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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
Why We Make Things and Why It Matters: The Education of a Craftsman

Why We Make Things and Why It Matters: The Education of a Craftsman


PhilosophyBiographies GeneralFurniture & Cabinetry

Publisher Price: $19.95

ISBN10: 1567925464
ISBN13: 9781567925463
Publisher: David R Godine Publ
Published: Mar 31 2015
Pages: 176
Weight: 0.70
Height: 0.70 Width: 5.90 Depth: 9.00
Language: English

A must-read for the craftsperson, artisan and artist. In his beautiful book, Peter Korn invites us to understand craftsmanship as an activity that connects us to others, and affirms what is best in ourselves.-Matthew Crawford, author of Shop Class as Soulcraft

Woodworking, handicrafts -the rewards of creative practice, bringing something new and meaningful into the world through one's own vision, make us fully alive. Peter Korn explains his search for meaning as an Ivy-educated child of the middle class who finds employment as a novice carpenter on Nantucket, transitions to self-employment as a designer/maker of fine furniture, takes a turn at teaching at Colorado's Anderson Ranch Arts Center, and finally founds a school in Maine: the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship, an internationally respected, non-profit institution.

How does the making of objects shape our identities? How does creative work enrich our communities and society? What does the process of making things reveal to us about ourselves? Korn poignantly probes for answers in this book that is for the artist, artisan, crafter, do-it-yourselfer inside us all.

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