I Sei Libri Di Ugone Grozio Sulla' Verita Della Cristiana Religione; Volume 1
General ChristianityGeneral World History
ISBN13: 9781020463570
Publisher: Legare Street Pr
Published: Jul 18 2023
Pages: 268
Weight: 1.22
Height: 0.63 Width: 6.14 Depth: 9.21
Language: Italian
Un'opera fondamentale nella storia del cristianesimo e della filosofia. I sei libri di Grotius rappresentano un grande contributo alla teologia cristiana e alla storia delle idee.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.
Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
1 different editions
Also available
I Sei Libri Di Ugone Grozio Sulla' Verita Della Cristiana Religione; Volume 1
Grotius, Hugo
Also from
Grotius, Hugo
Le Droit De La Guerre Et De La Paix; Volume 2
Grotius, Hugo
Pradier-Fodéré, Paul Louis Ernest
Hugo Grotius on the Truth of Christianity; in six Books: Translated Into English. By the Rev. Spencer Madan,
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Hugonis Grotii de Jure Belli et Pacis Libri Tres: Accompanied by an Abridged ...
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The Adamus Exul of Grotius: Or the Prototype of Paradise Lost, Tr. by F. Barnham
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Dübner, Friedrich
Hugonis Grotii de Jure Belli AC Pacis Libri Tres: In Quibus Jus Naturæ & Gentium, Item Juris Publici Præcipua Explicantur
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Hugo Grotius on the Truth of Christianity; in six Books: Familiarly Translated Into English, by Spencer Madan, Esq.
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Anthologia Graeca Cum Versione Latina Hugonis Grotii
Van Lennep, David Jacob
De Bosch, Jeronimo
Grotius, Hugo
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Reeves, Jesse Siddall
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Anthologia Graeca Cum Versione Latina Hugonis Grotii; Volume 5
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Van Lennep, David Jacob
De Bosch, Jeronimo
Anthologia Graeca Cum Versione Latina Hugonis Grotii; Volume 4
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De Bosch, Jeronimo
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De Bosch, Jeronimo
Hugonis Grotii De Iure Belli Ac Pacis Libri Tres: Cum Adnotationibus Selectis Ioann. Frid. Gronovii, & Auctioribus Ioannis Barbeyracii: Accedit H. Gro
Barbeyrac, Jean
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Saumaise, Claude
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Gaisford, Thomas
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Fruin, Robert
Hugonis Grotii de Jure Belli et Pacis Libri Tres: Accompanied by an Abridged ...
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Kelsey, Francis W. 1858-1927
Boak, Arthur Edward Romilly
Hugonis Grotii De Jure Belli Ac Pacis Libri Tres: In Quibus Jus Naturæ & Gentium, Item Juris Publici Præcipua Explicantur
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Barbeyrac, Jean
M. Annæi Lvcani Pharsalia, Sive, De Bello Civili Cæsaris Et Pompeii Lib. X
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Le Droit De La Guerre Et De La Paix; Volume 3
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Pradier-Fodéré, Paul Louis Ernest
Hugonis Grotii De Jure Belli Ac Pacis Libri Tres: In Quibus Jus Naturæ & Gentium, Item Juris Publici Præcipua Explicantur
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Barbeyrac, Jean
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Wright, Herbert Francis
Reeves, Jesse Siddall
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Fruin, Robert
Annotationes In Novum Testamentum: Epistolas Catholicas Et Johannis Apocalypsin
Grotius, Hugo
I Sei Libri Di Ugone Grozio Sulla' Verita Della Cristiana Religione; Volume 1
Grotius, Hugo
Anthologia Graeca Cum Versione Latina Hugonis Grotii; Volume 5
Grotius, Hugo
Van Lennep, David Jacob
De Bosch, Jeronimo
The History of the Spanish Invasion, and the Armada Styled Invincible, Tr. From [Annales De Rebus Belgicis]
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Hugo Grotius De Veritate Religionis Christianae Cum Notulis Joannis Clerici...
Ampère, Lycée
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Clerc, Le
M. Annaeus Lucanus De Bello Civili: Cum Hug. Grotii, Farnabii, Notis Integris, Et Variorum Selectissimis
Farnaby, Thomas
Grotius, Hugo
Lucan, Thomas
Le Droit De La Guerre Et De La Paix; Volume 2
Grotius, Hugo
Pradier-Fodéré, Paul Louis Ernest
The Rights of War and Peace: Including the Law of Nature and of Nations (1901)
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Hugonis Grottii De jure belli ac pacis libri tres, in quibus jus naturae [et] gentium, itme juris publici praceipua explicantur: 2, pt.1
Grotius, Hugo
Kelsey, Francis W. 1858-1927
Boak, Arthur Edward Romilly
Iannou Stovaiou Anthologion = Ioannis Stob I Florilegium Volume 4
Grotius, Hugo
Gaisford, Thomas
Stovaios, Ianns
The Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence of Hugo Grotius, with Notes by Simon Van Groenewegen Van Der Made, and References to Van Der Keesel's Theses a
Grotius, Hugo
Danckwerts, W. Otto
Van Groenewegen Van Der Made, Simon
Select Theses on the Laws of Holland and Zeeland, Being a Commentary of Hugo Grotius' Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence, and Intended to Supply Cert
Grotius, Hugo
Der Keessel, Dionysius Godefridus Van
Lorenz, Charles Ambrose
Henrici De Cocceji, Sacrae Regiae Majestati Borussicae Quondam A Consiliis Secretioribus, Grotius Illustratus: Seu, Commentarii Ad Hugonis Grotii De J
Cocceji, Heinrich Von
Grotius, Hugo
Annotationes In Novum Testamentum: Epistolas Catholicas Et Johannis Apocalypsin
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Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina: Cum Planudeis Et Appendice Nova Epigrammatum Veterum Ex Libris Et Marmoribus Ductorum; Volume 1
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Dübner, Friedrich
Cougny, Edme
Das Hugo Grotius Drei Bücher Über Das Recht Des Krieges Und Friedens: In Welchem Das Natur- Und Völkerrecht Und Das Wichtigste Aus Dem Öffentlichen Re
Hume, David
Grotius, Hugo
The Opinions of Grotius as Contained in the Hollandsche Consultatien en Advijsen
Bruyn, Daniel P. De
Grotius, Hugo
Advijsen, Hollandsche Consultatien En
The Truth of the Christian Religion, With Notes by Mr. Le Clerc. to Which Is Added a Seventh Book by Mr. Le Clerc. Done Into Engl. by J. Clarke
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Le Clerc, Jean
M. Annæi Lvcani Pharsalia, Sive, De Bello Civili Cæsaris Et Pompeii Lib. X
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