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What is The Will of God?: (Are you Sure that it is The Will of any God?)

What is The Will of God?: (Are you Sure that it is The Will of any God?)


General Education

ISBN13: 9798584096601
Publisher: Independently Published
Published: Dec 20 2020
Pages: 124
Weight: 0.92
Height: 0.32 Width: 8.50 Depth: 11.00
Language: English
Some People are very Superstitious, and especially if they are very Religious People without much Common Sense, who even Imagine that some Strange God Micromanages every Person and Animal on this Good Earth, including the Wasp that just Recently Stung them in their Eyeball, which was Designed to Humble them, and make them Stop and Think. However, being Spiritually Brain-Dead, they were not Able to Do that with a Capital D: beCause, Brain-Dead People are not Able to Think with a Capital T, nor Remember much of anything that is Important with a Capital R and I: beCause, it is Beyond their Abilities with a Capital B and A, which already has them Frustrated with a Capital F, whereby they are Ready to Curse with another Capital F, which is Referring to Fornication, which is no longer a Sin to them: beCause, they have gotten Used to Sinning. However, they will no doubt be Shocked to Learn just Exactly what the Will of God is, and why they are Fulfilling it, Unknowingly; but, also Willingly: beCause, like it or not, they are Controlled by Satan, the Devil, who has Greatly Deceived them and everyone else, who has Fully Persuaded them to Believe in some Strange Biblical God, or even in some Stranger Islamic God called ALLAH, who supposedly Sent the Archangel Gabriel to Instruct MuhamMAD in the Ways of Riichusnus; but, Forgot that Elizabethan English would not be Invented for another thousand Years, or so, whereby the Holy Koran is filled with it in Modern Translations, which are Equally as Phony as those Fake Biblical Translations with Elizabethan English, which even have Adam Speaking with it, when Adam did well to Speak anything in any Language: beCause, he only had Mother Eve to Communicate with, and she only knew a few Words, which she Learned from the Monkeys and Apes, according to certain Evolutionary Religions, which are Slowly Learning that the Hebrew God is EVOLVING, and has now Dropped the Elizabethan English, along with most of his own Commandments, which have been Replaced by the Fake Constitution for the Divided States of United Lies, which is the Supreme Law of the Land, according to its own Decree, which is Ridiculous: beCause, the Supreme Law of all Lands and Good Governments is Contained in this one Profound Statement: You shall Love ALL that is GOOD with all of your Heart, Mind, and Soul: beCause, that is GOD; and you shall also Love your Naaberz, just as much as you Love yourselves: beCause, that is the Righteousness of the Gods, who are only Able to Save us from all of our Sins, if we Discover them and Confess them, and Love the Truth of it, whereby we will HATE ALL THAT IS EVIL, which is Represented by the Devil, who Promotes it. ― The New MAGNIFIED Version (NMV). Therefore, be Wise, O Children of Confusion, and LOVE ALL THAT IS GOOD, and HATE ALL THAT IS EVIL: beCause, that is GOD. Therefore, that brings up an Interesting Question: Just Exactly what is the Will of God, seeing that Amazon Computers will not Allow us to make Bold nor Italicized Words in Book Descriptions? After all, those are Special Literary TOOLS, which must be Used Wisely, along with Capitalized Words, just to Communicate Properly, even as the Gods might Do when Sending Epistles to one another on their Computers, which have only ONE Kind to Operate: beCause, they do not Believe in Massive Confusion, like us Human Beings do, who have more than 10,000 Different Christian Religions, which could not all be Correct at the same Time; but, they could all be WRong at the same Time, and most likely are Rong: beCause they are not Riit!

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General Education