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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
Electronics Projects with the Esp8266 and Esp32: Building Web Pages, Applications, and Wifi Enabled Devices

Electronics Projects with the Esp8266 and Esp32: Building Web Pages, Applications, and Wifi Enabled Devices


General ComputersNetworking

Publisher Price: $54.99

ISBN10: 1484263359
ISBN13: 9781484263358
Publisher: Apress
Published: Dec 18 2020
Pages: 697
Weight: 2.17
Height: 1.43 Width: 6.14 Depth: 9.21
Language: English

Discover the powerful ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers and their Wi-Fi communication. The ESP32 microcontroller features Bluetooth and BLE communication in addition to Wi-Fi. The book emphasizes practical projects and readers are guided through Wi-Fi and Bluetooth communication, mobile app design and build, ESP-NOW and LoRa communication, and signal generation.

Also in

General Computers