• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Zoology in 2023

Aye-Ayes by Terp, Gail
Tarsiers by Terp, Gail
Tarsiers by Terp, Gail
Handbook of Endangered Species by Butterworth, Adam
Entomology and Pest Management by Cedric, Herry
Emerald Ash Borers by Klepeis, Alicia Z.
Jellyfish by Bodden, Valerie
Proboscis Monkeys by Terp, Gail
Octopuses by Riggs, Kate
Aye-Ayes by Terp, Gail
Freshwater Invertebrates in Central Europe: A Field Guide by Kriska, György
Ecology, Systematics, and the Natural History of Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) by
Mood Matters - MHERA: An innovative assessment approach to animal emotionality in the treatment of behaviour problems by Pienaar, Karin
Aves Do Brasil - Vol. Ii by Favretto, Mario Arthur
The Icy Planet: Saving Earth's Refrigerator by Summerhayes, Colin
Flatfish Metamorphosis by Bao, Baolong
Aquatic Animal Nutrition: Organic Macro- And Micro-Nutrients by Steinberg, Christian E. W.
Atmosphere and Climate by
Totemism and Human-Animal Relations in West Africa by Merz, Sharon
Plutarch's Three Treatises on Animals: A Translation with Introductions and Commentary by Newmyer, Stephen T.
Coastal and Marine Environments by
Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biodiversity by
African Nature Notes and Reminiscences by Selous, Frederick Courteney
African Nature Notes and Reminiscences by Selous, Frederick Courteney
The Wax Moth: A Problem or a Solution? by Marwaha, Lovleen
Revue Zoologique: Journal Mensuel by Societe Cuvierienne
Revue Zoologique: Journal Mensuel by Societe Cuvierienne
Revue Zoologique: Journal Mensuel by Societe Cuvierienne
Revue Zoologique: Journal Mensuel by Societe Cuvierienne
Revue Zoologique: Journal Mensuel by Societe Cuvierienne
Les Trois Règnes de la Nature: Lectures d'Histoire Naturelle by Chenu, Jean-Charles
Catalogue Des Mammifères Et Des Oiseaux Observés En Algérie by Loche, Victor-Jean-François
Revue Zoologique: Journal Mensuel by Societe Cuvierienne
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Revue Des Sciences Naturelles Appliquées: Bulletin Bimensuel de la Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Revue Des Sciences Naturelles Appliquées: Bulletin Bimensuel de la Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Revue Des Sciences Naturelles Appliquées: Bulletin Bimensuel de la Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Revue Des Sciences Naturelles Appliquées: Bulletin Bimensuel de la Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Bulletin de la Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France by Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Abandon Every Hope: Essays for the Dead by Singer, Hayley
Recent Advances in Global Meliponiculture by
King Solomon's Ring: New Light on Animal Ways by Lorenz, Konrad
Hominid Hunter: The search for un-described South Pacific hominids by Breidahl, Pete
Tasman's Psychiatry by
Mystery Big Cats by Harpur, Merrily
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Kropotkin, Peter
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Kropotkin, Peter
Squirrel Sciuridae Facts: Pictures and facts about Fox Squirrels by Kathleen S
Tales from Jimmy's Farm by Doherty, Jimmy
El Pulpo by Riggs, Kate
Interacting with Animals: Understanding Their Behaviour and Welfare by Le Neindre, Pierre, Deputte, Bertrand
El Cangrejo by Riggs, Kate
Koala: A Natural History and an Uncertain Future by Clode, Danielle
Octopuses by Riggs, Kate
Jellyfish by Bodden, Valerie
Lemurs by Bodden, Valerie
¡Nos Roban La Selva!: Sumatra y los orangutanes by Bahón Gómez, Javier
Dynamic Soaring Dissected by Taylor, Colin
Localisation and Identification of Ion Transport Peptide in the Brain of the Cockroach Leucophaea maderae by Witt, Janna
Life History of the Kangaroo Rat by Vorhies, Charles Taylor, P. Taylor, Walter
Life at the Zoo: Notes and Traditions of the Regent's Park Gardens by J. Cornish, C.
The Mason-Wasps by Fabre, Jean-Henri
The Mason-Bees by Fabre, Jean-Henri
The Goal Conflict Model of Eating Behavior: Selected Works of Wolfgang Stroebe by Stroebe, Wolfgang
The Routledge Handbook of Animal Ethics by
Nanobiotechnology for the Livestock Industry: Animal Health and Nutrition by
New Zealand Moths and Butterflies (Macro-Lepidoptera) by V. Hudson, G.
Instant Insights: Managing Arthropod Pests in Tree Fruit by Agnello, Arthur, Beers, Elizabeth H., Cocuzza, Giuseppe E. Massimino
Mother and Baby Animals Adult Coloring Book in Grayscale: 50 Sweet Illustrations to Color by Books, Dandelion And Lemon
Bauchspeicheldrüsentumor und interstitieller (Leydig) Hodentumor bei alternden Ratten by Khudeir, Zainab, Al-Sereah, Bahaa, Kadim Majeed, Saleh
Marvels of Pond-life; Or, A Year's Microscopic Recreations Among the Polyps, Infusoria, Rotifers, Water-bears and Polyzoa by James Slack, Henry
Life Among the Butterflies by Randolph, Vance
The Life and Love of the Insect by Fabre, Jean-Henri
Oribatid Mites: Biodiversity, Taxonomy and Ecology by Behan-Pelletier, Valerie, Lindo, Zoë
Insects: A Very Short Introduction by Leather, Simon
Insects: A Very Short Introduction by Leather, Simon
Mexican Fauna in the Anthropocene by
Whose Egg Is That? by Lunde, Darrin
Animals and Race by
Wild American Ginseng: Lessons for Conservation in the Age of Humans by McGraw, James
Wild American Ginseng: Lessons for Conservation in the Age of Humans by McGraw, James
Wild American Ginseng: Lessons for Conservation in the Age of Humans by McGraw, James
African Ark: Mammals, Landscape and the Ecology of a Continent by Monadjem, Ara
African Ark: Mammals, Landscape and the Ecology of a Continent by Monadjem, Ara
Wild American Ginseng: Lessons for Conservation in the Age of Humans by McGraw, James
The Lost Birds of Middlemarch, Britain and the World by Moore, Ian
The Hidden World: How Insects Sustain Life on Earth Today and Will Shape Our Lives Tomorrow by McGavin, George
Domains and Major Transitions of Social Evolution by Boomsma, Jacobus J.
Domains and Major Transitions of Social Evolution by Boomsma, Koos
The Badgers of Wytham Woods: A Model for Behaviour, Ecology, and Evolution by MacDonald, David, Newman, Chris
Conservation Social Science: Understanding People, Conserving Biodiversity by
The Wise Hours: A Journey Into the Wild and Secret World of Owls by Darlington, Miriam
Hello, World! Kids' Guides: Exploring Insects by McDonald, Jill
The Laboratory Mouse by Hashway, Sara, Pritchett-Corning, Kathleen R., Suckow, Mark A.
Ocean Animals ABC by McMillan, Wade
Colors of the Sea by McMillan, Wade
The Laboratory Mouse by Pritchett-Corning, Kathleen R., Suckow, Mark A., Hashway, Sara
AFRO-AMERICANS WHO CONQUERED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Narciso Quintas: Black Lives Matter by Quintas, Narciso
The Meaning of Geese: A Thousand Miles in Search of Home by Acheson, Nick
The Meaning of Geese: A Thousand Miles in Search of Home by Acheson, Nick
Africa's in Cyberia or May Beetle by Vichka, Viva, Fokichrok, Roki, Korchikova-Malovichko, Victoria
Wrong Tree: Adventures in Wildlife Biology by Wilson, Jeff
INVESTIEREN SIE IN RUANDA - VISIT RWANDA - Celso Salles: Investieren Sie in Die Afrika-Sammlung by Salles, Celso
INVESTIEREN SIE IN RUANDA - VISIT RWANDA - Celso Salles: Investieren Sie in Die Afrika-Sammlung by Salles, Celso
INVERTIR EN RUANDA - VISIT RWANDA - Celso Salles: Colección Invertir En África by Salles, Celso
INVERTIR EN RUANDA - VISIT RWANDA - Celso Salles: Colección Invertir En África by Salles, Celso
Sharley the Sea TurtleLove of Sea Turtle Conservation on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina: A Haiku Story by Andi Fraley by Fraley, Andi
The Life of Crustacea by T. Calman, W.
Bees of the World: A Guide to Every Family by Packer, Laurence
The Veganic Grower's Handbook: Cultivating Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs from Urban Backyard to Rural Farmyard by Videle, Jimmy
Display: Appearance, Posture and Behaviour in the Animal Kingdom by Parker, Steve
Birds and Blooms Backyard Basics: More Than 300 Q&as about Birds, Butterflies and Plants in Your Landscape by
The Human-Animal Relationship in Pre-Modern Turkish Literature: A Study of The Book of Dede Korkut and The Masnavi, Book I, II by Sarikaya, Dilek Bulut
Dragonflies and Damselflies: Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research by
Essential Oils: Extraction, Characterization and Applications by
Conservation Translocations by
Conservation Translocations by
Let's Not Lose Them: Endangered Species in Australia by Ferris, Suzanne
Notes and Letters on the Natural History of Norfolk; More Especially on the Birds and Fishes by Thomas Browne
The Last Wildlife Control Officer in British Columbia: Thirty Years of Dealing with Problem Predators by Pemble, Karen, Pemble, Dennis
After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals by Prothero, Donald R.
A Voice for Animals: The Social Movement That Provides Dignity and Compassion for Animals by Gartner J. D. LL M., Suzana
After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals by Prothero, Donald R.
A Voice for Animals: The Social Movement That Provides Dignity and Compassion for Animals by Gartner J. D. LL M., Suzana
Ants: A Visual Guide by Blanchard, Benjamin, Campbell, Heather
Conversations with Birds: The Metaphysics of Bird and Human Communication by Powers, Alan
The Last Wildlife Control Officer in British Columbia: Thirty Years of Dealing with Problem Predators by Pemble, Dennis, Pemble, Karen
Bite, Sting, Kill: The Incredible Science of Toxins, Venom, Fangs, and Stingers by Beer, Julie
РАЗНООБРАЗИЕ И ВРЕМЕННА& by &#1041&#1072&#1073&#1091 &#1057., Сур&#110
Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger by
The Species Problem: A Conceptual History by Pavlinov, Igor Ya
Listen to the Wolves by Aavang, Steven E.
Listen to the Wolves by Aavang, Steven E.
The Life of the Grasshopper by Fabre, Jean-Henri
The Life of the Spider by Fabre, Jean-Henri
The Life of the Weevil by Fabre, Jean-Henri, De Mattos, Alexander Teixeira
The Life of the Scorpion by Fabre, Jean-Henri
The Life of the Fly; With Which are Interspersed Some Chapters of Autobiography by Fabre, Jean-Henri
Ducks of Louisiana by Harrell, M. S. Michael
The Life of the Caterpillar by Fabre, Jean-Henri
To Endure is To Enjoy?: Battling Southern Tanzania by Kinrade, David
Wild Wonders: A Coloring Book of Animals by Showcase, Midnight
Handbook of Mammals of Madagascar by Garbutt, Nick
The Conservation and Biogeography of Amphibians in the Caribbean by
Of Cockroaches and Crickets: Learning to Love Creatures That Skitter and Jump by Nischk, Frank
Of Cockroaches and Crickets: Learning to Love Creatures That Skitter and Jump by Nischk, Frank
Of Cockroaches and Crickets: Learning to Love Creatures That Skitter and Jump by Nischk, Frank
Handbook of Mammals of Madagascar by Garbutt, Nick
Extremes: The Evolution of Human Sociality by
Birds of Colombia by Pfister, Otto
Ancient Sea Reptiles: Plesiosaurs, Ichthyosaurs, Mosasaurs, and More by Naish, Darren
Texas Dangerous Animals & Plants: A Folding Guide to Dangerous Species by Waterford Press
Animal Tracking in Texas: A Folding Pocket Guide to Mammal Tracking & Behaviors by Waterford Press
Basic Illustrated Animal Tracks by Hanson, Roseann, Hanson, Jonathan
L'Oeil Du Chat: L'Ultime Bete Noire by Delfour, Julie
Peabody Girl Dog-gone Good by Kiley, Nancy Lebaron
Insect Diversity, Declines and Conservation in Australia by New, Tim R.
The Lives of Beetles: A Natural History of Coleoptera by Evans, Arthur V.
What Humming-Fish Wish: How You Can Help Protect Sea Creatures: A Dr. Seuss's the Lorax Nonfiction Book by Meadows, Michelle
Arctic Fox: Life at the Top of the World by Hamilton, Garry
How to Attract Wildlife to Your Garden: Foods They Like, Plants They Love, Shelter They Need by Rouse, Dan
Coming Into Animal Presence by Lane, John
Snakes of the World: A Guide to Every Family by O'Shea, Mark
Invisible Friends: How Microbes Shape Our Lives and the World Around Us by Robinson, Jake
What a Bee Knows: Exploring the Thoughts, Memories, and Personalities of Bees by Buchmann, Stephen L.
Owls - Clever Survivors by
El Lenguaje Secreto de los Animales: Explorando la Comunicación y los Misterios del Reino Animal El Lenguaje de los Primates El Lenguaje Eléctrico de by Agüero Vallejo, Pedro
A River Avon Year: The Wildlife and History of 'Shakespeare's Avon'. A journey through the year from source to Severn. by Thompson, Rick
Das Leben der Bienen (Großdruck) by Maeterlinck, Maurice
Forest Animals Coloring Book: Discover the Magic of the Forest Through Coloring by Seidel, Laura
Parasitoids in Pest Management by
Psychoneuroscience by
Rhs Companion to Wildlife Gardening by Baines, Chris
Flight Paths: How a Passionate and Quirky Group of Pioneering Scientists Solved the Mystery of Bird Migration by Heisman, Rebecca
Treated Like Animals: Improving the Lives of the Creatures We Own, Eat and Use by Simmons, Alick
Notes on Philippine Birds Collected by Governor W. Cameron Forbes; Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, Vol. LXV. No. 4. by Bangs, Outram
Lives of Eminent Zoologists, from Aristotle to Linnæus: with Introductory remarks on the Study of Natural History by Macgillivray, William
Little Brothers of the Air by Thorne Miller, Olive
Noteworthy Records of Bats From Nicaragua, with a Checklist of the Chiropteran by J Knox Jones Et Al
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