Swedish Frequency Dictionary - Intermediate Vocabulary: 2501-5000 Most Common Swedish Words
Series: Swedish-English, Book 2
Foreign Language GeneralSwedish
ISBN13: 9789492637055
Publisher: Mostusedwords.com
Published: Jan 17 2018
Pages: 324
Weight: 1.42
Height: 0.68 Width: 8.00 Depth: 10.00
Language: English
With this 2nd book in the series, you will increase your vocabulary from roughly CEFR A2+ up to CEFR B2+ level. This book is for intermediate students of Swedish, and meant for those who want to improve their Swedish further.
By knowing the most used 5.000 words, you will have a vocabulary comparable to an adult native speaker without higher education. You will be able to express yourself comfortably, and are able to understand 89% of all Swedish text, and 85% of all spoken Swedish.
It is not necessary to have read the 1st book in the series for you to enjoy this frequency dictionary. It can be used as a stand-alone tool, or in conjunction with any other language method.
This book contains:
- Swedish intermediate vocabulary, with English translations.
- Swedish vocabulary ranked by general frequency and alphabet.
- Frequency as part of speech (the most used adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc.)
- 2.500 Swedish to English example sentences.
Why Study By Frequency?
While it's important to note it's impossible to pin down these numbers and statistics with 100% accuracy, these are a global average of multiple sources. According to research, this is the amount of vocabulary needed for varying levels of fluency:
- 250 words: the essential core of a language. Without these words, you cannot construct sentences.
- 750 words: the words that are used every single day by every person who speaks the language.
- 2500 words: these words should enable you to express everything you could possibly want to say, although some creativity might be required.
- 5000 words: the active vocabulary of native speakers without higher education. You will understand 95% of all written texts.
- 10,000 words: the active vocabulary of native speakers with higher education.
- 20,000 words: the amount you need to recognize passively in order to read, understand, and enjoy a work of literature such as a novel by a notable author.
Keeping above facts in mind, the value of a frequency dictionary is immense. At least, that is if you want to become fluent in a language fast. Study the most frequent words, build your vocabulary and progress naturally.
What is Inside This Book?
A frequency list of the most frequently used Swedish words, based on analysis of 20 gigabytes of Swedish subtitles, the equivalent of 80.000 books of 200 pages each; more than two large libraries worth of text.
A large base text collection is absolutely vital in order to establish a reliable general frequency list.
Subtitles have the advantage of corresponding both to written and spoken language. This makes subtitles the best method for creating a useful and practical word frequency list.
This Swedish to English frequency dictionary can roughly be divided in three parts.
- 2.500 Swedish words in ranked by general frequency
- Frequency ranking by part of speech (E.G, The most used adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc)
- 2.500 Swedish words in alphabetical order
The Swedish Frequency Dictionary - Intermediate Vocabulary gives you a practical word list to learn Swedish vocabulary. Study the most used words to rapidly gain a base vocabulary in Swedish.
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