Errores Longi Ulixis, Pars I: A Latin Novella
Series: Fabulae Epicae, Book 2
ISBN13: 9781736785928
Publisher: Storybase Books
Published: May 10 2021
Pages: 104
Weight: 0.27
Height: 0.25 Width: 5.00 Depth: 8.00
Language: Latin
After ten years of war the Greeks have finally conquered Troy and are ready to sail home. Their actions following the victory, however, have angered Neptune and Minerva. And Odysseus (Ulysses), Eurylochus, and Elpenor are about to learn that angry gods and goddesses can turn a brief cruise across the Mediterranean into a long adventure as they wander through unknown lands filled with strange fruit, cannibals, and monsters.
Written for novice and intermediate Latin readers, Errores Longi Ulixis, Pars I (Fabulae Epicae, Vol. I) is based on Homer's epic poem about Odysseus and his long journey home from Troy.
The Storybase Books series is designed to help beginners learn Latin by reading. Books in this series use limited vocabulary to tell engaging stories that are accessible to novice and intermediate readers of Latin. Meanings for many words are provided in footnotes and a full index of all words, word forms, and phrases is included in each novella. Readers can thus use each book on their own, with others, or with a class.
- Total Words: 4500
- Unique Words: 235
- Base Vocabulary: 88
- Level: Latin I/II (Grammar-Translation Courses)
- Level: Latin I/II (Comprehensible Input Courses)
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