The Little Book of Ghosts and Hauntings: Whispers from the Grave
Publisher Price: $8.95
ISBN13: 9781035422920
Publisher: Oh
Published: Sep 16 2025
Pages: 192
Language: English
Dive into the eerie allure of the supernatural with this compact collection of uncanny trivia and spooky quotes. From historical hauntings to modern-day mysteries, this book offers a compelling insight into the mysterious world of the paranormal. Perfect for dipping into on a dark, stormy night, it explores ghostly apparitions and inexplicable phenomena from around the world. Whether you're a seasoned ghost hunter or a curious sceptic, this little book is sure to captivate and send shivers down your spine.
2. Spirits of Land and Sea
3. Haunted Homes and Castles
4. Ghosthunters
5. Urban Legends
6. Whispers from the Grave
Sample Quotes
The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague.
Edgar Allan Poe
I see dead people.
Cole, The Sixth Sense, 1999
Sample Facts
A small clay tablet from Babylon is said to be the world's oldest depiction of a ghost - although the image can only be seen when viewed from above. Dating back to 1500 BCE, the ancient tablet serves as a guide to exorcising ghosts. The last line tells the reader to not look behind you!
Many claim that Poveglia, a small, abandoned island located between Venice and Lido in northern Italy, is the most haunted place in the world. During the Black Death, more than 160,000 people were sent there to die, while from 1922, the island housed a mental asylum. Today Poveglia is off-limits - but illegal visitors have reported feeling an overwhelming sense of sorrow and anguish, and of hearing the pitiful cries of the island's restless souls.
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