birds at Present Know to the Author by Ramsay, E. P.
A Revision of the Lizards of the Genus Tachydromus by Boulenger, George Albert
Frog Coloring Book: A Stress Relief Adult Coloring Book Containing 30 Frog Pattern Coloring Pages by Crystal Coloring Books
Optimization of Behavioral, Biobehavioral, and Biomedical Interventions: The Multiphase Optimization Strategy (Most) by Collins, Linda M.
Rare and Remarkable Animals of Scotland, Represented From Living Subjects: With Practical Observations on Their Nature: 2 by Dalyell, John Graham
A Popular Handbook of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada, Based on Nuttall's Manual: V. 2 by Chamberlain, Montague, Nuttall, Thomas
North American Parasitic Copepods Belonging To The Lernaeopodidae: With A Revision Of The Entire Family by Wilson, Charles Branch
A River: The Thread That Binds by Beamer, Bud
General Zoology, Or Systematic Natural History; Volume 4 by Shaw, George
Histoire Naturelle Des Îles Canaries, Volumes 2-3 by Webb, Philip Barker, Berthelot, Sabin
Journal Of The Asiatic Society Of Bengal; Volume 66 by Gamble, James Sykes
Illustrations Of The Zoology Of South Africa by , Andrew Smith
Birds Around The Farm: I. Bird Houses And Nesting Sites. (with Eight Illusts. By Mrs. H.a. Surface) Ii. Their Economic Value, Destruction And by Surface, H. A.
Life-histories Of The Birds Of Eastern Pennsylvania; Volume 1 by Gentry, Thomas George
General Zoology: Or Systematic Natural History, Volume 11, Part 2 by Shaw, George
The Ark and Beyond: The Evolution of Zoo and Aquarium Conservation by
Etología Canina: Guía básica sobre el comportamiento del perro by Alvarez Bueno, Rosana
Frog Coloring Book: 30 Simple Frog Line Drawing Coloring Pages by Crystal Coloring Books
General Zoology Or Systematic Natural History, Volumes 4-5 by Shaw, George
Downy Mildew Disease of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management by Meena, Prabhu Dayal, Saharan, Govind Singh, Mehta, Naresh
The Wild Within: Histories of a Landmark British Zoo by Brogan, Andrew
A Manual of British Vertebrate Animals: Or Descriptions of All the Animals Belonging to the Classes, Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia, and Pisces, W by Jenyns, Leonard
Donkey Coloring Book: 30 Simple Line Drawing Donkey Coloring Pages by Crystal Coloring Books
A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Varieties of the Wall-lizard (Lacerta Muralis) in Western Europe and North Africa by Boulenger, George Albert
Stray Feathers From Many Birds: Being Leaves From a Naturalist's Note-book by Dixon, Charles
belgian shepherd malinois by Francois Kiesgen
L'alimentation de l'émeu by Delebecque-A
Intraspecific variation in male mating behaviour in the grey seal by Damian-L
Les oubliées de la conservation by Fontaine-B
Etude Bioécologique Des Hyménoptères Parasitoïdes Des Pucerons Associé by Collectif
Production intensive de petits ruminants au paturage en zone tropicale by Jimenez-E
Pour Une Conservation Durable Des Oiseaux d'Eau Du Moyen Atlas Maroc by Chillasse-L
L'Hivernage Des Limicoles (Aves, Charadrii) En Mauritanie Méridionale by Aveloitt-M
Etude Sur Les Pelotes de Regurgitation de Rapaces Nocturnes d''afrique by Cacciani-F
Sensibilité de 23 Variétés de Haricot Commun Aux Bruches by Collectif
Le Loup À Crinière by Pignorel-M
Evolution de la Population de Chamois (Rupicapra Rupicapra) Du Parc National Du Mercantour by Moksia-D
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