Graf Monte-Kristo. Tom 2
Mystery & ThrillerClassic Fiction
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ISBN10: 1727027353
ISBN13: 9781727027358
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Sep 4 2018
Pages: 396
Weight: 1.28
Height: 0.88 Width: 6.00 Depth: 9.00
Language: Russian
ISBN13: 9781727027358
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Sep 4 2018
Pages: 396
Weight: 1.28
Height: 0.88 Width: 6.00 Depth: 9.00
Language: Russian
Rare edition with unique illustrations and elegant classic cream paper. Sjuzhet Grafa Monte-Kristo byl pocherpnut Aleksandrom Djuma iz arhivov parizhskoj policii. Podlinnaja zhizn' Fransua Piko pod perom blestjashhego mastera istoriko-prikljuchencheskogo zhanra prevratilas' v zahvatyvajushhuju istoriju ob Jedmone Dantese, uznike zamka If. Sovershiv derzkij pobeg, on vozvrashhaetsja v rodnoj gorod, chtoby svershit' pravosudie - otomstit' tem, kto razrushil ego zhizn'. Tolstyj roman, ne otpuskajushhij do poslednej stranicy, Graf Monte-Kristo - klassika, kotoruju dejstvitel'no perechityvajut.
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