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Feeding the Market: South American Farmers, Trade and Globalization

Feeding the Market: South American Farmers, Trade and Globalization


Series: South American Farmers, Trade and Globalization

Business GeneralEconomicsGeneral Political Science

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ISBN10: 1853395609
ISBN13: 9781853395604
Publisher: Itdg Pub
Published: Dec 15 2003
Pages: 256
Language: English
This is an accessible book which distils the ultimate question: how to reconcile the contradictory demands of the globalized market? From the foreword by Jon Snow. The debate about the pros and cons of globalization has become increasingly polarized and yet the voices of the rural poor are seldom heard. This book rises above the fray to examine what is happening at the interface between globalization and producers in the South. Based on extensive fieldwork from the sweeping grasslands of Patagonia to the coffee farms of Ecuador, the authors illustrate the practical obstacles that farmers face in accessing markets, above all, the difficulties of meeting market demands for large quantities of high quality produce in continuous supply. By focusing on eight different products: bananas, coffee, potatoes, coca, wine, sheep, forestry and the Andean grain quinoa. The impact of global market developments upon smallholder farmers is richly described. The authors draw lessons from both the success stories and farmers' frustrated attempts to benefit from market opportunities. They point the way to the changes in policies and markets that are needed, and to practical interventions where development professionals can have a real impact. This book compliments existing texts on the macro level of globalization to provide an accessible southern perspective on the debate.

Also from

Hellin, Jon

Also in

General Political Science