Arabia's Mountain of God where Moses, Elijah, and Lehi met with God
Arabian PeninsulaGeneral Middle Eastern History
Publisher: Independently Published
Published: Oct 12 2024
Pages: 82
Weight: 0.54
Height: 0.21 Width: 8.00 Depth: 10.00
Language: English
Using Google Earth's satellite images to sort through the options, it was not difficult to smoothly fit the historical record of these prophets' experiences into the real topography of Arabia, thereby making those sacred events easier to visualize and logically located. Although the three prophets were widely separated in time, their stories converge near the Mountain of God in Arabia, where the adjacent peaks of Horeb (Jebel al Lawz) and Sinai (Jabal Maqla) dominate. Nearby is Arabia's Tayyib al-Ism mountain oasis with its perennial flow of water into the Red Sea, matching Lehi's Valley of Lemuel base camp.
This booklet's narrative is supported by full-text endnotes. If you check the endnotes as you read, you will get more details and build confidence in the conclusions. The author is an 84-year-old scientist who takes religion seriously and is astonished by today's technology that makes it so easy to view extremely detailed images of planet Earth on his home office computer.
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