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Did GOD or SATAN Ordain Donald Trump?: (How to Bridge the Great Divide between me and thee!)

Did GOD or SATAN Ordain Donald Trump?: (How to Bridge the Great Divide between me and thee!)


General Education

ISBN13: 9798577466664
Publisher: Independently Published
Published: Dec 6 2020
Pages: 140
Weight: 1.03
Height: 0.36 Width: 8.50 Depth: 11.02
Language: English
There is no Doubt in the Mind of God nor in the Minds of Godly People, that it was SATAN who Ordained Donald Trump to be the President of The Divided States of United Lies! Book 058; but, in the Minds of the Trump CULT, whom our Selected King calls TRUMP-ITES, there is no Doubt that GOD Ordained the Fake Trumpeter, who is the Best President in American History, according to about 10% of that Cult, even though no Official Polls have been taken by anyone, in order to get the Exact Percentage: beCause, no Pollsters would Trust any such Liars to be Perfectly Honest with them: beCause, like their Cult Leader, they cannot Resist the Temptation of the Devil to Tell LIES, which is Okay: beCause, during the Judgment Day, God will not have any Trouble Distinguishing the Honest People from the Habitual Liars, whereby he can Send all of the Liars to Hell with Satan, and with a Good Conscience: beCause, that is where they Belong! However, it brings up another Greater Question ― Does God Ordain any Leaders or Rulers in this World, at all? If so, is he Crazy? Did he Ordain Benito Fascist Mussolini, Adolf Dictator Jew-Exterminator Hitler, Saint Joseph Mass-Murderer Cigar-chomping Vodka-guzzling Lying Stalin, Communist Mao Tse-Dong, Insane Pol Pot, Crazy Butcher of Uganda Idi Amin (Eedee Awmeen), Winston Cigar-chomping Whiskey-guzzling Cursing Foul-mouthed Churchill, and Franklin Wheelchair Cigar-chomping Wino Roosevelt, all at the same Time, and for some Ungodly Good Reason, which not even God could Explain to any Rational Mind? Well, this Inspired Book Explores all such Thots and Important Questions, just for whomever can still Think and Remember Things. Indeed, if you are one of those Wise People, this Wonderful Book is just for YOU; but, the so-called Holy Bible is for those other People, who Sincerely Believe Romans 13, who have their Heads Stuck in one or the other of those 2 Stinking Holes in the Little White Outhouse, in the District of Chief Criminals, in George Washington's Backyard, which Stinks to the Highest Heaven from the Lowest Hell Hole on this Good Earth, which now has 240 Trillion-dollars-worth of DEBTS for the Great Grandchildren to Pay, according to Bill PBS Honest Moyers.After Carefully Studying Romans 13, GAY King James Version, our Selected King came to the Sad Conclusion that some Fake Apostle Paul put an Outlandish LIE in the Holy Bible, which he Proves in this Inspired Book: beCause, it Clearly States that God Ordains all of the Rulers of all Nations for some Ungodly Reason, known only to the GODS; but, not to any of their Lovers, who cannot make any Sense of it, even if they Strain their Brains for 40 Years, in a Vain Effort to Figure it Out, when it is Obvious that SATAN has Ordained the Rulers of all Nations, except for The Divided States of United Lies! (The so-called United States of North America, in Disguise!) Book 058, which was Ordained by Buzzeldick the Great, who was the God of the Muslims, until they Adopted ALLAH, and Declared by the Lying Mouth of Non-prophetic MuhamMAD that she is the ONE and ONLY God in the Vast Universe, which has Trillions of Stars and Millions of Trillions of Planets and Earths, each of which Requires a God to Govern it, just to have some Law and Order, without any Confusion. Indeed, you may be a Believer or Unbeliever, and it will not Change the FACTS by even one Degree: beCause our Faith has nothing to Do with the Facts about anything. Nevertheless, the Trumpites Cling to Romans 13 as the Gospel Truth: beCause, they have Obviously not taken the Time to Study this Controversial Book, which has just enough Sarcasms to Prove itself to be WRong, and more than Thrice, as Abraham Lincoln might say, while Smoking his Peace Pipe with General Robert E. Lee, who Knew for a FACT that the Spiritually Drunken Callers to the Washington Journal, on the C-SPAN-DEX Network, must have Lost their Riit Minds, if they ever had Right Minds!

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General Education