Finding KIND: Discovering Hope and Purpose while Loving Kids with Invisible Neurological Differences
Autism Spectrum DisordersChristian LivingGeneral Parenting
Publisher Price: $29.95
ISBN13: 9781962674140
Publisher: Blue Hat Publishing
Published: Oct 22 2024
Pages: 190
Weight: 0.83
Height: 0.56 Width: 5.50 Depth: 8.50
Language: English
When an earthquake occurs, the tectonic plates shift far beneath the surface, and they never go back to where they started.
Kari Baker always loved a good plan. But when her only son Brady was diagnosed with autism in 2014, her plans for a typical parenting experience were shaken to the core. Her journey started with all the pain, uncertainty, and isolation that so many special needs parents encounter, but along the way she found faith, community, and joy in surrendering to God's design.
Finding KIND is an account of Kari's initial awakening to Brady's neurological differences, the early years adapting to life as an autism mom, and later accepting and appreciating Brady for exactly who God made him to be.
Ultimately, Kari's experiences as a KIND Mom offer practical suggestions for thriving when the best laid plans go awry. Anyone who knows and loves a kid with invisible neurological differences or who is exploring faith in the midst of life's challenges will find hope and encouragement in Kari's story.
Kari A. Baker is a former financial services executive and business owner turned author, speaker, and podcaster. She is the founder of KIND Families, a community of people who love Kids with Invisible Neurological Differences and is the host of The KIND Families Podcast.
Kari became a KIND mom in 2014 when her son Brady was diagnosed with autism at age three. She and her husband, John, live in Scottsdale, AZ with their son Brady and their hound dog, Princess Leia.
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