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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
The Great Worldwide TELEVISED Court HEARING!: (That Great Meeting of the Most Intelligent and Well-Educated Minds!)

The Great Worldwide TELEVISED Court HEARING!: (That Great Meeting of the Most Intelligent and Well-Educated Minds!)


General Education

ISBN10: 1717404995
ISBN13: 9781717404992
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Apr 24 2018
Pages: 152
Weight: 0.81
Height: 0.33 Width: 8.50 Depth: 11.00
Language: English
This Extremely Good Book is what we have all been Patiently Waiting for: beCause it Reveals HOW to Solve the World's Massive Problems in a Rational Manner, without going to War over Boundaries, Mating Rights, Ideologies, nor Territories, without Humiliating other Peoples, without making Enemies of anyone with Common Sense nor with a Good Sense of Humor, which is always Helpful when Dealing with People of other Languages, Cultures, Habits, Traditions, Philosophies, and Honest Opinions, who are often Suffering with Chronic Constipation of their Minds, who sometimes cannot Understand the most Simple Ideas: beCause of Strange Reasons, which might seem to be Logical to them; but, not to us: beCause we were Raised Differently. For Example, many Americans Object to Capitalizing so many Words, saying that it Distracts their Minds from Concentrating on whatever the Message might be, while we at Amazon.com find it Helpful to get the Message Implanted into our Heads and Hearts - even though some of us also Naturally Object. However, our Selected King has his own Good Reasons, which he has Presented within another Inspired Book, which is Equally as Controversial as this Inspired Book: because it lays the Blame for many Misunderstandings on The Public School of IGNERUNT FQLZ, who do not even Realize the Importance of Capitalizing all such Special Words as: Faith, Hope, Trust, Love, Patience, Persistence, nor OBEDIENCE, which are The Seven Basic Spiritual Building Blocks of LIFE! Yes, all such Words are much more Important than Ford Motors and General ElecTrickery - not to mention the Phony Federal Burden of Pretended Investigations (FBI), nor the Central Unintelligent Agencies (CIA), who have yet to Discover the Chief Criminals, who are Residing somewhere around The BIG White OUTHOUSE on the Not-so-Biblical Capitol DUNGHILL! - in the District of Corruption - that is, in George Washington's Backyard, which has the 2 very Stinking Holes for the Dimwitcrats and Reprobates to Squat on, which is Filled with Ancient Political Elephant Droppings and Fresh Political Donkey Dung, which needs to be Cleaned Out by whatever Means is most Practical, which, in our Time is by The Great Worldwide TELEVISED Court HEARING, whereby we, the People - the Work Slaves, Tax Slaves, Insurance Slaves, Interest Slaves, Endless Bills Slaves, and Drug Slaves - might get to Learn the Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, so Help us GOD!

Also in

General Education