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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
Are Americans the Most STUPID People who ever Lived?: (HOW Working People can PROSPER and Live in PEACE Under the Rulership of a RIGHTEOUS KING!)

Are Americans the Most STUPID People who ever Lived?: (HOW Working People can PROSPER and Live in PEACE Under the Rulership of a RIGHTEOUS KING!)


General Education

ISBN10: 1729630812
ISBN13: 9781729630815
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Oct 30 2018
Pages: 100
Weight: 0.56
Height: 0.21 Width: 8.50 Depth: 11.00
Language: English
Just the very Thought of someone telling us what to Do is Repulsive to most People, and especially if we are asked to Do Things that we HATE to Do - such as read a Book that Reminds us of our Slavery, which we also HATE. However, being Trapped in a Capitalist System, the only Way Out is to Leave the Country, Commit Suicide, get Drunk, take some Anti-Depression Pills, go into some Screaming RAGE at the Wife, or take up Weapons of Mass Destruction, and MURDER as many People as Possible, if we can Discover some Group of People to Blame for it - such as the Victims of the Anti-Jewish White Supremacist Lunatic in PITTSburgh, Pennsylvania, who found no Relief for himself, until he had Washed his Soul in the Blood of JEWS, whereby he Stained his Soul Forever, and will most likely go to Hell with Satan: beCause he Forgot that Vengeance belongs to GOD, who is the Supreme Judge, no matter what Justifications the Murderer used for Excusing himself, who likely Imagined that he was doing the World a Great Favor of some Kind, which other Fanatics might also Agree with. However, the ONE and ONLY Right Way to Settle all such Important Issues is to bring all Concerned Parties to COURT, and let them Present their Best Arguments, at: The GREAT Worldwide TELEVISED Court HEARING, whereby True Justice can be Served to the Victims of the Slave Masters, who are just Naturally Blamed for all Financial Ailments: beCause they Control the Money Supplies. Therefore, the Selected King of the Worldwide People's Revolution has the Best Solution for all such Problems, which you can Discover within this Inspired Book for less than the Cost of a Hamburger, French Fries and a Coke - that is, IF you Sincerely Want to Solve all such Problems? Most People are Obviously not Interested in any Solutions for anything, who only like to Complain about the Problems, while Doing nothing Constructive - such as Sending some Proper Tools down there to Central America, along with a few Shiploads of Building Materials, whereby those Poor Refugees might Fortify themselves and their Gardens, and thus Live in Peace. Yes, it would not Cost half as much as Wasting 20 Billion Dollars per Year on so-called Border Security. (See the Details Inside of this Wonderful Book, which was Written by a RIGHTEOUS King, who has Written many Inspired Books for our Education and Enlightenment!)

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General Education